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Sebastian gave a halfhearted smile as Ser Royland clapped him on the shoulder. While his reassurances about Azathor had little weight at the moment, it was far better than nothing.

Sebastian had heard of Valeria Witlock and her inquiry on Grimtham from several people since he set out for Eternis. There was always a sense among the story's tellers that Valeria ought to pitied for what happened, and the more Sebastian heard, the more he felt it too. Unlike the others in his current, strange company who had spent time in the Abyss, Valeria was like him- just an ordinary human being. He could never forget that he could very easily share the same fate if things go wrong.

"My name is Sebastian Ackermann," he said. "The more I hear of this Sazak and his 'game,' the more difficult it becomes to imagine myself a part of it, but I've been telling myself that there must be a reason I'm here, even if I don't understand it yet."
South Atraca, Adonia
Outskirts of Eternis

Were it months prior, any denizen of Eternis' outer edge would rub their eyes at the sight of a man flying across the sky, but by this point the sight had become commonplace. The mysterious occidental man with the power of flight and seemingly vanishing had become a regular fixture, helping those around the city's perimeter build up its defenses further and getting equipment across the city line faster than anyone else. Gaá Xiaòzhou, or rather Takato Ka as it was simpler for those here, having shaved down his stump horns once more due to not wanting to provoke paranoia, had become quite liked by the platoons, serving a larger role in the supply chain than some had anticipated, even in more civilian uses, such as bringing food or delivering messages.

The feeling was mutual, given how busy Venerable Cassiel was with his affairs, same with many others from the mission, so outside of those in the cathedral quarters, he found himself with a lack of companionship... aside from Zazriel, of course.

As he flew from one emplacement to another, carrying another set of goods for another troop, he heard someone call out to him.
As he flew from one emplacement to another, carrying another set of goods for another troop, he heard someone call out to him.

It was Cassiel, utilizing an odd, hollow white cone to call up to him. "TAKATO! YOU'RE NEEDED AT THE CATHEDRAL!" he yelled into the cone, which amplified his voice enough for Takato to hear from where he was in the sky. "ADONA REQUESTS YOUR PRESENCE!"

After handing off the cone to a nearby soldier, he gave Takato one final wave before turning and disappearing into a golden portal that appeared next to him. Which honestly surprised some of the soldiers around him. It wasn't often you saw an angel appear and disappear in such a manner.

--- --- ---
"I'm sure Theodore is around still digging through the archives for any relevant information he can find. Someone should keep an eye on him, I believe. Someone he'd trust."​

"Yes, but... I think Theodore may have already left for Nocturne with Rosanna. Didn't they?" responded Valeria, looking to the others to make sure she was correct.

Cassandra nodded. "Indeed. They left three days ago, in the early morning hours. They should be halfway to Nocturne by now, or at least preparing to leave for it by boat from one of the northern Atracan ports."

Cassandra then looked to Camille afterwards. "Tell me, huntress. Have you ever fought an alchemist?" she asked. "Quite an interesting opponent, they are. Can manifest weapons and other objects out of various materials practically by touch. They're also quite the clever ones when it comes to that special kind of trickery. Developing all manners of nasty traps, either around them or on their gear. Even on their own bodies, sometimes."

She then chuckled. "The last one I fought almost took my head off with a rigged Lebel. Planted a trap sigil on the reciever which would make it explode if anyone other than him had touched it. Detonated in my hands when I went to shoot him with it. I was picking metal out of the side of my face for days."
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Camille was a touch sullen to see that Valeria was still blaming herself for what had gone wrong in Grimtham, as she was already quite clear who the blame mainly lied with. Though the huntress never did quite support the deal with Sazak the inquisitor made, Cassandra's intervention was when things truly spiraled out of control. The demon was bound and they had a contingency plan, haphazard as it was... ruined in a blink.

Both Rebecca and Royland spoke to try and dissuade Valeria from feeling so guilty, so she had no reason to parrot what they said so eloquently already even if she was dressed as a bird. Instead she just chose to give them a quick nod, Sebastian introducing himself soon after. "You helped me get my family to safety from a warzone, so I am glad that you have decided to take up arms against Sazak," she said to him. "I will be honest, I lack battlefield experience. Attacking an assailant armed with a firearm or a supernatural creature I see no problem with, but a company of soldiers with rifles and mortars? That is harder to swing a sword at..."

