Lands of Altora-IC


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Lands Of Altora-IC (sign up here)

(All characters and people I have approved are free to post)

Athos studied the area around him. Taking in the sites around him, the smell of street food, the noise of the crowd, the elegant carvings on the white and golden buildings made of fine wood that lined the street. The street was packed with all different races and colors from the seven kingdoms and more all here for the peace festival. He was wearing a basic outfit. A red long sleeved red tunic with a black leather vest with iron studs in it and dark brown pants that tucked into his leather boots. Athos was hoping to enter in the tri-crown tournament at the festival. The highest regarded tournament at the Peace festival for melee sparing, jousting and archery. Athos was slightly startled when he felt a hand on his shoulder and turned around to see who it was.

It was Marcuro, his father's good friend and body guard and almost like an uncle to Athos. Marcuro had tanned skin and an old slightly rugged look that women often confused as hansom, with dirty light brown hair and a thick goatee and mustache that was surprisingly well shaved. He wore an outfit similar to that of Athos's but with more of a light brown scheme to it and his trusty dagger attached sideways to the back of his belt, something that Athos had picked up from him.

"It's time for the Kings' Council Meeting" said Marcuro in a rich voice. "We should get going and don't forget to wear your best clothes." They moved through the street to one of the larger buildings that was that was higher up than the rest of the buildings built into the mountainside. The building was made out of marble and fine wood and curved with the mountain side. It was more of a complex than a building and half of it's rooms were outside or had an open ceiling facing the sky.

Athos changed into his ceremonial clothes. He wore a heavy red tunic with gold and silver stitched into it and the emblem of a lion's head on the front and the arm sleeves were black leather. Over that he wore a fine unbuttoned leather vest. that went down to his mid thigh and had the same lion emblem on it's back. He had silver gauntlets on and silver leg guards. On his left shoulder was a silver shoulder guard with engravings on it and tucked under the shoulder guard was a mini red cape that hung down to his left elbow and had a hood symbol in white on it showing that he was a member of Astra's rangers.

He messed with his clothes a little in the polished mirror of his chambers not sure if he looked good enough till he heard a knock at his door. He opened his door and it was Marcuro wearing fine clothes in the color of light brown and gold. "It is time" Marcuro said with a slight grin patting Athos on the shoulder. Athos quickly grabbed his long sword in it's sheath and attached it onto his belt and hurried after Marcuro.

They entered the council area together. It was an outside area on the edge of a cliff with floors of beautifully engraved marble. There was a part that slightly stuck out over the cliff with a large marble table with wood patterns on it's top. Around it were 21 chairs, one for each king and two chairs to the right and left of it for two advisers to the king which each king choose to bring with him.

The kings were standing and some were talking to each other. There was Nedor king of Nordica who wore black clothes with a heavy polar bear fur skin cape with wide shoulders and a tall stature, long black beard and long curly messy hair talking and laughing with Gorin king of Bordrok with equally long beard and hair but of a dark auburn color who wore rich brown clothes and a brown fur of some kind around his shoulders and a golden crown with many gems pressed into it, a sign of the riches within the mountains. Then there was Setis the young king of Setorum with his tanned skin and fine blue silk clothes and sapphire crown talking about trade with Rorin king of Equuosa with wearing heavy dark green clothes with a silver and golden crown and a pair of beautiful silver shoulder guards.

Then there was Athos's king, Theon king of Astra with his golden hair and fine trimmed beard and mustache. He wore fine clothes of red and gold with a beautiful red cape that shimmered in the sun. Talking to Theon was Elvion king of Eldimor who had long black hair going down behind his back and who wore fine silk clothes in the colors of white and green and had a silk green robe that went around his shoulders with silver pressed into it.

"It is time the council began" said king Elvion with a wise and smoothing voice. The kings and lords took their seats with the two representative soldiers standing behind their king. Athos's heart swelled with pride as he saw his father sitting down next to his king. His father wore an outfit similar to king Theon's but with less good and sturdy leather shoulder guards with silver engravings pressed onto it. He had dark hair pulled back that was just slightly starting to grey and had a well trimmed peppered colored full beard and mustache that suited him quite well.

At first the kings and lords talked about lineage and what gifts they would give to each other during the festival and which great soldiers they were sponsoring in the tournament, but then the mood changed.

King Elvion spoke again to the entire table, "I'm sure you've all heard rumors and maybe have even seen them for yourselves that certain things are growing strong like in the olden times" A murmur went through the table as he spoke this. "The great forest is beginning to sway at night. The eldin deer are growing large enough to ride again, some say they have seen the giant eagles coming down from the high mountains."

