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Into the Ruins - Exalted 3e IC

Amara looks up at the expanse of the murals in wonder, slowly walking around to observe the great deeds of this noble Exalt. She doesn't touch anything; to do so here would be akin to sacrilege.

Once she finishes her circle of the dome, she finally turns to the statue and the final resting place of Mor'du. She slowly lowers herself to a kneeling position with her head bowed low. Spending a mote of Essence to flare her caste mark, she looks up and says, "Holy Luna, I am Amara Kaji, Chosen of the Sun, and I humbly come here on a quest. We seek the artifact Spellbreaker that lies interred with the remains of the great Lunar Exalt known as Mor'du. We are in need of it to free an ancient spirit from a deadly curse. We promise that anything else sealed inside his tomb will not be disturbed, as we are not lowly grave robbers. We ask for your forgiveness as we work to open the tomb and recover the lost artifact."
As soon as the circle walks into the tomb and has sight of its decorations, Glade is enthralled. In complete silence and taking care not to touch anything, and still keeping a wary eye out for traps, he slowly circles the chamber, drinking in the stories in the murals, carefully storing them and cataloguing them in his mind so that he can retell them later and ensure they do not pass into obscurity.

(If there are any inscriptions, Glade cannot of course read them; he's also far too proud - as well as distrustful of written language - to ask for someone to read them to him. He will interpret the art-work as best he can without them.)
Grey Stone followed Amara over to Mor'du's statue, and joined her in kneeling before it. He figured it was best to play along right now.

Essence: 2
Personal Essence: 16/16
Peripheral Essence: 32/40
Anima: Dim
Committed Essence: 5

Willpower: 7/7
Join Battle: 5
Health Levels: -0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -3, Incapacitated
Resolve 3, Guile 1

Faith's Pillar (10 dice Withering, 8 dice Decisive, Withering Damage 18, Overwhelming 5, Bashing, Melee, Reaching, Smashing, Two-Handed)
Unarmed (13 dice Withering, 8 dice Decisive, Withering Damage 15, Overwhelming 1, Bashing, Brawl, Grappling, Natural)

Rush: 6
Disengage: 6

Evasion 4, Parry 4
Soak/Hardness: 4/0

Spirit-Detecting Glance (The Solar can look through the pall of reality to glimpse the realm of spirits beneath. With this Charm, the Solar can see (but not touch) immaterial spirits.)
The murals are beautiful works of art, telling what is probably a bit of an embellished story of the great works of Mor'du. If this is to be believed, he was an instrumental figure in the war against the Primordials in dozens of titanic battles spanning all of Creation and Yu-Shan. Even if it is a small bit of fiction, the story is compelling to see depicted on the walls. Whomever the artist that made the mural was quite gifted. Probably done by a fellow Exalt for it to be so skilled.

Glade's watchful eye manages to spot several tiles on the floor that you suspect to be pressure plates, but when Amara steps on one before you could warn her, nothing happens that you can see. It may be that the Key disarmed all the nasty surprises in here.

When Amara and Grey Stone kneel at the foot of the statue, you both get the distinct feeling of being watched. Then, a soft silver light begins to shine from the statue and you can feel a new presence in the chamber as the statue slowly turns its head to look down at you.

In a soft but still strong voice, it speaks. "Such humility on the part of the Sun-Touched. I am not used to seeing anything like this in many an Age. I hope it is a sign that the future holds more hope than the past has shown." The spirit of Luna in the statue looks around at the various Exalts in the room and finally her gaze stops at Fat Cat. "One of my own Chosen travels with you. Step forward, Moon Child, and look upon Me. What say you of this effort to take what has been buried in here for untold centuries? Should I grant these Solars what they wish?"

Purr Purr
The spirit of Luna in the statue looks around at the various Exalts in the room and finally her gaze stops at Fat Cat. "One of my own Chosen travels with you. Step forward, Moon Child, and look upon Me. What say you of this effort to take what has been buried in here for untold centuries? Should I grant these Solars what they wish?"
Psychie Psychie

For long, long moments, O Mighty Fat Cat is no longer with his Circle, no longer in Mor'du's tomb, nor can he be found in Rathess. He is beyond all Creation.

O Mighty Fat Cat stares at Luna's spirit in the statue and finds himself in Heaven!

