• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern π—™π—”π—Ÿπ—Ÿπ—˜π—‘ π—”π—‘π—šπ—˜π—Ÿπ—¦ M.C. || Character Sheets



Dandy Connoisseur
Roleplay Type(s)


fallen angels



Available roles within the club:

β€’ Sgt. at Arms - Responsible for security in and around club premises. NanLia NanLia (August Cloutier)

β€’ Secretary - Official records/books keeper of the club. Namazu Namazu (Matt β€œFish” Fischer)

β€’ Road Captain - Responsible for all club runs. Fluffy-Kat Fluffy-Kat (Mason C. Weston)

β€’ Enforcer - Bodyguard to the President, punishing infractors of the club bylaws. Bullyboy Squad Bullyboy Squad (Bruno Jenkins)

β€’ Tail Gunner - Responsible for riding safety in club runs, riding at the back. Good_Morels Good_Morels (Beau Montaire)

β€’ Prospect(s) - Not a full patched member yet, on probation for a given time.
β€’ Fluffy-Kat Fluffy-Kat (Kallie Weston)

* Family and friends roles are open as well.

* Roles are not gender locked.







MC Role:






Markings (Scars, Tattoo's etc):


Insert Text Here (Short 1-2 Paragraph explanation)


Insert Text Here (Short 1-2 Paragraph Explanation)


Relationship Status:

Place of Birth:

Motorcycle (Harley Davidson model):

Other Information:


You're welcome to copy the code with the Character Sheet template below to use it for your character(s).

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MC Role:






Markings (Scars, Tattoo's etc):


Insert Text Here (Short 1-2 Paragraph explanation)


Insert Text Here (Short 1-2 Paragraph Explanation)


Relationship Status:

Place of Birth:

Motorcycle (Harley Davidson model):

Other Information:


         [comment]----copy me too!----[/comment]


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[comment]----signature! (do not remove!)-----

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β™‘design by beyonddandy, coded by uxieβ™‘
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Bruno Jenkins

the jackass



Name: Bruno Jenkins
Nickname: Elvis
Age: 35
Gender: male
MC Role: tba (depends on what others pick!)


: jet-black, slick and shiny almost as if it's been stained with motor oil. Combed back in a sharp and precise manner, held in place with a generous amount of hair gel.

Skin: warm, caramel-toned hue that speaks of his heritage and the long hours under the sun, complemented by subtle imperfections. Few scars add to his rugged appearance.

Eyes: deep and entrancing hazel browns, like pools of melted chocolate. Usually stained with a mischievous twinkle, revealing a playful and charismatic side. But sometimes they soften and you get to see a glimpse of the man beneath all the exterior.

Build: his leather jacket stretches over strong shoulders and a snow white t-shirt hides his well-defined chest and the first signs of a beer gut. His fairly athletic body is proof of hours spent in the gym and many more spent enjoying simple pleasures.


- other than some minor scars there's a long, jagged line that runs down the bottom of his right forearm after it was ripped open by a cylinder head bolt coming off the stripped engine casing. There's a short, funny story behind it.

- there are a few party mistakes inked into his skin and one amazing work of art, a sprawling mural that covers his back. A colorful dragon that seems to come to life whenever he flexes his upper body when shirtless.


He might be seen as a simple douchebag but he's a man of contradictions. Charming and abrasive, seductive and dismissive, engaging and distant. All of which might stem from attachment and trust issues caused by the toxic relationship he had with his mother.

His confidence and charisma is underlined by laziness and pessimism. The latter he often unsolicitedly spreads.

He has a strong sense of self-preservation, reluctant to put himself in harm's way unless it is absolutely necessary. That paired with a low case of hypochondria and vanity sometimes makes him come off as a fussy coward. Doesn't change the fact he's an experienced and intelligent club member and is loyal to the patch that helped shape the man he is today.


He grew up in a wealthy, dysfunctional family and was sent to prestigious schools from an early age. Eventually he rebelled against the abusively strict expectations and from an obedient kid he turned into an independent, young man looking for trouble.

Trouble's name was Gina, his ex-wife. At the time she worked as a stripper in a bar that was frequented by Fallen Angels. Seduced by the criminal scene he traded his upper-class lifestyle for a bike. Most of the club members don't know about his privileged past but he tends to occasionally surprise people with accurate facts and remarks that come from his early education.


Relationship Status: divorced

Place of Birth: Erie, PA

Motorcycle: HD Breakout Devil is a custom, street racer-inspired bike that’s stripped down, raw, and ready. Powerful engine, big drag-inspired rear tire, and a long, low profile, with an aggressive stance. The red paint job and KessTech exhaust system gives it an elegant bad boy look. click me


- drunk karaoke, he has a good singing voice, cue nickname Elvis
- badly playing electric guitar
- riding his bike solo, with no one bitch-riding on her
- flirting, pursuing, and having no obligations
- crying to cheesy romance movies when no one's around


- bugs, insects, filth, and most importantly zombies
- poor personal hygiene
- serious relationships and needy people
- bad hair days

- losing sense of freedom, independence or his reputation
- getting fat and bald
- dying alone

β™‘design by beyonddandy, coded by uxieβ™‘
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Casey Guidry

Vice President



Name: Casey Guidry

Nickname: VP | Case

Age: 41

Gender: Male

MC Role: Vice President


Hair: Blonde

Skin: Fair

Eyes: Blue

Build: Muscular

Markings (Scars, Tattoo's etc):
- Tattoo on right inner bicep reading β€œif I got rid of my demons I would lose my angels”
- Tattoo on right upper back of a North Star https://areajugones.sport.es/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/ana-de-armas-1586942653-1220x718.jpg


Casey was known to be an easy going and optimistic individual prior to his imprisonment. He grew up with strong family bonds just like any other southerner and was known by many as a hard-working and overall good individual. After prison he changed drastically. His experiences inside twisted him, forced him to become a survivor - stealing his humanity in a sense. He wasn’t ruthless, but was forced into adulthood in a world he didn’t know - learning from poisonous individuals what it meant to be a man. His new environment sculpted him into a more aggressive and stilled individual, one that lacked a positive view of the world. Everything became serious, life-threatening and fearful. It was survival of the fittest, adapt or die...so Casey adapted.


A night’s mistake led to an eight year sentence without reasonable bail in general population. Casey was charged and imprisoned for aggravated battery at a very young age - before the world’s inevitable collapse. He was released at the end of his sentence and met a world unbeknownst to him. His criminal record nullified his chances of returning to the work in Texas so decided to move east back in with a father he barely knew in Philadelphia.

