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Above the Rest


Mr. Kat Lover
The roleplay takes place sometime in the future and there are flying cars and such. Anyways, the gap between The rich and the poor have grown at an exponential rate and the rich now live in the "Above". The Above is a city that is extremely technologically advanced, unfortunately, the mayor of this town is extremely greedy and not willing to give money to the people of the "Below" and most of the towns people agree with him. The Below is, of course, the place where all of the poor people live. The lack of food and technology has made most of the people living down there extremely violent and willing to do anything to get back at the people who live in the Above, which obviously doesn't help the rich view them as human.



Sam Finley




Sam is the sort of guy who has lost all hope in humanity. It's not that he started off cruel and full of hatred, but after living all of his life in the 'Below', he has had no choice but to bury the softer side of him somewhere deep inside. After years of pretending to be like everyone else, the line drawn pretend Sam and the real him became blurred and now he is not even sure if it is still there. His harsh, sarcastic remarks come naturally and anger constantly bubbles out of him towards those of the 'Above'. Sometimes though, he likes to think about what it would be like to let the more gentle side of him out, but of course he could never do that. It's kill or be killed down there.


Smart, Loyal (to those he cares about), Honest

Egotistical, Arrogant, Selfish, Gullible


Sam was born and raised in the 'Below'. He grew up witnessing all the terrible things the world had to offer and never quite understood why his life was like this. All to trusting, his gullibility lead him into more than one bad situation in his childhood, and nonetheless, at age 12 he got himself into a predicament that forever changed his life. A man had managed to convince him that he knew how to make some quick money, easy, and Sam truly believed this was his way out. So he unknowingly lead an enemy of his father's straight to their little dug out of a home, and before he knew what was going on, his parents were murdered right before his very own eyes. Sam was left with two scars: one on the left side of his abdomen, and one in his brain.

This was the end of Sam's blissfully unaware childhood, and the start of the new him, the one who Sam kept insisting was only there out of necessity. He spent the next four years searching for the man who ruined his life, and when he finally confronted him, he killed him before he could think twice. Stumbling out of the crumbling home where the man had been taking refuge, he wiped his bloodstained hands on his pants before noticing his hands were trembling, partly out of fear, and partly out of anger. His behavior could no longer be explained by his need to survive. He had killed a man on his own accord and the man had no intention on hurting him. Sam was lost..

The next four years up to date consisted of Sam wandering around hopelessly, not sure how his life became so crummy so quickly. He wanted answers, and he was no longer concerned how he received them. Blaming the 'Above' for his misfortunes seemed like the easiest way to get rid of the guilt, so that's exactly what he did. His time was used to cultivate his rather extreme hatred for the rich people and he is not the easy going kid he used to be. But he knows it's still in there somewhere.


He keeps a gun on his person at all times.


Name: Lorelai "Lorie" Selene Quartermaine

Age: 20

Personality: Lorelai is an optimistic and intelligient girl that has lived 'Above' for all of her life and has believed that it was paradise until recently. She is naïve as to what happens 'Below' but that is due to her parents sheltering her from the events. Her friends give her knowledge of 'Below' and she believes what they do, that they are people and they need help. She would never tell her parents in fear of ruining their seemingly perfect family.

Bio: Lorelai is an only child that was born to Senator Anders Quartermaine and designer Amelia Bowman-Quartermaine in 2030. Her father's job required him to interact with certain citizens 'Below' thus causing him to keep his daughters mind free from from the horrors she'd inevitably hear about. All in all, you could say her life was fairly easy. She was sent to a prepatory academy for middle and high school and now attends Hastings University, where her father went, as a pre-medical student. When she began her studies, she becane friends with nurses who moonlighted as medics for the people 'Below' and became immediately interested in what went on underneath of them

Sam wandered aimlessly down the busy sidewalk, once again finding himself void of something productive to do. The vicious growl in his stomach alerted him that he was hungry but there wasn't anything that could be done. He was poor, even more poor than the rest of the people who lived down here in the 'Below' with him. The last few meals, if they could even be called that, had been scavenged from the falling apart houses that anyone sane would have avoided because of the danger of falling ceilings. Not that Sam was beyond sane, he was in great mental health. Desperation just lead people to do crazy things. So, keeping his hunger in mind, he changed his route and began making his way back down the street that he had come.

