P.D.A - Paranormal Defense Agency


Junior Member
About P.D.A.- There are things that go bump in the night. Things that just can't be explained. Things that need to be dealt with. That's where the P.D.A. comes in. They take care of all of America's dirty little messes and keeps away from the eyes of the fearful public. They investigate, hunt down, and erratic with the utmost efficiency all things that science can not explain and makes sure that the public does not know about the dark world that lies just underneath us all.

Current Condition-Due to a event know as the Red Eclipse in the year 2012 most of the previous P.D.A. task force members have died and the agency hurries to rebuild it's forces. That's where you come in, you are a member of the newest P.D.A. team and have just arrived at a moderately sized government building just outside of Washington D.C. after being briefed on what P.D.A. stands for and you choosing to join the team or maybe even being forced to join it.


1-No Godmodding and all the sites basic rules apply.

2-Romance is allowed but keep it pg-13 and it must fade to black if it goes past that.

3-This is a literate rp, no one liners. One paragraph at the least more would be nice.

4-Maximum of two characters per user

5-Your can die within the rp so rp carefully.

6-Your character is not all mighty! Your character has limited powers,

your character is not a one man army no matter what.

7-Have fun, yes it is a rule to have fun.


Assets-These people are part monsters part human. Some can either hide their monster side or always appear as part monster. They are considered the loose cannons and the dogs of the agency. They have great power but are not considered real humans by most people even inside the agency and are thought of as mere tools and so have many rights removed from them. They are always under surveillance and are not allowed in public without approval.

Users-People who have learned a special kind of magic or have gained some kind of supernatural power. They have a good deal of power but are still disliked by standard humans. They have more rights then assets but still have certain restrictions like being under constant surveillance.

Agents-Government Agents who have had some previous form of training in some branch of government and displayed a high level of skills in a variety of fields. They have almost full access to files, information and are widely trusted unlike assets or users.

Character Skeleton-






Powers:(if User, you may have two powers that are similar or a certain field of magic)(if Asset you may have one power)

Mutations:(If Asset, this is where you describe your monster form and it's powers)

Abilities:(Abilities are skills that are not supernatural or magic)(If user you may have two abilities if you have one power or one ability if you have a field of magic or two related powers)(If asset you may have two abilities, maybe one if your mutation is more powerful)(If agent you may have four abilities, each kind of gun is an ability example-using shotguns is one ability and using sniper rifles is another)

Personal Weapons:(if user or asset you may have two, if agent you may have four)

Weaknesses:(If asset name something that is your mutations weakness)(If user name something that weakens your powers or magic)(If agent, asset or user just name something that your character fears)

Personality:(Please be detailed in this and don't forget likes and dislikes)

Background:(Explain how you got your powers or mutations or if an agent what branch of government you worked in, and of course your characters history)

Appearance:(pic or good detailed description)


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It is outside of Washington D.C. and is surrounded by a forest for some privacy.

Pristine Dark is now also Co-GM of P.D.A. since she has been greatly helping me out with it.
Yes I lycan would count as an asset hence it is part monster. And I will have my characters posted up here shortly.
Name: Trisha Noviel
Nickname: Nova
Age: 19
Appearance: My idea for her appearance is a swimmer's build; petite frame, constantly wearing a pair of silver headphones etched with the words "Never Forget". Unruly long platinum hair that grows back 'annoyingly quick' when cut. Brilliant Sapphire eyes that seem to spark just beneath the surface.
Class: Power User
Powers: Precise control over electron spin and direction; IE Control over electromagnetism.
  • Air Compulsator
  • Electron Guide
Air Compulsator is an advanced use of Trisha's ability to control electron movement and spin. It produces a virtual compulsator out of pure electrons and exploiting the mechanical energy of the air itself. In short, it is a virtual electrical power plant. It was developed out of necessity as Trisha has no ability to actually absorb electrons (though she cannot be harmed by electricity due to her inherent control over it) Electrical generation speed is approximately 6.6 megawatts per second. Air Compulsator appears as a disk of brilliantly glowing blue electron plasma. Two funnels poor into the flat edge of the rapidly spinning disk that appear almost like a rapidly sucked in cloud. The appearance of the funnel owes to the speed at which electrons are captured into the compulsator and it's overall size and brightness is dependent upon how many electrons are trapped under her control. When the compulsator becomes particularly large, for ease of use; the disk is always created in a way that is parallel to her back, with her standing at the center of the front funnel. (though it can be moved anywhere within a range of ten feet around her) Electron Guide is an advanced use of Trisha's ability to control electron movement and spin. It is intense training to comprehend and control elections in a manner so fine as to understand and write computerized and magnetic data. Unlike Air Compulsator, this ability is passive (it's always running) and as such can be called upon without any real thought. This ability's primary purpose is to forcibly absorb electrical energy into her air Compulsator and to generate complex magnetic fields (needed to do more advanced movements rather than simply pulling or pushing something) That being said, it has an inherent protective quality, all forms of ionized attacks into Air Compulsator to increase it's stored energy, and deflecting magnetic material (projectiles) at the cost of energy from Air Compulsator.
Personal Weapons:
  • High yield Capacitor
  • Magnetic Pins
Trisha wears a high yield capacitor for the purposes of storing electrical energy as she is incapable of doing so herself. Capacitor's can release their full charge of electricity nearly instantly, allowing to produce a moderate Air Compulsator with a moments notice. Magnetic pins are simply nine millimeter metallic pins meant to be controlled by her magnetism. They can be propelled forward by creating electron rails much as a railgun works. This uses a large amount of energy from the compulsator. [will calculate energy cost in a bit]
  • Powerful Degaussing [exceeding the magnetic potential of her already created Compulsator]
  • Non-ionized or non-magnetic material; objects without free elections coursing through it.
Though she can generate electricity if left alone, having no compulsator or source of electricity is extremely detrimental. Without clearly viable free electrons, anything with a magnetic field as strong as a simple fridge magnet can render her in capable of controlling electrons if placed in contact with her. Any source of magnetism of degaussing with strength greater than her currently gathered electron count inside her air Compulsator effectively steals away her power, rendering her utterly normal until she can escape it's field/area and generate usable electrons. Non-ionized or non-magnetic material cannot be effected by her magnetism and thus cannot be deflected away from her with Electron Guide. Hurl a rock, hit the girl. Shoot a bullet (a standard one), watch it get deflected.
Personality: Always looking forward to the next encounter, Trisha was once a free spirit but has been forced to become cautious of those around her who may desire to control or extort her for her ability. About the only thing she will take seriously is a threat to herself or those around her that she has come to accept. Betrayals are often met with exaggerated and naive punishments, but even betrayers are almost always offered a second chance, so long as they are no longer seen as a threat.
Background: Trisha had always been a curious child, especially towards electrical and magnetic sources and objects. Her interest was originally 'sparked' when she was only five years old and had received her first remembered static shock from a door knob. Though out school she excelled, especially in the fields of electromagnetism. She graduated with a master's at only the young age of fifteen where she had been invited to join a team of scientists (team vector) to produce an extremely powerful compulsator for a government project nicknamed 'Velocitas Eradico'. It was during a routine test of their prototype compulsator's electron gathering potential that she first noticed her ability, sensing as it gathered in the electrical energy around it. It was not long after that she realized that she could not only see and feel electrical and magnetic sources, but control them as well. During her own meticulous self examination of her ability (which took place during her spare time from the team), a fellow team vector scientist 'Lance Burlow' observed and learned of it. It did not take him long to begin manipulating her to the team's, and ultimately his own profit. Utilizing her ability (which ultimately proved to be the ability to control electron motion), Team Vector quickly came to major breakthrough's in Compulsator, Alternator, and Homopolar technologies. Eventually Lance killed off all of the other members of team vector, covering up their disappearances as their choice to move to some remote area or join some other team. He encouraged her to do as she had always done and loved; study and experiment. Month's later, their shared office received a memo from those in charge of project 'Velocitas Eradica" expressing their deep remorse at the losses of the scientists from 'The Accident'. Confronting Lance about the memo, it became apparent to Trisha what had happened, and a scuffle ensued as Lance attempted to subdue her. In the end, Lance perished due to an intense electrical shock received from their prototype Compulsator and Trisha vanished, partially naked, into the night. - - - Since then Trisha has undergone intense self scrutiny as she strived to improve herself and further understand her ability. Her initial acceptance of recruitment into PDA was fueled by her insatiable curiosity towards her own abilities
Name: Brasey ( Pronounced Bra-sie) Leision

