TV & Film Incendiary tropes and etc


Hi. Don't know if anyone has ever done this type of thread before on here but basically, this thread is to flame/vent/whine about things that make you go nope when watching movies or shows and such.

What are character tropes you can't stand? Things that make you cringe so hard you have to turn the movie off, what makes you irrationally angry?
Little kid tropes is one of mine. I'm watching the walking dead right now. I should feel more compassionate. I hate characters like Sophia.

We've all seen characters like her. An ENFURIATING source of CONSTANT liabilities that make for plot twists and story driving.

The alien hounds are chasing the main group, the walking liability bundle doesn't have basic survival instincts or knows how to follow basic instructions so they drag everyone into danger to go after their stupid action figure through the army of enemies.
I hate shoehorned romances. This is more of an issue with movies than shows, but it's always like pushing two characters together with zero chemistry or at least with one that has enough red flags to be a one (wo)man parade. Also adding onto the "little kid tropes", I just hate characters who are dumb and annoying for the sake of plot. It's at least somewhat understandable with kid characters (if not still annoying), but it's downright so frustrating when older characters suddenly start acting dumb or are somehow less powerful than usual (looking at you, RWBY) for the sake of plot/weaker villains. Like, no. Please stop.
Third on hating shoehorned romances. A lot of movies and shows become grating for me because the main plot is shoved aside for a horribly written romance (even worse if there's a love triangle) between characters that have absolutely no chemistry. If you can take the romance out of a story and the story remains unchanged, then you don't need the romantic subplot. Get rid of it!

While on the topic of romance, I greatly dislike it when an English dub of a game or anime decides to hint at a pairing even though such a thing does not happen in the original script. What's the point of this? The ship isn't going to happen because it was never there in the original script to begin with!

Another romantic trope I hate: when the crazy stalker fangirl/boy character ends up getting together with their crush in the end. It's even worse if the crazy stalker fan tends to bully, harass, or abuse the object of their crush. Just, ew.

This one happens in anime: repeated use of flashbacks. I'm talking about when an anime has to show the same dang flashback over and over again, and it's done without revealing any new information in regards to the scene being flashbacked too. I'm sure it's a means to cut corners for animation, but I hate it.

I greatly dislike it when a story tries way too hard to pile on "the feels." The character is sad, very sad. Their life is tragic, oh so tragic. And it just drags on, and on, and on, and on. I GET IT! THEY'RE SAD! MOVE ON!

You know that super hyper and idiotic teen kid with an attitude who takes nothing seriously and constantly messes things up, gets on everyone's nerves, and somehow ends up being right in the end and gets no consequences for their actions? I hate that character!

Disney Deaths: when a character supposedly dies, but it turns out, oh hey! They're not dead! This is especially annoying when this is done in a prequel, so we ALREADY KNOW this character is going to be alive and fine!

Of course I generally want the heroes to win in a narrative, but I can't help but be annoyed when the villains are actually on top for once, only for victory to slip out of their grasp because of something stupid. For example, the villain has the Super Important Artifact with Super Special Powers and they trip on a rock while making their getaway, and it slips out of their hands and rolls right back to the heroes. For another example, a trained assassin is hidden right behind their target and just as they're about to make the killing blow, one of the annoying side characters gets into an argument with someone, throws a brick at them, and their opponent ducks, causing the brick to strike the assassin and take them out.

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