Song Of Scatland (Official Video)HD - Scatman John (who else but The Scatman, one of the most positive people on Earth?) =)

O Mighty Fat Cat does more than step forward - he happily drops to his knees there in the tomb and prostrates himself - not in the manner of some obsequious underling, but as one who is before She Who Is His All. His brightest of guiding lights. His best of friends. His holy savior. His motherly mountain in the sky who provides him stability, company, and wisdom in this - the most uncertain age of all time.

This is Luna - and there is not a creature alive nor dead in all the universe who can dim the shining in Da Chonk's eyes, the drumming of his noble heart, and the purest love that fills his being now like the gentlest moonlight glowing over all of half of the very world. O Mighty Fat Cat is a man looking upon the face of his ultimate friend.

As he raises his face to beam his widest of smiles up to her, there is only love and happiness in his being. It takes him some time to think of anything but these feelings. To speak. To reply. It is not easy, for it takes him a little out of the heavenly reverie that sounds now in his soul. But reply he does.

"O My Luna!" he cries as he comes to his feet. "My surprise to meet you here is only surpassed by my love for dat you are! How you have guided me since I was a lost child. How you have transformed me from dat lonely, aimless waif into a creature of purpose and joy! You gave to me my family in de Celestial Wildlands! Your gifts brought us here to Rathess and... if it be your desire, den we would borrow from Mor'du - Spellbreaka - to help Dunbar Kirk and Antonia of de Wood be free to live in peace. I swear upon all dat I am dat, if it be possible, I will return Spellbreaka here to Mor'du's tomb even if I must be doin' it alone."

"Luna! Dese are me friends! Dere quest is me own! You must meet dem!" With a great wave of his arm, he presents his friends, his Circle. "If dere is a charming and cunning Prince of Bards, his name is Aredin! If humility in de form of strength has an ultimate incarnate, his name is Grey Stone! If dere is one wise being who could shame shadows in de art of hiding, it is Silent Glade! If eva dere was a magical flower rising from darkness toward de most beautiful of lights, it is Merciful Fire of Emancipation! An' if de keenest hardened sword could become a living woman, her name would be Amara!"

"Dis is my Circle, O My Luna! Five burning suns carried by a chonky moon like me!" His belly jiggles from his laughter. In the deepest seriousness, O Mighty Fat Cat straightens and provides. "Tell me, O Beautiful Moon, how I might give meself to you? How can I return even a teeny bit of de universe of deep love and sweet changes you have always given to me?"

O Mighty Fat Cat stands tall. Should Luna ask him for his life, his very soul, Da Chonk would say goodbye to his beloved friends and freely step forward without hesitation.
The statue that is imbued with Luna's spirit smiles down at Fat Cat and he can feel his love for Her being returned to him without reservation. You also know that had you tried to lie to the Goddess she would have known your statement to be false.

"Rise, my Chosen. The light shines bright in your heart, and I can feel the sincerity of your words. Mor'du has moved on, and his spirit no longer lingers here, so I will speak for him when I say you are welcome to open this tomb to claim Spellbreaker. Use it with My blessing, dear Fat Cat."

With that, the statue returns to the position that it was standing on when everyone first came into the room and the soft glow fades away. The majestic presence is no longer with you, leaving you with a satisfied feeling.
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Amara is silent for a long moment, letting the imposing presence of the divine sink in. She finally turns to Fat Cat and smiles. "Well now! You don't get to see things like that every day! I must confess that I'm a bit jealous of you, getting to actually meet your patron, even like that."
Reverently, gratefully, O Mighty Fat Cat lowers his head and prostrates himself once again as Luna leaves. His smile feels as wide as the horizon. Once she is gone, he moves purposefully towards Spellbreaker.

Luna made no mention of not returning Spellbreaker so O Mighty Fat Cat seeks with his entire being to fulfill his promise. "I swear dis upon My Luna. I will bring Spellbreaka to Dunbar Kirk. I will ensure dat Spellbreaka returns to its rightful home - here... in Rathess in de sacred Tomb of Mor'du. As Luna as me witness, I make dis oath." He caresses his enchanted Silken Armor, the Brilliant Manifold, as he makes this promise.

If there is no complication in it, O Mighty Fat Cat reaches for Spellbreaker.

