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    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Left Alone Lore & Chat( 2 slots open!)



Dame of the Moon's Darkness
Roleplay Type(s)


If you guys were wondering, there is a certain amount of food, and water supplies that were sealed away for our groups. They just have to locate and open the chest that contains them. Though the destroyed labs possibly didn't have the chance to look into it due to being rushed to leave the place. And if you are wondering about the weapons, they are stored in a side container by each pod. With your personal bags that you created before being put to sleep!


As our characters are finding out the Earth has long since changed in the years that passed during their cryo-sleep. Nature has overtaken a great deal of the world and now huge lush forests. There are also many bodies of water, some crystal clear, others hiding dangerous toxins that may not even be able to be boiled out. You will also come across desert wastelands, and terrain far colder than any place you may have ever been to in the old world! There are also an endless amount of new strange creatures that roam the new world. Some places still hold remanences of the old world and then other parts seem almost like something you'd see in a fairytale.

Looking at the map, you can see the different biomes are marked by color if you don't know something about the type of biome you can ask me or look it up.

Triangle Flags - These are the labs that were destroyed whether it was due to internal conflicts or nature taking its toll. Only 2 survivors emerge from each triangle-flagged post. So in total, there are 8 'loners'. They have been awake longer than those in the Rectangle Flagged Labs. They could also be actual loners if they decided to split up from the people they had been with.

If you don't want to think of a way with your group partner as to how your labs were destroyed. Below you can find ways for each of the 'Destroyed Labs'

* Hearts Lab: The cold temperatures that Hearts Lab landed in tampered with the coldness of the Cryopods freezing the other three members of the Hearts Group to
death instead of just keeping them in a cool sleep.

* Spades Lab:
Though the lab was sealed and waterproof, what destroyed the lab was two Yuntan's looking for food and wondering what the strange building was.
Drowning was the doom that meet the other 3 members of Spades.

* Aces Lab: There was some sort of strange malfunction in the Aces Lab that woke 2 of the members up early and fried the other 3 members.

* Diamonds Lab: The hot temperatures around the Diamonds Lab, made 3 of the cryo pods freeze up and cut off the oxygen within the pods.

Rectangle Flags - These are the labs that survived fully and these 4 groups are about to venture out into the world to try and survive whatever they may find. Each group will have 5 members.

Now if you wish to have a loner character then you can choose to have your character break from its current group on purpose or get lost. Just let me know or have it in your character sheet in the proper place.

So in total, there are only 28 people remaining in this world. (Unless I feel a need to increase/decrease this amount)


Travel Times

Aces to Kings - about 60 miles.

Aces to Queens - about 70 miles.

Aces to Jokers - about 130 miles.

Aces to Hearts - about 170 miles.

Aces to Diamonds - about 140 miles.

Aces to Jacks - about 130 miles.

Aces to Spades - about 170 miles.
Spades to Aces - about 170 miles.

Spades to Hearts - about 350 miles.

Spades to Diamonds - about 100 miles.

Spades to Kings - about 220 miles.

Spades to Queens - about 280 miles.

Spades to Jacks - about 100 miles.

Spades to Jokers - about 240 miles.
Hearts to Spades - about 350 miles.

Hearts to Aces - about 170 miles.

Hearts to Diamonds- about 250 miles.

Hearts to Kings - about 150 miles.

Hearts to Queens - about 140 miles.

Hearts to Jacks - about 320 miles.

Hearts to Jokers - about 230 miles.
Diamonds to Spades - about 100 miles.

Diamonds to Aces - about 140 miles.

Diamonds to Hearts - about 250 miles.

Diamonds to Kings - about 150 miles.

Diamonds to Queens - about 220 miles.

Diamonds to Jacks - about 100 miles.

Diamonds to Jokers - about 180 miles.
Kings to Spades - about 220 miles.

Kings to Aces - about 60 miles.

Kings to Hearts - about 150 miles.

Kings to Diamonds - about 150 miles.

Kings to Queens - about 60 miles.

Kings to Jacks - about 150 miles.

