Martyr Is Me


Junior Member
Martyr is Me


It was the year 2023 and the world markets have all but collapsed. The United States fell into a state of utter panic due to the ensuing financial crisis, eventually devolving into the militant state known as the Federal Supreme Union.

Trampling over the liberties their predecessor’s had sought to protect, the FSU ruled with an iron fist. With the financial security acquired through their dictatorial reign, the FSU ‘acquired’ their worse off neighbors: Canada and Mexico; both of which had been suffering from crushing debt. With their addition, the North American Union was born and the livelihood of the new government assured.

Current state of the union - things have been smooth at least from the government's stand point, population control is fine, the country as a whole is economically successful, something that hasn't happened in a while....... but something is wrong a new terrorist has appeared. With the iron fist of the government ruling it was supposed to be impossible for a terrorist to be able to act, but one has. This person has been bombed several government buildings and vehicles leaving behind quotes from the founding fathers of U.S. question the government it's self. Several dozen imprisonments have been made but the attacks have not ended. There have been seven attack to date and general population is starting to realize something is happening. This individual or group of individuals must be brought to justice.

You - You are a current student at San Remonto High School located in southern San Francisco, California. You may be in any grade freshman through senior, a young student teacher, or even possibly a young college kid taking special classes at the high school. You are allowed to have hobbies that might developed later on but in no way are special skills. Your character is the run of the mill average young "adult" who would probably get their ass handed to them by an average police officer and such.

Other nonessential information

World News -

China -

As their economy increased it became increasingly hard to stop capitalism and the spread of new ideas so during a series of riots and one of most peaceful and successful uprising China became a more democratic nation and renamed it's self as the People's Democratic Republic of China(PDRC).

Europe -

Through successfully working together as the European Union most of Europe was able to avoid economic collapse and built greater ties with each other even forming the Multi-National Military Forces(MNMF).

Russia -

During economic crisis Russia was suppressed once again into a more dictator like government under the control of Putin though not as oppressive as other dictatorships but still a very controlling government none the less.

(I will add more world info later and FYI spoilers are being a pain)

Character Skelly -






Hobbies:(three at most)


(no I won't ask for a personality but I do hope you have a clear one in mind and if you are unstable with the character's personality I will get on your butt for it)

(Thanks to Pristine Dark who helped revise and create the opening to this rp)
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Name: Kassadi Loesermann

Nickname: Seven

Age: 17


Ethnicity: German-Celtic-American

Hobbies: Collecting, Reading Mystery Novels , Cryptography

Background: Kassadi, upon casual observance, appears to be an energetic, respectful, well-spoken young woman. She has joined a great many groups and clubs with activities ranging from sports, to debates and discussions, to technical engineering.

Despite all of her apparent interaction however, very few know her by anything more personal than her name. Having transferred into San Remonto HS from out of state, Kassadi has been around for less than a year. Seemingly more content to read through her collection of vintage Sherlock Holmes novels than to make plans with others, others are often left feeling as if there is something a bit off with her. While she often appears to understand the activities for which she is engaged, her results have always been average or just above; This, coupled with her somewhat disengaged attitude towards all of the optional groups she is involved with often leaves others feeling as if her effort is merely perfunctory.

Though she appears perfectly healthy and normal, Kassidi often excuses herself from classes and activities to attend an ‘experimental gene silencing treatment’ at a nearby clinic to manage the symptoms of her early-onset Huntington’s disease.

(((May edit in a more indepth background later)))
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Character Skelly -

Name: Lilliana Petrova

Nickname: Lily

Age: 16

Appearance: Lily has long brown curly hair and dark brown eyes. She is very petite and pale, always wearing a cloak over her in sunlight because she is an albino.


Ethnicity: White/Hispanic

Hobbies: Singing and Horseback Riding

Background: Lily has always been the shy girl, ever since she was born she was never very talkative. She is 16 now and with age her condition is getting worse. She also has a bit of a temper at times, but only if you make her angry. She was born an albino with crimson eyes, but over the years they have faded to brown. Lily never really had any real friends, most of them would either lie to her, or just befriend her for the sheer fun of messing with her head. She is very nieve and easy to trick.

