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Futuristic Arcadia: Heroes World Brave

"Sorry I can't do that," Krith said, his voice echoing as he moved closer to Henry. "Not only because I would suffer a meaningless death for doing so, but because Koschei is simply more important to Fang then a war with America."

Krith snorted. "I can't tell you why, not that I even know myself. But orders are orders."

Streaks of light began coalescing into strands, forming webs that began to surround Henry.
Klaus chuckled as the drones began to whirl. Staring death in the face was nothing new; in fact, he no longer feared it. "Such a cliche. All that brain power and this is the best you can do? Separate the team, test their abilities, learn about them, and understand you're actually out of your element but claim victory anyway because of your precious data. I've known men like you; you're not unique, and you're not special. In the end, your data will be useless. Human beings are adaptable and predictable to some degree, but they change once they are aware of that predictableness. What you learn today will not help you tomorrow." He shook his head and sighed, "You know, that day in Atlas City, the timeline broke," He eyed the drones as they slowed their approach. "All I can assume is that it splintered, and I've been left here to experience a new branch, a new future that has yet to be made. I cannot go forward in time, and I'm honestly not sure how many times I can go backward until my tech stops working as this universe's laws of physics settle into place. Still, you can sure as hell bet, with the time I have, I'm going to use it to stop men like you and get to the bottom of what has upended the world. These abominations will be stopped, and despite your best efforts, I'll be on the front lines."
Lynne turned toward the door as it opened, blinking as she registered what was happening. So they were being tested? There seemed to be a lot going on here that she didn't understand. She opened her mouth to ask about it, then thought better of it. Curious as she was, she understood that this wasn't her mystery to unravel, not really. This was between Sasha and his friends, and she was only here in a supporting role for their story. Still...

"You don't seem like a bad person," she began, turning back toward Apex. "So why...?" She bit her lip, thinking to rephrase her question. "Will you be all right? There were those camera drones..."
Akiko landed hard with a slight crack. She turned to see where she had landed, noting the cracks now running in the amethyst of her armor. There was a pause before she shoved herself off the ground and began to run. The rabbit wasn't in sight but that wasn't what Shinigami was running from.

Instead she was running to the wall, slamming her shoulder into it. The crystals gave and broke off with her collecting the pieces off the ground. Shinigami ran back to the middle of the room, throwing up smoke bombs again. She had no guarantee it would work on her new opponent considering its speed but there was another trick up her sleeve.

When she threw up the amethyst and it made contact with her whip, the amethyst quickly grew in size and came down the size of a full body mirror. It's edges were sharp and it sat there, waiting for Shinigami to use it as either shield or weapon.
Henry readied his blaster, eyeing the streaks of light as they formed around him. "Seems to me you're not working for the right people, then. Keeping you in the dark and expecting follow orders blindly," he closed his eyes and began to listen to the sounds surrounding him. "Letting a mass murderer into your ranks. One who doesn't give a damn about the consequences of his actions. And then there's them sending you on this fool's errand. Give this up now. There's only one way this ends"

"You speak of cliches, yet you thought it necessary to bore me with your trite heroic speech," Turbomind yawned or at least he appeared to in the split second he took to do so. But still, I will thank you for the valuable information. An anomaly of your caliber needn't die just yet. So, I suppose I must congratulate you. You've earned not only a reprive from the death, but you have dedicated the rest of your livelihood to further the pursuits of science. Subdue the specimen for future dissection," Turbomind ordered.

At once, spindly appendages, four to each drone. Each appendage folded towards one another, into a conical shape, crackling with energy and ready to administer a shock to send the Cobalt Clock into unconsciousness.

"Time, broken...of course. That explains the inconsistencies..." Turbomind mused, rubbing his chin. "But how many fractured pieces make up the whole? That will be key, yes...."
The Rabbit's feet impacted against the amethyst an instant after it hit the ground, causing the demon spirit to rebound onto its back in confusion. It blinked once, then flipped back up onto its feet before taking off again, vanishing with a flurry of beats against the walls and ceiling before coming down again on Shinigami's barrier.

"Ara~! Sore wa ii desu ne~!" Abe-no-Hideyoshi exclaimed in pleasant surprise. "It's not often something can withstand the Rabbit demon's kicks. And to think such a delicate-looking form could boast such impressive defensive abilities! How you surprise me, Shinigami-tantei!"
"That is indeed Japanese," Akiko said, revving the motorcycle she was now apparently on. "Demo mattekudasai, mada arimasu!"

She tilted the bike over to where she could reach the shield of amethyst and slapped on one of the fragments she still had in hand. The shield glowed and the fragment stuck on, Akiko shaping it into the form of a handle. She did this again and then slipped her arm through the two loops, lifiting it off the ground slightly before revving the bike once more.

Holding the Amethyst shield up, she aimed her bike at the wall. At the last second, she spun it around but launched the shield. It embedded itself into the wall before she whipped it, cracks appearing all over. With one last rev, she drive forward, popped the motorcycle up on its back wheel and collided with the shield.

It burst into pieces, fragments exploding all over the room and embedding themselves into available surfaces. The ceiling, the walls, the floor. All of it now covered in tiny fragments that began to expand like ice.
"We don't always have a choice," Krith sighed, launching a punch from one of the strands of light into Henry's back. "Jacques was not always as such. In truth, he went by a different name before. But that's of little consequence. I am a Fang, and I can bite as part of the whole or be plucked out and discarded."
Apex smiled and gave Lynne a thumbs up, "I'll be just fine, mate," He turned to look at one of the drones hovering nearby, giving it a wave. "Turbomind's too busy to watch all these things, but you should go. That Midnight Hour guy is gonna need your help! Turbo's not been the same since that thing attacked Atlas City, goin' on an' on about this and that," He sighed, "Listen to me, I'm ramblin'; go get your friends."


"Oh, you're done talking?" Cobalt said with a yawn, watching the surgical drones float closer. "Really, you couldn't spring for the newest model?" He scoffed, "Metal blades are last decade, Turbomind. Even the smallest medical practices have swapped to lasers; they cauterize the wound and allow a much finer touch, and I mean, if you're trying to dissect me, I'd think you'd want pristine samples, not butchered ones." Klaus chuckled to himself and activated his helmet. "Not that I plan on staying around long enough to see what your machines can do."

In seconds, he stepped behind Turbomind and tapped him on the shoulder, "You know, for a guy with such a big brain, you'd think you'd understand how easily I can sabotage your tech. Sorry about this," He sighed and threw a right hook to the side of Turbomind's head.

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