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MxF 1x1 Horror/Thriller Roleplay


Seven Thousand Club
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
A newly-wed couple and expecting parents are in for the ride for their lives as during their honeymoon, things quickly go wrong.

My Character


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Name: Ashley Yang

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Personality: Ashlee is an overall nice and caring person. She is mature for her age, but also has a fun side. When in a relationship, she is fully committed, dedicated and focused. A mother-to-be, Ashley has of late been having a lot of mood swings, so its hard to tell what mood she is in, because she is sad one minute, angry the next.



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Name: Caspar Brown

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Personality: A baddie with a serious soft side, Caspar once was somewhat of a street gangster, but soon gave that venture up after realizing that he couldn't bring himself to hurt a single soul. Making a quick turn-around, he became a lot more manageable and now is quite a lot calmer, though he does tend to be quite an adventurous soul and doesn't like to sit still, preferring to always have something to do. Prideful but unwaveringly loyal, he is a steady, down-to-earth man, and little phases him.

On the night before her wedding day, bride-to-be and expecting mom Ashlee Yang was relaxing after a fairly long day. She had awoken early that morning because her 'little prince' was kicking all night. Later in the day, Ashlee had a Doctor's Appointment and finalized on her Wedding Dress. Although she had planned to get married and have a family, she did not expect either to happen so soon, let alone nearly at the same time. Her boyfriend of three years ended up getting her pregnant and proposed to her four months later. Now, three months later, they would have their wedding. Yes, Ashlee is having a 'Shotgun Wedding', much to her own surprise. While waiting for her to Fiancée to get home, Ashlee had taken a three hour nap and was now relaxing in the living room, in her nightgown and waiting for him to come home. Normally she would be reading a book, but she had spent the last half an hour bonding with her unborn child.
Having been unable to focus at work for the whole day, Caspar had been allowed to leave work an hour early. Leaving his office, as he worked as an applications analyst for Samsung, he had stopped by the flower store on the way home. He had spent a good half hour meandering his way through the shop in his work suit before finally finalizing his decision on what flowers he would get Ashley. So intent had he been on his search, he had hardly noticed the stares he had collected, most of them being smug glances or amused ones; but he had noticed the fact that the lady behind the counter was starting to look at him in annoyance. A surprisingly small bunch of flowers had resulted from his long search, but he was content with his selections and hoped that he had gotten all of Ashley's favorite colors correct.

After leaving the shop, Caspar looked down at his watch, blinking as he realized how much time he had spent buying flowers. "And I had hoped that I would arrive home early today." He remarked to himself with a sigh, standing at the side of the road, waiting for a cab to drive passed. As he and Ashley were soon going on a honeymoon, Caspar had rented out his car to a friend, and was now stuck waiting for cabs all the time. He had never realized how much he had used the vehicle until it had been taken away, naturally. Finally hailing a cab, he spoke his address and was soon on his way; only to become stuck in traffic, as the traffic seemed to be significantly worse half an hour before he was usually released from work. Sighing and leaning his head against the window, he put his briefcase down on the floor of the car, relaxing as he readied himself for the long haul to his house.

In the end, Caspar ended up arriving at the house at around the same time that he would when usually getting home from work, if not a few minutes earlier. Before unlocking the door, he made a futile attempt at hiding the flowers he had bought somewhere, but soon realized that he didn't have anywhere to hide them. Instead rearranging his baggage so that he could unlock the door, he strode inside. "Ashley?" He called into the house before registering the fact that his fiance was on the couch. Smiling, he bent down to take off his shoes, depositing the briefcase on the floor near the entrance. "I got a little something for you." He said, walking to sit down beside her, hiding the flowers behind his back with moderate success. "I was released from work a bit earlier then usual, so I decided to stop by the flower store on the way home." He said, offering the flowers to her with a triumphant yet lopsided grin.
"Awww, you're so sweet. Thoughtful too." The flowers had brightened her night. She was happy now that he was home. She then briefly got up to put the flowers in the dining room vase. After a few minutes, she rejoined him in the living room. Before long, she rested her head on his shoulder while cradling her belly. "So how was your day?" she asked while wrapping her arm around him.
At Ashley's words, a smile had grown on Caspar's face, and he watched her as she put the flowers in the vase. Once she had settled down beside him again, he contentedly put an arm around her, resting her cheek on the top of her head as she leaned against him. "I couldn't concentrate all day, I couldn't shift the thought of you out of my mind." He said, kissing the top of her head fondly. "I managed to get a few of the applicant's names completely messed up, I'm lucky that Charles caught it before I passed the files through." He continued with a shamefaced grin, referring to one of his co-workers and close friends. "In the end, the boss realized that I was really out of it and let me go early." He finished. His eyes moving to her belly, he cautiously moved his free hand to touch her, making sure not to go to quickly for he risked upsetting her. She had been rather unstable lately, but he had let it pass as he knew that it was just the hormones.
"Well, I'm just have happy that you're finally home." She pulled him closer. When she noticed his hand moving towards her belly, she didn't seem to mind. Although lately, Ashley has been much more moody and the impending wedding did not exactly help, she tried her best not to lash out at Casper, knowing that he had a long day and the last thing he needs is her going off on him for no reason. Although she has been having her doubts about being a good Mother, she didn't exactly want to show it because she didn't want to worry him further. For the past seven months, her body had been going through a lot of changes. For crying out loud, she couldn't even fit into her pants! Her self-esteem has had its moments, because one day it'd be really low and the next she'd be very happy. But one thing was sure; she was through with her 'nesting' phase. Without her willing to, she had been working hard to keep the house clean and spotless, not to mention the nursery was done too, as a few of her family members came over to help her with it. She smiled once more when she felt her 'little prince' kicking again.
"As am I." Caspar declared contentedly, and as Ashley didn't seem to mind, went ahead and placed his hand on her stomach. "How did your doctor's appointment go?" He asked, remembering that she had gone earlier in the day. Looking around the house, he wondered what else she had been up to that day, as she seemed to have gotten over her cleaning phase. The house hadn't been particularly messy or dirty beforehand, but he had noticed that the used dishes had started to disappear faster and the amount of dust was steadily reducing. One day he even walked in on a bunch of Ashley's family helping out in the nursery, and he had promptly felt bad about not being there to help.

