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Soul Eu Min

Five Thousand Club
Skeleton can be found here:



That's when it all began.

A war among the immortals.

Demons from the fiery pits of hell entered battle with the Angels from the holy skies of above.

Howlers of the Full Moon went to tear Blood Sucking Leeches from limb to limb.

Hounds of Fire and Water demolished one another in waves of orange red flames and typhoons of deadly blue while fending off the Felines with the sharpest of fangs and claws.

Witches and Wizards with immense powers fought boldly against Elementals of Earth, Fire, Water, and Air.

Dragons with breaths of acid and flames attacked Banshees who screeched and howled back in return.

Earth became the bloody grave of dead bodies and lost souls during the war and there was no one who could put an end to it. Mortals died in the cross fire, livestock perished from the blasts of haywire attacks, nature burned to nothing but crisp ash.

Earth would soon perish just like the ones who once resided on its glorious land.

That was until the Creator demanded peace among his creations or else catastrophe would be the price. No one believed him. Not until the sole heir and heiress from each immortal race were killed off by his death stained grasp.

From then on, a council was made among the immortals, who returned to their homes. Each race would set forth a group of their kind into the mortal world where they would live among the humans and the other races. Each group would consult one another and discuss how their race is doing and if there are any issues among one another. If all is well, then a steady pace would begin of the immortals slowly coming back to together. However, if not all is fair, the Creator would force another catastrophe to occur. This would happen every fifty years for the rest of eternity.


The Council continues to live on, this time though, something strange is happening among the members of each group. Some have fallen for one of another group, others have begun feeling a strange, unknown relation to one another. But, this will not cease their duty to continue on as the council member of their race. Not for now at least.

But, the Creator has something more in mind. Something that not even the immortals could begin to think of.
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