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Multiple Settings Stories of Identity and Change - Long-Term Partner Search!



Do you dream of a story that is timeless and lasts for more than a couple of weeks or a couple of months...? Do you dream of a partner who stays in contact and listens to your ideas...? Do you have a passion for writing and aspire to build epic worlds? If you answered YES to any of these questions than I encourage you to read on and decide if we are a match and could create wonderful stories together!

About Me:

My name is Serenity and I am a female from Canada. I have been role-playing now for more than a decade and I consider myself one of the best. I am active on multiple forums and I have won many awards over the years for my writing as well as my unique characters that diverge from traditional models. I am novella and I tend to write detailed and descriptive posts of about six to nine paragraphs per post. I write many times per week and in over two decades I have never once ghosted another player. It is for these reasons I would consider myself one in a million for partners.

I am open-minded and collaborative in the development of stories. I also value YOU my partner far more than any story or other element so I am happy to work around your muse and inspirations. I believe that a wonderful role-play requires collaboration and compromise above every other detail of the story. It has to be a story that inspires both partners or one always loses interest. I love to brainstorm outside of stories, and I have been known to be rather playful and considered a good friend by many. If this sounds like someone you would like than I encourage you to read on!

Now then my likes and dislikes are rather simple. I dislike science-fiction and gothic themes as well as any kind of sexual content (forbidden by site rules). I adore romance and slice-of-life elements, and I am open to many other genres such as Adventure, Action, Mystery, and Horror. I prefer modern or historical themes, and I am open to fantasy and non-fantasy elements in my stories. In my stories, the source of my inspiration comes from the character development, and the relationship between our characters. If you have my interest here than you have my interest everywhere!

About You:

I can be known to be finnicky with my partners and I am interested in the long-haul. I always see threads out there that say advanced or long-term and I wonder if people know what that means. I consider a long-term story to be one that lasts more than a year. So ensuring partners are compatible is essential and I find that comes across in the brainstorming process. For this reason I am looking for a partner who would be open-minded and collaborative in what they want to do in the story. I do not want a partner who only does what I want to do as that will not keep you engaged, I want to help bring your ideas to life as much as you wat to bring my ideas to life. Collaboration and Communication are the foundation of the partners that I consider most dear!

- You should be able to write 750 or more Words per post.
- You should be able to post for multiple times per week.
- You should be open-minded and non-discriminatory.
- You should be 18+ as stories could change over time.

Interests of Thread:

I mentioned earlier that I have been praised for my characters and the more unique elements many bring to a story. I have recently been fascinated by one element in specific and that is the notion of age and gender, and the influence that details could have on a character and the story. I was inspired by a couple of anime franchise such as Ascension of Bookworm, Jobless Reincarnation, Detective Conan and more. I was hopeful to play as a character in this kind of situation and if you made it this far and are interested than you passed my Examination!

I will happily listen to any proposals you have for stories, and of course in the normal kind of tradition I will also post a couple of story-starters below from a number of genres to see if any spark your own inspiration! If you do not see any themes of interest feel free to propose your own world and setting. I am open-minded as long as I could play character style I enjoy!

  • In this storyline, our characters would be have started as brother and sister, prince and princess of the nation. It has not always been easy for either of them, with the brother being the eldest and so many more expectations being placed on himself, and the younger sister being born female in a nation that looks down on them. It all comes to a boiling point one day the elder brother does something so atrocious that he causes his younger sister to burst into tears and run away. That night, when looking up at the night sky she observes a shooting star and makes a rather selfish wish that her brother understood what it was like to be the little sister, or that she simply could have had a sister instead of a mean elder brother.

    The next morning my character wakes up to find themselves now a younger female, and the decorations in the room changed. It soon becomes clear that reality has been altered and no one in the kingdom remembers there even was a prince. The whole kingdom only remembers there being two sisters, with your character now being the older sister, and my character the younger sister now instead. The story could begin with a lot of teasing and insults, until something happens that forces the two sisters to begin to work together. To become closer as sisters than they ever could have been as brother and sister, and overcome the challenges that now await them in as female heirs to a patriarchal nation and the crown.


  • In a small town where tradition is the cornerstone of family life. There exists a young man who has aspirations beyond spending his whole life in the town. This young man dreams of being able to spread his wings and soar beyond a town. To become someone famous for their music admired around the world. The adults close to him constantly encouraging him to abandon a dream they consider unobtainable. And one day when the weight of the pressure has been mounting upon the shoulders of the younger boy, he notices a shooting star. It was then that he clasped his hands together in prayer and made a wish that would forever alter his life. To be the kind of person that everyone loved and admired for his music. No more than a wish upon a star as he heads to bed soon thereafter unaware that the wish he had made that night would forever alter his life as he awakens the next morning in another body and into another life.

    Now, a beautiful young lady, she has the opportunity to make her dreams into a reality as an idol. Blessed with an angelic voice and beauty, it is not long before her talents begin to get her recognized and she makes her debut on stage. From there would be the rapid shift into the public eye and spotlight. As she signs record deals, and has performances scheduled. All while leaning the ropes of being a young lady and a national celebrity and idol. The story would follow her rise to fame, and the hardships along the way in pursuing her dreams. To explore the lengths a person would be willing to venture to explore ones' dreams in a world that is set on restricting her potential. And her co-collaborator could be drawn from any number of other people such as a childhood friend, a sibling, a former partner, a manager, or some other stranger she meets along the way who could find out about her past, or be left in the dark.

    I am open to the age of the young lady and pictured her being somewhere between the ages of fifteen to nineteen years old, old enough to make some decisions for herself, but young enough to not douse her free spirit and her boundless optimism. I am also open to whether her co-collaborator is a male who she could learn to develop feelings for over time, or some other female who could show her the ropes of girlhood and things she would never have learned as a boy. I see this being more of a Slice of Life and Adventure themed story, with the opportunity to explore various forms of music as she tries to discover her voice and talents. The costumes and ensembles would also change over time, and I could see a combination of rehearsals alongside everyday life. What kinds of ideas would YOU have for this kind of a story, and what kind of a character would you want to play the most for our Leading Lady?

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