King Theon made a signal with his left hand and then spoke to the table as well "We too have seen signs of this in our lands, in fact we have proof" and as he said that an Astra soldier wearing the red Astra military uniform hustled up to the table with a burlap bag in his hands. He dumped the contents onto the middle of the table and there was a head. It looked human but was three times the size of an average head and had a pale blueish color. It had tusks coming from it's mouth, a brutish face and what looked like small antlers near the top of the forehead. An echo of surprise and uproar from this display but it soon died down as king Theon stood. "This is said to be a head of a troll that rangers found attacking a small village near the border of the White Tower. It killed three rangers and eleven peasants before they could finally finish it off. It is clear that we must do something before we become drowned by these long forgotten creatures."

"But what can we do? Who would know anything about this? Even if we did find something out how would stop it?" objected king Nedor with a deep booming voice.

"I share king Theon's idea" said king Elvion. "There is one who might know, one of the arch mages of old, Brustlegin"

"And where might we find him, no arch mage has been seen in over 30 years" said Grevor king of Damoredd. He wore black clothes and a cape made of raven feathers and crown that seemed to be made of obsidian with gems implanted in it. He had pale skin with a muscular look, yellow eyes that seemed to glow and a sour look on his face.

"There are rumors that he is in the forgotten isles off the far coast of Setorum" said King Elvion. "We must send a group there to find out, raise your right hand in support" spoke King Elvion in a wise and commanding voice. Reluctantly the kings raised their hands. "It is settled then. Now who will lead this party?"

Then bickering broke out through the kings and lords between who would lead and who would not dare to go. Athos watched as the bickering went on. Then something stirred inside him. Some longing for glory and to go where men do not know what awaits them in their travels.

"I will lead it..." he said unsure and quietly at first. Then again, "I will lead it!" he said more confidant and undeniable. The kings and lords turned their heads to see the young ranger who would raise his voice as if he were ready to wage war.

King Elvion thought for a moment then spoke "this young soldier may yet have great potential, I say he should lead, let us vote on it" King Elvion raised his hand along with king Theon. Then slowly the rest did since it was almost impossible to disagree with the two kings.

"Now then who else will join this group?" asked King Elvion.
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Burid had arrived with the royal procession from Nordica not a few days ago, he had been chosen from among his brothers to join the king and his entourage, his might as a warrior had been proved in a recent skirmish with some misshapen creature that emerged from a rather heavy blizzard which was unnatural for this time on year. Even the cold reaches of the north deserved some warmth but that blizzard had taken that.

He walked through the crowded streets of Astra, his nose filled with exotic scents and aromas, his stomach grumbled and he began to slaver almost audibly when his sight fell upon a rather large and tasty looking Lamb hock. He stopped and traded the meat for five silver pieces and left the stall with a grin covered in slick lamb fat. He was heading towards the King's meet where his own lord would be discussing the state of their home with the other kings.

Burid spat, the issues of Kings were not his, his only purpose in life was to defend his home from threat and the cold alike. The peace festival was a farce, very little peace could be had out on the roads which were thick with brigands and highwaymen who preyed upon the small and weak. One such band of Highwaymen attacked the procession along the road that bordered the great forest. They rushed from the trees like a horde of ants for the good they did against Burid and his contingent of Nordrican warriors.

To say the least; many a head fell, lopped off by the blade of Snaga the Sender its butterfly blades had whistled through the air, their Froststeel edges slicing like butter through flesh and bone. In the end the few Brigands left standing ran off in fear of their awesome might. Burid stood at the border of the forest his voice like a blizzard through the trees. "Snaga the Sender hungers for your blood, return and sate her avaricious desire. Or come not again for Burid haunts your steps just as Death haunts your very short lives." His threat was as good as any that his brothers might yell.

Back in the city he had made his way to the meeting room, unfortunately he was being held up by a tiny man dressed in finery and two shiny little guards, their armour would do little against his axe and he could have crushed the little snooty servant with his hands. "I will not remove my blade little man, a Frost Guard never parts with their weapon, it would be like asking a man to for go his soul. Or a woman to give up her dignity." He said to the man before pushing the two guardsmen aside and waltzing in despite their objections. He walked into the room just as a question was asked.

"Now then who else will join this group?" Burid smiled and unsheathed his axe, he stood behind his king and moved forward to slam Snaga's pommel onto the table "I Frost Burid D'Gaan of the Frost Guard hereby volunteer my axe to this quest!!" He shouted before several guards ran in behind him, constricted his arms and then began dragging him out of the room. Burid let them get to the door before he shook them off and returned to his place behind his king. Next to him stood the masked warrior Frost Bain, the man was covered in white furs and laden with his own weapons, Burid looked back at the guards who were balking at him and pointed to one of Bain's weapons. He lifted his chin at them and turned back to the table.