His father, Johnathan Guidry was the Vice President of the Fallen Angels Motorcycle Club at the time and had abandoned Casey as a child. He was respected by the streets of Philly and feared by those that opposed his club - a man Casey learned to respect over time. The club members were one percenters, a brutal motorcycle gang that ruled the underground of all of Pennsylvania. The only thing his father had ever given Casey was a cut and the title of Prospect.

Casey met his wife Ally after his father passed away from a motorcycle accident. This was years into his involvement with the club and at a point where he was deep into its business. He was the runner up to take his father’s position by having proved his worth to President Hank throughout the years. Despite not really knowing his father, he inherited all of the man’s traits. He was intelligent, cunning and had a knack for the business.

Now the Vice President of the club, Casey strives to continue to succeed in these trying times. The dead rise, but the club navigates with caution through the new world in hopes of survival and a glimpse of a peaceful life.


Relationship Status: Married

Place of Birth: Fort Worth, Texas

Motorcycle (Harley Davidson model): 2004 Dyna FXDX

Other Information:
- Casey was engaged before to Jennifer Richards, his high school sweetheart. He doesn’t talk about it.

β™‘design by beyonddandy, coded by uxieβ™‘
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Hank Ward




Name: Hank Ward

Nickname: Pres

Age: 63

Gender: Male

MC Role: President


Hair: Grey

Skin: Fair

Eyes: Hazel

Build: Thin

Markings (Scars, Tattoo's etc):


Frank is known to be tough, but just. He has a clear vision of the future and does everything he can to execute it. He shows no weakness or empathy, but he's still human deep down inside. He vows to help those that wear his patch and the families and friends that come with it. He's loyal to those that follow him and ruthless to those that don't. He usually doesn't take no for an answer, his reputation of being harsh represents that - but does understand when losing and figures out a way to win.


Born to WWII veteran John Ward, Frank learned about brotherhood early on but didn't understand it. His father created and ran the Fallen Angels Motorcycle Club after coming home and spent every day of his life trying to help the brothers he made overseas. He however neglected the wife and the son that loved him and waited for him during those years - too busy with charity that he failed to see his own wife was ill. Frank's mother died of breast cancer, something she had been battling for a long time. Chemo back then was expensive, any treatment seemed out of reach for the Ward family - especially when the father wasn't around to make money but instead gave it away to people he didn't know. Frank resented his father for that, hated that he chose his friends over his wife and family. Frank started hanging around bad people after that, drug runners, gunmen, everything you can imagine. After years of being in and out of juvy, John decided it was time to make a change and turn his boy into a man - forcing him to enlist in the military was the most fatherlike he'd ever done. After serving his four years, Frank came out different. He followed his father's footsteps and joined the club, starting implementing himself in the business of helping veterans around the globe. However, in the shadows, he worked up his own business. As he gained more privileges through the ranks he found all the loopholes. His resentment for his father remained engraved in his heart the day his mother died - never forgetting the abandonment he showed his family. For that, he turned the one thing the man loved the most into something he would hate. Upon earning the president's patch stitched to his leather he vowed to never let one of his brother's pockets go empty, their stomachs go unnourished and their heart goes unfulfilled. He'd protect not only them but their family. Over the years many hated him for straying from the fundamentals of the Fallen Angels, but as brothers fell, new ones took their place and didn't question. Frank became a necessity when the world collapsed and the dead rose. Now, he continued to run the Angels under his vision. The all-powerful Frank Ward has something out of nothing and will continue to do so until his dying breath.


Relationship Status: Widowed

Place of Birth: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Motorcycle (Harley Davidson model): 2007 Road Glide

Other Information:

β™‘design by beyonddandy, coded by uxieβ™‘
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Alejandra Guidry



Name: Alejandra Paca Guidry
Nickname: Ally
Age: 44
Gender: Female
MC Role: None

Hair: Shoulder-length auburn hair, wavy
Skin: Copper
Eyes: Honey
Build: 5'9" in height, toned to muscular build. She had once been quite strong but after years of rehab and being off duty, that strength has ebbed away.
Markings (Scars, Tattoo's etc):
- Full-length sleeve on her right arm depicting the time she served in the military, including the dates she served, the places she toured and the names of her fellow soldiers lost overseas.
- Foot, ankle, and partial lower leg prosthetic.


Alejandra is quite stoic and is often perceived as being snobbish or judgemental when she simply doesn’t openly express herself to people she doesn’t know well, or trust. She has a deep love and loyalty to her family and close friends, she trusts them with her life and she would do anything to help them herself.


Alejandra grew up in a middle-class suburban neighborhood with two loving parents. She did well in school, however, despite her good grades her parents didn’t have the funds to send her or her older brother to college, leaving their post-secondary education options limited. Despite qualifying for several scholarships, it wouldn’t be enough to pay without her needing to work a full-time job. Around the same time when she was getting ready to graduate high school and apply for grants, bursaries, and scholarships, their father went missing abroad.

Knowing their mother would want to take on further financial hardship to help her and her brother out, both enlisted in the military so they could get their education and earn money at the same time, with the hope it would help their mother and her limited funds, raising their younger brother who was ten years younger than them. She enlisted as a Military Dog Handler and after basic training and advanced individual training she was paired up with a 6-month-old female German Sheppard name Bullet and both were sent to Miesau, Germany for further training together.

At Bullet’s one-year they were deployed to Afghanistan as part of a bomb-detection unit where they served faithfully for five years before an IED went off too close and injured Alejandra. It was during this conflict that she lost her left foot and part of her leg below the knee and was removed from active duty to recover. She spent another year back in Germany where she underwent several surgeries to remove shrapnel from the left side of her body. The doctors attempted to save her leg but were unsuccessful and needed to amputate it.

Alejandra was honorably discharged and flown back states side with Bullet, who, thankfully, had not suffered any major injuries save for the loss of hearing in her left ear. This meant that Bullet could not continue to perform on active duty and was discharged with her handler. The pair underwent physiotherapy learning how to walk with a prosthetic and, for Bullet, adapt to civilian life. It was during this time that Alejandra registered Bullet as a therapy animal, thus allowing the dog to be at her side at all times.

Alejandra spent a lot of time working with therapists for her and Bullet’s PTSD, however, the VA only covers so much and often times she would go weeks between sessions, and her mental health would continue to deteriorate. It was during one of her lows when she met her husband, best friend, and the love of her life.