Nickname: Bray



Class: Agent

Powers: None

Mutations: None

Abilities: Is trained in the use of Shotguns and Pistols. Rather fast as to be able to get forward in with his own shots and fall back before any damage is to come to himself and has a very keen eye and can pick up some fine details other may miss.

Weaknesses: Terrified of heights and gets very sick when up high. Can keep a calm head but when he loses it he gets fairly angry and can do very drastic things, walk blindly into something and do something stupid that no person with their right mind would do.

Personality: Generally friendly to most people, can like Assets and users but is very weary around them and wont tend to trust them until after he'd known them for a couple of weeks or maybe even a month or two sometimes. Can get hot headed and will then not care who anyone is he will just be snappy and angry at everyone making it best to stay away from him during his "Moods" If you could it that or just a blind fit of rage, it been referred to as both.

Background: Born in England, London. He grew up with his Parents and his older brother. He'd lived in a nice house close to the center of London, probably the busiest part of London for the busiest people, like his parents. His Mother was a lawyer and his Dad a banker, he'd lived a very care free life when he'd lived with them. He'd got good grades in the athletic part of school and fairly decent grades in English but didn't do so great in Science or maths. After he'd graduated from school he'd moved out into a nice house that his parents had funded for him as long as he payed them back. he'd signed up for his local police force working almost every day of the week for at least 7-8 hours a day. He'd been on a many jobs from catching speeders to thieves even the riots. He'd not soon after made a form to move up into the SAS, after the officials looked over his records and physical and mental health around 2 weeks later he was brought into the SAS and then started to work for them in very high risk situations. He'd gained a very high reputation in the SAS and was leaving a decent life. Not very long after this he'd found a girl he was rather attracted too and started to date eventually. Her name was Lesia Rosia. Around 2 years later he'd proposed to her after they'd had their anniversary and she'd agreed and they'd still been living for a while until he got a message from an origination in America known as the P.D.A and they'd promised a higher pay and a nice life if he came to america and agreed to be under their employment. He had to cancel the wedding and had to leave Lesia behind as she could not be taken with him as the job required for all agents to live in the same house and plus she wouldn't move to america anyway, causing Brasey to be rather hurt but he shrugged it off and had converted all of his money into dollars The house was around the Washington DC area Once he got to the house he was asked one last time if he wanted to join up and what could possibly happen to him if he did join up, there risks but He'd agreed, the money was worth it in his eyes. Now he works for the P.D.A getting his nice pay check although it comes at a high risk, this job was always going to be more harder than the SAS the situations are lets say...more interesting? But the money was worth it for him, the money was always worth it.

Personal Weapons: Pump Action shotgun, A five seven pistol, A Combat knife and a baton

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Name: Aliana Xion

Gender: Female

Age: 23

Class: User

Powers: Enhanced Intelligence, the power of extremely heightened and enhanced intelligence and other mental abilities/skills. This means she may learn extremely fast with upright knowledge, and is extremely easy to recall, construct, and problem solve. An example; you can't calculate 56x83, but she can in mere seconds while encoding your computer with a program to shut it down every time is starts up. She uses every percent of her brain power.

Environmental Adaptation, which is basically the power to survive and adapt to a environment, by manipulating her body's workings on a conscience level due to her ability to use all of her available brain power. For example, she may be put into a dark room, and if she focuses on enhancing her eyes sight, she will then be able to see in the dark. That is one of the most easiest adaptation she knows, and only knows. Further training needed.

Abilities: Trained greatly in the use of automatic pistols.

Personal Weapons: Two automatic pistols, including ammo belt.

Weaknesses: Aliana has no defense skills what so ever, leaving her a vulnerable target. Also, when she adapts, it takes up to five to twenty minutes for her body to completely change depending on her concentration and stress levels. Though she is extremely smart, she is lacking in wisdom, which takes time and experience.

Personality: Aliana never grew up. She is still an innocent child, naive and inexperienced. Though mature from her granted power and knowledge, she's not as... human as others. She does not understand sarcasm, jokes, or any means of 'street smarts'. She is very kind and generous, but too timid to even come forth to anyone. She is brave, but not in the way the agents may be. She has many fears which she constantly tried to overcome. To her, her mothers death is still quite fresh in her mind, leaving her to feel alone and unable to live as so.