(Sorry if I've overstepped, I'll edit anything you want me too. I just wanted and entrance.)
Garroth was cringing. The meeting place lacked a roof,and opened directly to a sheer cliff,with no one watching it. The walls had numerous entrances. Only three of them were doors,but any opening can be used to gain entry. From his perch on one of the open topped walls overlooking the majestic valley below,All Garroth could see was a bodyguard's nightmare,and therefore an assassin's wet dream. Garroth was invited to the festival to represent Damoredd's famed Black Hand,the cadre of legitimized assassins. He currently had a writ,signed by King Grevor himself,with his personal seal,that read

"This Writ of Honourable Execution grants the bearer the legal right to take any life that he or she deems a threat to the immediate safety of His Royal Highness King Grevor of the Kingdom of Damoredd. All murders perpetrated by the bearer of this Writ,in the pursuit of the above stated objective,are pardoned as they are committed."

The kings and nobles bickered. The bodyguards looked at everyone in the room with suspicion. None looked at the room around them,the factor which damned them the most.

Then came the troll's head.

Garroth was intrigued. He heard the rumors,but dismissed them as the scared nattering of farmers and fishwives. Until now,his career had been nothing more than the killing of criminals and dissidents,to preserve the fragile peace that the world cherished so deeply. I am the arrow in the dark. Without the Hand,the world would've been plunged into war ten times over. With an arrow from nowhere,thousands are saved,and peace is preserved.

Garroth knew what was coming next. One of the kings,Garroth didn't know who. A king's a king's a king. The same fat ass to sit on the same opulent throne. He was a tool to be used. And a tool doesn't care who wields it. The call to arms came. A request for a party of warriors to seek out an archmage,lost for thirty years. They'll need a tracker.

Garroth was about to volunteer to lead when a young man piped up. His attire was atrocious. Although his markings identified him as a Ranger of Astra,he stuck out like a blaze at night. And he volunteered to lead. He'd better be good. Then a mountain of a man marched in like he owned the place. His axe was unmistakable. And he,too,volunteered. Garroth climbed down from his roost with ease and grace,and approached the table,behind his king. Garroth wore his grays,breastplate,and weapons openly. "I,Garroth Alkaron,Agent of the Black Hand,volunteer to assist this endeavor." He cringed as he said this. It was too open. too naked. Damn the lords and their ceremonies. He looked at the people surrounding the table,and said, "Permission to speak freely,Your Excellency?"
"Oh goodness... Ow!" Charteruse winced. A small bit of her eyebrow was plucked, and Charteruse squealed. "I thought you were going to be gentle with me! I don't need to be without an eyebrow!" She gave a little spoiled pout. She, and her admittedly clueless-about-girlish-needs brothers were getting ready for the Kings' Council Meeting that was happening soon, and it just so happened that Charteruse was chosen as the representative of her home nation, Equuosa. For this council it was only common sense to wear your best clothes and also look the part... She was doing just that, but to her own extremities.

And so she needed the help of her own brothers to be prepared. All at once, her face was pampered, her hair combed through fully, and her clothes were fitted onto her. Charteruse sighed, and turned to the mirror that was settled infront of her. She examined herself, all of her features including the ones that barbarous men often payed their attention to. She nodded. "This will do."

Charteruse wore a light suit, just like she would normally wear except a little different. A layer of clothing spanned half of the height of her back and covered what was needed of her breasts, and was green. Another was one that lied on the top of the first layer like a coat, and was grey, which was adorned with silver trimming and the print of a green horse's head on the left side of the short coat. For bottoms she wore something like a skirt that was attatched to the first layer of clothing and went down to a little above her knees. Over a pair of nicely crafted boots were leg guards, and on her knees and shoulders were corresponding silver plates with the same horse head insignia that was on her coat. She added her own final touch by wrapping her long blonde hair into a bun and holding it down with a grey netting. She let her bangs hang free, though.

"It is beautiful, my dear sister." One of her brothers blurted out, looking at her up and down. Another brother agreed with the first. Charteruse smiled. "I will do my best." She took up a long cape from the side of the room and tucked it into her outfit, turning towards the door. "Enjoy the festival, my brethren." And with that, she exited, heading towards the council area, segregated from most of the city.

Around in the council, she found her king's seat and the seat she was supposed to take next to him. She did not bother in having a say in his own affairs, as he was talking about trade with another country. She knew what she was here for. She crossed her hands into her lap and waited for the meeting to commence.

