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Multiple Settings Searching for writing partners- Star Wars, X-Men, Victorian Gothic, Medieval Fantasy... pick your poison


New Member
Okay, so I'm old. Like... older than dirt. I mean, that's how it feels at 38, when I see so many on here in their twenties. I started way, way back in the days of AOL Chatrooms like Medieval Tavern and Wolves Forest. Yep. I am that old. And I have been RPing since I was 12. And yes, I was absolutely terrible when I started. I played as the Greek goddess Athena and my best friend played as Odysseus. We were super annoying but had a fantastic time. I am female. You must be at least 18. I prefer 21+, but if you write well, I suppose it doesn't matter. I don't care what gender you are or which gender you play. I only play females. I am fine with romantic pairings with either gender and with gender fluid or gender non-conforming characters.

My posts tend to be fairly long, but if you don't give me much to work with, they will get shorter. I post primarily from work. Mondays are busy days for me, but I can sometimes get a post in. Usually I will post 3 to 5 times a week. If I am not busy, more often. If you post more than once a day during business hours in Eastern time, you are more likely to get responses from me. If I am at home, odds are that I am not on my computer and I don't post from my phone. Remember? Old. Old eyes don't like tiny words and tiny keyboards. If the weather is too bad for me to be outside, I may get out my computer to post for you. Depends how into the story I am and how much other stuff I have going on.

I am an assistant prosecuting attorney. That means that sometimes I have a trial. When I have a trial week, I will let you know, but you may not hear from me much during that time as trial prep can be all-consuming. On weekends, I tend to go on little adventures, so I am probably not going to be posting. Especially when summer arrives and I can be on the beach or working on my tan. Okay, okay. I'm a redhead. I don't tan. I burn. But that doesn't stop me from enjoying a little sunshine.

My Patchwork Psyche Here are some of my characters. I managed to scavenge some from my various old websites and made a couple of new ones. I had some X-Men characters at one point, but haven't found them again. Just getting ready to re-watch the animated series and the new series, so you can bet that I will probably be wanting to play in that fandom.

My likes are pretty varied. The only things I can say that I strongly dislike are Zombies and modern realism. I have never really watched Anime either, so if you reference that, I probably won't know what you are talking about. Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away I was a musical performance major, so anything opera or showtunes related, even a reference, earns you brownie points. I am also very Celtic, so I love anything to do with Celtic mythology. I have been craving some Star Wars stories as well, but will admit that I am not up to date on the most recent shows. I have watched the movies and played KOTOR. When bad weather keeps me inside, I will probably start watching some of the new Star Wars shows that Disney has put out. Basically, if you have an idea, send me a message. The worst I can say is 'no', and if you are reasonably intelligent and friendly, I will probably try to work with you. Just remember... that I am old. So I might not get your pop culture references or understand all of your slang. But I can write a damned good story with you.

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