Background: Aliana is the human computer. The daughter of an amazingly intelligent agent who was long deceased, she was the orphan of the PDA, roaming the halls, known by everyone. It was decided tests were to be done to see if they could further the girls intelligence, since more knowledgeable Users were needed. She, already being a User with one power, was an excellent test subject. She was given a very powerful drug to unlock the potential of her brain, to use more then the regular percentage of brain power. The test was inconclusive, because she was soon found in her room, a makeshift bedroom from an office, with a coma. Only now has she awoken after 16 years, and everyone was surprised to find the drug had actually worked in the mist of the chaos because of the Red Eclipse event. Though even with the creator of the drug dead, the agency refuses to try to recreate it, in fear of what else they may also create. Now, Aliana is being under constant watch, and is given daily medical exams along with her constant training.

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Name: Dadrian Decale

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Class: Agent

Abilities: Dadrian was trained extensively in melee with Balisong daggers, along with many assault rifles and hand guns. He also handles Crossbows with ease.

Personal Weapons: Tar-21, Balisong daggers, Musgrave Pistol, and Crossbow, which is his favorite.

Weaknesses: Dadrain's left tricep muscle was ripped recently, and it pains him to hold things up, lift, and do excessive work. Through the doctor told him he needed to rest, he refused and continues to work. Healing process will take up to 1-2 months. Dadrian also has an issue with his empathy, because it causes him to hesitate during combat.

Personality: Dadrian is a phenomenal leader, always calm, cool, and collected. He has a loud sarcastic side, always willing to bump up the humor whenever he can. Dadrian is a sweet, carefree man despite his line of work. He doesn't hold grudges, but remembers character for the future. Yet, in the flip of a switch, he can grow a thick skin in seconds. As a man of history, he's learned to do so in times of emotional stress and failure. He's too well-rounded to outsiders, but to the ones who know him, know of his stresses and faults, his interests and outlooks. He's "... open, but not as open as a book." as he says. He also has a temper not many have gotten to see, but those who have said it's not pretty.

Background: Before working here, Dadrian lived a normal life with his wife of two years. And even before that, he was a high ranking soldier in the Navy, in the front lines as he is training to do so now for the agency. It was only the third year of their marriage that he was called back, because of a rebellion of a country across seas were in need of experienced soldiers. Dadrian, being extensively trained as a boxer as a child, Taekwondo as a teenager, and was soon trained under Navy seals in the shooting range. Though, he was never very good at Taekwondo, because he felt it was a bit too fancy for him. He understood the basics, but he liked the more to the point, blunt fighting styles. And with his archery, well, he only picked that up recently as a hobby.

During the second time working with the navy h
is fleet was almost whipped out by a gorilla ambush. Surrounded by thick tropical brush, it left his troops with little to work with. He grabbed the men closest to him, hiding in the midst of the brush while waiting for the commotion to die down. It was the best these men could do, since at the time there was little ammo left over. Dadrian had to watch his brothers in combat die.

Though, to escape to the fort not far off, he and the last remaining men gathered once the ambush calmed and also grouped. Dadrian, along with surviors also getting their own numbers, took a dagger to ten throats that day.

As every man and woman who leave, a physical and emotional toll was taken on him. He and seven others survived, escaping and killing quite a few of the ambush.

Darian is now training to work on the front lines, being of the first responders in a case of crisis. It was decided that when he wasn't on call, he was to be one of the many agents watching over the new recruits, and is another set of eyes over the Users and Assets.

Appropriated Name: Balak

Alias: The Petawawa Virus,or simply the Virus.

Gender: None. Visible gender depends on current shape.

Age: 18 months. Visible age dependent on current shape.

Class: Asset

Equipment: Whatever it can get ahold of.

The Virus' abilities are best described as "Mass Reallocation". However,in order to do this,it needs mass to use. The Virus can,to this end,reallocate the biomass it touches into it's own body. It also gains the memories of those it devours. However,the process of allocating mass isn't perfectly efficient; some mass is always lost,which manifests as a blood red haze. Other feats made possible by this ability is instantaneous regeneration of injury down to the cellular level,partial or complete shapeshifting,and expulsion of mass with variable force. The Virus also grants it's human host seemingly infinite strength.

Weaknesses: Now,having read above,you probably think The Virus is an unstoppable force. However,extreme,instantaneous trauma can still put it's host down,and without a host it's impotent until it can infect another fresh corpse. While it CAN survive anti-tank weapons,it takes time for the Virus to repair the damage,but it can be hastened if it manages to eat someone. Speaking of,although it can simply engulf it's victim to assimilate the biomass,which shortens the process,it still takes time and leaves the Virus completely vulnerable to attack. Finally,the Virus is entirely dependent on mass. Without a significant amount,it is helpless.

Personality: At the end of the day,it's still a virus. Although it's intelligent,it has no understanding of morals,although it's familiar with the concept. It has no understanding of anything beyond survival. As such,it often comes off as violent and naive. It cannot draw logical conclusions from assimilated memories.

Background: The Petawawa Virus began as the simple Common Cold. The Common Cold mutates rapidly,making it impossible to have an actual cure for the disease. This was a new strain,however. A lethal one. It proved to be immune to every imaginable treatment method,and produced enormous amounts of mucus. The host,a Sargent Malcolm Reynolds,died after three weeks of infection. The cause was asphyxiation,as mucus had completely clogged his nostrils,sinuses,and his trachea. The Petawawa Virus,as it is now known as,had infected several others on the base,but none died. The Virus,having mutated beyond what was previously considered possible,gained full access to the recently dead man's central nervous system,gaining complete control of the body and full access to all stored data. The Virus quickly left town,absorbing the biomass of wolves and bears in the surrounding coniferous forests,making it's way south,away from the damnable cold of central Ontario. It soon found itself in the District of Columbia in Maryland,and began to assimilate even more people,leaving behind grisly scenes of alleyways painted with blood. And that's when it was discovered by the P.D.A..