When Cassandra posited her question, her lip twisted in thought as she brought a knuckle to her chin. "An alchemist? Let me see... There was a vampire I hunted who was an alchemist. They fought quite similarly, using conjured weapons and traps, no rigged firearms however. I'm always cautious those things would explode anyway..." she stated with a hum. "It was not exactly an easy battle, I miss-stepped and took a deep cut to my back. I still have the scars, but that is the price of being sloppy."

She canted her head slightly as she kept trying to search for other examples in her mind. "I thought I would end up fighting an alchemist at the Summit; Blair. I was fully convinced she had set the whole building to explode. The reasoning behind my suspicion should be obvious."
It was Cassiel, utilizing an odd, hollow white cone to call up to him. "TAKATO! YOU'RE NEEDED AT THE CATHEDRAL!" he yelled into the cone, which amplified his voice enough for Takato to hear from where he was in the sky. "ADONA REQUESTS YOUR PRESENCE!"

After handing off the cone to a nearby soldier, he gave Takato one final wave before turning and disappearing into a golden portal that appeared next to him. Which honestly surprised some of the soldiers around him. It wasn't often you saw an angel appear and disappear in such a manner.
Xiaòzhou chuckled at the sight briefly, finding the circumstance to appear quite silly, before it dawned on him what had actually been said. Quickly dropping off the goods he was delivering and telling the soldier he had handed it to "to let command know he won't be around for the next while," he raced off into the sky to the center and the cathedral.

"[...the time has come, it seems,]" he heard a familiar voice echo.

"[Seems so indeed, sir!]" the hermit responded to the fragment of Zazriel'tin that could speak to him through the robe and staff he carried with, "[Though you had said the same the previous times I had been called forth to the cathedral.]"

Zazriel chuckled in response, admitting to the truth to that. Xiaòzhou quickly made his way across the skies of Eternis to the center, landing in front of the grand cathedral. As he approached the front door, he sensed where everyone's qi was within, noting Azathor and Cassandra's presence alongside that of Hudson's wife Camille and some of the (ostensibly) newcomers.

Entering the cathedral, he swiftly made his way to the small gathering, raising his hand in greetings per the Adonian way. It seemed the others were in conversation, however, so he needn't speak up.
"Azathor. It's been a while." she said, glancing to the demon. "I trust Tariun's rebellion against Taranoch is still going smoothly?"

Azathor nodded, "For the time being. Even though I was asked for here, I still feel as though I could be more use back there. But having a chance to get a straight shot to my dear old pops? How could I resist?" He also noticed that the Daristinian shuffled off quickly before returning with clear anxiety likely from, as Azathor guessed, being around him.

"...How's Mariette doing?" she asked, her voice a bit softer than before. "If you've checked on the state of things recently, that is. I send her letters often, and get replies, but ink on paper only expresses so much."

"She's doing well. Eager to help, and she's quite capable." Azathor commented, "You shouldn't worry, though I get if you do otherwise."

"The more I hear of this Sazak and his 'game,' the more difficult it becomes to imagine myself a part of it, but I've been telling myself that there must be a reason I'm here, even if I don't understand it yet."

"Well, we'll find out soon enough I suppose." Azathor then replied to Ackermann with a nod, "Last I recall, there was a former constable among those that I had met in the Abyss. And he went on to help kill two icons. Think you can beat that record?"
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A voice was soon heard nearby, aimed in their direction. Male, and one they had heard often over the past few months. Adona's. "He very likely will, as you may end up slaying them all before we reach the end of this." said the god, walking towards them.

He still dressed like a typical cowboy, sporting brown trousers with an off-colored blue button down shirt. His rough black boots clinked with each step, as his spurs jingled, and he adjusted his slightly mangled hat as he walked over. "Good. Most of you are here." he said, looking between the group's members.

He then motioned for them to follow. "Let's head down to the Order's planning room. Undite will be with us shortly... She had to tend to a private matter." he said. His tone went unnaturally soft as he spoke of Undite, but his face bore no expression to match it. Instead, he kept up a rather stone-like appearance.

Quite the change from the nearly constant smiling he had done in the past. Perhaps the events unfolding were beginning to take their toll on him.