It began regularly, with any typical topics that might be discussed during these types of meetings. Charteruse did listen to this talking, but she didn't say anything at all, until a interesting topic can piqued her interest. Something about a peculiar change that was similar to that of older times. The head of a troll was even rolled out onto the table. She stifled her voice to burst out and say, 'I'll gladly go ahead and deal with whatever is needed to be dealt with'. After a while she didn't need to, since the quest to go ahead and do so was mentioned. Charteruse raised her hand high. "I, Charteruse Aphrodi Truffgan, will gladly lend my life towards this quest, and join this group."
King Elvion nodded his head at the new volunteers. "With that let us convene this group and hence forth name you the Companions of Altora" He said with a resounding echo that implied the great importance of it and that it would be a group to last through the ages.

"My assistant will give you all the information you will need and you are allowed to invite who ever else you must into the group and you discuss it with your new group over lunch and look it seems as tho it is time for us to have a meal " said king Elvion addressing Athos personally.

As King Elvion uttered the words meal from his mouth it seemed as tho a flock of servants exploded into the open room. A seperate oval table carved from fine wood with exquisite carvings was brought out swiftly for the standing soldiers to eat at and foods of all kind set upon the two tables. There was a suckling pig at each table with cuts of veal and sirloin and whole partridges. Salad with the finest vegetables, fruits that could fill your thirst in a single bite, and rich potatoes that shimmered like gold in the sun that tasted better than any potato a man had ever eaten before. As the servants set the tables they twirled to avoid each other as if it were some beautiful dance and did it with such ease as tho they could doing it whilst sleeping. The setting of the tables by the servants who have been ample entertainment not mentioning the food it's self. As it was all happening Athos sat down at the head of the wooden oval table as King Elvion's assistant came up to him and dropped off several large books with leather bindings, some very old and some more new.

"These are suggested routes, best ways to travel and notes on all the kingdoms and cites" the assistant said to Athos. The assistant was dressed in a white tunic robe over that another robe made of silk and in the color of green. He had hair similar to that of the kings but it was a bright blonde color and a young face but a serious but not cold expression.

Athos took some of the suckling pig, veal, fruits and potatoes and began looking over the maps and notes with a very serious and determined expression while eating.
Charteruse gave off a little radiant smile. "Companions of Altora... Eh?" She turned to the others around the table and in the area who had agreed to join this group as well. Her hand brushed lightly across her face, her finger resting where her mouth was parted. With clear aqua eyes she observed the two.

One, the one who had declared himself as leader of the group, was about average-sized (in her eyes, of course). She could clearly see his muscular build under his clothing, his hair was cut short and was black tinted a bit to the red side. He was reading through the books given to him by some white-robed man, which were more than likely for the trip.

Charteruse turned her head to the other. He seemed to be more rugged, more of a man than the other. Older, as well. By the looks of what weapon he slammed on the table earlier, he was quite strong, both with a weapon and without. She needed not to continue looking at them any further; she got what she wanted.

She unraveled her legs and arms from their position, and she stood up. She wandered to one of the seats near the middle of the elongated table, a small ways away from her king. Her eyes scanned all of the wondrous foods amassed around the table. She couldn't keep her eyes on or off of the food... She needed to watch her weight, but then again it looked so tempting. She took bits of the potatoes, some fruits, and mostly salad, and just satisfied herself with that.
Burid looked cast a weary eye about the room, he had very little to worry about with Bain standing behind his king, it gave him the perfect excuse to fine a better vantage point in the room. Servant laden with heavy silver platters which were in turn laden with delectable foods swerved to get by as he simply walked to the edge of the cliff and took a breath as he surveyed the land below. It was a beautiful sight to be sure but it wasn't the frosted mountains of Nordrica, it wasn't the warmth of comrades and family around the fire, this place was a s alien to hims as a desert was.

The kings and their advisers ate to their content, he stole a small butter filled roll of bread from a nearby platter being carried by a rather surly looking servant. Burid knew how idiotically open this place was, for any assassin with a joy for killing this whole situation would be a mind blowing pleasure waiting to happen. The guardsmen had their jobs cut out for them that was sure but his king didn't need so much as wanted Bain and Burid there. They were simply toys to be shown off to the king's little friends in the sand box.

Burid held no hate for his king to be sure, the man was a paragon of fairness and kindness but Burid did not care for the intricacies of diplomacy and the underhanded amounts of clandestine activities that went about. He scoffed, his bones were itching for the road and even though Snaga was strapped to his back the axe sung, it was almost a mournful sound and Burid knew exactly why the thing grieved. It was not carving men in two or destroying otherworldly beasts.