​The Petawawa Virus' appearance is dependent on it's current shape. I'll describe it's appearance every page or so,and after every change.
Name: Vincent Alistair Sarconni

Nickname: Pestilence

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Class: User

Powers: Toxikinesis and Viromancy. Any toxin or disease he is exposed to is absorbed into his portfolio of life-snuffing powers. He does suffer temporary drawbacks when initially exposed to a new toxin or illness, but has been shown to survive even such things as direct injections of cyanide and leprosy. Can infuse toxins into object such as blades and projectiles, and diseases into food and clothing.

Mutations: None

Abilities: Fairly skilled Pistol Marksman, thanks to his mob background. Significant amount of monetary resources

Personal Weapons: Pair of H&K USP .45 Pistols, Survival Knife, Significant array of Viruses and Poisons

Weaknesses: Significant Winds may dissipate any AIRBORNE toxins that Vincent unleashes, as will rain. Mercury and other known toxic base elements such as Radon are also unable to be manipulated by Vincent. Toxins such as Cyanide or other poisons that must combine with a foes blood can only be infused via direct contact or via a weapon. Though if used via a weapon, the concentrations are naturally less than through contact.

Personality: Generally callous and uncaring. Since discovering his ability, he tends to view those he feels are below him... as if they were vermin or plague. He tends to enjoy when people stroke his ego, and has a proclivity for spending a lot of money on his vehicles. On the flip-side... he outright detests people who lie, and has been known to inflict long-term wasting illnesses on those who whine.

Background: Vincent grew up in a manner similar to any boy who's father was in the mob. He was handed
most things, and punished strictly for minor incidents. One day,when a deal went particularly badly, some thugs followed his father home. After they riddled the house with bullets, the men took off.Leaving a seven-year-old Vincent all alone in the world. That night,one of the Don's main button men came to pay the Sarconni family a visit, only to find Vincent laying beside the corpse of his mother."Aww geez... Don ain't gonna like dis." He said as he scooped the boy up and carried him to the car.

The next morning, Vincent was taken before the Don, who explained that his family was very important to him, and that Vince was the only surviving Sarconni. "Son... I'm gonna take you in as my own." Said the hefty man between puffs on a cigar. And that was that. Now Vincent was a mobster. Like it or not.

As the years went on, Vincent saw the horrors that the mob committed. He started to resent them, then hate them. Eventually he started wishing that his new "father"would just shrivel up and die. Strange, that his wish suddenly came true. Don Genovisi suddenly came down with a muscle-wasting disease known as Polymyocitis. Vincent was intrigued... and kept wishing for the man to die. His disease progressed faster and faster, until finally he was dead. ... Vincent had a gift. And now he was going to use it.

Upon his father's death, Vincent was named head of the "family". He called all his lieutenants toa meeting, discussed the family's future with them, and sent them all home with a nice deadly disease. Some with anthrax, some with SARS,others with simple cancers. Over the next week, newsrooms were flooded with reports of known mobsters dying form horrible diseases.Vincent had disbanded the Genovisi family, and now set his sites on all others. Within a month, several members of other families were dead.

Upon hearing about the P.D.A., Vincent was intrigued. So there were people out there like him. He was pleased that his information sources had done so well, and handed each of the three men a small case. The cases contained ten thousand dollars each. A paltry sum for the young mob boss... but significant for the men who had gotten him such valuable information. ... now all Vincent needed to do was find an agent, and demand placement. Needless to say, that did not take long. It was more of a "they found him" situation. And after a moderately long conversation, as well as a brief demonstration of his abilities ( followed by Vincent quickly retracting the poison out of the would-be victim ), he was accepted into the P.D.A. and taken to a nondescript building near Washington D.C. ... he was in. Soon would come the time to show everyone that he was in charge.

Appearance: View attachment 10862
Name:Artemis Hedgerix

Nickname: Chief, Commander or Arty


Age:114(or so he says)

Class: He does not fit into one of the classes and is P.D.A.'s task force leader.

Powers: He does not have any powers that he shows off but knows how to cast spells from certain spell books.

Abilities: He is a master pistol marksmen and also a sniper rifle expert. He has a great deal of knowledge on supernatural things and how to deal with them. He is also a great hand to hand fighter.

Personal Weapons: He has two long barrel 44 magnums that have been fitted to shoot a variety of different bullets. He has an old Winchester lever action rifle that has been fitted with a scope and can fire a variety of bullets as well.

Weakness: He hates loosing a member of his team and there is a rare magical substance known as black sand that can severely weaken him. He also has an irrational fear of snakes and online dating.

Personality: He doesn't like to talk about much of his history as it seems to have a lot of bad spots in it. He can be a bit fatherly and knows at times people must learn the hard way. He isn't afraid to make sacrifices and knows that making the hard decisions comes with being a leader. He is caring but distant at the same time. He enjoys a good smoke while reading a book in some peace and quiet and always has a package of Marlboro tucked into the chest pocket of his trench coat. He dislikes snakes and having someone ruin his smoke.

Background: Not much is known about his history and he prefers to keep it to himself. He does say he is 114 years old and has fought in every war since 1900. He has been P.D.A.'s task force leader since 2000 since the last leader died in yet another incident.

Appearance: For being 114 years old he looks like he is in his late 40's. He has a handsome face with a bit of a narrow chin. He has peppered stubble along his chin, upper lip and where a beard would be. He has shaggy dark brown hair. He has a slender yet muscular build. He often wears a black pants with a white dress shirt with a black tie and vest with a trench coat over that with a black hat some would call a 1920's gangster hat.

Name: Thane Aiero

Nickname: Hound

Gender: Male


Class: Asset

Powers: He can communicate with canines and felines while in his mutated state.

Mutation: He transforms into a part wolf part cat like creature similar to a lycan with all the standard advantages the average lycan like creature has. His fur color is a dirty blonde color with a white stripe running down the middle of his back and tail.

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Abilities: He is good at hand to hand fighting and has a great knowledge of bombs and explosives.

Personal Weapons: When in the field he carries around with him a belt or two filled with explosives and grenades strapped over his shoulder.

Weaknesses: He hates water and does not know how to swim. Using his mutation wears him out physically so he must eat a lot and sleep a lot as well. He is not vunrable to silver like the normal werewolf but to a plant called silver morlock. He also has great deal of predatory instincts which makes him a good fighter but also gives him almost a blood lust for animals around him including humans. At times he has trouble controlling his instincts and it can drive him mad, around times like full moons are times when it gets harder to control himself. With his advanced doglike and catlike senses also comes with disadvantages. High frequency sounds can be very painful to him and if loud enough can disable him.

