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OOC Little Talks

btw, has anyone seen dungeon meshi on netflix?

Another question (but related to the RP), did the literature about dragons have anything about potential weak points in the dragon's scales? Got the idea from Dungeon Meshi.
Just about what you'd expect. The underbelly area, which is nowhere near as armored, though at the same time it's not typically exposed, either. Aside from that, the head - eyes and the brain behind them, the mouth itself is a potential weak point while open. The wings are a weak point in terms of movement and agility, though particularly large ones benefit from needing more damage to disable them, however crippling the wings would still leave one with a powerful, as well as enraged, grounded threat.

I'm really sorry. :/ I didn't log in for a few days. And then I still didn't log in for a few days more. And then I skidded along in a patch of not logging in and not doing much of anything creativity-wise and now I've got over a hundred alerts and apparently "a few days" somehow turned into over a month and catching up feels more overwhelming than I'd been afraid of. I'll do my best but I don't know how good that's going to be, if any good at all.
I know what that's like. Don't beat yourself up over it, I am overall saddened by the lack of progress while at the same time understanding little can be done. I'm mainly thankful that the few of you haven't disappeared altogether, even while realizing that the longer this situation persists, the greater the risk becomes *whine*

At this point I am well in favor of quantity over quality, at least for as long as it takes to get through this bit.
Uhhh. So. I'd really love to get things moving along again - I don't like how "out of it" I am feeling. I see that Parrot Parfait Parrot Parfait has posted, and I suppose Kaerri Kaerri is actually just channeling the spell so she doesn't need to make a reply apart from wanting to. What about you, Rekai Leon Rekai Leon ? Are you with us?
Thanks for posting, Kaerri. I think from now on, as long as we're at this low player count, I'll update things as soon as we're 2/3 ready. Rekai Leon Rekai Leon seems to be experiencing difficulties if he's not even able to check in OOC wise 😅

Sorry for this lousy first half of 2024, I'm really going to make an effort to get things up to speed, assuming you two (maybe even three if Rekai comes around) are up for it. Thanks for sticking around, too... :c *woof*
Would like to get the ball a rollin' again if we can, especially with the current altercation 0_0
Faron is currently still chanting the spell, so I would say it'd be safe to move a step forward under the assumption Faron will continue and finish his spell unless Rekai Leon Rekai Leon objects. Also, if we do move on, Rekai Leon Rekai Leon will have a lot more to write about with the golem active as opposed to still being stuck in chanting :3

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