She frequented several bars and had heard of one that was kind to veterans. It was there that she met Casey, during a rather drunk and disorderly period of her life, and instead of having her tossed from the bar, somehow managed to help calm her down and soothed her soul.


Relationship Status: Married to Casey Guidry
Vehicle: 1970 Ford F100
Other Information: German Shepard, female named Bullet

β™‘design by BeyondDandy, coded by uxieβ™‘
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Matt β€œFish” Fischer




Name: Matthew Joseph Fischer

Nickname: β€œFish”

Age: 40

Gender: Male

MC Role: Secretary


Hair: Shoulder-length black hair with a few streaks of silver. He’s not bothered by the appearance of gray in his hair - it's better than going bald.

Skin: Fair, blemished with the occasional freckle and wrinkle.

Eyes: Dark hazel

Build: Lean to thin. He has some muscle from working, but there’s not a lot to him.

Markings: He has several tattoos - most notably a koi fish on his bicep, king of hearts on his forearm, and a Hindu-inspired geometric design on his back. On his chest is a dragon in the form of an ouroboros. He has several piercings in each ear. He has a scar on his right thigh and one on his left wrist.


Matthew - β€œFish”, as he is affectionately called - is the dictionary definition of laid back. Very slow to anger or lash out, he is quick to smile, quick to flirt, and quick to make a joke. Considered by some to be the resident hippy, it might seem a miracle that Fish has even made it this far. Don’t mistake Fish’s easy-going demeanor as a lack of care, foolishness, or ignoring the gravity of the situation however - he just prefers to keep his real thoughts and feelings held close to his chest.

He’s a tough nut to crack if you want to get to know the real man. Under the surface, Fish is a recovering alcoholic who has gone through numerous programs, including for anger management. The only thing that really ever helped was meditation, and he embraced it wholeheartedly. It's pretty hard to maintain these things when the dead keep getting back up though, so one of these days he’s going to snap eventually.

An artist at heart and great with small details, Fish is a trained motorcycle and car detailer. He takes great pride in having done the custom paint jobs on most of the bikes and other vehicles owned by the club. He still doodles in his free time, when he’s not busy with his secretary duties - or just trying to stay alive. He misses the days of spending hours detailing a shiny new bike.


Born in Trenton, Fish grew up in a poor part of the city with a single father that struggled to make ends meet after Fish’s mother died of cancer. His father worked long hours as a contractor and was rarely home. While his father made decent enough money, they were in a deep financial hole created by his mother’s medical debt. His father eventually developed a drinking habit - and Fish later followed in his father’s footsteps. He was a troublemaker in school, but earned decent grades when he wasn’t stuck in detention. He chose to follow his passion after graduation - art.

He developed an early love for motorcycles when a buddy invited him and his friends up to an uncle’s cabin one summer, where he first learned to ride a motorcycle. After that experience, he obtained his motorcycle license as soon as possible, and worked odd jobs to save up money so he could eventually get a bike of his own.

After high school, he attended art school at a local community college, and eventually was employed at a chain retailer detail shop. He honed his skills there, eventually opening his own business. It was not long until he fell in with the club as a preferred shop to get work done, without questions asked. He regularly accepted cash under the table for jobs without batting an eye.

The rest, they say, is history.


Relationship Status: Single, never married

Place of Birth: Trenton, New Jersey

Motorcycle: 2008 Harley Davidson Road King Classic, meticulously serviced and cared for.

Likes: Art, music, flirting, meditation, joking around

Dislikes: Alcohol, Sloppy/messy people, rats/mice

Fears: Losing control of his anger, and never getting it under control again

FC: Brandon Boyd
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Lila Adkins


Character Sheet


Name: Lila Adkins

Nickname: None… yet

Age: 19

Gender: Female

MC Role: None


Hair: It's been every color at least once. Currently platinum blonde and teal, but the natural dark brown shade is slowly coming in. Don’t you dare ask her about it though.

Skin: Very fair and well-shielded from the sun

Eyes: Green

Build: Slim

Markings (Scars, Tattoo's etc): A small nose ring and multiple piercings in each ear. No tattoos.


Lila embodies the very definition of punk rock music: loud, energetic, aggressive, anti-establishment, rejection of the mainstream, and political. If it weren’t for the fact she was born to the leader of a M.C., you never would have caught her within five miles of this bullshit. Lila regularly clashed with her family on many topics, but at the end of the day, she was their little Princess, so if Lila wanted to dye her hair any number of colors, wear ridiculous things, and listen to loud music, then she sure as hell was going to be allowed to do it. Her father’s strictness about M.C. rules did not extend to Lila, whom he loved more dearly than anything in the world. They were close in a way, even if they strongly disagreed on how society should be run.


The daughter of a rival M.C. leader, Lila was never interested in the life of a member of a motorcycle club. Motorcycles were just a means of transportation, and she never quite got the obsession that these men seemed to have with them. Even less attractive to her was the hate and violence that seemed to follow them. She listened to enough of those late night, back-room talks to know exactly what her family (biological and extended) thought about people different from them. It was not something she was interested in perpetuating, not after making so many great friends in school that her family would shun if they ever met them. Instead, Lila had her eyes set on moving far away from this shithole - maybe going to California to pursue something in music. She had big dreams, and was not going to let this backwater town hold her back.

Those dreams came to a screeching halt when the dead started to walk, and the greedy living started to attack. On the run after her father and everyone she’d ever known was murdered by the Fallen Angels, the Fallen Angels tracked her down, grabbed her up, and have been keeping her prisoner ever since. Members have threatened to kill her multiple times if she doesn’t remain useful - and she’s found plenty of ways to remain β€œuseful” during her tenure without putting herself in harm’s way. Her father didn’t raise a weakling, after all.

She’s now biding her time, waiting until she can decide what to do next. She has no love for the Fallen Angels, not after what they did, but they are keeping her safe for the time being - safer than she’d be on her own.


Relationship Status: Single, never married

Place of Birth: West Virginia, maybe? She's not sure.

Motorcycle: None

Likes: Music (Punk, Grunge, & Metal), hunting, staying up late to watch the stars, making new things out of old scraps & DIY, reading

Dislikes: Old gross crusty men, the dead, pointless hate

Fears: Never being free again, death


Auguste Cloutier

Stg. at Arms


Name: Auguste Cloutier

Nickname: Daddy

Age: 42

Gender: Male

MC Role: Stg. at Arms



Hair: Mostly silver, peppered with black

Skin: caucasian, with pink understones

Eyes: Steele gray

Build: Fairly, Muscular. Auguste takes pride in keeping fit and eating healthy.

