• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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"I came here to place a bet."
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
A few ground rules before we get started:
- This is an advanced RP, so 3+ paragraphs per post, please! English does not have to be your first language, but please use correct grammar and spellings if you can. If I feel that not enough overall effort was put into the character sheet, I reserve the right to reject it, but I will first make suggestions.
- Please post on the RP thread at least once every two weeks. Don't make me have to hunt you down for a reply. Three infractions of this rule will result in dismissal from the RP, though penalties will not apply to other RPers who are held up waiting for the offender’s reply.
- This is indeed an anime RP, so anime "faceclaims," please! Drawings are welcome.
- Please note that this is a carnage-heavy RP with mature themes, and as such violence, substance use, language, and (limited) sexuality may occur.
- I know the CS is long, so feel free to stick your WIPs here until you can get around to completing them! However, please note that reservations will only be upheld for three days, by which time the entire form should be completed.
- Maximum of two characters! For now, at least. If not all the positions are filled by the time we start the RP thread, this may change.
- Shinigami characters possess the supernatural abilities presented in the manga and anime, such as knowing a human's lifespan and true name at a glance, invisibility to all of those who have not touched a Death Note, pretty much indefinite immortality via shortening humans' lifespans, understanding Earthly languages, materializing and de-materializing their bodies at will, and the ability to walk through walls.
- Have fun and get creative! I love RPers who play NPCs, initiate side plots, and keep the story rolling. Let your imagination take flight. :closed eyes open smile:

Killers (1/3)
- reserved for meepster meepster

Detectives (1/3)

- Alyssa "Aces" Mayberry

Shinigami (2/3)

- Dakchyeo
- reserved for Catlestial Catlestial

Other Characters (0/∞)

Full Name:
Name Meaning:
Nicknames: (include any code names or aliases here)
Nationality: (if human)

Height & Weight:
Body Modifications:
Physical Disabilities:

Positive Traits:
Negative Traits:
MBTI Type:
Hogwarts House:
Moral Alignment:

Mental Disorders:


Relationship Status:
Past Partners:
Dominant or Submissive:

- as many as you’d like
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Full Name: "Mao Ah-lam is my Chinese name, but I haven't lived there since I was four years old. Since then I've been going by Alyssa. I chose my last name, Mayberry, because it sounds elegant and sweet, just like me! Very English, too."
Name Meaning: "Ah-lam means 'peace' and 'like the orchid' in Chinese. As the story goes, my parents consulted a fortune-teller prior to my birth, and upon being told that I would be a tempestuous child, they chose a name that meant 'peace' to reverse that future. Keeping with the trend of flowery names, Alyssa spawns from the alyssum flower, which was believed to cure madness and rabies. Ha! 'No madness.' Isn't that an aspiring name? As for my surnames, Mao means 'hair feather' in Mandarin and stems from the name of an ancient Chinese state. Mayberry is a locational surname that apparently means 'dweller at the tribal hill,' but I prefer to think of it as an exotic fruit instead."
Nicknames: "Like all children in Wammy's House, I was initially addressed by just the first letter of my name, A. However, seeing as I was the fourth kid to have an A-name--a bloody confusing mess, that--then I started involuntarily going by Four. But no kid wants to be a number, so when I was ten years old I started insisting that everyone call me Aces, like the winning poker hand! It's also a metaphor for my masterful detective skills! Ever since, Aces has stuck as my undercover alias."
Gender: "Queen."
Age: "Just turned 27, another year older!"
Birthday: "September 2nd, John Wick's birthday because I'm cool people like him. That makes me a badass Virgo."
Role: "I'm a detective, here to crack cases and throw crooks in jail."
Nationality: "Born in China and raised in England. Wammy's House is in Winchester, after all. God save the king!"


