Ooo! Look Here!~ ((Always Looking!!!!))

Nee, Neee. If you're still looking i'm willing to roleplay with you. Number 5, 7 and 8 interested me the most. Although Number 7 was something that i would love to try with you, if you still have time to roleplay i mean. I would love to talk more about the plots and mix ideas too. :3

5: Kidnapper x Kidnapped

There are also many ways this could go about. Many, many, different reasons someone could get kidnapped, whether it be to perhaps be sold, or many other possibilities.

7: Forced Marriage

This is another topic that particularly interests me. The idea itself, is entertaining. What could happen, is perhaps two fighting, probably rich, families take their child from each side and force a marriage to unite them, and stop the fight. This one especially, though it's the same as all the others, is open for all the different gender pairings. (MxM, FxF, MxF).

8: Human x Human

This is very open. Could be, a more dark, gangster boy meeting up with a shy, quiet girl. Or, could even be, perhaps that they are both in the same activity with the same passion, such as dancing, or even some sort of art, could be a good idea.
If you're still looking 1, 6, and 8 interest me! :) I'm also pretty open to anything so if you've developed a new craving you can by all means let me know. :D I can post about as much as I'm given to work with also.
Wonderful! The three of you above, message me please or I will as soon as I can!

Sent from my ADR6350 using Tapatalk 2
I'm interested in 2, 5 and 7 (MxM) so if you would like to do any of those with me I'd be over the moon!~~ If possible, if we do role play together I'd rather be the submissive.

Evan~~ Xxx

(Sorry I only just saw this post!~~ <3)
No worries. ^^ Message me please and we'll sort something out.

Sent from my ADR6350 using Tapatalk 2
2: Master x Slave (Also Master x Pet, and Royal x Servant)

I absolutely love these kinds of rps (but to warn you in advance, I can't do master, I've tried, I failed).

Though, this would be with demons as the masters, and humans as 'pets'.

I've never seen one like that before so I wouldn't mind doing that. But I'm up for anything in this category if you are.

PM me
Ooh. Don't know how I haven't noticed this before! I'd definitely be interested in; 1, 2, 3, or 6.

If you'd like, I'd love to do a MxM role play with you. Perhaps we could try doing Royal x Servant or a Forced Marriage role play?

If you're interested, please feel free to shoot me a PM, or I could shoot one to you.

Hope to hear from you soon!
I'd love to! ^^ Shoot me a pm if you could and we could talk it out.

Sent from my ADR6350 using Tapatalk 2
I'm willing to do 2 masterxslave. I've never done a successful master and slave rp and i'd be interested to see where it goes. (if I could be the slave that would be preferred.)
2: Master x Slave (Also Master x Pet, and Royal x Servant)

I prefer to play a human slave. I'm open to any situation on this rp.

4: Teacher x Student

I want to play the student in this one.

PM me?
Hey if you're still looking I'd quite like to do:

2: Master x Slave and

3: Hunter x Hunted

Pm if you're interested (:

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