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The sun was shining high overhead, but it wasn't too hot as the Winsome Lass pulled into port. The crew departed taking with them various crates and boxes. Most were leaving for the rest of the season; having other tasks that need their attention or just taking much needed R&R. The Winsome Lass was a merchant ship with 6 cannons on the deck. As a figurehead at the very front was a woman holding out her hands. She had long, wind-swept hair. As a Captain Marguerite posted flyers about the winsome lass needing some new crew for the necesary trip to the white city, Prisidia in Mysterios. That was a few hours ago. The sun has dipped a bit since then, it being cooler now. There stood Captain Winstrom Marguerite, in his flowing white cloak and merchant findery. His first mate, Zoe Mcconal, was overseeing the loading of crates. Those who knew the Captain, knew that he wasnt fond of many superstitions, like it being bad luck to have a woman on board, let alone two. He did have a few superstitions. All captains did, and other sailors did, too. Zoe had red top and breeches with a brown coat left open and a white sash. The boatswain Shana helped the dockhands with the actual loading. Shana wore a black bandana and black sailor garb, with only a white sash to indicate her rank.
Daris Laverne looked at the flyer asking for help on board a merchant ship Winsome Lass. He hadn't been apart of a crew in a long not since what happened on Camila.

He wore a dark blue tunic with a bit of his chest exposed, and light black pants. He wore a light blue do rag on his head covering his blonde hair but more importantly his unwanted heritage. His eyes were as green as a forest. Strapped to his side was his old captain's rapier.

He stopped infront of the docks and admired the ship. She seemed sturdy and well maintained. Definitely loved by her crew. Turning he saw the dock hands working on loading the ship.

"Excuse me. Do you all need any help?" He asked moving closer to them.
The captain was about to speak, to be beaten to the punch by first mat Zoe, "We are looking for strong backs with a good head on their shoulders."
"Well last I check my head was still attached to my shoulders." He said putting on a cheerful smile. Turning he looked at the person he assumed was the captain. "You have a lovely ship. I've spent most of my life on a ship like this." He said there was a sadness in his eyes. "I'll offer myself if you'd have me."
The sea elf could not avoid the stares and glances sent his way. Pure teal colored eyes which seemed to almost glow in the fading light of the day glanced from the posting for help for the Winsome Lass to his reflection in the window of a building adjacent to the posting board.

Bright almond shaped pure teal eyes with the typical angular features that belonged to all of elven kind but with skin of a light sea green color gazed back at him. He wore an ornate head wrap of a deep blue with gold thread with strands of his forest green hair escaping out. He wore a green hooded poncho over simple brown leather-like pants and jacket, with a distinctive ritual sickle strapped to one thigh and a long knife on the other. He carried a travelling satchel strapped across his body.

He turned to gaze across the city square at this city which he remembered to be a lot smaller the last time he was here over one hundred years ago when he visited the place as a child accompanying his mother, a Hierophant Druid of great distinction. One of the ruling council of Druids across the world.

He on one hand marveled at the extraordinary productivity of humanity and how fast they grow, and yet found the rancid smell of the air in the city and the human settlement's utter disregard of nature disturbing and disquieting. One day in this place was enough for him. His father had warned him of these places, but also told him that these were the best places to be able to find a ship to go on elsewhere. The sea elf decided was ready to leave this place of human smell and refuse, and obey the calling of the power within him to follow the winds and waves of the sea beyond.

Ignoring the stares of the children of the city as well as others he glanced at the posting again and proceeded towards the docks, his tall thin form casting sharp pointed shadows in the setting sunlight. He paused at the sight of the sea beyond, feeling the breeze on his face, calling him home. He resisted the urge just to run and dive in and under, to find solace under the cool salty sea. He asked one of the local dock officials as to the location of the Winsome Lass and they pointed him towards where the merchant ship rested. He walked over and came upon the ongoing exchange between an ebon garbed man and whom he presumed was the captain and an officer of the ship, and patiently waited his turn to speak.
The first mate laughed and said to the ebon-garbed man, "I can see that your head is attached but can you use it? He laughed again. "Seriously though, as long as you are willing and able to do the work, we will be grateful to have you." Meanwhile, the captain looked at the elf, "may I help you?"
The elf nods and bows speaking in a measured common tongue. "Good evening, my name is Avel Suru...First Circle Druid of the Green Tide Grove, like this fellow here I too saw your post and I seek to join your crew ." With a wave of his hand a slight breeze forms around them briefly, ruffling his poncho some. (Prestidigitation)