Appearance: "Funny thing about my appearance: It's always shifting from job to job, since I don't want the public or criminals with vendettas to learn my face. Naturally I have black hair and red eyes, but currently I sport a curtain of angel-white hair that brushes my waist. Minus the dye, I'm proud to say that this luscious mane is all mine and not the work of a wig! I spend a considerable amount of time making sure that it's well-maintained, brushing it out every morning and every night and splurging a little on the best oils and shampoos that money can buy. It's a necessary expense, okay? Looking like a young girl gets me into places with minimal suspicion. Speaking of which, I have a youthful, unlined face with soft features. It's not uncommon for me to be mistaken for a teenager by strangers, and blimey if I'm not carded every time I set foot in a bar. For the case at hand, my eyes are a piercing golden color like a hawk's. They are large and framed by thick, dark lashes, with my bangs frequently falling into them. Then I have wispy, arched brows that are pencil thin and shoot up in the middle, giving me an expression like I'm perpetually surprised. My cheekbones are high and help accentuate my point chin, making my face resemble an inverted triangle. I have fair skin that's prone to burning in sunlight for upwards of an hour. Nasty inconvenience, that, because I'm still not sold on the notion that the chemicals in sunscreen are actually healthy for the human body. Lastly, I'm a crazy lefty, so watch out, world! Satan's left his sinister mark on me, punny pun pun."
Wardrobe: "Again, my appearance is prone to shifting depending on the occasion and social circle at hand, but my preferred style can best be described as... psychedelic. I love wearing dresses, leggings, and coats with colorful, mottled prints. I especially like to pair this look with bright, bubbly makeup, wearing a different color eyeliner and lipstick every day of the week, the former replete with wings and a bottom lid. I've been told that I look like a woman from the 60s when I dress according to my tastes, if not an outright hippie. Although I wouldn't go so far to agree with this latter descriptor. What, just because I like to wear tie-dye pants I'm an idiot pacifist in love with communism? Juéduì bù! However, such fashion is best accepted in America, where I've been living the past several years, more or less. If I'm in Asia or Europe, to blend in I try to adopt a style of minimalist sophistication. My wardrobe is simpler, more refined, and sticks to neutral colors, and I'll commonly wear blazers, well-cut denim, and block heels or ankle boots. My makeup will stick to darker colors and nude shades, rather than my usual vibrant, candy-coated chaos. Sometimes I'll throw on a long knitted scarf for an unobtrusive flair."
Outfit 1 Outfit 2 Outfit 3
Scent: "Fresh-cut roses, white strawberry bellinis, and a cliffside sunrise, three of my favorite things especially when paired together! To simplify matters for you, I smell like the color pink personified."
Height & Weight: "I stand at a very intimidating five-foot-fuck-all, and wait, hold up, you would inquire after a woman's weight?! How inconsiderate. But if you must know, I weigh 105 lbs., making me pretty much the lowest weight class in any martial art I were to try my hand at. My slight build adds to my youthful physique, as if my face didn't do that well enough on its own. It's as if my body just said, 'Nope, not happening,' and decided to stop growing the moment I entered fourth grade. I'm pretty thin and flat-chested, yet such a build is very conducive to cardio, and long hours of training have made me faster and more agile than the average person."
Body Modifications: "As we've already established, I dye my hair on such a frequent basis that I'm unsure whether its natural color is still the midnight black it once was, and I don't plan on finding out anytime soon. Not quite a body modification, but I have a distinct birthmark on the top of my left foot, a silvery little patch in the shape of a star. My mother always said that was how she identified me as an infant in the hospital nursery, as to ensure the nurses didn't swap me with out for some random kid. But in hindsight maybe we all would've been better off if they had. Anywho. I also have a vertical eyebrow piercing on my right side and piercings in both earlobes, because what queen doesn't have pierced ears? However, when my hair is as long as it is now, there's a fifty-fifty chance it's going to obscure the eyebrow piercing at any given moment."
Physical Disabilities: "My right knee is a little messed up every since I injured it in a competitive skirmish with other Wammy's House residents when I was seventeen years old. I can sprint all right, but running long distances is bound to make it achy. I also have myopia, and it's a coin flip with each of my disguises whether I rectify this with contacts or glasses. The coin--obviously--fell on contacts this time around."