Personality: He focuses manly on his work and doesn't like to pay to much attention to others. He can be a bit selfish but is quick do the hard work others are not willing to do. He prefers his privacy and is not really the best team player but can suck it up when he has to. He does care for others but ever since the Red Eclipse event he has been distancing himself from the people around him. He prefers the company of animals over humans most of the time. He has a bad habit of eating raw meat and from time to time some cat nip.

Background: The agency found him when he was about two. It was said that they found him in the wild being raised by a pack of wolves, there was also a mountain lion that seemed quite familiar with him. H The agency raised him since then and Arty in a way adopted Thane as his own son. Thane has lived in the place for most of his life and he has forgotten what life was like before the agency brought him in. Thane was trained to use his powers from a young age and grew familiar with how the world treated him...like a monster. At the age of 14 he started working in the field, he grew used to taking orders and to having to kill things it came almost natural for him to kill things with his predator instincts. Him and Arty were the only two at the Red Eclipse event who survived and neither one of them choose to talk about it.


View attachment 10883(he doesn't have that armor but does get those glowing red tattoos around the time of a full moon)
Name: Eva McKlain

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Class: User

Powers: She can change a person's perception so as to make it seem like an object or person isn't there. This power only works within a certain distance of herself and can be used on multiple people at once. This also allows her to be untraceable through any mystic sense, as well as leaving her without a memorable aspect other than her physical appearance; for example, she has no scent.

Abilities: She alters her fighting style depending on the type of weapon she uses.

Personal Weapons: Often uses a combat knife, but her weapon choice may differ on the current situation.

Weaknesses: Since her powers become useless when touched, she cannot use them in crowded areas. Because of this, she has become quite claustrophobic and unsociable. Her powers can affect only five people at a time at a range of around two meters, but it's tiring for her if it's more than two or three people and might lose its affect all together. If using her powers on a whole group, it can also lose it's affect on everyone even if only one person has either strayed away from her restricted range, or if they were touched. Eva can also still be tracked through technology.

Personality: She is very secluded and gets things done as quickly as possible. She doesn't spend too much time chatting, but doesn't mind speaking to those she's used to. Eva is the calmest when she's smoking and is a lot more open during that time, and that is also when you're most likely able to talk to her about non-work related things. She gets frustrated easily, mostly because her status doesn't give her access to many files and such.

Background: Eva has lived in an orphanage ever since she was eight, being named by her caretakers. She doesn't remember anything before finding the building except for a pair of glowing eyes that haunt often haunt her in her dreams. She was led to believe that her and her family was attacked by some kind of monster, but she doesn't remember any of it. At fourteen, Eva left the orphanage and dropped out of school, claiming that no one ever "noticed" her and she just didn't belong. She later joined a gang, where she gained her smoking habit and tattoo. The other members often sent her out to steal from stores or people because of her strange ability. Despite often being surrounded by friends, she was always isolated and distant from others. At eighteen she encountered a monster for the second time on her way back to her hideout, freezing as she watched this unidentifiable creature feed on someone. The whole time she watched in horror, but was never noticed by the beast. Two years later, Eva dropped out of the gang and was fully capable of controlling her abilities, late being recruited by the Paranormal Defense Agency because of this strange Red Eclipse incident. It's been a month since them, and although she's a fledgling she's definitely ready to fight.

Appearance: She has a slender build with few curves, but this is still a bit taller for her age. Her eyes are green and pensive while her hair is a dark caramel color and nicely waved. Her bangs are lengthy like the rest of her hair and she often has to brush them off to the side. She wears a dress shirt and shorts along with a trench coat and scarf when outdoors. Eva also has a tattoo on her back, but no one has ever seen it and probably never will.
Name: Amare

Nickname: None... Unless someone thinks of one

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Class: Agent

Powers: None

Abilities: Very fast and light on her feet, with skills with guns, lock picking, and stealth

Personal weapons: She carries with her a pistol that is strapped around her waist and hidden under her jacket, and uses knives as well in combat, which she tucks into her boots. Also, on occasion she'll use a sniper rifle or crossbow.

Weaknesses: She relies a lot on stealth and remaining hidden in battle, and does not do well on open ground. Also, she has a fear of assets, due to reasons from her past.

Personality: Rather light hearted, she is able to easily crack a joke and lighten up a dark situation. Amare is also very sarcastic, although good natured about it, and rather enjoys teasing others that she works with. Usually, she avoids assets, but does not mind the users and gets along easily with the agents.

Background: Growing up, Amare was used to the constant danger her parents were placed in, both being agents of the PDA. She knew that one day she would join as well, but did not expect it to come so soon. Through her teen years, she trained with her parents and other instructors, learning how to shoot a gun and other skills that proved useful. Then came the accident.

One of the assets had lost control, lost all willpower, their monstrosious side revealing itself. It had been simply a matter of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, of being caught by surprise. Their was a full blowout, and her parents were caught in the middle of it. They were killed then, along with others, when Amare was 16 years old.

The next two years, Amare trained, knowing she would have to take over her parents place, proving herself to the PDA with ease and clarity. Her skills with knife fighting and stealth were assessed and she was placed in lower ranks, yet her skills did not go to waste. At 18 years old, Amare officially joined the PDA, ignoring any remarks other agents made about her younger age, and simply did her job. ((Is this backstory ok? If not, I'll change it))

Appearance: Amare is rather short, only 5'4, and petite. Her body is slender and toned, packed with muscle after all of her training, and skin tan from being out in the sun often. She has long, glossy black curls and deep blue eyes framed with long, thick lashes.
Name: Chedonte Rozen (shen-don-tay Rose-en)

Nickname: Rozen or Rose

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Class: Assets

Powers: Eternal ammo – Conjures an ever ending supply of ectoplasm than can be morphed into a throwing weapon. Requires a weapon to use as a template. Weapon made from ectoplasm is weaker than the original weapon.

Mutations: Phantom Half – Rose’s souls has been split into two entities. A physical entity and a phantom, or ghost entity. Phantom half of his soul takes form as his dead sister. However it isn't his sister at all, just a part of him that's taking form as her. He and the phantom share the same mind and vision. Despite the phantom taking form as a female, it’s still male because it’s a part of Rose. Phantom cannot possess or reattach.


