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Sigzai is growing on me (He/Him)
Roleplay Availability
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My Interest Check
Hello! My name is Ash and I’m 17. I’ve come up with a plot for a D&D campaign based in the universe of My Hero Academia! For this adventure you will be able to create your own character, including your own quirk! I will ask that you make your character a human and avoid spells unless they relate to your quirk, which will need to be heavily discussed with DM (That’s me!)

If you’re interested reply to this thread and we can discuss! If you are then prepare for an adventure during your second year at UA high! That means it’s time for, what’s that? Work studies! Work alongside a hero to learn about the mysterious drug “Void Dust” and save our city from the villains using it!

We have 4 members in our party! But you still have a chance to join don’t worry! The campaign won’t start until we get character sheets in for our party members!

A link to where your should post your character sheets!

And a link to the IC thread!

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How would the DnD rule set work for this?

You mentioned that we'd be staying away from spells, does that mean we wouldn't be using classes either?
I plan to keep as many of the rules the same as possible throughout this campaign, we’ll discuss mechanics for anything not accounted for in usual D&D. Were you asking for anything specific?

You can certainly have classes! If your class choice would be more focused on spells instead of something like strength bonuses I’ll grant you extra control over your quirk since that is essentially magic in this universe
If your class choice would be more focused on spells instead of something like strength bonuses I’ll grant you extra control over your quirk since that is essentially magic in this universe
Ok, so how would it work if I choose to play, say, a paladin? Would I still get access to things like divine smite and lay on hands?
Divine smite I think could certainly make sense. However since you wouldn’t be using spell slots for much else I’d probably give you less uses of it. Something like lay on hands I would like to either avoid or weaken, healing significantly less HP back or instead of healing giving you a significant bonus to something like medicine
Out of curiosity,is there any particular reason you've decided to make use of the D&D system rather than something like Mutants & Masterminds or Sentinel Comics RPG that are built around playing as superheroes?
Out of curiosity,is there any particular reason you've decided to make use of the D&D system rather than something like Mutants & Masterminds or Sentinel Comics RPG that are built around playing as superheroes?
Yeah, I'd recommend MASKS, which is a system specifically for young superheroes ala Young Justice or MHA.
Those are both lovely suggestions but I’m only familiar with D&D, therefore I’d rather stick with that instead of learning an entire new system simply for one campaign
Those are both lovely suggestions but I’m only familiar with D&D, therefore I’d rather stick with that instead of learning an entire new system simply for one campaign
Lol I deleted my post because I felt I came across as rude.

Anyway, fair enough. I think I see what you’re going for, and wish you good luck in it.

I do recommend looking into MASKS when you can though. It’s super light and malleable because it’s PbtA.
As someone who likes both D&D and MHA, this caught my eye. While like others have mentioned this might run better with a system designed specifically for superheroes, I am interested to see how you mod D&D to work in the MHA setting. So I’m willing to try it, though I was wondering what books would be allowed for character options?

As for a quirk, I was thinking of doing one based on a Monk, using the Way of the Sun Soul subclass. Basically his skin would look like diamonds as it stores solar energy that he can then use to power himself up. Initially this would just make him faster and stronger, but eventually he could shoot blasts of solar energy.

Let me know if that works. Also it’s been a while since I last played D&D and I’ve actually never done a MHA RP, but I hope I’m not too out of my depth with this RP.
So I’m willing to try it, though I was wondering what books would be allowed for character options?
I’m not quite sure what you mean by this. Would you mind elaborating?

I certainly like the quirk idea though! This can give you advantage in outside fights and disadvantage indoors. I would treat using the quirk itself sort of like magic points, where you have X amount of uses and doing stronger things with your quirk will take more uses. Since this quirk relies on outside strength there wouldn’t be much of a negative to running out of these ‘magic points’ you’d simply have to fight with standard combat instead of using your quirk
I'll have to do some thinking about the quirk I want to have. Would something like the wild magic sorcerer/barbarian work?
Would something like the wild magic sorcerer/barbarian work?
I looked into it some. Wild magic would be difficult considering it needs to make sense in a way. But if we could come up with distant effects that make sense for either your quirk or your character I think they will have a similar effect!
By the way, what level are we starting at?

And what version of human will we be playing?

And how will we generate stats?
I would like everyone to start at level one

Standard humans

I usually do standard dice rolling, where you roll 6 times and can assign the number to whichever stat you feel fits best for your character
How I’ve always done it is you’re able to roll 4d6 and choose the three highest numbers. This helps you stay away from crazy low numbers that make it not so fun
Ok. On a sidenote, would a luck manipulation quirk work if I just reflavour the divination wizard's portent ability?
When I mentioned what books are allowed for character options, I meant the actual D&D 5e books. Of course the Player’s Handbook is allowed, but would stuff like Xanathar’s Guide to Everything, which the Way of the Sun Soul subclass comes from, or other books that allow for new subclasses and spells?

As for using a point resource for my character’s quirk, there is already one built into actual D&D. The monk class uses Ki points that allow them to hit harder or use magical abilities. You can still fight without having any, but you’ll be a lot weaker, doing regular punches and kicks.

Also I noted that you said this is humans only, but would the variant human rules be allowed? Basically instead of getting a +1 to all stats, you get +1 to two stats of your choice, get a skill proficiency, and a feat.

I’m getting ready to make a character sheet, but I was wondering what backgrounds would be allowed? Especially as we’re all supposed to be students. That and I was also wondering about language. I’m assuming we are using Japanese instead of Common, and that any bonus language should be a real world language.

Despite all my questions, I am excited to see how this RP turns out. I’ve never done D&D this modded before so I’m intrigued to see how it runs.
You’re welcome to use information from whatever books you’d like! However I can’t guarantee how familiar I’ll be with much of the content so you’ll have to alert me to anything absurdly different

The Ki points sound pretty perfect honestly! I’ll certainly look into that and recommend others to use that as a system for their quirks!

I would prefer strictly normal humans since I’m more familiar with the concept however they don’t seem to be very different so I suppose it wouldn’t be an issue

For backgrounds I’d say you can truly do whatever you feel fits. Obviously keep in mind your characters will be around the age of 16 so it’s unreasonable to say they’ve fought in wars and saved towns or something. But you can give them smaller victories like Bakugo in season 1 with the sludge villain

I can tell you now that languages won’t matter much but there’s always possible ways it could be of use so if you can think of a reasonable reason your character would know another language then you can certainly give them a real world language such as English! But yes in concept Common will be Japanese

There’s no reason to worry about questions! To me it shows you’re interested in it and it helps me realize things I haven’t even considered yet!

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