* * *
Amara is silent for a long moment, letting the imposing presence of the divine sink in. She finally turns to Fat Cat and smiles. "Well now! You don't get to see things like that every day! I must confess that I'm a bit jealous of you, getting to actually meet your patron, even like that."
"Den you should come to de Lunar side, dear Amara!" jokes O Mighty Fat Cat.

With a wink, he adds, "We have cookies!"

Baked Goods Cookies GIF by Dead Set on Life
It is not quite as easy as reaching out to grab the artifact since there is a heavy stone cover over the tomb, ornate in its decoration. It takes a bit of strength, but O Mighty Fat Cat is not a slouch, and after a bit of grunting with a couple of you working together, the cover slides out of the way to reveal the ancient corpse of Mor'du.

A vast fortune in artifacts adorn his withered body, but your eyes are drawn to the length of gold-colored chain that is wrapped around the left arm of the corpse. At first glance, it looks to be a rope, but upon closer examination you can see that it is actually many thousands of tiny links that fit together so well it looks like a length of cord.

In order to remove it from the arm, you'll have to touch the dried out limb.
Amara makes no move for the body. She leaves that to Fat Cat to reach in and slide the chain from the arm of the deceased.
Mercy had found herself wrapped up in taking in the Murals, focused on absorbing all of that new information, her mind forming many questions at the various scenes.

Until the statue's movement and Luna's appearance caused her to stop in her tracks and the small slight hooded woman turned to gaze upon the glory of the mighty spirit. She immediately fell to her knees before it and gazed in wonder speechless. Mercy was in shock as Luna addressed the mighty Fat Cat her child. She had so many questions. So many things she wanted to find out from the mighty mother of the moon. Yet she was overwhelmed by Luna presence, and remained silent while tears fell down upon Twilight Caste's face.

A very pink sheen formed on Mercy's face upon Fat Cat's mentioning of her to Luna.

Then Fat Cat performed his oath and Luna left their presence. Mercy stood up and wiped her face turning away in the shadows not to show anyone her emotions, before turning back to view the opening of the tomb behind her brothers and sister.
"I'm tempted to just ask you, Grey Stone, if you can cremate the corpse and leave the belongings behind. That said, I'm not sure if the deceased prefers remaining interred here or would rather be ushered along by a fellow chosen with the most powerful last rite we know of." Aredin grunted, musing on how to approach the situation. He hadn't quite felt the weight of moral dilemmas like this in past scavenging expeditions, but the very reason for their arrival gave him pause to consider the consequences. "Alas, this is a Lunar's tomb. Perhaps, we should try and consider proper etiquette for their own traditions."
Mercy walked up, "Aredin this is a burial tomb...I think they have already been 'properly' buried, I would think changing the arrangement would not be looked on well. Luna herself gave us permission to get the artifact...."

She kind of tilts her head in thought, gazing around, her eyes still glowing slightly with her spirit sight engaged reflecting the light of the chamber and the lit glowing Twilight symbol shining on her forehead.

With a sigh she spoke, her tone worried..."Granted Luna said Fat Cat had permission to open the tomb and claim the artifact...but said nothing about removing it from Mor'du himself." She looked up at Fat Cat and the others.

"I guess there is only one way to find out is there?"
Mercy walked up, "Aredin this is a burial tomb...I think they have already been 'properly' buried, I would think changing the arrangement would not be looked on well. Luna herself gave us permission to get the artifact...."
The merchant prince shrugged. "You'd think that, but I've seen my fair share of risen dead in such 'tombs'. It makes me wonder how effective such a practice really is."

With a sigh she spoke, her tone worried..."Granted Luna said Fat Cat had permission to open the tomb and claim the artifact...but said nothing about removing it from Mor'du himself." She looked up at Fat Cat and the others.

"I guess there is only one way to find out is there?"
Aredin nods. "Aye, Luna's blessing is no small thing, but it doesn't guarantee Mor'du won't protest. I would assume he won't, but he is entitled to his own will."
Mercy seemed to make a funny sound like..."hrmph" and then spoke...

"Is it me...or is the thought of one's remains being buried with a variety of...stuff...things..inanimate objects, or even objects of power...counter-intuitive????"

Her eyes seemed to widen at all the looks she was getting from her circle.