Markings (Scars, Tattoo's etc): Full sleeves on both arms, in the Traditional American style. The right sleeve extends across his right chest and peck, his left sleeve extends across his left upper back and shoulder blade.


Auguste is very easygoing, which suits his role in the club well. He's slow to anger but quick-witted and resourceful in any situation. He often is found observing his own club members or the people interacting with them, always keeping a watchful eye on his found family as he's quite protective.

Auguste was an inductee from another club in his youth. He'd grown up in a club in Canada and moved south in his early teens with his mother when his father was locked up. She'd hoped that taking him away from his father's club and environment would be enough to give him a clean start, however, August found himself among the Fallen Angels, as a prospect but quickly found himself a riding member, moving into the role of Stg. at Arms when his predecessor, and role model, retired.

He's been a riding member since his late teens and has never looked back. Beyond his father's arrest and subsequent incarceration, Auguste hasn't had any other major life events worth noting.


Relationship Status: Single, uninterested in relationships, fine with hooking up.

Place of Birth: Trois-Rivières, QC

Motorcycle (Harley Davidson model): '94 Fat Boy- his father's ride

Other Information:

~ Speaks both English and French
~ Heterosexual

β™‘design by beyonddandy, coded by uxieβ™‘
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Beau Montaire

Tail Gunner



Name: Beau Montaire

Nickname: Monty

Age: 38

Gender: Male

MC Role: Tail Gunner


: Dark and wavy, about shoulder length, typically loosely tied back and messy.

Skin: Relatively tan with a five o'clock shadow on his face. Dotted with various scars from accidents and other stupid mistakes, and freckles from sun damage.

Eyes: Steely blue and intense set in dark circles, he looks like he hasn't slept well in a long time.

Build: Tall and well defined, not very muscular but not all too lean either.

Markings: Various cuts and scrapes littering his arms and legs from his childhood and various incidents with the Fallen Angels. His left leg has a tattoo of a cottonmouth with an open mouth over his knee, which covers a pretty nasty surgical scar. He has another tattoo on his ring finger.


Beau is a pretty low key guy, typically tired and keeping to himself. He's lackadaisical with his own safety, but does value the safety of his peers and is committed to doing his job. He isn't passionate about much, but is extremely knowledgeable on his weapons and happy to educate on the best ways to keep your gun clean. He sleeps as often as he can, but when he's off and not sleeping, he's typically self medicating with cigarettes and alcohol.

Due to his upbringing, he refuses to acknowledge there's anything mentally wrong with him, and he also refuses to acknowledge his emotions, except anger. He has a long fuse, but a couple of triggers that rile him up. Generally nihilistic when he does talk, but he tries his best not to be a mood killer.

He's since been disillusioned with Hank and is rethinking his morals.


Beau grew up in Black Creek, Georgia, but he mostly just says he's from Savannah. He grew up around guns, Clyde Montaire was an avid hunter and taught Beau to do the same. Beau was a wild child, often running off into the woods to get into trouble with the neighborhood boys. 9/11 caused him to take an invested interest in the military, but shortly after he was in a serious car accident that mangled his leg. This injury caused him to be unable to join the military when he was of age. Instead, he started working for Daniel's Defense after high school while going for an engineering degree.

He stuck with the weapons industry, but moved to Pennsylvania for a change of pace. He met Miss Emily Steele about this time, a military woman just recently back from deployment, and the two began dating, and were married a few years later.
Things more or less collapsed for Beau when his father was diagnosed with cancer. With his parents unable to afford the medication and his salary unable to cover it either, he began siphoning weaponry off the defense company and selling them on the black market. He was able to keep things relatively stable this way, but the more weaponry he sold the deeper entangled in crime he became.

He began working with the Fallen Angels predominantly for the safety, working with a company allowed him to sell more safely. Emily began to notice his shady behavior and confronted him. Beau didn't snitch, and couldn't come up with an excuse she believed, so she moved on and divorced him. By the time his father died, he was too far in to back out. With nothing left to lose, he stuck with the gang.


Beau walks with a limp from a car accident back in highschool.

He prefers rifles, but can operate a handgun fine as well.

He has a bayonet tip from his great granddad that he uses as a knife occasionally. It is his most prized possession, and he will fight you for it.

He has a heavy southern drawl he can't seem to kick.

Relationship Status: Divorced

Place of Birth: Black Creek, Georgia

Motorcycle: A black Fat boy with an alligator skin patterned seat (not real alligator skin).

Other Information: Before he started working with the Angels, Beau shot his best when he took his time to really line it up. Due to his work, he is now a better shot when he has to shoot from the hip or his target is moving

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cristiano ronaldo

the joker



: Cristiano Ronaldo because his Mom was a big fan
Nickname: Cris, Crissy, Cristina when patched members poke fun at the prospect
Age: 24
Gender: male
MC Role: Prospect

Few personality traits: kindhearted, tough skin and soft inside, doesn't hold grudges, optimistic, a little clumsy, silly prankster

Reputation: People can get annoyed or tired of his funny persona but it's hard to dislike him.

Background: Cris spent most of his life on the street and got involved with the (tba) gang early on. He ended up getting his girlfriend pregnant few years before the apocalypse and his daughter is now his only real family. Saved by the club he's set on proving himself to the patched members and wants to become one of them to make sure he and his daughter will always have a rightful place among the Angels.

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Mason C. Weston

Road Captain

"Appalachian Cowboy"


Name: Mason C. Weston

Nickname(s): Mace (close friends & family); Wess (most members of the MC, a nickname inherited from his father)

Age: 36 years

Gender: Male

MC Role: Road Captain



Hair: Dark, almost black hair with light waves. Some ends have curls and its usually tousled any way it falls naturally. Its a little on the long side, as Mason despises shortly cropped hair on himself.

Skin: His skin is lightly tanned, golden. A result of years of ranch work under a harsh Texas sun.

Eyes: Dark drown, set under low brows. His eyes have a perpetual hard stare, soul-searching gaze to them.