Misdirection – Teaming up with his phantom form, Rose throws daggers and any direction he wants. So after the dagger will be manipulated by the phantom changing its direction in mid-flight. Often confusing enemies, or hitting them around a corner.

Phantom’s body – Rose’s phantom half is able to go through walls, turn transpearent and manipulate oblects.

Personal Weapons: Stylish throwing dagger (used as templates) and Katana with a rose on the hilt

Weaknesses: If the phantom half takes damage, the Physical half will receive three times the amount of damage. The phantom half can be harmed with silver objects (e.g. bullets, swords or objects) and wooden melee weapons.

Personality: Rose is happy cheery and optimistic. However, this is a façade to cover his true personality. His true personality is sad, depressed and distant.

Likes: Cherries, Beautiful graceful women and candles

Dislikes: Potatoes, Flies and mirrors.

Background: Rose lost his dear sister when he turned 16, the trauma he went through impacted his like extremely. He loved his sister more than anything in the world, even more than his own life and soul. He’d give it all up just for her. He performed a taboo ritual. It required splitting his souls and placing it within the empty body to bring it to life. Everything was going smoothly but something happened. The ritual went wrong and his soul torn into two forcing him to pass out. When he came to, he noticed his sister was alive and looked well, he scrabbled towards her, but she scarmbed away as well. Then he noticed something, he could see two things at the time. He turned his head... and he saw himself, from his sister’s eyes. He began to speak, and she spoke in sync with him. The person wasn’t his sister; instead it was an empty body which was a reminder that wishes can never come true.


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@Pristine Dark Accepted!

@Dino Accepted!

@Riddle78 Accepted!

@Beta your character is almost ready, for weakness I would prefer if he had to touching the person to deliver the toxin or must be within a confined space in order for it to be effective.

@Venomarrah - Your character's powers are not related and the second power is a bit to powerful even for a short period of time. With her weapons she would have no training of any kind in those since you did not choose to put automatic pistols or daggers in your abilities. I am willing to accept your background but you must know that your character was not involved in the Red Eclipse event.

Your second character's background needs work, everyone to the team is new so your character can not have any previous experience with the team, he is an entirely new member to it and also please state how he learned to be a good fighter. What part of the government did he work for before accepting the job at P.D.A.

@Créator - Your character is almost accepted but I would like exact numbers on what the range of her power is and how many people she can effect without it getting out of hand. Also your character would only be able to change perception of living organism not technology which in the end I believe would be a good trade off, good against people, vulnerable to technology.

@CharChar45 - Your character is almost there but I would like to work on the background a little. She could have been trained from a young age but she wouldn't have been able to learn about what P.D.A. was really about until after her parents died then once her parents died the truth was told to her and she wanted to join, it's just an idea for you to think about. I would also like your character to be a little older since I have a feeling the government wouldn't want an 18 year old human girl on this task force. Also in your ability section you said guns...just guns isn't allowed you have to state a certain type of guns, like pistols or sniper rifles.

@Laioath - How does your character's phantom form take damage? Can it take damage from like normal bullets or does it have to be something special. Explain that and your character will be fine. Also using the ectoplasm weapon technique would also take a bit of stamina on his part somewhere around him being able to throw like ten copies before reaching his limit.

Note to all - You can discuss with me flaws you see with my logic at any time, I have an open mind and I am always willing to hear what you have to say. And no characters unless we specially talk would have any previous encounters with the team for the past few years and would not have any knowledge of the Red Eclipse event.
My apologies- I've been meaning to edit it. Aliana is a new character I've been working on, and I quickly made Dadrian's. I'll edit it now.
Name: Eccaia (Ehk-kye-ah) Lessieal (less-see-l)

Nickname: Faye (Just kinda something that was picked up around the time she first joined)

Gender: Female


Elven years: 47 (Elves age differently than human, they have about 4x the life expectance so for like humans she’s about 16-17)

Class: Special Asset (Elf)

Powers: The power to cleanse (poisons, toxins, sickness, virus, etc) but not heal. She's immune to such things as well.

Mutations: The ability to communicate to Plants and animals.

Abilities: First aid, and the basics when it comes to tending to the wounded.

Personal Weapons:

A kris blade, hidden in a boot usually, or on a belt, the only item she has of her parents. Only used in emergencies though to save herself if she has too.


Anti more chemical based drugs. So Caffeine, pills, cigs, alcohol, (unless made organically)

This gets kind of overboard at times and if not lucky she may even get into a rant as she tries to stop people from using such. In fact she’s been known to toss some of her medical supplies in the trash when it came to the drugs even the pain pills.


Stubborn. Faye tends to think she has the world figure out as do most teenagers reaching her age. She’s starting to hit that rebel stage in her life in which she’s trying to figure out just who she is and where she belongs. This of course is difficult for her since she is one of the few if only elves around. She’s not stupid rebel though, just more toes the line now and then, talking back at times. Trying to see where she can safely stand and safely fight against stuff she doesn’t agree with when it comes to the agency. Never fully willing to go against P.D.A though, after all for the most part they are all she knows.

At times she has troubles letting people get close, it isn’t that she hates them, it’s just hard on her due to how she ages different than most. This is because people tend to grow old and dye on her. . . so she does it to do her best not to get hurt.


Faye’s elven parents were dealers in Trite, an elven drug that can be VERY deadly to humans especially when not taken properly. She was born and raised shuffled around as they avoided and kept their business healthy and blooming so to speak. Due to it’s deadly effects though Faye had manage to witness quite a few deaths from time to time because of it.

After much hunting P.D.A. managed to finally find them and after a minor battle had to put them down due to the parents not coming willingly and putting up a fight. This was when the agents found Faye a mere child at that time perhaps around the age 7 or so human years, 20-21 or so elven. They couldn’t just leave her and killing her was inhuman so in a way she was adopted by P.D.A.

Raised by some of the agents that found her, sometimes shared between some of the members she watched as they grew older so much faster than here. A few of them even dying due to duty or when lucky age, teaching her a hard lesion early . . . humans were fragile things with life much too short. Most her memories of her parents faded by the time she herself was old enough to try out and become an agent herself.