"I mean...you craft an item of power that is going to outlive you or at least you in this life...wouldn't it make sense to just grant it to someone else or your next of kin rather than having it buried with your shed mortal husk for the rest of eternity? Don't get me started on the concept of being buried with books...you write a book to pass the knowledge on, not have it rot in a crypt with your body..ewww...and should that not be the same with material objects? And yet we have these elaborate places of burial...with all of these...things"
Her eyes seemed to widen at all the looks she was getting from her circle.
Mercy receives no such look from O Mighty Fat Cat.

* * *​

Aredin nods. "Aye, Luna's blessing is no small thing, but it doesn't guarantee Mor'du won't protest. I would assume he won't, but he is entitled to his own will."
O Mighty Fat Cat's great voice gently echoes all about the burial chamber. His gaze is firmly fixed on the place he reasons Spellbreaker to be.

Mor'du has moved on, and his spirit no longer lingers here, so I will speak for him when I say you are welcome to open this tomb to claim Spellbreaker. Use it with My blessing, dear Fat Cat."
"I believe Luna would not have it any otha way, Aredin. No one will be more surprised den me if Mor'du, who according to Luna herself, has moved on, returns to visit us.

"If he does, please. Let me be de first to speak wit him." O Mighty Fat Cat says with a compassionate grin.

At first glance, it looks to be a rope, but upon closer examination you can see that it is actually many thousands of tiny links that fit together so well it looks like a length of cord.

In order to remove it from the arm, you'll have to touch the dried out limb.
Before Da Chonk touches anything in here, he tries to follow the chain with his eyes to see what it is attached to.

If it is indeed a book, O Mighty Fat Cat gently touches Mor'du's arm and chain and waits. If then nothing happens, he follows the chain to the book and does his best to take the book with him with as little disturbance as possible. If he has to change shapes to make this happen, he will.

O Mighty Fat Cat thinks aloud. "Mebbe dis chain is attached to Spellbreaker and it will leap onto my arm now? If so, I hope it is made of moonsilver because my arm changes shapes too!" He chuckles. He is happy. It is not every day Circles get to perform such legendary actions as these!
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Carefully and with reverence, Far Cat begins to examine the length of chain around the arm of the fallen Exalt. It soon becomes clear that the chain is not attached to anything; it is simply wrapped around the arm of the body. Fat Cat does note that the chain doesn't feel cool to the touch like you would expect metal to be. Instead, it feels warm like it was wrapped around living skin.

With one final twist, the chain is now free from its previous owner. You can see that in total the chain looks to be just over four feet long, and that the ends are capped in Starmetal, and that there are filaments of moonsilver woven through the tiny links of the chain. You can clearly see that this artifact would have take its crafter a very long time to create.

Since both Amara and Glade have taken the time to look over the murals on the wall, you both will note that there are several depictions of Mor'du using an item that looks line this chain on one arm, spinning it about and using it to block bolts of energy aimed at him. From the depictions on the wall, the gold chain is Spellbreaker.
Amara looks on in wonder, keeping her hand back to help resist the urge to touch the chain. She says, l think that this chain is Spellbreaker. You can see in the murals that Mor'du is using it to block hostile energies, and I think that a spell would count for that. Yes, I believe that is the case."
"Oh!" O Mighty Fat Cat turns to Amara and nods with surprise in his eyes. "Thank you! And here I thought a magical spell would require a book to break it! Aie! No matta how large a form I can take, Luna finds beautiful ways to keep my soul small and humble."

If Mor'du's form is even slightly disturbed, O Mighty Fat Cat restores the Lunar hero to the way he found him.

Bowing to the carefully-laid corpse, he prays. "Mighty Mor'du! I will return your property - Spellbreaka - to you. Only Luna Herself can tell me to do othawise. In Her name, I make dis promise to you! Rest well, whereva you roam."

O Mighty Fat Cat raises Spellbreaker to the ceiling and looks up to the heavens where he knows Luna to be. "May de ghostly villain who trouble Dunbar Kirk and Antonia tremble dis day! You gonna trouble dem no more!"

To his friends, Da Chonk smiles. "You have seen me do dis ting. On me life, I will see it through. Should I fall, I can only hope one of you will finish my promise for me.

"Now, half of our quest is done. Let us thank de guardian-lions and be away!"
"I agree," Grey Stone said in reply to Fat Cat. "We should be gone from this place, now that we have what we came for. As for Mor'du, as far as I know, his current burial conditions has not been the source of any trouble so far. I certainly can't see any angry spirits here."