Markings: Dappled with many minor scars here and there, Mason has 2 prominent ones: One, just below the rib cage on his left side from an especially angry twin sister he dated years ago. The other, a sizable stab wound scarred on the back of his right hand. Both stories he loves to share after a few drinks. There are also a few tattoos that decorate his body. Mason has two feathered angel wings across his chest, just below his collar bones, they're symmetrical and quite big. He got them when he graduated from his tenure as a prospect and became an official member of the Fallen Angels MC. Another tattoo spans along the inside of his right forearm, a sword from the bend of his elbow to the crook of his wrist. On the flip side, a portrait of a cowboy with a skull for his head, holding up a smoking pistol, and just below that is a tattoo of a lasso...He can't seem to let go of his roots. On the left side of his neck is an outline of the state of Texas with a star in the middle. Lastly, on his left hand, spells the name of his late wife on his knuckles -- Kira.



Wess is how you'd imagine any typical cowboy to be: Respectful, chivalrous, but not afraid to get down and dirty if need be, after all it's part of the job. He is loyal and trustworthy to all members of the MC, even the prospects, if he gives his word you best believe he'll see it through, or die trying. Despite how collected he usually seems to be he's not above anger, or rather, showing it that is. As diplomatic as he tries to be in the face of conflict, he's known to fail at controlling his temper if he feels like civility is getting him no where. However, he can be pretty tolerant, and it takes a lot of button pushing (or certain triggers) to really get to him. Wess is a strong advocate for justice and doing the right thing, but struggles with his conscious when 'doing what needs to be done' does not align with 'doing the right thing'. He is the perfect subordinate, never questioning authority (even if he disagrees) and carrying out anything thats asked of him. He feels a lot is on his shoulders after his father passed and he inherited his spot in the club, he aims to live up to everything his father was.


Born and raised on a ranch on the outskirts of Laredo, Texas, Mason was primarily raised by his aunt for most of his childhood. He grew up wrangling, ranching, and working hard, and thoroughly enjoyed the lifestyle. His father, Carter Weston, had served in the Vietnam war and left his hometown on a venture that Mason's aunt was too ashamed to explain to young Mason. She wasn't proud of the fact that Carter left his son with her to start a motorcycle club with some buddies he met during the war, but how do you explain all that to a child? Mom was never really in the picture, she got pregnant, had the kid, and disappeared with out a word. However, Carter Weston, aka Wess, would frequently come and visit his son when given the chance, and brought along a generous amount of money with him to support his sister with raising his son. Mason adored his father and was always full of excitement when he could hear the rumble of his father's bike followed by the trail of dust behind him coming up the dirt path to their home. They would spend every minute together until it was time for Carter to leave.

After Mason became of age, Carter came for him and took him back to Pennsylvania, where Mason would then be thrown into a completely new lifestyle. He instantly became aware of his father's other life: His father, referred to as Wess by the club, was a co-founder of the Fallen Angels, an original member. When Mason came into this world he immediately knew he wanted him to continue his legacy as his son, like any proud father. He brought Mason to the MC after turning 13 and groomed him to be by his side when it was his turn to join the family. It wasn't until Mason came to the club that he had another mother figure step into his life. Her name was Kelly, and she had a daughter, the love child of herself and Carter Weston. Before he knew it, Mason had a 5 year old baby sister, Kallie. The two siblings became an inseparable pair. As they grew older, Kallie followed her older brother everywhere and wanted to be a part of everything he did but was often left out due to her younger age and the fact that Mason was daddy's golden boy. Their father didn't want the same life for his baby girl, but Kallie always had a hard time understanding that...

Fast forward some years and Mason's stepmom, Kelly, died from cancer. A year after that, his father died from drug overdose, an affliction earned right after the passing of Kelly. The MC took the loss hard after everything his father did for them, but no one took it harder than Mason. He was quick to step into his father's shoes and fill the gap that was left by him, all while wearing his inherited cut and inheriting his nickname -- Wess. Most prospects take a long time to earn their patch, but given the circumstances, and the fact that Wess was practically raised by the MC, he just took his fathers, but still continued to pay his dues. Wess fell in love and got married shortly after his father's death. Aside from grieving, all was well and happy. That is until...

The apocalypse...

What started as a normal day turned into a full on massacre. Every street, every neighborhood, every state, every country. All had succumbed to the mystery of the zombie infestation. But on day 0 Wess lost the love of his life, unable to save her from a horde of the living dead while trying to make their way to the clubhouse and seek strength in numbers with the MC. They were so close, but not close enough. There was no time to grieve, no time to bury loved ones, they barely had any time to take treasured belongings. The MC up and left, never looking back. Forever on the road and adapting this new life. They were used to being on the run from the law but no one had prepared for this...



Relationship Status: Widower

Place of Birth: Laredo, Texas

Motorcycle: (I'll come back to this, I gave to go for rn)

Other Information: WIP

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Benjamin cox

the role



: Benjamin Cox
Nickname: Ben
Age: 58
Gender: male
MC Role: tba


Few personality traits: Callous, grumpy, judgmental. Tends to hold grudges and is easy to provoke, even though prison and passing years did temper the hot-head in him.

Cook him a good meal and don't touch his bike and who knows, he might even be nice to you. But it takes so much more for him to consider you a friend.

Reputation: Primitive and blunt, which also means he's authentic and honest. Steadfast loyalty to the few men he truly respects and cares for. The crew might perceive him as a grumpy grandpa but there are not many others around who know the Fallen Angels history and secrets as well as he does.

Background: Pathological family. Broken childhood. Military. Dishonorable discharge and prison. Then the M.C.

Ben's life was filled with changes but one thing never changed. He's devoted to his brotherhood and deep down he's just a bitter, sad man.

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Kallie Weston


Just Say The Word...


Name: Kallie Weston

Nickname: N/A

Age: 28

Gender: Female

MC Role: Prospect



Hair: Taking after her mother, Kallie's hair is a dark brown. Long in length, reaching right in the middle of her back, past her shoulder blades. Usually hanging loosely, Kallie's hair is naturally wavy in texture and thick in density. When she's not riding and using a helmet, its styled in a high pony tail.

Skin: Unlike her brother, Kallie's skin is light and fair, sporting a few freckles over the bridge of her nose and cheekbones. A couple dimples highlight her smile on the rare occasion that she smiles.

Eyes: A unique steel blue color, decorated with long, dark lashes.

Build: Slender but fairly fit and toned, endurance is her forte. She loved sports in high school and maintained her physique with frequent visits to the gym after. Feminine with an hourglass figure, she's not especially voluptuous but still curvy where it counts.