Burid turned back and looked at the royalty and sub royalty eat their meals as he almost practically inhaled the bun he held. Then his eyes wondered over to the assassin who looked as though he itching from the fact that all the kings were in the easy reach of death and he sympathized with the man. Burid made his way over trying to remember the assassin's name, truthfully he hadn't even listened to what happened after he slammed his axe down on the table as his mind wandered the moment he stood behind his king.

"Garroth Alkaron." he said aloud, the sound just barely rising over the talk of the rulers and the clanging of dishes and platters along with the scratching of silver knives and forks scratching at porcelain plates. Burid held out a hand in greeting, much could be told from handshake and all the details were subtle, the first signal is whether a man accepts the shake and offers his ow hand in response, the next was how the man looked when shaking hands. The whole thing was complicated and one of the only things he had bothered to learn besides those skills needed to survive.
Garroth simply growled when he was snubbed. Three men and a woman is not a warband...And we have only one actual soldier among us... Garroth was about to walk out of the meeting hall when the food came in. In what was obviously a choreographed display,they set down a table for the non-royal dignitaries and dressed it with cloth,cutlery,and food. Easily pilfering a pear from a platter destined for the royal table,Garroth began to eat his morsel.

Of course,the fat royals with nothing to do with such rich meals get the finest food. The pear was eaten quickly. It was soft and sweet,aged to the knife's edge between healthy and rotting. He cast the core and stem,which was so tiny he could've folded it into quarters and ate it on one bite,to the ground,and walked towards the door out. We'll discuss with them later. The he heard his name being called. An ordinary man might've missed the call,but he was a trained assassin. He wasn't just any assassin. In Damoredd,he was often referred to as simply "The Assassin". He instantly stooped into a combat-ready posture,and his hands flew to the hilts of his blades,and his head swiveled about the room as if he took a hook from a mountain giant. When he saw it was just the Frost Guard,Burid,he straightened himself,and allowed his arms to drop. He wouldn't try anything without cause.

Garroth nodded to the giant of a man as he approached,and saw the man proffer his hand. Garroth removed his glove and vambrace,and gripped the huge man's hand firmly,but not tightly. "Yes,Burid?" He quickly observed the man before him. Huge. Proud. Experienced. And,a glimmer of intelligence. He came to the party armed. Garroth stood at an angle,relative to Burid,one foot pointed out,ready to bolt,should he need to. A still assassin is a dead assassin.
Burid eyed the assassin quizzically, he could understand the reasoning but it didn't make it look any less odd amongst a crowd of bustling waiters and maids kowtowing to the royalty. The man obviously wasn't used to his name and took its utterance as a signal that he was under an attack. He noticed the man look about trying to spot an attacker and perhaps an escape route should the worst occur and he fail to kill his adversary. It was only logical, any warrior worth his salt looks for ways to continue being valuable.

Burid laughed heartily at the assassin because he couldn't deny that he'd do the same had their position's been switched. The small man looked lithe and cunning, his piercing eyes denoted intelligence and his stance almost sang of his profession. "Yes, Burid?" the man asked. They shook hands and Burid noted the obvious control the man used in his shake, his own was firm but not forceful. He couldn't help laughing once more as Garroth looked like he was ready to bolt.

He smiled beneath his beard and slapped the man on his back in a friendly manner, he dismissed Garroth's stand offish behavior and gestured towards the second long table that the servants had now finished setting. "Come comrade, we have been offered a feast by our kings, it would be untoward if we insulted them by leaving now, beyond that we first four will need to gauge each other before we go gallivanting off into the swamp after some wizard or some such person who probably doesn't want to be found." He said letting go of Garroth's hand.

"Some planning now is advisable since we haven't even decided on if or how we are going to recruit more people to our cause." Burid looked at the man who volunteered to lead them and laughed, he looked nothing like a soldier or even a man accustomed to the harshness of travel.
"Burid is right we must discuss what we do first and it is best if we do it now" Athos said calmly standing up. "Come here I believe I have the best course set up." Athos pulled out a map of all seven kingdoms and placed it on top of the notes and books he had been given. Athos had quickly read through many of the notes and maps and determined the best route.

"We are here in Livarore" Athos said leaning over the map and pointing to it. "From here we will take the river Ritrun that runs through here south till we hit the large town of Telerros in south Bordrok the town of tinkers and toy makers from there we will head west on mounts till we reach the river Gedor in eastern Equuosa which will connect to several other river and take us to the port city of Pagira in Setorum" He stated this all in a confident and experienced manner like he had read maps a million times.