Kings to Jokers - about 110 miles.
Queens to Spades - about 280 miles.

Queens to Aces - about 70 miles.

Queens to Hearts - about 140 miles.

Queens to Diamonds - about 220 miles.

Queens to Kings - about 60 miles.

Queens to Jacks - about 200 miles.

Queens to Jokers - about 170 miles.
Jacks to Spades - about 100 miles.

Jacks to Aces - about 130 miles.

Jacks to Hearts - about 320 miles.

Jacks to Diamonds - about 100 miles.

Jacks to Kings - about 150 miles.

Jacks to Queens - about 200 miles.

Jacks to Jokers - about 190 miles.
Jokers to Spades - about 240 miles.

Jokers to Aces - about 130 miles.

Jokers to Hearts - about 230 miles.

Jokers to Diamonds - about 180 miles.

Jokers to Kings - about 110 miles.

Jokers to Queens - about 170 miles.

Jokers to Jacks - about 190 miles.


Lab Layout
This would be the basic floor plan of the labs. And yes there are three doors leading outside!! XD

The Table in the room would have files on everyone and their known abilities along with information on the lab and what it contains.

The Hidden container is either hidden within a wall or the floor and simply needs to be touched by one of the experiments to come out. It is 3ft in length and 2ft deep.

The closet has a variety of clothes in the sizes of each experiment for what they may need.

The medical room has a variety of medical supplies that they can use. Ranging from simple bandages and medicines. To healing packs that are able to be broken and poured over wounds rebuilding the skin and closing the wounds. However, there are only 5 of these packs due to the short time to make more and needing to spread the made ones to the other labs.

Experiment Types

You may be wondering what kind of powers/mutations if you will, your character can have. This isn't really limited, as they were preparing for the world to end some highly frowned upon experiments were conducted on these selected people. So your characters can have shifting abilities, they can rebuild themselves, and be immune to all types of things, below I will have down a few powers/mutations, that you can have with possible limits on them. So if you are wondering if maybe your character's powers/mutations are too OP, just ask. I will also let you know if I find them to be to OP, but you also have to remember they are in a world full of things that are well rather OP so you have a decent leeway here.

Animal shifting - You may only have 2 animal forms, keep the animals realistic from the previous world, please.

Regeneration - lease put down what it takes for them to regenerate. More food, falling into a small coma-like state, being super weak after a while...etc.

Nanotech- Don't get super crazy. Make it specific as to what your nanotech specializes in. Weapon creation, possible healing, building house-like structures, rebuilding other tech...etc.

Immunity - Do not make your character untouchable! You may have up to 2 types of immunity, but one must be weaker than the other.

Elemental power - You may have up to 2 types, but one must be weaker than the other.

Creation - Being able to create things with your mind, can be a power, but it will be limited! If you want this a power/mutation but aren't sure how to limit it, ask and I will help.

Teleportation - This will be allowed, but make it limited by distance, energy consumption, or visual.

Gravity - This is allowed, but please do not use it against other characters unless with permission for a plot. Have it limited by time and size of what they are increasing pressure on or off of.

Mimicry - Limit this to either power, voice, or appearance, and remember as it is only a mimic of these things. It will not be as strong as the original.


Things not allowed

Power Siphoning of others(if you want to have a character that takes power from technology to transfer it, that is allowed)




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All images used are simply references for what the creatures/plants look like. There can be variations for all plants and creatures, whether it be color or sometimes size. If you want to bring in your own creature or plant have some sort of visual for it and also lore set up how I do that way everyone knows about it if needed!

There are a lot of new threats in the world now, creatures and plants have mutated and changed. Then there are new creatures and plants that have seemingly been born into this world and no one knows where they came from. Here is a list of creatures that you can use for reference if you like. If you wish to bring in a different creature or plant be sure to send me an image with details about what it does!

5f646a47bc50e957b51a0337aa7dbc60.jpgShovi - This terrifying creature blends in with the water, the only telling sign is its 6 red glowing eyes. But the waters they travel in are very very dark so even then they are hard to spot before it's too late. Ever so often they may venture up to more shallow waters.