Markings: As reckless as she was in her younger years she has very few scars. The scars from childhood have pretty much dissappeared (with maybe a few still there, faded) but the most noticeable is a scar on her left eyebrow. Theres another very thin scar, about 2 inches in length along the left side of her neck. Kallie does have a couple tattoos, one large piece on her right bicep, a tigress prowling toward its on-looker with focused eyes, ready to pounce. The other is a snake zig zagged along her spine, its head peeks over the neck hole of a shirt on the back, right at the base of her neck. You can see it better when her hair is up.



Spicy, ambitious, and forthright. Kallie tries hard to prove her worth to the MC, and when blinded by strong emotions, can sometimes make reckless decisons with out considering the consequences that may follow, earning a scolding from her older brother. Kallie follows her brother closely, she only shows her insecurities and vulnerablity to him and no one else, striving to keep that fearless and undaunting persona alive in the eyes of whoever she comes across. Outside of the circle she put herself and her brother in, she can be a little distant and unwelcoming. Despite her icy guard, Kallie is immensely loyal at heart, especially to the MC. She will carry out anything the MC requires of her, no questions asked. Her ability to put the MC above her own self-interests is what makes her a valuable asset when others are hesitant. Unlike her brother, she will do what must be done with out batting an eye. Shed be the perfect hitman. In addition, Kallie is no "damsel in distress" and will make sure that fact is well known by others. She is incredibly self-reliant and resourceful, qualities that were born from her untrusting nature toward others but still make her all the more valuable in these times.


Born in Pennsylvania, close to the MC clubhouse, Kallie grew up with her dear father, Carter Weston -- A co-founder and original member of the MC, and her darling mother Kelly -- an MC groupie turned member through marriage. Kallie was sort of a problem child, getting into trouble and rebeling against anything she was told to do, but still deeply loved by both parents. She fought hard for her fathers attention, a man who seemed to give all his time to the MC. Her mother she always sort of bumped heads with, but always loved her patience and compassion.

At 8 years old Kallie suddenly gained a brother, making it even more difficult to earn her father's favor. Mason, her 13 year old brother at the time, was the apple of their father's eye and it was visibly apparent the day Carter introduced young Mason to the MC as his ward. As the years passed, Kallie fought hard to be taken under her father's wing as Mason was. But each time she was met with hesitation and a heated discussion as to why her father didnt want that life for her. She couldn't wrap her head around it. Why her brother and not her? She was his kin too, wasn't she? "You wouldn't understand," was always how the argument ended. Kallie pacified her pride by telling herself it was just due to misogyny and moved on.

Enter "The Apocalypse"...

When life as she knew it turned to hell, literally, Kallie turned to the MC. After her mother and father's passing, she had no where else to go except to the one place she knew her brother would be. She didn't know what to make of the end of the world, but what she did know was that she didn't want to be alone, and since then shes stuck with the MC since, quickly (and finally) joining their ranks as a prospect.



Relationship Status: Single...not actively looking to mingle...

Place of Birth:

Motorcycle: WIP

Other Information:
- Kallie has a knack for mechanics, its almost scary. What started as stealing cars in her youth blossomed into an all out prodigy with anything that has wires and mechanical parts. Her brother always said she probably couldve gone to MIT and built a rocket, to which she replies with a loving display of both her middle fingers.
- As a distance runner in high school, she has pretty good endurance

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Madison "Connor" Jones

The Hunter



Name: Madison C. Jones

Nickname: Connor

Age: 32

Gender: F

MC Role: TBD


Hair: Dark brown, cut shortish

Skin: Pale side of average

Eyes: Brown

Build: On the athletic side of medium

Markings (Scars, Tattoo's etc): A variety of scars thanks to the end of the world, but who's counting.

Connor is practical, dedicated, and laconic. There isn't much left in the world she cares for, but she's got a cause and she's absolutely dedicated to seeing it through. As a person, Madison was a fairly dry, solitary individual before the end of the world. Ever since the end of the world included the end of hers, Madison has become considerably more grim, a little engine of rage that could.

It would be a stretch to say that she enjoys life, but then again, some things are more important than personal happiness. She's not suicidal per se...... but she's accepted her role in all this and she's thrown herself into it with everything she's got.

To understand Madison, one must understand a tale of two brothers, one born to the wrong side of the law and one far younger, born to the blue to make up for the failures of his sibling. Madison Jones became a cop as soon as she could to carry on her father's legacy, maybe make him proud, but she took to the streets like she'd been born with a badge and she proved a talented officer. Uncle Bill kept himself out of prison by the time Madison was old enough to put him there, and he introduced her to the joys found on the open road. It was a bright star in an otherwise grinding existence.

When the bad thing happened, Madison had a very eventful week in her podunk nothing town that started with putting down her parents and ended with a rather memorable and inventive use of a wheat thresher. After that, she went out in search of Uncle Bill and found him holed up with the rest of that chapter of the Fallen Angels, some few hours away. After a time, she was accepted into their ranks and grew accustomed to a different kind of brotherhood than one she'd known with the blue. Unfortunately, it is the lot of the brave to be sacrificed on the alter of battle, and when the next bad thing happened in Madison's life, she was left alone.


Find another chapter of the Fallen Angels and hunt.

For Connor, success is measured in blood, and only in death does duty end.

Protect and serve.


Relationship Status: Single

Place of Birth: Outside Elkin, North Carolina

Motorcycle (Harley Davidson model): Forty-Eight

Other Information:

Guns: Several .22 semi-auto extended mag, brass catcher, thermal scope (mounted over), subsonic suppressor, green laser target (mounted under), blue-filter flashlight strapped to the inside. Several sawed offs, 12 gauge, double barrel, pistol grip, break action, mounted blade.

Gear: Bike helmet. K-bar survival knife. Tactical axes. Drop box on her belt. Tight clothes, layered with sports pads and leather. Making chainmail with a few hand-held power tools is on her to-do.

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kit stryker




Name: Kit Stryker

Nickname: "Doc", "Kitten" (if you want to get on his nerves very quickly)

Age: 32

Gender: Male

MC Role: Prospect


Hair: Long and inky black, typically this bangs are pinned back when he's working, otherwise it is always in his eyes

Skin: Almost sickly pale

Eyes: Hazel, mostly gray-green with an amber center

Build: Relatively average and thin, no visible muscle unless he flexes.