Okay, I figured there would be some issues with the background, and my bad on the age... didn't even think about it until after I posted. But here's my corrected form:

Name: Amare

Nickname: None... Unless someone thinks of one

Gender: Female

Age: 23

Class: Agent

Powers: None

Abilities: Very fast and light on her feet, and has advanced skills with the use of pistols and lock picking. Also very stealthy, blending into shadows with ease and can be silent in battle.

Personal Weapons: She carries with her two pistols that remain strapped around her waist, hidden underneath her jacket, and uses knives as well in combat, and she keeps the blades tucked into her boots. Occasionally, if told to do so, she will use a sniper rifle or crossbow for a long-ranged battle.

Weaknesses: She relies a lot on stealth and remaining hidden in battle, and does not do well on open ground. Also, she has a fear of assets, due to reasons from her past, and hides her fear with hate towards them

Personality: Rather light hearted, she is able to easily crack a joke and lighten up a dark situation. Amare is also very sarcastic, although good natured about it, and rather enjoys teasing others that she works with. Usually, she avoids assets, only interacting with them when necessary, but does not mind the users and gets along well with the agents.

Background: Growing up, Amare only knew that her parents worked somewhere in the government. She had no idea how much they risked their lives, and how much they faced night after night. She did not fully understand why they trained her in all forms of fighting, including hand to hand combat, training in how to shoot a gun, etc. She merely went along with it, quickly picking up some skills, struggling with others. Her parents would say one day you'll see why we trained you. And that day did come, though sooner then Amare thought it ever would.

She was 19 at the time, when the accident happened. It was simply a matter of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and being caught by surprise. Amare was not even home at the time it happened, being a college student, though she still trained to her parents wishes. Yet, when she received the letter of her parents deaths, she immediately left for home, unsure of what to make of the words, still imprinted in her mind.

We are sorry to inform you of a tragic accident that took your parents life. Please meet us Thursday afternoon at the following address to receive more info:

There had been an address scrawled out along with three letters: P.D.A. Amare had no idea what these letters meant, yet rushed home in a haste and met the people there as they had requested. They explained to her all she needed to know: what the PDA was, Paranormal Defense Agency. What great agents her mother and father had been. What they PDA did. They explained users and assets, and also, the accident.

It was an experiment gone wrong, and asset gone mad. Her parents just happened to be there when everything fell apart, just caught in the midst of it. Along with other agents, users, and assets, they had died. Yes it was tragic, but that's why they needed Amare, because she would be their replacement. After briefly considering it, Amare agreed, as long as she got to finish college first. And then, after four years of college, she joined the agency, right after the Red Eclipse and the death of many in the agency.

Name: Beccalyn Grey

Nickname: Becca, Lynn, or Lynnie

Gender: Female

Age: 24

Class: Power User


  • Omnilingualism - the ability to decipher and speak and oral language fluently.
  • History Absorption - the ability to erase the history of an object. This ability also includes psychometry, which is the ability to see the past of an object by touching it. If the history absorption power was used and a psychometric tried to read the past of an object, it would be blank.

Note: Erasing the history in no way changes the history of the object. This power only effects psychometrics and their ability to read the past of an object.

Abilities: She is highly intelligent.

Personal Weapons: None

Weaknesses: Becca can only learn the native language of a person through physical contact. She also must touch an object to read its history. Once she erases the history, it is blocked from her as well. She has it in her memory but she can't read it straight from the object. Also, she can only see the history as far back as one month.

Personality: Becca is a kind, caring, and gentle individual. She prefers to have things orderly and systematic. Becca is highly intuitive and she puts a tremendous amount of faith into her intuitions. Becca has insight into people and situations. Becca is very guarded about what she shares with people. Sometimes she can't explain why she feels a certain way, so she doesn't give much information on her inner self away. Becca is deep, complex, and difficult to understand. She is quite private as well. She is very concerned about people's feelings and are very gentle to avoid hurting anyone. She is highly sensitive to conflict and doesn't deal with it very well. She internalizes much of her stress and anger. She is rather stubborn and tends to ignore other people's opinions, thinking that her own ideas are the right ones. She is a perfectionist as well, always overly critical of her own work. She rarely takes time to revel in her accomplishments, believing that she can always improve something. She has a strong value system. She will never compromise her ideals. She is patient, devoted, and protective. She has a natural affinity for the arts and sciences.

Background: Beccalyn Grey was the third and last child born to Mary and Phillip Grey. She was the one girl, growing up with her two older brothers. She and her family lived along the Gulf of Mexico in Florida. For her, the environment was stifling. She had many health problems as a child and she spent much of her time indoors. Her parents would describe her as a well-behaved and intelligent child. She spoke at a young age, surprising her parents. Mary and Phillip owned a small restaurant that their children helped with as soon as they could walk. Becca understood at a young age that the only way for her to get out of that town was to focus on her studies.

School came naturally to her and she never had trouble. Her parents and teachers were astounded at her abilities, though her social skills left something to be desired. She kept to herself at school, spending her lunch hour in the library. She seemed to prefer being alone to the company of others. Her parents were concerned for her but knew they didn't have the means to do anything about it. Becca seemed to understand everything that was taught to her right away and she had an affinity for languages that her parents simply couldn't explain.

Becca escaped her small town, managing to get accepted on a full-ride to the University of Alabama. She graduated with her Masters in Political Science in four years. She had strong ties to her family but she barely saw them during her time at school. She had planned to work on political campaigns, and did for two years, but P.D.A. got to her after that. She took the job, interested in a change in scenery.

Becca couldn't exactly pinpoint the time that she realized she had some sort of ability. She knew that, after she bumped into a elderly Italian woman in the grocery store as a child, she could suddenly understand and speak the woman's language. Becca also realized that she could see the history of an object. At first, it was only a few minutes. As she practiced, her range increased. She can now see back as far as a month. She realized she could erase the history of an object a year ago but quickly realized she couldn't read the history after that either.

Appearance: here
You may want to add a spoiler and some hyperlinks to each individual character into the opening post. It would make finding them much easier for you AND for players, should anyone need to reference a character.
@Autumn Accepted!

@Laioath Accepted!