Location/s: Deepest waters of lakes, seas, and oceans.

images.jpgKi - A large sea beast that is somewhat like an eel. Instead of an electric shock though, their bodies produce large amounts of heat and lava that burn their prey to death.

Location/s: Seas and oceans.

d5hmb31-9669690d-9e08-4e5e-ac8d-120da0bf9fed.jpgKriller - These huge shrimp beasts are super fast and their many claws and teeth can kill their victims with ease.

Location/s: Deep Lakes, seas, and oceans.

f7d705ec915cf35e2c56b3a2aac8a684.jpgCritoe - A large squid creature with very powerful tentacles that can crush or suffocate its victims.

Location/s: Any large and deep body of water.

hqdefault.jpgExotra - Their deadly due to the fact that they can venture onto land for short periods of time. Plus their front fangs are long and super sharp.

Location/s: Lakes and rivers, on land sometimes, but always near water.

011fdf32eb59c488a2e5d4cddcbc058c.jpgYuntan - These beasts are hard to spot and hard to kill. Their body is made out of tough plating that looks like rocks. Making them have some of the most perfect camouflage in the deep of the ocean.

Location/s: Oceans.

f520318dc8f8ac08bf7ee4e292f3a301.jpgValot - These creatures are fast and aggressive, but few as their young are often targeted but other creatures. The gem-like glowing parts on the underbelly of this beast's body are strange and high in nutrients. So other creatures crave them as one can last them days as a meal.

Location/s: Oceans.

images (1).jpgRolem - This creature tends to only roam around during the night. They can't see, but their sense of smell is incredible. While they tend to not be extremely aggressive they are still deadly. Their front feet are sharp long claws that are perfect for digging but also dangerous should one turn against you say you fall into its hole. They are very territorial creatures and will even kill each other is they are not welcomed into their burrows beforehand. Also, their holes are deep and can hurt or kill something if they fall into one.

Location/s: Grasslands, hot and cold deserts, savannas.

65fdd4416a8e45e52df29d9f7a057309.jpgScalen - A large hardened worm-like creature that lives in the sandy wasteland and in very dry dirt-filled places. If you get caught in its mouth it's likely you are dead meat.

Location/s: Hot and cold deserts, savannas.

tyler-smith-alienaligator01.jpgKilmilman - These creatures are about the size of a fox at their largest. They have a long sticky tongue that is filled with small sharp teeth making it worse to try and pry off. The front of the tongue stabs into the victim and then the rest wraps around dragging its prey to its sharp poison-filled teeth. Don't worry if you are too big to fit into its mouth, the poison will kill you while it slowly begins to eat you.

Location/s: Any kind of forest or rainforest.

64842a9227e0e48617fe85bdfaaa7fa4.jpgDomra - These creatures are fast and intelligent like what raptors were thought to be. They are bipeds with hard scaly bodies and a mouth full of teeth. They move in groups of 3 or 5. They have a very good sense of smell and can move through thick forests with ease.

Location/s: Taiga, Grasslands, Forests of any kind

9b6d40819ddacb6b8bdc92ab567bb6b7.jpgFrozi - These long-necked creatures live in the colder areas of the world. They thrive as the cold has no effect on them and they are able to freeze their prey just by breathing on them.

Location/s: Glacier/icelands, Tundra, Cold deserts

6c2677b6e3439986bf0fea03eb0b3a45.jpgValctor - Unlike its friendly counterpart, this large turtle goes about life destroying lands and leaving a burnt trail in its wake. They are massive and practically unkillable, best to avoid them at all costs.

Location/s: Hot Deserts

image-asset.jpegShwamki - These winged beasts are fast on land and in water. Their wings allow them to fly and swim with ease and their long necks help them snatch up their prey. If that weren't enough they have a poison pocket under their necks that they can use to spit at their prey. The poison doesn't kill the prey but it does slowly paralyze them.