"Does that sound good to everyone else" Athos spoke looking up from the map to his four new companions. Athos stood up more straight relaxing his shoulders a bit as they had gotten stiff from hunching over the maps and books.
Burid nodded at their rather uninspiring leader, the lad looked like he hadn't seen a dirt road or know the the right end of a sword. The grizzled warrior stomped over to the table and took a seat in the most unmannerly way, the wood creaked beneath his immense weight but held, Burid laughed at how he could have ended up spread eagle on the floor just by sitting down. He cast a wary eye over at the Royals' table and then another at Frost Bain who stood silently as ever behind the king of Nordrica like some sort of stone gargoyle with a mask.

His attention brought back to the delicacies he saw in front of him he began to load his plate greedily, the fat he'd burn and the miles he'd travel on the quest would be hard so he thought he'd treat himself before they embarked on a glorious adventure the likes of which the saga poets have never heard, it would be a fine way for him to build his legend, he hoped it would at lest rival Bain's gruesome one.

"I don't truly care how we get there laddie, so long as we get there. I'm like a catapult, you aim I destroy, that's not to say I'm some cur that humps his master's leg. I do my fair share of thinking in battle and when it is expected of me but beyond that I try to keep my life simple, that way I don''t worry about breaking hearts or being called swine by peasants."

His deep voice rumbled before he filled his mouth with a bun smeared with butter, he had stuffed a bit of lamb in the center and began chewing the delectable morsel. He turned his head to the lady who was sitting nearby and gave her a respectful nod of his head before continuing his avaricious consumption of food.

"Look laddie all I'm saying is; we need to get going while the going's good, complete your business and let us be off, or send out word, get flyers out there and town criers. We can recruit as we go or as we need, the niceties I'll leave to you."

Burid smiled as he wipe food from his mouth and crumbs from his black beard. He looked to Garroth and motioned him to sit down in the nicest manner he could think of which ws just shy of crushing the chair next to him with his axe.
Garroth shrugged noncommittally. He's an assassin. At most,they worked in quartets on any given job. But he knew that this job would demand more. That bastard pirate may prove useful. But how to find him? And how do I get him to join us? Garroth listened to Burid dismiss himself as a simple attack dog,and told the ranger to do all of the talking. Garroth walked a circuit around the table,collecting all of the bowls of salt before dragging a platter of some roast or another to his place near Burid.

"Logistics are nice,but should only be sorted when we have a full compliment. We'll need more people. I suggest we start at the tourney." Garroth began salting chunks and strips of meat from the roast,and continued his suggestion. "There we can pick the best fighters in the realm for our contract." I'll need a new writ. Looking at the growing mound of salted meats on his plate,Garroth waved over a servant. "I need vellum,twine,and a needle." Garroth cast his eyes about the table once more,and got up to retrieve undressed buns and other breads. "To be honest,a singular leader will damn us all. We need to be our own council. We all have different areas of expertise." He sat down at his seat once more,with every undressed bun on the table not yet claimed,and waited for the servant. He hadn't eaten from the feast yet.

"For example,I doubt any of you know the first thing about stalking a man. Nor how to kill a foe without them ever knowing you existed,from a kilometer away."
Charteruse scooted in closer with the newly-formed group. Her nicely pampered mouth was still filled with mushed pieces of potato, and on her plate only remained a fork with a single salad leaf gorged in the middle of it. She dare not eat more, for the same reason why she chose what she took before. She looked up at the other three, her hand hovering infront of her mouth so that they wouldn't have to look at the mess that was resting in her mouth while she spoke.

"My apologies for not having much of a say, but I cannot bring myself to disagree to what you all are saying." She knew a few skilled warriors of Equuosa; two of them she could say were skilled enough, although both were peasants. Charteruse agreed that the tournament would be a very convenient place to start searching for companions to accompany them on the trip. And as for the path of travel, she did not know much about the lands outside of Equuosa, besides that she sometimes fought there. So she just had to remain without an opinion.
Athos weighed off the idea and also took it as a challenge of his yet untested ability to lead the team. "A singular leader will not damn us all, having a council of leaders for such a small party would be the thing to kill us. It would slow us down and several people trying to give orders would cause conflict and arguments" Athos stated to Garroth, defeating the assassin's idea. "Further more the rangers specialize in diversity and I may not be an expert in stalking but I know enough about it to command someone to stalk another." He said between small mouth fulls of veal, biscuits, fruit and some fine whine.

"Now onto getting more people" Athos continued "I know of a tavern called the Green Ale in the lower area that is quite popular and has a number of tournament competitors and other sorts staying at it. We can meet there at dusk and set up a table for people to sign up for the journey" Athos looked back on his notes then started to write a contract for others to sign for the official quest.