Markings (Scars, Tattoo's etc): a few small scars on his legs and a massive one from an arrow on his shoulder. He has a tattoo of The Devil tarot card on his right shoulder, the Death tarot card on his left, and a Caduceus with two angry cobras on his left forearm. He has an irregularly shaped birthmark on the back of his neck, but it's never visible.

He has a couple of piercing scars on his face, particularly two dots under his bottom lip from snake bites he doesn't wear anymore, one on his tongue, and a slit in his eyebrow from a piercing that didn't heal right. He still wears two on each ear, a lobe and an upper lobe.


Kit isn't quite what one would expect from a medic. He's opinionated, passionate, and typically fired up about one thing or another, though his fury has quelled some in the apocalypse. He's pretty rowdy and loud most of the time, and horrible with secrets as a result because he can't whisper for the life of him. He's a creative and approaches it with the same ungraceful approach as he takes most everything else, with a penchant for yelling along to song lyrics and spray paint. He only really takes his time with two of his interests, that being gardening and medicine.
He is careful and precise with stitching up wounds or mixing pills, but bedside manner is not his strong suit. He is typically blunt at the best of times and condescending at others. He has a difficult time being serious about graphic matters, usually coping with gallows humor. As a result, he cracks a lot of jokes about the dead and is pretty desensitized to the violence. Though often insensitive, he tries not to be mean and cares a lot about people, specifically those in rough circumstances. His hatred is primarily directed at authority and religion, especially figures representing those concepts are dishonest or didn't work for their position. It's a strange mixture of emotions that the system he hated so much has more or less collapsed, it's hard to celebrate when everything else collapsed with it.


Kit was the son of a good old all-American preacher and his submissive perfect housewife. The elder brother to one child and younger to two others. He struggled to earn his father's attention growing up and had several behavioral issues in his early schooling as a result. When this didn't win him any favors he more or less gave up and just nodded along, an approach that finally earned him his old man's praise. He was a fantastic student in high school, the model of a patriotic good Christian boy. He got into ROTC starting his sophomore year and decided he would join the military with hopes of becoming either a preacher like his father or a doctor so he could help people. He ended up becoming a medic and being deployed to Afghanistan. The horrors of war disillusioned him from his sheltered upbringing and caused him to rethink all of his beliefs and ideals. After all, if there was a kind and loving God, why would he allow such horrible things to occur to good people? This caused significant strain on his relationship with his family, and he grew to resent his father for his beliefs. The more they argued, the more corruption and harm Kit saw in the church system and the less he believed his father was a good man for pretending to be blind to it.
By the time his four years of active-duty service was over he had no desire to reenlist or contact his family, so he went to Pennsylvania to finish his service. Still determined to help people but uninterested in religion, he went to medical school while on reserve to get a PharmaD degree. He made it about a year working in a grocery store pharmacy before he found himself disgusted with the medical industry and government. He began selling drugs on the side. At first, he only intended to sell to people who really needed it, but before he knew it, he was wrapped up in serious drug trafficking. He ended up involved with the Fallen Angels as a supply at first, but he enjoyed the community and became an official prospect shortly before the apocalypse.


- He feels a lot of guilt for abandoning his siblings, especially with how things are now, but he still resents his father for leading him on the path he took in life.
- He got into punk rock once he got back from Afghanistan and only got more into it as time progressed.
- He wears a lot of rings for the same reason he keeps a pair of brass knuckles on him: it makes his punches hurt more.
- He has tried a litany of drugs once or twice but doesn't use any regularly now with the exception of cigarettes.
- He typically rolls these cigarettes himself and will use edible plants like lavender instead of tobacco
- He is seriously interested in growing marijuana in the new camp in hopes it will help with PTSD
- Before the apocalypse he had a desire for political change and made a lot of jokes about starting fresh with a new government. He isn't sure how to feel about that now.

Relationship Status: Single

Place of Birth: Roanoke Virginia

Motorcycle (Harley Davidson model): A rust colored Heritage Classic with Softail saddlebags, usually containing various medical supplies.

Other Information:
Kit is openly pan and has had several partners over the years of various genders.

He was also part of an indie punk band, moreso before he got involved with the angels. He still thinks about his bandages sometimes.

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"Nothing else matters."


Name: Mariska Choi
Nickname: Just 'Mari' if you're close enough.
Age: 29 years old.
Gender: Female.
MC Role: Prospect.



A straight dark brown reaching the upper part of her back, usually styled into a ponytail.

A slightly tanned beige, taken care of as best as she can.

Black, sharp and firm, has quite an intimdating gaze once stared at... though surprisingly doe-like at times.

Very much a bodybuilder, her body is top-notch muscle, having a six-pack and defined arms. Mantained with continous effort despite lack of proper nutrients, still far from malnutrition though, just nearing thin.

She often gets small scars or bruises given her usual aggressive roles in a mission, none of them permanent... so far.


Mariska can seem a little too defensive at times, either due to her intimidating presence or her acidic tongue, and that's not a misconception at all, Mari has learned to take caution towards everything and everyone, while able to crack jokes and open to chats, even having a surprisingly friendly front, she mostly only trusts herself nowadays. Still, the triathlete is very far from selfish, she holds her own humanity close to her heart, she may shut her mouth in front of disrespect towards her, but Mari will absolutely protect someone else with no regards to self-preservation, selfless to a fault. Although, perhaps that inaction in defending herself comes from a place of mercy, Mariska isn't stupid, she can bulldoze someone with little to no effort, it'd be too humble to not pride herself over it, but she likes to keep a non-confrontational approach, fighting and aggression is a last resort.

Before the apocalypse, Mariska mostly only opens up to mention that she was an athlete of sorts, she first started out professionally as an triathlete, slowly branching out towards weightlifting and less intense bodybuilding competitions, though still mantaining her main job. However, she didn't start out with an aim in sports, Mari was actually just a hotel receptionist that frequented the gym at first, only going due to a particularly persistent terminally ill father. Her dad was always pushing for her to go for what actually made her more confident of herself, as once, the athlete was in reality extremely meek, almost a push-over that just couldn't find her place at school or life, and well, even she could feel her head lifting up the more she devoted herself into it.

So with the unfortunate early death of her father, an ex-firefighter who just went through too much fires for his age, Mariska in her early 20's thought she was for sure lost, after all, that was her only parental figure, her mom wasn't in the picture nor did she have the smarts for college, being average at most, where would she go now?... Mari simply just didn't stop, with a grieving heart, she forced herself to keep pushing on, always jumping the hurdles but never forgetting the words he once said, on that windy day where they went home from her graduation, where she looked as down as ever.