Location/s: Swampy/wetlands or Tropical Rainforests.

d7mw3ls-6f14fd10-4376-4828-b7c4-2d7b6fd200c9.jpgTaljic - These large black birds blend in the shadows and they have long sharp beaks that can stab through armor. They are also able to mimic just about any sound they have heard, you can only tell the difference if you get close enough, and usually, that's too close.

Location/s: Mountains, Caves, Rockys areas.

5fbadd509d28f944fa2d3a31dccaa5b0.jpgZerif - A strange half-dead creature that lurks in the night. They are about the size of a wolf and tracked by the smell of blood as half the time their eyes do not work.

Location/s: Dark forests, caves

img.jpgMantr - These flying beasts are deadly in number as they are always found in large groups. Their four long prongs that extend out of their bodies can stab into prey and also clutch onto it, locking in place so another can stab and kill the prey. Their bodies are also hard like stone, making their victim's attempt at breaking free harder.

Location/s: In the skies and grasslands

c899a275f0aaa971f4b57d6eb86d6ad6.jpgVampri - These creatures are the stuff of nightmares. They only move at night and are attracted to the smell of blood and the sound of frantic heartbeats. They also have a stinger at the end of their tail that can paralyze their victim for about a minute, which is more than long enough for them to begin eating you alive.

Locations/s: In the skies, in trees, and caves.

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435a6f8909a3869c3c2fdc2fb3fdcf31.jpgLantis - A huge praying mantis-like creature that has a paralyzing toxin in its clawed front feet. They usually knock out their prey and lay their eggs in the poor creature. Once the victim has awakened they have no clue that they are going to die once the babies hatch from inside them.

Location/s: Forests, Rain Forests, Swap/Wetlands

b83290d6e486f3d0e6581b491e437c33.jpgArchqua - Huge spiky spiders, their entire body is covered in poison and their fangs carry death.

Location/s: Dark Caves and Rocky areas.

e1f1d0448c29c2bdec9400c9093cc4bf.jpgCeniti - These huge bugs are sneaky and fast and their mouths have a strong bite. If they get their body wrapped around their prey, it is likely death that meets the prey.

Location/s: Forests and Rain Forests

41120e49312e457d623f4c1352b7f021.jpgVinter - These plant-like creatures are often laying down, burying themselves slightly to look like large roots. They wait till their prey is close enough and then attack. Their sharp teeth are able to bite through just about anything. A key giveaway that you are approaching a Vinter is the red beetles in the picture. They are attracted to the gems that are found on the Vinter and those gems can be smashed into a powder that heals wounds.

Location/s: Forests of all kinds and sometimes grasslands.

d3117131cdf681acedeeb4349c9d74b3.pngCharmus - These large living flowers let out a gas that attracts prey, leading the prey in a hazed state to fall victim to them. Those with strong minds aren't so easily tricked. If the Charmus gets its glowing tongue wrapped around you, then you better be quick to cut it off. Not only does it have paralyzing aspects it is sticky and hard to rip off.

Location/s: Forests of all kinds, be careful it can move about freely.

Quenus.pngQuenus - This creature is deadly because it can mimic a person or creature screaming for help. Once its target is close enough the mouth lining its body latches on its prey drawing it in and the acid on the inside of its mouth eats away at its prey while they are alive. The only good thing is they aren't the fastest and there aren't a lot of them.

Location/s: Forest of all kinds, wetlands.

4284ca920848bbd2dd2bafe3cd6a09ca.jpgSmoker - This plant lets off a toxic smoke that slowly paralyzes you, before killing you after inhaling too much of it. By slowly, I mean you're going to die in a matter of 30 minutes if you're lucky.

Location/s: Hot deserts, rocky areas, lava mountains.

Tarfa.pngTarfa - This plant may look pleasant and all, but it actually poisons waters and plants with a 4foot radius. Thankfully there aren't a lot of these plants and they grow to be about 2 feet tall.