So far the contract stated -

Companions of Altora

Hence forth state that a quest be put upon a party willing to do so, that they may conduct a journey to the Forgotten Isles in search of Brustlegin the arch-mage in represent of the elements of nature said to be locate within the forgotten isles.

Upon completion of this quest if no charges are present upon thine self or property while receive six percent of any treasure found, any items lawfully obtained during such quest and 100 gold crowns of Astra.

Other members and sponsoring parties are not responsible for death, lose of limb, laceration, evisceration, lose of sanity, and any other form of bodily injure, vandalism of property brought upon the journey, or mental distress.
He took a swallow from a tankard of ale placed at his elbow and slammed it down loudly to catch their attention. "We will be responsible for ourselves, this is a quest not a military operation. Should we all be of differing ideas and wish to take a different path then it would be wise for us vote. Should we need to make a quick decision then it would be best to defer to a single leader." Burid grabbed a piece of chicken and placed it on the plate before him while he listened to what the duo were saying.

"For example,I doubt any of you know the first thing about stalking a man. Nor how to kill a foe without them ever knowing you existed,from a kilometer away."

The warrior leaned back on his stool and laughed, had leaned any further he would have toppled from the seat and injured himself on Snaga. "I'm a soldier not a spy or an assassin but that doesn't mean I'm not a hunter and can't stalk deer through a forest or elk through the woods. Truthfully I'm not as good as you Garroth but you shouldn't underestimate us." He managed to say between his his laughing. Burid stood up momentarily and shifted the weight of his gear before taking his place once more.

Burid saw the contract and sniffed, he didn't see the point of the piece of paper but these southerners were all strange in their customs. He shrugged his shoulder took an apple and sighed. "Well, I spose you can sort this out laddie, for the moment I'm going down to the Green Ale tavern near the walls and spend some quality time there with some old friends of mine. When you're ready to make way you'll know where to find me." He said before he made ready to leave for the door, he took a final cursory look at the piece of paper that detailed the contract and decided it would do for the time being.
Hearing Burid's rebuttal,and his suggestion for a leadership structure,Garroth nodded. "It will have to do." Looking at the handbill,Garroth scoffed openly. "With a handbill like that,we'll get every Tom,Dick,and Harry from the Seven Kingdoms looking to join,looking for easy coin. What we need are capable artisans of war and subterfuge. Not peasants with rusted bastard swords." The servant arrived,carrying what Garroth had requested. Drawing his gladius and driving it's point into the table,he began to pack a vellum sheet with the salted meats.

"I should be able to secure us a carte blanche for the job." He threaded the needle with the twine,and unraveled a length from the spool,and began to sew the pouch shut. "But if I can't,I'm certain we could have other members who can. Or simply won't care." Having sealed the pouch,Garroth used his gladius to cut the twine,and set to work on packaging the buns and breads in an identical manner. "In fact,I have a candidate in mind. But securing them might prove difficult. He and I have...History." Stacking the vellum pouches atom one another,Garroth unwound two more lengths of twine,and used them to tie the pouches of food together,and left it on the table for his companions to deal with. "Regardless,I'll find you when I'm done my personal business." Garroth sheathed his gladius and stood up from the table,taking his plate,and stacking it with more meat from the roast,and another pear. He liked pears. "Anything else,before we adjourn this meeting?"
Let the men settle the matters. Yes, as someone who usually did not speak her mind until she a solute my thought it was necessary, she didn't mind letting them take care of group organization. Sure, she could mention that they all knew a few people from their own kingdom worthy of the trip for the future, but it was just common knowledge. They knew that already. Charteruse reached over for a napkin or whatever was there to clean whatever, and used it to wipe her face, in the most mannerly way of course.

Charteruse abruptly stood up from her chair. It scooted out behind her with a low-pitched screeching noise. If the meeting was done and over with, then it was in her best interest to get some training in, as well as a little bit of leisure in the festival. Still giving the three an unreadable look, she said, "If that is all, then I will promptly take my leave. If there is anything else you need... Well, you will probably see me excersizing with a sword". She looked towards where she had came from, right about to leave.
"It is settled then, we will meet at Green Ale tavern tonight and recruit more people for our journey" Athos declared as he stood up from the table. He gathered up his books and motioned for a server to take them from him and deliver them to his room. He gathered an assortment of food on a medium sized plate and quietly talked with king Elvion's assistant whom he gave the finished contract to for the Kings' Council's approval.

Athos turned back to the group "Further more we have been dismissed of our duties of attending the Kings' Council meetings in order to help us prepare for our journey, you may still attend them if you feel the need to" He quietly walked off towards his quarters where he would continue his work on the legal, financial and finer things that needed attending for the trip.