Personality: The first thing that one may notice about Alyssa is the rigid order in which she tends to keep her life. This extends to her outfits and appearance, her physical working environment, her meticulously scheduled plans for every evening, and sometimes even judgment calls on how others should behave. She has little tolerance for unruliness and slobbery, and when thrown into disorganization, feels a compulsion to remedy it, sorting and cleaning until everything is neat again. This is akin to the mindset with which she tackles cases. Alyssa untangles facts from fictions until everything is neat and crisp and distilled down to its most basic parts. She's a highly visual person this way, working from a vision of how things should be and enforcing it onto reality. As such, Alyssa is very pragmatic and down-to-earth in her approach to detective work and life in general. She is not one to obsess over far-fetched leads and chase them to the ends of the earth just to prove she was right all along. Rather, Alyssa believes that the simplest explanation is usually the correct one, and she has little patience for fanciful flights of the imagination without any evidence to back them up. She is a big believer in the proverb "seeing is believing."
Alyssa is very focused and driven in her efforts to achieving a goal. She's not easily offput by setbacks and will get a job done steadfastly, if not always swiftly. She is hard-working, prioritizing work above leisure almost to a personal detriment, occasionally burning herself out. When she gets overworked, Alyssa withdraws and experiences periods of emotional numbness. She has a strong sense of justice, and when it's trampled, Alyssa gets angry. These are peculiar instances, because normally Alyssa is a peacemaker, doing what she can to promote harmony among group dynamics and ease tension. However, if something rubs her the wrong way, she can do a complete 180 and speak her mind with zinging clarity. It's true that she prefers peace, but when it's not easily forthcoming, she has the backbone to stand up to others, usually those who instigate conflict. Despite her reserved nature, Alyssa was raised in a collectivist culture and is intensely a team player, despising when individuals disrupt a group's ability to work together.
Alyssa's exterior can be described as very... professional. She has a good sense of social norms and adheres to them almost rigidly. Her communication style is logical, direct, and effective, though she may teeter between passiveness and aggression when her buttons are pushed. However, Alyssa struggles to establish intimacy. She unknowingly has walls that she puts up, and it simply doesn't occur to her to share any more details of her personal life than are relevant to the conversation. Rarely displaying affection for anyone except the closest of friends, Alyssa is unintentionally cold and inhibited. Furthermore, she is quiet and analytical, taking time to gather her thoughts before sharing them. She's not at all impulsive, having a logical reason behind every one of her actions and capable of thinking through consequences in advance.
As someone who rarely smiles and has one "neutral" expression for various emotions, Alyssa may come off as stuck-up and bitchy upon first impression. She's neither, really, but she does have a strong sense of judgment, and when boundaries are pushed, she'll do her best to sit tight and endure it. But when boundaries are outright crossed, she'll speak her mind. She is direct and honest, sometimes to the point of tactlessness, believing that constructive criticism is the key to improvement. Despite the cold vibes she may give off, Alyssa is trustworthy and reliable. She has a perfect memory of those who do favors for her and vice versa, and if she owes someone or has made a commitment to them, she will walk through hell and high water to keep it. She takes her responsibilities very seriously, even at personal expense. And when she genuinely likes someone, she will walk the extra mile for that person and do them favors with nothing expected in return and make their happiness a priority.
Alyssa listens to her mind over her heart in most instances. Like most detectives, she is intelligent and level-headed, valuing knowledge and truth. She employs a strategic approach to problem-solving that typically values defense over aggression. Not a daredevil out to impress, Alyssa is preoccupied with ensuring the safety of both herself and her team above all and does not have much affinity for risk-taking. Her need for security manifests into a fear of isolation. After her family willingly gave her up to settle a debt, Alyssa has abandonment issues, and her biggest fear is being isolated from the world. Thus, she hesitates to rock the boat because she fears that she may be the one thrown overboard if she does. However, her strong moral compass simultaneously compels her to assert her justice, which creates a strange, lose-lose struggle within her, where Alyssa typically feels like she messes up no matter how she chooses. She's very critical of herself, holding herself to high standards and obsessing over whether she does things the "right way." She drowns her negative emotions by throwing herself into work or helping others, relishing routine and repetitive patterns as a method of distracting herself. However, this frequently becomes an unhealthy coping mechanism for her to avoid problems.
Despite these flaws, Alyssa has some very tangible strengths, as would any child who has prevailed through the rigorous training of Wammy's House. For an introvert, she has remarkable people skills, showing a knack for encouraging and supporting other people, whether they be her friends, teammates, or complete strangers. While change makes her a little anxious, she is capable of adapting to new ideas and circumstances, changing her thinking and tactics as necessary to solve problems. She connects with people in her own way by letting them drive conversations and showing empathy when appropriate, having learned that listening is an invaluable skill both as a detective and as a diplomat. Because she's very team-oriented and good at compromise, Alyssa is adept at seeing situations from multiple perspectives, realizing that people are complicated beings who are never entirely good or bad, and making her reluctant to put labels or excessive amounts of trust in others without reason.
Positive Traits: Loyal, logical, externally calm, practical, forthright, moral, driven, strong-willed, dutiful, responsible, detail-oriented, compassionate, diplomatic, motivating, assertive, reliable, team player, intelligent, analytical, good memory, organized, plans step by step, realist, dryly humorous
Negative Traits: Stubborn, inflexible, rigid, conventional, judgmental, self-critical, tactless, cold, reserved, internally a mess, obsessive, self-righteous, contradicting, avoidant, can't express emotions, apathetic, blunt, dislikes change, perfectionist, prideful, overthinking, traditional, duty-bound
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff, and her Ilvermorny house is Thunderbird.
Moral Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Temperament: Melancholic-Choleric