He had done his bit by helping clean on the weekends and doing his own laundry, but he didn't really have time for anything else as his job kept him preoccupied most of the time; especially because he was about to go off on honeymoon and he needed to get a lot of loose ends tied up before he left. Feeling the baby kick under his hand, another smile grew over Caspar's face. "What are we going to name him?" He asked suddenly, realizing that they hadn't spoken about naming the child yet. "Or shall we wait until he's out?" He added, wondering what Ashley thought about the matter.
Ashley ran her fingers through her hair to straighten it out before continuing to relax on her fiancée. "The appointment went well. Had another ultrasound. Everything seems to be fine. After all, I have been taking care of myself." When he placed his hand on her stomach, she placed her hand on top of his after the baby kicked. "Well, I haven't really thought about what we're going to name him either." She clamped her hands together under her belly, as she seemed to be feeling discomfort in her lower abdomen. "I figured I'd wait until my due date gets closer, like maybe next month we can talk about it again." she replied.
Caspar nodded in satisfaction, happy that the pregnancy was going well. The fact that he couldn't do anything to help, even in an emergency, was straining at his nerves; but he took solace in the fact that the doctors knew what they were doing, and in Ashley's regular checkups. He smiled as she placed his hand on hers, turning his palm over so that he could clasp her hand. "Sounds good. No need to rush I suppose." He agreed, feeling a yawn coming on but reculant to have any reason to leave Ashley. He closed his eyes, hoping that the action would revive him, but instead it only made him feel more tired. Dragging his eyelids back up, he wondered why he was so tired. It wasn't like he had done anything extraordinary that day, and he had slept well the previous night - Caspar was a pretty sound sleeper - but he put it down to eve of wedding day jitters.
"You must be really tired...Wanna go get ready for bed?" She asked, noticing that he was really tired. She also didn't want him to collapse at the alter during the ceremony tomorrow afternoon. He also needed energy for the reception as well. It was already bad enough that it was a 'Shotgun Wedding'. After a few minutes, she stood up. It ended up being a bad idea, because her back started hurting. Although it didn't hurt that bad, it was still uncomfortable. "Go ahead and shower up. I'll wait for you in bed." Ashley smiled at him before walking back into their bedroom. Because she felt uncomfortable with the blinds being partially open, she shut them completely. When she sat down and relaxed herself, stacking two pillows on top of each other, practically doing anything to be comfortable. Having two pillows helped with her neck shoulders and her back. She also kept a pillow in between her legs to avert leg cramps while sleeping. She then relaxed herself in bed while waiting for Casper to come and join her.
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Caspar hadn't realized that his eyelids had drifted closed once again, and at the sound of Ashley's voice he blinked a few times. "Uh- yeah, sure." He agreed with a sheepish smile, stifling a yawn. "Alright, see you." He said, standing up after her and disappearing into the bathroom. Showering and pulling on his 'sleeping shorts', he meandered his way outside. The cold water from the shower had revived him, and so he wasn't asleep on his feet. Making sure to climb onto the bed without making the piece of furniture shake too much, noticing how Ashley had made herself comfortable already, and he grinned at her as he walked into the bedroom. "You sure that you have enough pillows?" He teased, sitting down beside her and wrapping an arm about her, resting it on the top of her neck pillow.
"I have plenty." She laughed. "With the backache, cramps and everything. I'd do anything to be comfortable." She stated as she pulled the covers over her legs, just not covering her upper body. Even though it was fairly late, it was evident that Ashely wanted to spend some time bonding with the baby as well as Casper. Might help with the insomnia, she thought. So she started cradling her belly both out of motherly instinct and protectiveness.
Caspar chuckled along with her, but his merriment died at her next statement. "I wish I could take the pain away and take it for myself." He said with a sigh, nudging her shoulder with his head. "As it is, do you want tea or something? Is there anything I can do to help?" He asked, leaning his head back against one of Ashley's pillows. "I feel so useless." He declared, fiddling absent-mindedly with the corner of the blanket and looking up at the ceiling.
"You can always spend time with me. What about a little bonding time? Just you, me and the baby." The second she let out her statement, the baby started kicking. "Guess he's anxious to meet his parents." She smiled before pulling Casper closer to her and wrapping her arm around him while using her free hand to rub her belly, in hopes of calming her baby.
Caspar smiled, reaching out and laying his hand on hers, feeling the baby kick. "What have you been calling him?" He asked, thinking that Ashley must have some sort of pet name for the baby; or maybe she didn't, and he was just weird. His fatigue forgotten for the moment, his eyes continuously flipped from Ashley to her belly fondly.
"No nicknames really. Other then 'Little Prince' if that counts for anything." She smiled. "If you'd like, you can listen to him. Just make sure he doesn't kick you in the face or anything." Since she had plenty of pillows supporting her, she didn't have to worry too much about her back hurting tonight.
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