Essence: 2
Personal Essence: 16/16
Peripheral Essence: 32/40
Anima: Dim
Committed Essence: 5

Willpower: 7/7
Join Battle: 5
Health Levels: -0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -3, Incapacitated
Resolve 3, Guile 1

Faith's Pillar (10 dice Withering, 8 dice Decisive, Withering Damage 18, Overwhelming 5, Bashing, Melee, Reaching, Smashing, Two-Handed)
Unarmed (13 dice Withering, 8 dice Decisive, Withering Damage 15, Overwhelming 1, Bashing, Brawl, Grappling, Natural)

Rush: 6
Disengage: 6

Evasion 4, Parry 4
Soak/Hardness: 4/0

Spirit-Detecting Glance (The Solar can look through the pall of reality to glimpse the realm of spirits beneath. With this Charm, the Solar can see (but not touch) immaterial spirits.)
"But first..." O Mighty Fat Cat grimaces in embarrassment and turns to Grey Stone and anyone strong-looking. He points and grins. "Would you please help me put de big stone back on Mor'du's sarcophagus? I almost forgot!"
"But first..." O Mighty Fat Cat grimaces in embarrassment and turns to Grey Stone and anyone strong-looking. He points and grins. "Would you please help me put de big stone back on Mor'du's sarcophagus? I almost forgot!"

"Of course," Grey Stone replied, the big monk walking over to the lid of the sarcophagus.

Essence: 2
Personal Essence: 16/16
Peripheral Essence: 32/40
Anima: Dim
Committed Essence: 5

Willpower: 7/7
Join Battle: 5
Health Levels: -0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -3, Incapacitated
Resolve 3, Guile 1

Faith's Pillar (10 dice Withering, 8 dice Decisive, Withering Damage 18, Overwhelming 5, Bashing, Melee, Reaching, Smashing, Two-Handed)
Unarmed (13 dice Withering, 8 dice Decisive, Withering Damage 15, Overwhelming 1, Bashing, Brawl, Grappling, Natural)

Rush: 6
Disengage: 6

Evasion 4, Parry 4
Soak/Hardness: 4/0

Spirit-Detecting Glance (The Solar can look through the pall of reality to glimpse the realm of spirits beneath. With this Charm, the Solar can see (but not touch) immaterial spirits.)
Silent Glade gently approaches Fat Cat, and touches him lightly on the shoulder. "You are favoured today, my feline friend. To see one's patron - I cannot begin to understand how that must feel. I suppose that is the great curse of the Solars* - our patron remains ever-distant."

*[OOC: The irony here is entirely out of character!]

"I sense your aim to return Spellbreaker is the right course of action. I will help you in this, if I can. Maybe one day your actions will merit such a resting place as this."
With Spellbreaker in hand, the Circle now heads out the way you came in. Once you get to the open area with the various weapons still spinning about around the dome, it is a simple matter to reverse your steps to once more seal the tomb and recover the Key.

OOC Purr Purr since you are in possession of Spellbreaker, do you wish to attune the artifact?
"A moment, my Circle?"

O Mighty Fat Cat takes a moment to draw Spellbreaker forth. It seems proper that with Luna's blessing, the young Lunar should attune to the fantastic weapon. For this, O Mighty Fat Cat's manner becomes serene and serious. He kneels to the stones that make up the storied tombs all around his Circle. With the enchanted chain held in a way that shows respect to the weapon itself, O Mighty Fat Cat raises Spellbreaker above his head. In low tones, he closes his eyes and prays.

"Spellbreaka. You have served Mighty Mor'du in ways I cannot imagine. I ask to attune to you now so dat we can return to Antonia's forest and put paid to de wicked magic that imperils Antonia and Dunbar Kirk. Upon doing dis ting, I have promised before My Blessed Luna to return you here, to Rathess, to restore you to Mor'du's side where you belong. If you would aid me in dis duty, please allow dis humble servant of de Moon to attune wit you now."

Bowing his head low with the majestic chains held in his palms above him, O Mighty Fat Cat attempts to channel the motes of Exalted energy required to Spellbreaker. Should Spellbreaker deny him, then he has every intent not to try again unless things change. But should Spellbreaker consider him worthy, then it will become yet another fantastic moment in his life - one he will look back upon with wonder, honor, and awe - all of it heartfelt.

With seemingly endless patience, O Mighty Fat Cat prays and waits.

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