Mikayla Annamarie Richards


Kay, Kayla







Art, Dance, Theatre


Mikayla has grown up in a rather wealthy family and is spoiled rotten. In school she is the popular girl and doesn't take anyone's sh*t. At home she is a precious little angel but has an attitude about certain things. But beneath both of these traits she is a shy, quiet person who enjoys being alone. She was always like that as a child. She never even spoke until she was six years old. When she did though, she had good reason for it. Her kindergarten teacher had slapped her across the face and in a quiet voice she said her first words, "Ow. That hurt." After that she built a wall around herself and became the popular girl.
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Name: Tyler Nicodemus Snow

Nickname: Ty

Age: 17


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/tumblr_ld4z7o6X371qe4nyno1_500.png.d9ec6d4b924e4eead1e76d6e0bf22af8.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1530" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/tumblr_ld4z7o6X371qe4nyno1_500.png.d9ec6d4b924e4eead1e76d6e0bf22af8.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ethnicity: White, American, whatever you want to call it.

Hobbies: He's learning guitar, taking voice lessons for singing, and taking martial arts

Background: Tyler has had one hell of a good life. He's never been without friends, hell, everyone loves him. He's always just been the kid that no one can resist. He has never been stuck up or spoiled, and hangs out with everyone, from the lowest of the low to the most popular kids in school. He's always fit in everywhere. He's always been a model student too, never arguing with the teachers, always doing his work and such. He's always had to work for what he wants, but he doesn't really need anything that he doesn't have. He has a car, which he paid for himself. He has a guitar, and he pays for his own lessons. He takes chorus at school, so he gets the voice lessons free, and his uncle owns the martial arts studio, so he gets that free too, but he always works hard, and he practices like crazy. He's a really chill and funny guy, and just likes to be around people as a rule.



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(oh oh! I would very much like to join :D whats the limit on how many characters we can have :o just curious)

Name: Annette Rousse

Nickname: Annie or Nini

Age: 16


Ethnicity: Italian-American

Hobbies: archery, gaming, photography (stuff i do lolz)

Background: Annette has always been the smallest (in height and personality) in her family. Shes small and timid and doesnt speak much. Shes just an observer and thinker, a simple person. She lived an average life, through hardships and happy endings, nothing unusual. Despite her quiet nature, when she gets a friend shes very open. Annette is naturally childish and innocent, she loves being around kids and loves sweet things and she can be a little naive.

She took up archery as a hobby when she passed an archery range, watching them do it. She gave it a shot and loved it! As for gaming, she was hooked when her older brothers brought games home, she would play with them and she wasnt bad, she was brought up in a boys world. Photographer grabbed her when she would play with her father's camera, after getting a part time job, she was able to afford her very own high-tech camera.
(Oh okie :D and if we're off on the ratio of biys to girls, id be more than happy to make another need character :3)
(Okie ill stick with one :D and srry, my internethas been down and im relyjng on my school wifi haa)
Name: Casper Othello

Nickname: Cas

Age: 17



Ethnicity: British-American.


-Playing the Viola

-Weird British Hobbies. {He speaks with a British accent.}

Background: {Meh, It will be revealed. (Which means Im in the process of writing it.)}
Name: Kesia Kennedy

Nickname: Kessi

Age: 16 year young, her 17th birthday is just around the corner!


Ethnicity: Caucasian, American

Hobbies: Writing (poetry, short stories, lyrics), drawing (realism), and playing the ukulele.

Background: Kesia had always been a relatively shy girl, mainly keeping to herself. Not to say she had never talked, however, she is fully capable of having conversations with people as long as they're the ones who start talking first. Kesia has always had a crush on Tyler, she admired his personality and how he didn't need anything other than what he already had; unfortunately, she couldn't ever work up the courage to even talk to him. As for school, Kesia keeps up her good grades in all of her classes except her math class, due to the fact she is unable to memorize formulas and remember when she needs to use them.
Name: Gideon M. LaFleur

Nickname: Luck

Age: 17

Appearance: Gideon

Ethnicity: Cajun French

Hobbies: Magic tricks, swimming, tinkering on electronics.

Background: Gideon grew up in the bayous of southern Louisiana, raised predominantly by his mother Alisa. His father Claude was a captain in the military so he was gone for long periods of time. He spent most of his time teaching himself magic tricks and fiddling with technology available to him. Right before Gideon started his senior year his father got a promotion which sent them to San Fransico, California where he enrolled in San Remonto High School to finish his senior year.
St. Nicholas Cage - Accepted!

Name: Peter Feller

Nickname: Pet(Peat)




Ethnicity: American

Hobbies: Baseball, old literature

Background: He has lived a normal life with a middle class family somewhere in the suburbs of San Francisco. Nothing really stands out about him and he just seems to disappear into the crowd despite his athletic features. His father is a lawyer and his mother is a nurse. He says he has a younger brother with special needs so he will sometime disappear for "family emergencies". He is a transfer student in his senior year who just switched to this school at the beginning of the semester. 
IN CHARACTER IS UP! All who have been accepted are free to post! Here it is

Lilliana Petrova




St. Nicholas Cage


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