The sea elf continued "I have served on several ships in my century of growing up, I can see clearly in darkness as well as can see through any fog, cloud, or weather. I can breath in water and am a natural swimmer." He holds up a webbed hand. "I am also a trained healer and can use magic to heal as well as to defend myself and my crew. " His raised webbed hand started to emit some electrical arcs and the turned frosty cold, before fading back to normal.
"Then you'll have me." He said smiling before giving a little bow. "Daris Laverne at your service." He said before turning to see the sea elf. He hesitantly nodded at Avel before grabbing the cargo and putting it onto the ship.
The Captain says to the elf, "Sounds like we'd be lucky to have you. You aren't averse to hard work are you." The first mate says to jagson's character, "Get to loading, then."
Avel raised a questioning eyebrow. "Life is hard Captain. Life at sea is very hard, as you well know. The world at sea is not as tamed as it is on the land, there are no laws at see to keep others from doing evil. The predators, above and below, are plentiful and less known. Food and fresh water is not as available to surface folk. The storms are stronger. There is no shelter, no other protection on the sea other than you ship and even then that can be no match for the sea itself and the storms it brings. A ship and its crew are a community formed in order to survive on the sea. A ship's crew is symbiotic, in order to survive in the sea everyone on the ship has to do their part Captain. Everyone has to pull their fair share of work, everyone has to protect the ship otherwise any shelter and sustenance will be gone and we will die. To me Captain, if I am not working on a ship at sea, I am preparing to become one with the world again, and I am not ready for that. If there are crew on your ship who do not work, please Captain tell me so I can look for another ship and not a floating coffin."
Avel nodded at the Captain. "Very Good, what do you want me to do Captain?"
Daris looks down at the cargo he was carrying than looked at the first mate. He nodded slowly. "Where am I putting this?" He asked her as he stepped onto the boat.
Daris looks down at the cargo he was carrying than looked at the first mate. He nodded slowly. "Where am I putting this?" He asked her as he stepped onto the boat.
to daris: "Shana will show you. she is the one loading with the white sash."

to avel: "grab a crate and report to Shana. The sooner we get loaded the sooner we can head out." He points at the woman described earlier.
The sea elf nods, adjusts his gear and clothing so he can carry things easily, and the proceeds to join the rest of the crew in loading the ship by grabbing a crate and then walking over to Shana with a slight nod of respect. "The Captain requested I report to you. Where should I put this?"
Shana: "follow me." she walks down the stairs, past the cabins and sets down her crate. There are a number of crates there covered by a net of some sort. Some of the crates were also secured by straps. She lifted the net's weight, setting it on a hook, then picking up the crate and setting it under the net. "I don't know who put the net down. It should remain up until all the cargo has been loaded."
The tilted teal eyes glanced this way and that as they moved down through the ship as Avel started to familiarize himself with the ship's arrangement, and then over at the boatswain at her comment, nodding and setting his own box under the raised net. He took a look at the boxes under the net including the one he set down looking for any markings or words on them. He glanced at Daris and then over at Shana as he stood beside her.

"What sort of goods does the ship transport? Is there more cargo to load?"
What we transport varies day to day. Whatever is needed and someone is willing to pay for. And there's not much left." As they spoke, a dockhand loaded a crate. (if you want to get out on the ship, we can go after daris' crate. daris can pretend he already talked to Shana).
Daris moved towards the human he believed her name was Shana. He kept quite listening to the elf and human speak. Once he saw an opening he spoke. "Excuse me Mam. Where should I place this?" He asked indicating the crate he was carrying.
Avel nods at Shana and Daris as the crate is set down. "Ok, what is next? What would you like us to do now? Is there a place we can put our things and set up our hammock or are we going to do that later?"
"I can show you the general quarters now. Follow me." Shana walks out of the cargo hold and around the corner. At the end of the hall, just before the stairs she opens the door. In it are chests, bunks, and places to hang hammocks. "You have your pick of bunk or you can hang a hammock if you prefer, since you are our first non-officer crew member here. You can stow your belongings in a chest. You are free to lock if if you brought a lock, but you will open it if an officer requests it. Remember, we are not responsible for anything that gets stolen or lost. You may keep whatever you find. Our last crew was supposed to have taken everything out by now. My room is across the hall. I don't entertain visitors, but if you must bother an officer, I'd prefer it was me. I will take it to the Captain or First Mate if I decide their attention is required. Any other questions?"
As they descended into the darker bowls of the ship, the sea elf's teal eyes seemed to almost glow and dark blue and pink lines of bioluminescence began to appear on either side of his face. The sea elf nods and proceeds to pick a place suitable place near the outer hull, out of the way. He removed his poncho and set it in his designated chest. Underneath he wore a leather jacket. He placed his travelling satchel in the chest and pulled out a small lock and locked the chest with a key he had tied around his neck. He still have a belt pouch on of which he checked to make sure he had the necessary materials to perform his magic if need be. He tightened the straps for his sickle and long knife on either of his thighs and then proceeded back to Shana, curious. "Is the crew turnover usual? Did something happen that caused the officers to want to change over the crew?"
As they descended into the darker bowls of the ship, the sea elf's teal eyes seemed to almost glow and dark blue and pink lines of bioluminescence began to appear on either side of his face. The sea elf nods and proceeds to pick a place suitable place near the outer hull, out of the way. He removed his poncho and set it in his designated chest. Underneath he wore a leather jacket. He placed his travelling satchel in the chest and pulled out a small lock and locked the chest with a key he had tied around his neck. He still have a belt pouch on of which he checked to make sure he had the necessary materials to perform his magic if need be. He tightened the straps for his sickle and long knife on either of his thighs and then proceeded back to Shana, curious. "Is the crew turnover usual? Did something happen that caused the officers to want to change over the crew?"
it is usual toward the end of the season. People have various reasons. Family. Business ventures. Other reasons. You'd have to ask them.
"I'm sure there are plenty of people who would perfer the sea to their family." Daris said as he walked to the bunks and claimed the top bunk.

He turned back to the elf and officer walking towards them "What can I do to be useful around here?" He asked.

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