'Now look here, okay? That sunny horizon may be as far as hell, but you can reach it, Mari. You can reach anything if you keep moving, no matter what, you just never stop running, alright?'
That phrase... Mariska may have reacted as if she didn't care, but they stuck to her heart indefinitely, as it is the crux of her drive. She, quite literally, never stopped running, for some, the way that Mari constantly challenged herself may be borderline unhealthy, but for her, she's finally finding herself. The athlete was truly made for this, her place is in the heart of the competition, it's not about victory or glory, it's the fervent passion, the ultimate test of blood and sweat, there is no better proof of what she can achieve. For every little push, win or loss, Mariska inches closer and closer to that horizon.

And it is with that same philosophy that she survives amongst the dead, perhaps it took longer than she would've liked to really get her head in the game, but it only took her first kill for Mariska to wake up. She lives on because her own survival is so engrained within her heart as that far away goal she is determined to achieve.

Even being states away from her home, her friends and the brains to her brawn.
Even being completely alone, separated from her traveling caravan of sorts after an unfortunate accident.
Even being within thousands of criminals, some with sinister intentions and fickle deceptions.

Mariska lives on by simply making progress, she didn't accept her role as a prospect just because there was no other choice for safety or because she needed a title to dominate, she is a prospect because it's simply a hurdle in her run, that's all. Behind a stern yet friendly mask, lies a heart that fiercely protects itself with all its life.


Relationship Status:
Single by circumstance, has a boyfriend in her hometown with his fate unknown, still, she keeps herself optimistic... but open if emotions align, man or woman or whatever.

Place of Birth: San Miguel, Colorado

Motorcycle (Harley Davidson model): (tba)

Other Information:
-Mariska is far from home due to a triathlon championship she was competing in, the rise of the dead being unforgiving in timing.
-Her boyfriend, the brains to her brawns, as affectionately put between the couple, is a doctor she met during a gym session of hers.
-She doesn't like to wear clothes that reveal her muscles, especially around other survivors, Mari likes to fly under the radar.
-Perhaps a bit to her own detriment, Mariska prefers to use weapons like sledgehammers or fireaxes, keeping distance. To her, there's a difference between using your own hands and a weapon, small as it may be.
-Although she does know how to ride a bicycle, automobiles are a whole other thing. Besides, cycling is her least favorite part in a triathlon.
-Mari, although sober and proud of it, has a guilty pleasure with particularly bitter beverages.


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Birdie Morris

The Welder



Name: Birdie Morris

Nickname: Tack, Bird (depending on who it is)

Age: 27

Gender: Female

MC Role: Prospect



Hair: Mousy blonde

Skin: Fair bordering a sickly pale.

Eyes: Green, with dark circles underneath, like she hasn't slept in weeks.

Build: Fairly toned with descrete muscle, standing at around 5'9.

Markings (Scars, Tattoo's etc): An aged flaming heart at the small of her back; various small American traditional tattoos all over her legs and up her left arm, no real rhyme or reason. 'Chicken Scratch' as her husband called it.


Kindhearted and sympathetic, Birdie wants nothing more than to help those who need it. Trustworthy and loyal, almost to a fault, she would move mountains for those she cares about. Adrenaline junkie through and through, once she has a taste, it's hard for her to stop, only craving more. While she may seem meak, mild-mannered and quiet, Birdie never backs down from a fight. She's not one to start problems, but she is one to end them. Watchful but nurturing, she is always looking out for those she is close to; and will do what needs to be done to protect them without a second thought.


Growing up, Birdie Morris (formerly Birdie Hall) was what you would consider lower, if not lowest class. When she was 9, her mother ran off with a man she had met at the casino, never hearing from her again. She had drained most of the funds, leaving her and her father with more or less nothing. Her father picked up more shifts at the lumber yard, leaving Birdie to take care of herself most day. She didn't mind, because she understood he was trying his best to provide. When her father was home, he would be exhausted or drunk. With little supervision growing up, she quickly found the joys of dangerous things; drugs, alcohol, adrenaline rushes. She soon lived for the thrill, wherever she could get it. At 16, she was kicked out of school for fighting; though she considered it a win. She hated school anyway.

At 18, she began hanging around with the local motorcycle club, The Sick Lizards; a small puppet club known for jacking and stripping vehicles, as well as dealing with most of the town's incoming (and outgoing) drugs. Doing odd jobs for the 'Big Guys', whoever they may be. They had the best parties, the cleanest drugs, but most of all she enjoyed their company; and they enjoyed hers. Soon enough, she became one of the regular girls around the shop and clubhouse. While a few of the men deemed her just another piece of meat, most of the others enjoyed having her around. She held great interest in what they did and how they worked. Eventually, she began helping them strip the vehicles they brought in. One of the older members taught her how to weld one day, and she quickly found out she had a knack for the trade. He would have her prep and tack weld all of this projects, earning her the nickname Tack. That's where things began to fall in to place.

Not long after she began helping around the shop, she struck up a relationship with a member just a few years older than her, Tucker Morris. Within a year, they were happily married. Her drug fueled days of fetching beer and being man-handled had come to an end. She was now someone's Ol' Lady. Birdie loved Tuck more than anything. Tuck and Tack, it was a match made in heaven. She continued learning to weld, eventually taking over for the man who had once taught her. She had earned the respect of the club (well, most of them), and had established her place amongst them. They gifted her her first bike and taught her to ride; they helped her father rebuild his trailer; they even paid for her red seal certification. Birdie looked after their motorcycles as if they were her children; she ran the shop and took care of the clubhouse when they were away; she'd even host family dinners to bring everyone together. Tucker eventually became the club's Road Captain, both him and Birdie taking on a parental like roll to the younger members. She taught the girls how to cook, clean and fight. She helped many conquer addiction, even the club's President. She would die for this club. She would kill for this club. This club is the closest thing to family she had.


Relationship Status: Widowed

Place of Birth: Harrow, Ontario, Canada

Motorcycle (Harley Davidson model): 2003 Dyna Wide Glide - It's a bit too big for her, but she doesn't care

Other Information:
Likes: Cigarettes and very sweet black coffee; cold showers; swimming at night or in the rain; the smell of thundershowers; naps in the sun; is usually always whistling or humming
Dislikes: People who spit; killing bugs and small animals - she would rather take a mouse or spider outside than kill it

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