Likes: Rules, schedules, routine, memorization tasks, teamwork, harmony, dry humor and sarcasm, being productive, going with the flow, looking presentable, privacy, hanging out in a group, organization, saving money, perfumes (especially green tea and mint), block heels, leggings, sundresses, colorful makeup, scarves, dyeing her hair, birds (especially crows), bogs and wetlands, late night/early morning, the moon cycle, autumn, the colors brown and pink, indie/alternative music, drums, sweet foods, funnel cake, fruit pastilles, strawberry, tangyuan (rice balls with peanut butter-y filling), spring rolls, jiaozi (dumpling filled with meat and veggies), honey mustard, ginger and lemon tea, sugary iced coffee, pocket billiards, playing cards, gymnastics, yoga, cartography, juggling, gardening, speaking Chinese, boats, the sea, waking up crazy early, astrophysics, accounting, pipe smoking, hallucinogens (only when she's, like, mega stressed...)
Dislikes: Risk-taking, incompetence, people reneging on their word, daydreaming without taking action, having to improvise, emotional conversations, one-on-one interactions, public displays of affection, receiving gifts, not getting enough alone time, rule-breaking, conflict, dogs, heat, sunshine, afternoons, summertime, fire, small spaces, the color green, country music, fast food, spicy foods, caramel, oysters, crisps, lettuce, Balti (English curry), crusts, black or hot coffee, cocktail sauce, ping-pong, athletics (running sport), drawing and painting, driving, large automobiles, chemistry, deceit, being overlooked, tension, being restricted or controlled, alcohol
Habits: Stands with her chin propped on one hand or with hands on pockets, talking to herself in different languages (fluent in English, Mandarin, German, and Hindi), compulsively eating sweets, smoking whenever not eating for constant stimulation, stretching after sitting for too long, stacking items or grouping them by likeness, biting her lip, collecting stuffed animals, color-coordinating makeup and outfits, alphabetizing things, mental math with big numbers, riding her bike everywhere since she doesn't have a car or driver's license
Fears: Fire, small spaces, dogs, change and unfamiliar environments, abandonment, blood, falling in love, men (low-key), germs, the future
Hobbies: Cartography, juggling, gardening, taking care of Karasu (her pet crow), learning languages, gymnastics, pipe smoking, stargazing, eating sweets, playing pool and cards, cardio workouts, Buddhist practices, earning academic degrees and not doing anything with them (bachelor's in environmental science and Chinese studies, MBA with a concentration in management, and currently working on a PhD in astrophysics)
Mental Disorders: OCD, OCPD, Schizoid PD, and mild autism. Like most former and current Wammy's House residents, Alyssa is very neurodiverse and has her fair share of eccentricities.