Location/s: On the outer parts of a forest or near waters

rgoiejge.pngIceroom - This plant is like a mushroom, but if it feels heat or gets too warm it will explode sending out a freezing blast that can kill small creatures and give permanent frostbite to larger creatures. Since is it rare to find them in large groups you should be safe to a degree. But if you trip and fall face-first you are likely to die.

Location/s: Cold Desert and icelands.

trswaretbyrtj456.pngBrufy - This strange but pretty flower has killed many animals and possibly even humans who may have awakened from other labs before the rest of the group. They are attracted to the fruit within it, but those berries are nothing but poison.

Location/s: Forests of all kinds, but the rainer the area the more there are. Cold deserts, and sometimes in the Icelands.

hfkjjkhl;.pngFyr - These plants may look simple, but their glowing flower-like petals hold a burn. If these touch your skin you end up with a rash. If the spot that came in contact isn't taken care of properly it begins to burn away at your skin.

Location/s: These can be found in ponds, lakes, and near bodies of water.

Image_80272.jpgPromal - This beautiful glowing flower should never be touched, its poison will eat away at a person's skin and cause them to fall into a high-fevered coma. But if you can find its counterpart then they will be saved.

Location/s: Forests of all kinds and grasslands

fantasy-plant-forest-digital-illustration-landscape-226509363.jpgLyta - This plant attracts things to it due to its glowing, the color being bright, and like flames. But it has a toxic air around it when it releases small particles that put people into a sleeping coma and if you are not pulled away from it you will sleep yourself to death.

Location/s: Warm forest areas, not anywhere near water.

PlantsDisplayShot_1135.jpgTharma - You will always know when you are coming up on this plant because it has a very foul smell. The fumes that it releases can shut a creature's heart down if too much is inhaled.

Location/s: This can be found in caves and darker parts of forests. Does not like or thrive in sunshine.
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These are creatures and plants that will be helpful to you even if they may look like a threat. There are even some of these creatures that you can turn into pets, either for use or just to have a companion.

fb9b4d93962e9e2423c687bcac4a500d.jpgLozi - They may be huge but gentle and only eat plants. If someone is lost they help. If there is a storm and they are trapped in the water, the Lozi with 'eat' them and bring them to safety. They just sit in its mouth and it spits them up at a safe location.

Location/s: Oceans and seas

eafbc13e3ad0fced1fde65ae7122962e.jpgAquhir - Horse-like creatures that save people and can form an air bubble around their bodies and those riding them. They are very fast and are able to avoid almost all predators, so best hold on tight.

Location/s: All large or deep bodies of water.

maxresdefault (1).jpgTortisle - Huge turtles that hold islands on their back if someone or something falls off in the water they rescue the being and place it back on their back as long as it's not a threat.

Location/s: On land near water or in deep waters that hide most of their body.

9651409e084cd7a8a8cca70293192005.pngSiren - These aren't the man killers, they are actually gentle creatures that rescue those that should not be in the water. They also can control other creatures of the waters, though controlling predators is harder than friendly ones. They can speak the human language, but they do not have a human form.

Location/s: Oceans and seas.

f4a285ea694eb77c648ea97d6b694be9.jpgGilfin - These huge sea horse-like creatures are the protectors of Sirens and will also protect and guide humans if needed. Their bodies are covered in hard smooth scales and their tail can be used like a whip. I do not advise harming a Siren unless you wish to die.

Location/s: Oceans and seas.

00c4fd2a0ded0b938ff26d0fb8aa4b83.jpgLeming - These cat creatures are about the size of a fox, but they have healing powers. They are gentle by nature and are rarely hostile unless threatened. They are a very common creature to see.

Location/s: Just about everywhere on land.

d5ju1k4-7bcf8aa1-02be-4eb9-87aa-8e67c151d10f.jpgTigren - These creatures were probably once normal tigers, but have long since changed thanks to the world dying and being reborn. They are able to speak the human tongue.

Location/s: In Forests of all kinds

d5e2cde37e6e14d3f34a6875921ed562.jpgKitso - These creatures are gentle, and can usually tell which plants are okay to eat. But there are a few plants that they can eat that would paralyze or kill people. They also make a loud crying noise when they sense danger and this cry can confuse their attacker. When one calls out others follow suit to help each other escape.