He quietly lead them across the room to another wide stone staircase, leading down into the depths beneath the cathedral. Down there was where the Vigilant Order called home. Or at least most of it. Grand Inquisitor Armstrong could be found there, following the takeover of his office upstairs by Velin. He remained active in Order affairs, often speaking with Undite regarding Order responses to events across the continent. Truthfully, he looked as though he could pass out at any given moment from the stress.

Down they went, eventually emerging inside the stone tunnels connecting the various rooms beneath the cathedral together. The masonry and general construction here was several hundred years ago in some spots. In others, maybe less than a few years. The Order was constantly renovating, improving sections or even building new ones. Work had slowed to nearly a halt, however, thanks to the war and breaking of the binding.

The planning room was filled to the brim with tables covered in paperwork and books. The contents of both covering a wide variety of subjects. The large circular table in the center, however, was bare save for a large map of the continent which was lit by the dull candle light of the chandelier above it. Small pins had been stuck in various spots on the map, with the pins featuring different colors. Each color meaning something different. Red, war zones. Yellow, Icon sightings. Blue, potential artifact locations as described by Vincent.

Vincent had spent several weeks following his return from the Abyss in the archives, attempting to locate the resting places of the remaining artifacts. Determined to find them and make sure they stayed out of the hands of Taranoch and his minions. And with the help of Theodore, Royland, Cassiel, and Rebecca, they had narrowed it down to three areas. Grimtham Isle for Gyasis' amulet, Northern Daristein for Thiasis' gauntlets, and Northeastern Escaria for Undite's staff.

There was a problem, however, with getting to each. Gyasis' amulet was supposedly in an old pirate cove somewhere on Grimtham Isle's coastline. The gauntlets were likely to be found in the mountains where the dwarves used to hail from in Northern Daristein. And the staff was supposedly in the ruins of an old Elven tower in Escaria's northeastern territories, which were now being occupied by Daristeinian and Tsavanian troops.

There was also a matter of the Icons. They would be searching for the artifacts as well, which meant direct engagements would be nearly guaranteed. They had to be ready to fight these demons and their minions if they hoped to win this.

Adona lead them into the room, moving past chairs and tables filled with books before stopping at the end of the large circular table in the middle. Once everyone was inside, he looked to them and spoke. "I should go ahead and let you know now." started Adona. "...Gyasis is dead. He died minutes ago, at his home in Westerly on Grimtham Isle."
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Azathor's anxiety spiked when Adona suddenly made his appearance and ushered them off deeper into the Cathedral. He could not help but be wary to some degree, given that he is what he is and how his kind are currently attempting to wreak havoc and death upon the mortal world. Regardless, he remained composed as best as he could as he and the others nearby were moved into the planning room of the Order. Seems as though they were ready to begin planning their moves, but then Adona dropped perhaps the biggest bombshell news possible:

"...Gyasis is dead. He died minutes ago, at his home in Westerly on Grimtham Isle."

One of the Divine Five... snuffed out, just like that? Azathor was both shocked and astonished, his mouth only opening ever so slightly as his thoughts raced as to what exactly to say. "...How did he die?"
"...How did he die?"

"Slain, likely by an Icon looking for the amulet. I'll have confirmation shortly from Velin. She's checking with her angels in Purgatory now." he explained. Leaning forward and pressing his palms flat on the wooden table, he gazed down at the map.

"...Thiasis will be next, of course. We attempted to convince both of them to come here, but both refused. He's near death, just as Gyasis was. Both wished to stay were they were, and spare us the pain of watching them die."
All Adona got from the huntress when he came to gather them was a quiet nod on her part, not particularly concerned with Undite or her personal matters at this time. Past and current affairs had her feeling a rather bitter indifference to the divines in general, even if they were overseeing their mission.

Camille did not find herself to be particularly religious, so the Grand Cathedral's history and the Order's work in its depths did not go all that appreciated in her eyes. Despite that she did marvel slightly at the construction and expansiveness of the bowels of the cathedral, the huntress at least able to appreciate the craft of building such an immense place. Her interest truly began to pique once she had entered the planning room with the others, her eyes immediately drawn to the map as she placed the knuckle of her index finger to her chin.

As she was working to decode the pins and their meaning, Adona gave the news of Gyasis' death. That was enough to prompt her from looking at the map as she crossed her arms over her chest, her stance lacking tension. "Seems like a waste for an Icon to kill a dying god that cannot fight back," she stated with a shake of her head. "Though when demons will revel in killing the innocent, I suppose their ringleaders will make time for a paltry task such as that."