Relationship Status:
Past Partners:
Dominant or Submissive:


- as many as you’d like

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Full Name: Matteo Kaneko
Name Meaning: Named after Matteo Messina Denaro (the famous Sicilian mafia don); Kaneko means “golden child”
Nicknames: Maty (close friends only); most just call him Kaneko
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Birthday: December 18th
Role: Death Note User/Killer
Nationality: Italian-Japanese


Height & Weight:
Body Modifications:
Physical Disabilities:


Positive Traits:
Negative Traits:
MBTI Type:
Hogwarts House:
Moral Alignment:


Mental Disorders:




Relationship Status:
Past Partners:
Dominant or Submissive:
- as many as you’d like



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General Information
Names and Aliases: This shinigami has gone through names like changes of clothes since it was rare he answered to any he was addressed by unless the Shinigami King was the one speaking. His most common monikers are "the Silent Architect" and "Hush." For the purposes of this competition involving humans, however, he seems to have taken a liking to "Dakchyeo," or abbreviations of it.
Gender: Male
Role: Shinigami
Birthday: The only birthday Dakchyeo will celebrate is the day he becomes the Shinigami King.
Theme Song: Dirt Poor Robins - Babylon

Dakchyeo is about as imposing as shinigami come, his silent nature aside. His body is a large, misshapen mass with disjointed stitches holding the dilapidated fabric - or perhaps flesh - together. He has no arms, legs, or limbs; the only identifiable feature sticking out from the shadowy mess is an almost too-small head connected to an unnaturally curved spine. The head itself looks like a human skull missing the mandible, except for a pair of thick ram horns sprouting from where eyes would normally be. Despite having no designated limbs, Dakchyeo's body can split at its stitched seams to form prehensile appendages, and many of them. He can use these to mimic hands, claws, or even tentacle wings, however he desires to accomplish any task, and they're excellent for multitasking. Much like the Shinigami King, other facets of Dakchyeo's appearance come across to humans or other shinigami as simply "indescribable," giving viewers a feeling like a head filled with static.
a sketch here

the Death Note - a special book that shinigami use to extend their lives. only a human who has come into contact with a Death Note can see Dakchyeo, and he has a "bond" with the human who owns his personal Death Note.
shinigami eyes - can see the names and life spans of any human whose face he sees.
shinigami deal - can grant the shinigami eyes power to a human possessing a Death Note in exchange for half their life span.
deconstruction - can break down to pass through solid objects or disappear at will. can also nearly instantly recover from most forms of damage.
indefatigability - can survive without food or rest.
morph - can alter the shape of his own body to suit his needs.

