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Mob Roleplay (with Robin man)

Marcy lay in the hospital bed, staring at the ceiling in thought. She hoped that no one would have the guts to bug them while they were in the middle of a hospital. She figured no one would.
Anthony stayed asleep until the next morning. He slowly woke up. "Did sleep at all love?" Was the first thing he said.
Marcy kissed him back and walked out of the room and to the front of the building, where she shuffled around and watched cars go by, sighing. She wondered where Charles was. She hoped he wasn't anywhere close.
Anthony laid there and fell asleep.

Charles woke up in his new office sitting at his desk. His wife stormed in. "What are you doing Charles?! You killed your best friend. And you try to kill him and his girl. What the h***!?" Charles held his hand up. "Just business Olivia." Olivia growled and stormed out.
Olivia stormed out of the building. She walked a few miles until she made it to a cafe. She got a outside seat and looked around. She pulled out her phone and texted to Anthony's phone.

Anthony stayed asleep until he got a text. He slowly woke and tried to get the phone. He pulled it out and read the message.

Anthony. If your still alive you better hurry up with your plan. Because Charles is slowly losing it. It's only been two days and he's already planing on taking over. I've asked if I can leave town for a few days. Not telling him where of course. Meet me at the bus station by the edge of town tonight and pick me up please. Thank you.

Olivia Walters

Monday 11:23am
Marcy watched Anthony view the text. She leaned in and read it as well. "Wow," she whispered, "what do you think? Should we trust her?"

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