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Fantasy Ochresile of Iaquezela - Interest Check



Wildlife Conservationist in the Making
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My Interest Check

Ochresile of Iaquezela

  • Plotline and History

    This lovely race is found on the planet of Iaquezela. Iaquezela is about 60 percent water with 5 percent of ice. The capital of each region is located in the center of each region. The Western and Northern Ochresile capitals are found close to the water while the Southern and Eastern Ochresile capitals are found more in the center of nice open spaces.

    Wetsern capital: Kanda - Located near the sea of Narma and the royal family of Myari rule the Western Region, a bit to the east of Kanda is the Tower of Eternal Night which is where the Royal Family dwells

    Northern capital: Nionevris - Located near the Diamonde Sea and where the noble family of Tilochu rule the Northern region, a bit to the west of Nionevris is the Fortress of Ridaro where the Tilochu dwell

    Eastern capital: Galeri - Located in the open plains of Sune'orine and where the Royal family of Thuriya rule. The Thuriya royals dwell in the castle of Minasdio which is located behind the lost forest of veila which has a hidden path.

    Southern capital: Barad is located in the open meadow of Iecha, where the noble family of Ladireh dwell and rule. Barad is also home to the Ladire Castle where the noble family dwells.

    The eastern region is covered with mountains and plains - with the Minasdio placed in a small side of the mountains - these are the most commonly known mountains here in Iaquezela which are called the Dertonas ( or the Dertona Mountains). The Dertonas are made up of about six different peaks. The highest one being Alodawn which stands at about 29,029'. Alodawn is located towards the middle of the rest of the five peaks.There are many rivers which run casually through Iaquezela. The one in the south is known as the Saltni River, which runs into the Diamonde Sea and ends up merging with the river in the North known as the Risy River. The river in the West is known as the Penca river and this river flows to the sea of Narma and merges with the Darkmoore River which is coming from the East.

    Many places would seem to appear popular - there are three main ones. One of them is the Ruins of the Iralia Temple. This was the first ever temple built to worship all god/goddesses. A mural of each minor god and goddess is portrayed on the four walls while on the ceiling there was a mural of Nelaser herself. However since it is ruins... now all that is left are small pieces of the mural and soft bells chime around it. These ruins seem to be other worldly and seems to hold many energies in it. Many Ochresile believe the goddess Nelaser herself is there in spirit. Oftentimes a Gyrfalcon can be seen in the sky if you wait for the right moment.

    The Forest of Nachtya (The forest of night if you will) is the most diverse and exotic place in Iaquezela. It ishome to grasslands, and rainforest alike with temperate weather and mild temperatures. The forest of Nachtya hold birds of plenty alongside other species which many may not ever know exist. This is one of the least explored regions in Iaquezela but one of the most desired. Rivers wind through it and gleam a brilliant light blue and turquoise color.

    Lastly but not least is the Dertonas. The Dertonas are popular especially for a vacation for those who wish to summit or have an adventure out in the snow and such. The Dertonas have many trekking lodges wich small natives run for travelers and honestly many species (not just Ochresile though they mainly run the lodges) come through here. This is the one place one can get the closest to the northern lights and aurora borealis.

    Iaquezela is home to many species and many wars too. While the last war ended with many lives lost and a field of flowers resembling roses of golden color and shimmering with a gemstone in the middle of each flower... which now is called the Sacred Meadow where the royal and many lives were lost in the War of All Time. Iaquezela has very little ice and frost though and when snow does fall, it is considered fun day and a blessing for all.

    Iaquezela wasn't inhabited for the longest amount of time, just a land that had water, a hint of ice, and a bunch of forests, plains, and deserts. Rivers were carved through the land by earthquakes and the erupting of Alodawn, which sent massive glaciers melting and created the valleys. The smaller peaks came later on when the plates from under Iaquezela shifted and produced the smaller mountains. Evidently over time, small elf-like creatures were finding their home here on the planet. As time went on and the climate shifted dangerously between too hot and too cold, the creatures adapted. Elf ears faded to be replaced by ears of wild cats, all the better to hear and sense their surroundings with, and hollow bones and wings emerged as well. The cause of the wings was in fact when a shimmering unknown white feather drifted into the water of the Paraboia Lake found within the Myrasti Swamp. Four young elves found themselves wanting to go swimming and took a dip, only to find themselves within the lake as the moonlight turned the water a sparkling silver. When the four emerged... they had gained wings... pure white and silver tipped as the moonlight above while their ears sparkled faintly... spots donning them delicately while glowing spots emerged under each eye. This was the beginning of the Ochresile race, the start of the four royal families and the formation of the continent Sune'orine.

    Once Iaquezela was formed, the problem was having the royal families actually agree, unrest was very common with many small skirmishes happening along the borders of such tiny regions. When a severe dry spell hit, that was the worst war of all times. Sune'orine was not big enough for everyone and tensions ran super high to be able to get water. The royals fought against one another in the sky, all four royals clashing and fighting violently. Drops of glittering gold blood fell from the sky to rain down upon the land. When the war ended, one royal was dead on the ground, her long hair splayed in a halo around her while the other three stared in shock at what they had done. Gold blood pooled around her and that was when the royals looked around. Many Ochresile lay dying or dead upon the ground and the other three came to an agreement...Each would rule a region, and there would be a new continent. As the agreement was sealed, it began to rain softly... as if the very goddess they believed in was weeping for the loss of a beloved child. Where blood had dropped and dyed the ground gold... flowers which resemble roses bloomed, petals glittering gold with gems in the center of them - to remind all of who they had lost and what had happened on those three days, for that was how long the war lasted. A new queen was crowned... and Iecha was formed. Peace was restored at last.

    Present Day

    Many years have passed since the devastating war which had overcome the Ochresile. The two continents have not fought in years, and honestly, all seems well. Festivals and holidays cause music and color to explode into being. The royals have managed to have marriages between each region which have allowed the peace to remain over the years. The field where the war was fought is considered sacred and the flowers never die, they light the meadow in gold throughout the night and into the day. However... it does not mean evil rests. A new problem has arisen. A young male Ochresile who specializes in dark magic has taken to figuring out how to take over. The peace will not last for very long as this enemy seems to be gathering more forces who wish to overthrow the royals. Now, as you may think the royals are safe you have another thing coming... almost all royals have been wiped out due to this threat. There is one full family standing and the princess from the Eastern kingdom has long since gone into hiding...believed dead. The northern and southern royals each have two remaining members, and the call of war horns now echoes over Sune'orine and Iecha both alongside the blazing fires of warning. Guards constantly patrol and healers are constantly on call. Now, everyone hopes the royals can save them... But when it is said that a thief is called upon to fight... every Ochresile thinks the royals have lost their mind. What they don't know is this thief is the missing Eastern Princess. Who will fight for her kingdom... and the kingdoms of the royals until her very last breath. Take up arms, and fight alongside us as the Ochresile fly into war once again.

  • Language

    January - Sayori
    - Aqal
    March - Vlejelt
    April - Feostia
    May - Kruaam
    June- Sraim
    July - Faalira
    August - Tlevukix
    September - Dryien
    October - Ewhes
    November - Privihm
    December - Zixenes

♡design by rabbitswarren, coded by uxie♡
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Wait. Soooo like we gunna play flying neko people?! k hell yeah, sign me up!!

Oh! is ooc on RPN or discord?

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