As he got to his room he took off his more formal clothing and hung his sword by his sheath on a nightstand. He sat down at a oak desk where the books, notes and maps had already been deposited, lit a tall candle on the desk for light, and began to work. While Athos was busy figuring things out the assistant had dropped off the approved contract with the Kings' Council's mark on it, a mark that had rarely ever used. The mark was an wax stamp that seemed to be a piece of art. The main wax piece was a dark reddish color with seven crowns in a circle, each with the color of one of the seven kingdoms. Then in the middle was a singular golden crown symbolizing the semi-unification of the seven great kingdoms.

Dusk came faster than he expected and he quickly put on his standard attire with his grey cloak and all his standard weapons attached to his belt excepted for his bow, a thing he could not cover under his cloak and would draw unnecessary attention. He dressed like this in order to show a seriousness and there was always a chance that something could go wrong. He carefully tucked the approved contract into his pocket and walked onto the street towards the Green Ale tavern.

The sun was just starting to set behind the mountains giving off a beautiful orange glow over the mountain tops. He walked down into the lower district of Livarore which looked rather wealthy compared to many other slums or lower distracts he had seen with nice white or oak wood houses and people who seemed cheerful with a few late night street vendors and people walking along the sides of the cobble stone street. Athos walked into the Green Ale tavern, a quaint building made of white wood with oak on the edges, three stories high, in the shape of a small L and a triangular like roof made of wooden shingles dipped in wax. Athos walked into the tavern area. The room was darkly lit even with the few windows it had with a rectangular shape to the room and bar counter coming from the back wall making a mini rectangle taking up about 1/3 of the room. Wooden booths and circular tables filled most of the room with a nice number of people talking and eating filled it as well. Athos spotted a long rectangular table near right corner by the door he walked in. He moved over to the table and sat at it facing the rest of the room. He spread out the approve contract in hope of attracting attention to it so that people might be interested and sign up on the endeavor. listening to the small talk going on as he waited for the others to come.
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Burid left the table and returned to his king's side, there he appraised his liege of how things were going to happen, he bid his farewells to both his king and to his Frost brother Bain who stood enigmatically silent as always. Burid patted the man on the back and waltzed his way out of the room, he brushed past the guards at the door who eyed him suspiciously, he turned to them and laughed at them in the face before giving the attendant who tried to stop him earlier a sour look.

Leaving the royal enclosure and the palace grounds he trudged over cobbled paths and a rather nice patch of mozaic tiling that depicted a warrior riding over the horizon into a blazing red sun on his rather startling white stallion. Burid thought it was odd to see such finery on the roads no less, in Nordrica the roads were simply kept usable. The hard falling snow and the ever changing snow drifts meant that at one time or another such a thing would go unnoticed by all. In Nordrica the people made there houses sturdy and warm, on the outside all one could see was a house, outsiders would never tell one home from another until the set foot inside where they'd see quilts, furs and other expressions of art along the walls.

He walked slowly through the winding streets minding the guards and keeping his general distance from the shadiest of people, "Shady people have ways to steal your eyes from your head and your toes from your feet." His grandmother would always say while stealing his hard earned coppers from him when he was a boy. She'd always returned the money but it was still a sore feeling having your own grandmother steal from you joke or not.

The change in the air was palpable as he left the upper-class part of the city, the houses and the roads were all a little more shabbier and grew more and more so the further you went from the palace. Now the smell of horse dung mixed with the heady smells of spices and exotic fruits and aromatics. Burid practically tumbled his way to the tavern where he was planning to spend the rest of his largess until called upon to make ready for travel or venture into the games where he had entered into a log cutting and weight lifting competition, he was sure he could win.

Taking a booth he ensconced himself for the next few hours which he'd spend drinking himself into a stupor unlike any other, he hoped his efforts to debauch himself with alcohol wouldn't be aylaid when he ordered his first tankard of Lentrian Red; a wine so fine the gods themselves drank its crimson beauty.
Tonight? She would have to actually pull herself from the middle of training to attend the meeting in some tavern? Normally training would last until she felt like stopping, but if she had to limit the time she spent with her sword she would probably act a little more on-edge than she usually would around others. Charteruse nodded anyway, since it was for the best and he was the leader after all. They could handle a pretty regular Charteruse, couldn't they? Hopefully they could. She looked over towards her king, and walked over to him.

"I'm going to depart for now, Highness, so that I may stay and discuss matters in depth with my future companions." Charteruse waited for his approval before she promptly left the area and fled back to the festival, where she proceeded to enter her own quarters again and change into more training-suitable clothing and apparel.

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