Location/s: In Forests, usually in the trees.

8a3d81b20fac153b996ca5586d48e6c7.jpgAltin - These are probably what were once normal wolves, but now they stand much taller than humans and also speak the human language. They can sometimes come off as a bit aggressive at first, but that's only if they feel the need to protect their pups.

Location/s: These are found in colder areas, they don't care for the heat.

b83dd11a75e3776bd8247ed457771395.jpgLefina - These odd creatures have a neat ability to blend into their surroundings. If you touch one you as well will vanish from the sight and smell of an enemy. They are gentle creatures and can sense if something is a threat to them, but humans are generally not threats.

Location/s: wetlands, forests.

sally_creature_LEAD2.jpgVipra - These may be friendly but they can be just as deadly. They are called Vipras due to the venom in their mouths. For the most part, they aren't a threat unless threatened. They are also rideable and can carry up to two people. So finding them when they are babies and raising them is the best way. They eat a mix of meat and plants. Just don't assume you can eat what they eat.

Location/s: Grasslands, Savannas, Forests

434baa23d25685b2664414d7cdea1fdb (1).jpgTerith - This creature is like a combination of a wolf and tiger, though they don't speak the human language they are very calm and easy to tame. They make for great hunting companions. You will often find them around Tigrens. They are about the size of a large dog, weighing around 160 pounds.

Location/s: Grasslands, Forests.

reindeer-legendary-creature-horse-myth-png-favpng-JLqc0yLukaw7H4VJ05hR5ALCq.jpgDeto - These beautiful creatures are friendly once they get to know you. They are also very helpful when it comes to finding drinkable water and edible foods. Anything they eat or drink is something you can eat or drink.

Location/s: They can be found anywhere, the colder the area the longer fur they have.

09eaa5ff80362206f8a6d996dafe5280--closed-dragon.jpgFrove - These cute green creatures are able to calm down other creatures that may have gone crazy with anger. They have a naturally calming aura.

Location/s: Forests, caves, wetlands.

8c78b499190610350c9bf80930d435fe.jpgGaxziba - These creatures are fast and intelligent as well, they can sense danger from miles away and can be ridden by one person. They are easy to tame if they sense you are strong, but not a threat to them.

Location/s: Grasslands, Savannas.

0efc81992287f0ef3f5d4a588f54cb89.pngBrewol - A strange colorful creature about the size of a blue jay normally, they are attracted to sweet things, and what they find is edible for humans so you never have to worry about being poisoned.

Location/s: Forests, Grasslands, Icelands, Wetlands

0e0f3c2b65184d4e298547f2e8e13713.pngCalfix - These creatures are only out at night, they can lead other creatures to the Hollow Tree. That way they may stay safe at night. If a threat does appear near a Hollow Tree the Calfix blinds the threat then sets it on fire.

Location/s: Mainly in Rainforests where Hollow Trees are.

tumblr_pbpfbollqz1vp2djto1_1280.jpgLokti - These fluffy creatures are able to taste fruits in the air with their tongues. They are very gentle and also very curious. Their tongues are soft and the sticky saliva has healing properties.

Location/s: Forests of all kinds, hate the cold.

random_creature_design___13_dina_norlund__by_rikodabirb_dd8hi16-pre.jpgKrenayt - These cute batish creatures make for good companions as they are able to copy sounds, including voices. This makes them able to relay a message to someone if needed. They also make for a good alarm if an enemy is nearby.

Location/s: Forests or with their human companion.

61020.pngAlicorn - These creatures are able to speak in the human tongue, they are mostly gentle, but can be aggressive. Especially if they are mistreated, then they turn mean and that horn kills their threats. They are thought to be what once were normal horses.

Location/s: They can be found just about anywhere.
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71KgecRRioL._AC_SX466_.jpg515270.jpgHollow Trees - Hollow trees are the safest place to be in a Forest at night, you have the protection of the tree and of the Calfix's. Just don't hold any thoughts of harming anything within the protection. Their glowing forms are easy to find if you know what to look for and they are very powerful trees that can move their roots at they please.