In a word, Dakchyeo is a recluse. He seldom interacts with other shinigami in their realm, and humans are distant thoughts when he isn't voicing his distaste for them. He even went as far as to create a language system to go alongside his personal shinigami script and uses it exclusively when speaking. He's exceptionally intelligent by shinigami standards, as well as meticulous and organized. He'd be considered a natural leader by human standards, but he's also quick to anger and has a bad temper. This led him to voluntarily outcast himself as much as possible while working on his magnum opus - a complete overhaul of the shinigami world's system of rules, work, and general bureaucracy. Shinigami have jobs to complete, rules to abide by, and a rank system to designate status, but it's far too convoluted for Dakchyeo's liking. This challenge has given the reserved Dakchyeo an opportunity to take the throne and implement his new order. Because if he doesn't do something about the way things are, he might just lose his mind. Once the challenge began, Dakchyeo changed his linguistic tick slightly to accommodate a human note holder. Now, he speaks and writes in exclusively Korean. Why he chose Korean is anybody's guess.
Likes: order, efficiency, quiet, things to cover his head
Dislikes: loud noises, surprises, humans, anything unpredictable
Fatal Flaw: If he needs something done, the only person Dakchyeo trusts to do it right, or even at all, is himself. He's a little bit of a control freak and doesn't have enough faith in others to share the workload, so he tends to find himself buried neck-deep in one thing or another. It's a double-edged sword in the sense that all the things Dakchyeo has himself buried in are probably all that's keeping him docile, if you can even call his temperament that.
Alignment: Lawful Evil
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Full Name: “Mao. Just Mao. Huh? Is it the name my dad gave me? Who remembers what that was!”
Name Meaning: “It sounds like meow. Mao. Meow. Fun! Oh come on, I don’t care if you’re physically incapable of smiling, you can at least try.”
Nicknames:”’Please go away’ ‘Stop’ ‘Why’ – oh, those aren’t nicknames?”
Gender: “Female, girlboss. I guess. Gender is kind of pointless around here.”
Age: “Time is meaningless beyond the human realm! Plus, you don’t ask a woman their age.” (old)
Birthday: 10/13
Role: Shinigami, Heiress.
Nationality: N/A [Cat]

Appearance: A feline skull surrounded by thick, black smoke that moves like a liquid. It's constantly undulating and she can use it to make pictures and shapes.
Height & Weight: 4’2
Body Modifications:
Physical Disabilities: N/A

Positive Traits: Eager, Personable, Hyper.
Negative Traits: Unreliable, slacking, emotional.
MBTI Type: enfp
Hogwarts House:
Moral Alignment: Chaotic neutral.

Likes: Colorful objects, weird human rituals, food
Mental Disorders: Existing probably

Family: Shinigami king

- as many as you’d like

Very, very rough draft that I'll try to finish by tonight! also trying to do a doodle of her so hopefully have that in a few days as well! I don't normally write CS in a interview style format, but it seemed really fun to do and to try to get more into the character. I'll probably post a more regular one after this is done!
1693786640149.pngDetective Profile
Aliases: Mr. I, The Overseer
Full Name: <Isegawa Hayase>
Gender: Male
Age: 28
D.O.B: 04/04/20XX
Occupation: Ace Detective / Gray Hat Hacker
Nationality: Japanese

Wardrobe: Boring Gray is the main color palette and motif that Mr. I has taken, he is monochrome and desaturated. Only donning gray with a highlight and accents of black or white. Usually donning a smart casual sweater, vest, and on rare occasions, a suit and tie. Shoes about as mundane as it can get mostly consisting of office leather shoes, Always wearing black then white gloves. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are black gloves day. Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday for white. He wears no gloves on Sundays.

1694248403845.pngMr. I wear what appears to be a big TV box over his head. Lightweight and ergonomic as he does not suffer from any neck pain or other head injury or any other uncomfortable feelings; known for wearing the box as a part of him.

The TV box head is nothing more than just an expensive elaborate mask. His head, caged behind layers of plastic, wires crawling and plates of metal; an LED screen for a face with a robotic microphone to speak under the speaker. He is not hindered deaf, mute, or blind under his Last face. This second layer of his head displays an analog-style TV display screen, presenting a dark oily image of an animated eye. Nothing more than a mere presentation to mask his real face.

Scent: Subtle hint of burnt plastic
Voice: Modulated Monotone
Physical Build: Slender
Height: 5'8ft | 173cm
Weight: 64kg | 141lbs

> Subtly Eccentric
> Honest
> Critically Perceptive
> Rogue Rebellious Attitude


1. Hijack Public Digital Electronics - Having a talent and a clearance position from the higher government. Mr. I is able to alter digital data from the comfort of his own personal Laptop, with the state-of-the-art hijacking software program. Mostly for now only access computers from anywhere across America.

2. Forensic apparatus operator - His other more obscure skill certification is his hands-on work in the forensics lab; Mr. I's restrictive investigation mobility made him more effective with the technical side of the crime investigation scene; able to detect fine fingerprints faster than the typical investigators.

Equipment: TO BE ADDED




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