"I trust that neither Gyasis or Thiasis know of where their artifacts are, given how lackadaisical you all have been with keeping track of those world-shaping trinkets, oui?" the Marquess asks with a raised brow. "So there really is no glory or advantage in killing either of them."
"It's to send a message, likely." Azathor stated, crossing his arms as the news continued to sink in. "Think, how better to prepare for your invasion? You break the spirit of the people likely to fight against you. In this case, by killing one of the beings they worship." He then looked around and shrugged, "If Thiasis wants to die then that's his choice, but then that will mean two of you will have been slain and even more damage done to the credibility and stability of your entire... system." He motioned his head to Adona to emphasize his last words.

He then shrugged: "Maybe he ought to be dragged back here."
"Ja, you're right," Sebastian said to both Camille and Azathor, his expression dire. "It sounds like it was just for personal satisfaction. Nevertheless, if the enemy has robbed them of an old friend, the Gods might react poorly to it. Recklessly, maybe. But that being said, if we're out trying to 'drag' Thiasis back to Eternis, then who will get the artifacts back?"

Sebastian had never been deeply devoted to the Divine Church, but it was still gravely serious that the gods were so weak in such a critical moment. It was clear that they were on the verge of a new era.
"I trust that neither Gyasis or Thiasis know of where their artifacts are, given how lackadaisical you all have been with keeping track of those world-shaping trinkets, oui?" the Marquess asks with a raised brow. "So there really is no glory or advantage in killing either of them."

"The artifacts were never supposed to be tracked in the first place. That's the reason it was so difficult to find any information on them. They were scrubbed from the Grand Library in Heaven as well, to make sure no angels decided to go hunting for them." responded Adona. "...They still weren't all hidden well enough, however, and now we're all here."

"Maybe he ought to be dragged back here."
"...But that being said, if we're out trying to 'drag' Thiasis back to Eternis, then who will get the artifacts back?"

"Thiasis was always the most headstrong of us, next to Velin. If we went to get him against his wishes, he would fight us to see his wishes respected. And it would very likely kill him." responded Adona, "...Your best option is to focus on the artifacts and stopping the Icons. Thiasis can distract them for us, should they come for him."

He then motioned to the map. First, pointing to a red pin far to the north of Eternis. "The red pins on the map are current warzones. This war is growing larger and far worse with each passing week. We need to work quickly to end this before millions more lives are lost in the fighting." A yellow pin was next. "Yellow pins are confirmed Icon sightings. Either by soldiers, hunters, inquisitors, angels, anyone. They're here, and they're hunting for the artifacts. They're also generally wreaking havoc across the countryside as well. Likely looking for their own little plots of land to conquer, and people to enslave. You know how these Icons operate."

He then pointed to the blue pins. "The blue pins are where Vincent believes the artifacts are hidden. Gyasis' amulet rests in a an old pirate cove on Grimtham Isle's shores. Exactly where this cove is, we don't know, but Undite will be checking with an old contact of hers to see if they can be of some help on that front." His finger moved to northern Daristein. "Thiasis' gauntlets are somewhere in the mountains of northern Daristein. Likely in the ruins of the old Dwarven kingdom. We're still looking for someone that might know that area."

Then, his finger moved to northeastern Escaria. Near its border with Daristein and Tsavania. "The third artifact, Undite's staff, should be in this area in an old Elven village. Presumably in the ruins of an Elven sorceress' tower. This is, obviously, occupied territory. So this will be tricky to get to."
Though originally enamored by the Grand Cathedral's history and the Order's work in its depths, Xiaòzhou had largely gotten used to it in the times he has helped about the cathedral, much as he had gotten over a similar feeling during his tenure at Shouki Shrine and its deep history. Much as it typically was, the hermit remained a largely passive listener, absorbing knowledge as others chimed in with questions.

The news of Gyasis' demise and the impending nature of Thiasis' demise were upsetting, as though the people of Redonia did not worship the Divine Five as they do here, legends of the Five Immortals did make their way over. He could only nod sadly at the news as the others took point in remarking further on this development, though respecting their choice of choosing where their days would end.

Moving onto the map, Xiaòzhou recalled Cassiel taking time out for him to explain the political affairs of the region, and quite frankly much of it had still flown over his head even with multiple rundowns; opting out of politics had its downsides. What was most important to him, however, was that this conflict come to a close soon, as he cannot bare the thought of it spreading further, possibly even beyond this continent - the sighting of demons here had already caused him worry for his homeland, after all. And to end it, they would have to cut through those political lines... especially in the case of the third artifact.