@Venomarrah both of your powers are rather powerful for your first character so I would like you to pick one or the other. If you do pick the intelligence one you would be using around 50% of your brain not 100% because 100% is just a little to much but of course your characters powers will grow through out the rp. Personally I am leaning towards the environmental adaption power because I see it as a very special and unique power that would be of great use to the team and it would take the same amount of time for her to change back to normal after adapting to a certain environment as well. Also with your character's history I would like her to have been stored off site at some government lab then getting transferred to the P.D.A. HQ at the same time everyone else from the new team is arriving.
Name: Acqua Feliza Mourn

Nickname: Feliz or Aqua

Gender: F

Age: 17

Class: User

Plant manipulation; The ability to manipulate/whisper to trees and plants making them into vicious weapons.

Abilities: A master swordsmen. Also Aqua was born with a photographic memory which allows her to never forget anything once she sets her eyes upon it. Be it a small detail to a big heart-breaking event; this girl will never forget it.

Personal Weapons:

After using her power multiple times Aqua has a tendency to pass out or get extreme headaches.

Fears; Trusting someone to then be betrayed.

Feliz rarely speaks and is the one person you wouldn´t believe could kill a bug. At battle she is fierce, fast and merciless but has a sense of protection when it comes to animals and Dmitri. She has extreme trust issues and if and when she speaks is rather crude, harsh or sarcastic unless it is Dmitri. The people at the agency see her as arrogant and unpolite while the fellow users and assets hates her guts for having an agent at her side which in their opinion gives her an advantage.

Likes; Dmitri, baking/cooking, animals, nature and quiet

Dislikes; Panic, Liars, loud noises and pranksters.

((I´ll make an intervened background for Aqua and Dmitri, You´ll see why.))

Name: Dmitri Anthony Mourn

Nickname: Ilua (Pronounced E-Lu))

Gender: M

Age: 20

Class: Agent

Abilities: Is a master swordsmen, gunner and sniper. Extremely well agility; Is able to climb, jump, dodge whatever you throw his way! xD

Personal Weapons:

If or when it happens he´d do anything for Feliz if she is in danger. Thus all his fears is centered around Feliza. He also was born with a heart disease which was treated. Thought the doctors recommend a calm, quiet environment Dmitri worked in the military not obeying them.

Just like Aqua he is rather quiet but speaks when he deems it necessary. He usually gets straight to the pont and is overly protective of Feliz. He can be smug, arrogant and cheeky but keeps it at bay. He loves sweets and all kind of cooking..that is as long as it tastes good and not like crap found in the garbage.

Background ((Dmitri and Feliza)): Living two different life-styles though being of the same family Acqua and Dmitri had never met before the day when Feliz lost her eye. You see Feliz was born into a wealthy, all-about-money family. Thinking she was the only child she had slowly gone into depression and had a home tutor. Feliz had not discovered her power until her nineth birthday when she escaped her parents death-party. Her mother had gather all fashion related powerful people she could find; wishing for her designs to hit big with them. Her father decided that actresses, producers and directors would need a man like him; a tv host which not only charms the world with his brilliance but is absolutely hilarious at times. Dmitri was abandoned by the two famous parents whom decided that he should be kept by a nanny. The nanny raised, feed and knew Dmitri better then anyone. He entered military school at 14 when his parents send him away for their career to grow.

Wonder how they met? Wonder why they never knew each other? Well
the all-about-money folks had decided that their son would be a horrible scandal while their cute daughter was a profit. Weird? Indeed it is. Dmitri after 2 years of military school; going up ranks and finally becoming one of the goverments personal agents, returned home to find his room decorated with a light blue colour and dolls were everywhere. Infuriated he headed to the forest; finding Feliz staring at a bear while holding some green plant. But all Dmitri saw was a bear; a threat. A threat; lead to him trying to sneak up on them. That day Feliz lost her right eye. That day she met her brother.

And now they head for the agency; awaiting a new life.

Name: Aaron Hadrian

Nickname: Hadrian

Gender: male

Age: 28

Class: User

Powers: Contracts with spirits, forcing them to do his bidding.. Usually. Intense Emotional issues and disturbances can allow them to rebel. Currently contracted to two major spirits, several minor ones.

Mutations: N/A

Abilities: None of any real mention, though carries a handgun.

Personal Weapons: A simple 22 caliber pistol.

Weaknesses: Aside from being little more than a human that can communicate with spirits, there is nothing special about Aaron. He has no innate magical abilities, and no practiced combat abilities. His aim is mediocre at best with his handgun, and he relies on his spirits to protect him, though he is blessed with a clever mind and high intelligence.

Personality: Aaron is generally aloof and out for himself. Currently, his only real motivations are greed and boredom, and he cares far more for the paycheck from the Agency and running into more powerful spirits than for protecting and helping anyone. However, he generally will force himself to help people that need it, perhaps more out of a fear of divine retribution than genuine heroism. His desire to keep a cash flow forces him to follow orders, though grudgingly, and he still maintains he is above his superior officers. He is also incredibly superstitious, and carries various totems and charms around with him, some genuine, most little more than pawn store trash.

Background: Aaron noticed his ability to commune with spirits, demons, and angels at a relatively young age, eleven to be exact, a talent that had long run in both sides of his family. His father happened to have a large number of contracted spirits, as did his mother, both of whom were born to families quite famous in the world of summoners. His grandfather had used this power to create a powerful criminal organization, which Aaron's father then inherited. It remained underground, for the most part, centered more on the trafficking of human souls as slaves and rare and exotic spirits to serve other summoner families, though weapons smuggling and drugs were certainly on the list of goods. Aaron participated in this smuggling since the age of 19, and became a very powerful Summoner Lord very quickly when he contracted with his first spirit, Ra, none other than the being worshiped by the Egyptians as a god, though modern day summoners barely call him such. With the enslavement of Ra, Aaron came to be his father's heir, as expected, and the two quickly built up an empire to bring most American Summoner families under their control, effectively ruling over an empire beneath the eyes of the rest of the country, though they certainly attracted many eyes from a variety of sources.

The United States Government did little to prevent this unification of Summoners, as a group of them unified under a single leader was far easier to deal with than several independent families. Aaron and his family thus lived a very lavish and extravagant lifestyle. Until his father was murdered by his own spirit, and the Empire the Hadrian family had built came tumbling down. Spirits rebelled against their Summoners, and only those powerful enough to keep their spirits in check survived, Aaron among them, succeeding not only in keeping Ra, but in binding his father's spirit, Loki, to himself.

If this completely won't work, just let me know and I'll come up with something else. I will make character sheets for Ra and Loki if the concept is approved. ^ ^


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