Location/s: In Forests and wetlands

fdxfhygvhlibniuh.pngVyra - This plant is similar to Aloe, however, it will actually heal any kind of wound and cure poison and venom wounds as well.

Location/s: Near waters that are good to drink.

jhutfynipom.pngLavun - These small floating vine-like plants are warming fruits that are edible and the honey-like substance is drinkable. However, it will make you feel like you are drunk if you drink too much. Another plus to this plant is that even if the inner fruit is eaten the leafy husk is still warm and stays warm for months.

Location/s: Hot deserts, near lava, and in Rainforests

goiertorogr.pngCane - This strange spikey-looking plant grows everywhere and it is super sweet. It was named Cane due to reminding others of Sugar Cane. It has a soft fruit-like texture to it and can be smashed into a juice-like substance or a powdered substance once dried.

Location/s: Everywhere but in water and icy areas

59dbc27abb81bf11640c8d24e2c5fc78.pngBelvan - This flower-like tree grows to be as tall as a human. Everything about this plant is useful. Its petals are edible, and its bark can be crushed into a powder that helps get rid of fever. And the leaves at its base hold a cooling agent that gets rid of swelling. The powder-like substance that leaves the base of the tree also keeps things cold for days and if something is put into the base it will freeze.

Location/s: Anywhere that is cold, they thrive in the cold, but sometimes you can find one growing in warm areas.

fantasy-alien-fairy-tree-magic-plant-vector-41554293.jpgSypo - This odd bubbly glowing plant works like soap, its soft flowers bubbling up when put in water and scrubbed against something. They also hold small healing properties. Healing small nicks, cuts, and bruises.

Location/s: Wetlands, near water, Forests

fantasy-magic-red-flower-mushroom-fairy-plant-vector-38878778.jpgKaris - These odd-looking plants let out puffs of smoke that have such a strong scent to most animals it confuses them. They are a good way to lose a predator tracking you. In order to release the smoke her have to squeeze it, but keep in mind you can only use it up to 5 times and that's only if you found a bigger one. It is a baby form of the plant then you only get 1 to 3 smoke clouds.

Location/s: Anywhere in the forest.

720X720-20200429-163757_3.jpgGamas - This plant can be used as a medical wrap, once water has touched its stiff leaves. They become soft and moveable to however is needed. They can even be used to make a cast-like deal for broken bones.

Location/s: This plant can be found absolutely everywhere including in water.

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I added more to the lore, travel times, Solirus had asked and I was like oh...haha better add that in. XD So it's there for you all. Also, I think once everyone gets their characters fully posted and I accept and add them in we will go ahead and start even if not all groups are filled. I don't want this dying before it even starts! Those of you who are in the 2 grouped people will become loners and so will anyone else who joins that group. The larger group Kings, will just be waking up later than the other larger groups and I will move my boy Gavin to Jacks if it comes to that.

LXI LXI Solirus Solirus Texangamer Texangamer RuRussy RuRussy SavannahSmiles SavannahSmiles Sunsmiter Sunsmiter viloxii viloxii
I just realized this was the chat, for now I think I will relieve those spots I mentioned on the interest check, I'm not sure if I will join. </3
I just realized this was the chat, for now I think I will relieve those spots I mentioned on the interest check, I'm not sure if I will join. </3
Aw..okay, if you wish to venture back you are more than welcome
Interesting development. I'm looking forward to Roleplaying with you all
Gonna look over everyone’s character sheets real quick
Pretty excited to start soon enough.

I'm still wondering where I should send my character first.
Pretty excited to start soon enough.

I'm still wondering where I should send my character first.
Here’s where you send it
Assuming you’re talking about the character sheet
Ah no, I've already post my character lol, I'm just wondering where he'll be headed since he's a loner.
Honestly kinda same, how much longer have the people from the destroyed labs been out compared to the non-destroyed ones?

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