Xiaòzhou briefly considered offering himself as an aid to infiltrate the area where Undite's staff is supposed located in, akin to the aid he had given for the cathedral in select affairs outside the city, but immediately found issue with it when he considered that there was a chance it was deeper in the village than one might like, thus not allowing a quick in-and-out procedure, and of course, the issue of possibly encountering an Icon by himself. As he convinced himself out of that idea, he came to a sudden question.

"...with the exact locations of two artifacts unknown to us, and the third being inaccessible due to the war, where do we start?" he asked with a hurried tone, time being of the essence, yet still left waiting for the final pieces.
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Azathor listened to both Sebastian's own concerns, Adona's explanations, and Takato's own inquiry with full attention as the gravity of the situation demanded it. Yet Adona's words only brought out an approving sigh from him. If Thiasis was so hell bent on being suicidal in such a manner, then what could they do except allow him to do so? Takato however felt the need to press the issue on what their first objective would be, to which Azathor nodded in agreement.

"And how much time do we likely have?" he added onto this line of questioning as well.
"...with the exact locations of two artifacts unknown to us, and the third being inaccessible due to the war, where do we start?"
"And how much time do we likely have?"

Adona pointed back to Grimtham. "You'll head for Grimtham, travelling by railway from here up through Atraca until you reach the northern coast. We'll try and keep you away from the battlefields, but if we can't, try to keep your heads down and keep moving. If you have to fight, fight. If you have to kill, kill." he explained. "Nothing must stop you from getting to and claiming these artifacts. Keep them out of the hands of the Icons."

"Once you reach the coast, you'll take a ferry across the channel. Watch out for Tsavanian marines and navy, as they are making attempts to sabotage ports and sink ships in the area. The Tsavanians are attempting to take Grimtham by force, but the Atracan forces are putting up a good fight over the island. When you head west across Grimtham, you'll be further from the fighting and better off."

He then looked to Azathor. "...I honestly don't know how long we have. It varies between the multitudes of fate lines. Days, weeks, months... the most common timeframe is two months. So we'll go with that."
The huntress was glad to have the pins explained to her, as that seemed to still be her primary concern as they talked on Thiasis's impending death. She felt it best not to comment at this point, having nothing positive to say about the gods. Adona's explanation on how well hidden the artifacts were meant to be did not sit right with her either, as she always wondered how things were so terribly botched. As of now she was pinning it on incompetence...

The fact that one of the artifacts was hidden in her home country that was currently locked in war with its neighbors got her to stiffen up slightly, not all too pleased at the prospect of returning under those circumstances. If bitter nostalgia was the aim of the conversation, being told that they were heading for Grimtham first got Camille to wince slightly to herself. There was also another matter that was not sitting well with her, and after Adona finished explaining their rather limited timeframe she looked up from the map to address him.

"And this is only where Vincent and his team of scholars believe the artifacts are, non? We have no guarantees that the artifacts are even in these locations. What are we to do if the artifact isn't there? Search for several kilometers or a different country entirely?"
"And this is only where Vincent and his team of scholars believe the artifacts are, non? We have no guarantees that the artifacts are even in these locations. What are we to do if the artifact isn't there? Search for several kilometers or a different country entirely?"

Adona glanced to the huntress. "You search for it. These are the absolute best guesses we have for them. Vincent and Theodore were extremely thorough with their research. If you don't find it immediately, search in the general area. It'll be there. Somewhere."

He then straightened up. "Because if you don't find it, they will."
While the others had experience fighting supernatural beings, including demons up to the Icons themselves, Sebastian once again found himself lacking in understanding, and, having realized that clarification wouldn't come unless he asked for it, he cleared his throat. "Adona, sir, to be completely honest, I have no idea how to fight demons. What kind of equipment would I even need for that?"
"Adona, sir, to be completely honest, I have no idea how to fight demons. What kind of equipment would I even need for that?"

Adona glanced to the Daristeinian soldier. "Right, you're new to this. Ideally, you can use any sort of iron object or weapons to fight demons. Blessed weapons also work. Rebecca, here, can bless your weapons as she has Living Saint status." he said, before motioning to Rebecca. She nodded to them all, smiling.

"We also intend to give you plenty of ammunition laced with iron for your handguns and rifles, should any of you choose to use them. Can put down a demon in a couple of well placed shots, and can still harm Icons a bit. A blessed weapon does more damage to an Icon, though." continued Adona afterwards.

Cassandra chuckled. "Guess that means you can still put that rifle and pistol of yours to work." she said, patting the soldier on the shoulder. She then spoke again, rubbing her chin. "...I might need to find a rifle myself. I love melee combat, but seems like everyone nowadays likes to have a little distance between them and the enemy. And if they're using something particularly nasty for ammo... say, a shotgun shell or two... that might be a bit painful if I'm hit closing the gap."

Rebecca spoke up afterwards. "That's why I carry a shield." said the Saint, with a grin.
Sebastian seemed to be terribly uncertain about the task ahead of him, and while she didn't question the man's mettle she was worried how dreadfully ill informed he had been in these months. That fault wasn't necessarily with him, and at the very least his questions were being answered now.

"If they bleed, they can be killed. It's simply about the tools we choose to do it," Camille answers with a good amount of brevity. Fortunately Adona elaborated on those particular tools, the noblewoman raising her brow when he mentions that Rebecca is capable of blessing their weapons. "Hudson told me that he used an angelic weapon to do battle with the Icons. I suppose blessing them is the next best thing if heaven's forges have gone cold."

Cassandra talking about acquiring a gun got Camille to turn her head, suddenly wincing as a thought strikes her. "We aren't... going to be fighting in the trenches, are we? I can throw my quills far, but not that far."
"We aren't... going to be fighting in the trenches, are we? I can throw my quills far, but not that far."

Cassandra smirked, turning her head towards Camille. "What's the matter, huntress? Afraid of a little gunplay?" she remarked, grinning afterwards.

Adona spoke up afterwards. "There is a high chance you'll have to enter the battlefields and trenches of this ongoing war. Best to be prepared for anything." he said. "If you dislike firearms, I suggest a crossbow or a simple quality bow. They have excellent range, and the bolts and arrows can be customized for a variety of situations... I speak from experience."
Camille scowled, head snapping to the pureblood. "I am not afraid. I just know that it is idiotic for me to charge an entire battalion," she clarified, turning to Adona after he explained the situation. She did not like the idea of taking a bullet wound and bleeding out in some muddy hole, her lips tightening as she weighed her options.

"I've done some archery recreationally, though that was a long time ago. I took a much greater liking to fencing when I was a girl." Arms still crossed, she taps her bicep with a finger as she considers a workaround for the issue. "Bows and crossbows are far too bulky for my liking. Does the inquisition armory not have something a bit more... compact?"
As Camille turned her attention back to Adona, Sebastian finally felt compelled to say something to Cassandra, albeit not in response to her comment about his weapons. He was actually growing irritated by her demeanor, acting so brash around people who have a lot more to lose than she could possibly understand.

"She's smart, not scared," he said quietly in reference to the marquess. "Even if you can run like a gazelle and bounce right back up after the enemy runs out of ammunition doesn't mean that it's a good idea to actually prove it. I've seen the newest weapons up close; our best chance of survival is to avoid detection. Bows are good for that. They're quiet. But, if you do take a rifle, I'd recommend a Mauser or a Lebel."
"Bows and crossbows are far too bulky for my liking. Does the inquisition armory not have something a bit more... compact?"

Valeria, surprisingly, spoke up before Adona could answer. "...We have... I mean... the Inquisition has been toying with the idea of wrist mounted weapons for several years. Blades, hatchets, crossbows, pistols, shotguns... I'm sure one of the researchers has something that would fit you perfectly." she said, hesitating briefly to begin with.

Cassandra, meanwhile, shifted her attention to Sebastian as he spoke to her. "...I've never been one for bows, honestly. Arrows tend to be a bit too delicate. Hard to remove from corpses without breaking them in half or snapping the arrow head off." she stated. "In regards to rifles, I've only ever handled a Lebel when it comes to more modern weapons."

She raised a finger after a moment. "I have used the Trapdoor rifles, as well as Martini-Henry rifles. Decent, for black powder rifles. Oh, and I've used a Sharps rifle once. Quite an accurate rifle, even at extreme distances when in the right hands. Certainly not while in my hands, of course. My aim is pretty average past three hundred meters."

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