Money and supplies, which had already been a rare commodity in the dark recesses of the 'Below', were running lower than ever before. People noticed too, and had no reaction to it other than the swift anger that quickly over took everyone. Even the closest families turned against each other, as they felt it were necessary in order to survive. It had been at least two years since Sam had been able sit down in his ramshackle home and have a sufficient meal substantial enough to hold him off until the next day. But now, even one meal a day was getting hard to find and this angered Sam more than he could even put into words.
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A soft knock came from Lorelai's door as she sat on her bed. She was immersed by the piles of paper and booked spread across her bed, the sudden noise causing her to jump.

"Come in." She called out, closing the book in front of her and smiling at her mother.

"Lorelai," Her mother's voice matched her appearance perfectly, poised and proper, "I'm going back home today. Thank you for letting your lonely mother stay with you while your father was away." Amelia walked over and gave her daughter a tight hug.

"You're welcome, mother." Lorie returned the hug and smiled when her mother waved and shut the door behind her. Her eyes fell onto the corner of her wall that read 8:30 P.M. Amelia couldn't have left at a more opportune time. Tonight was Lorie's first trip 'Below' to help the injured and give food. Ever since Cossima told her of their cause, she knew she had to become a part of it. They would be coming to pick her up in 15 minutes and she was ready.

The honk from Coss's car let her know it was time to go. She grabbed her bag, ran through her house and out the door. The ride there was dark, mainly because they insisted on blindfolding her.

"You're a senators daughter, Lore, we can't risk him finding this route." She understood the secrecy and accepted it. They would be sent 'Below' permanently if anyome ever found out. After an hour or two had passed, the car came to a stop and hissed as it desended to the ground. She felt Nikolas's hands untie the blindfold. Her eyes adjusted to the cars interior lighting and looked around. It wasn't anything close to being 'Above'. She felt nervous when he helped her out. The surrounding area was eerie but they rushed her into a rundown building and closed the door behind them.

"They'll start coming in 10 minutes. Lets start up." Cossima instructed and Lorie watched as they began setting up tables of food and sterilizing medical tools.
Sam heard the quiet whirring of the car before he saw it, and quickly hid behind a wall. He watched as it made it's slow decent to the ground and several people stepped out of it. The table they set up finally cued him in as to what was happening and he shook his head in disgust. Of course, he should be thankful for the goods seeing as otherwise he'd probably starve, but he knew that to the people 'Above', he'd always be meerly a charity case. Sighing heavily, Sam made his way over to the table.

"Oh, lucky me!" he exclaimed sarcastically, with a nasty sneer on his face. "It must be feed-the-poor thursday." He pretended to check his watch before shaking his head in mock surprise. "It isn't Thursday? What special occasion allows me to meet such lovely people from the Heavens?"
Lorelai was so busy watching the others set up that she hardly heard the man approaching. He looked to be about her age, but a lot more ruggid. She raised an eyebrow at his remarks when he reached the tables. It was good thing that they were doing here. They provided things that these people didn't have access to so his demeanor caught her offguard.

"I see you're as happy to see us as ever, Sam." Cossima rolled her eyes with an exhasperated sigh and continued to take inventory of the supplies they had. Lorie kept her eyes on the young man, though, curious as to why he was so negative about the services but too nervous to ask.
Sam surveyed the table before spotting a granola bar and grabbing it, disorganizing some of the other things in the process. Granola bars had to be his absolute favorite things in the universe. He tore off the crinkling wrapper and took a small bite out of the bar, even though what he really wanted to do was shove the entire thing in his mouth. His eyes wandered a bit before focusing on the girl who had not yet spoken.

"Who's she? Why's she so quiet?" he asked, suddenly curious. Sam then flicked his gaze back to Cossima as if expecting her to answer for the new girl.
A small chuckle escaped Lories lips when Sam messed up Nik's table to grab the granola bar and he let out a long sigh at having to put it back into place. From what she had observed, Nik was a bit highstrung when it came to organization. OCD, she remembered it was called as Sam asked Cossima about her. She didn't know whether to answer or not so she opted to stay silent.

"Why don't you ask her yourself?" Cossima replied, reaching into her box of inventory and tossing another granola bar in his direction before walking into the medical shack. Lorie turned her attention back to him.

"Lorelai Quartermaine." She held her hand out with a slight smile.
Sam caught the granola bar smoothly in his empty hand before smirking at the girl. He noticed her hand, she probably wanted some kind of handshake, and laughed. "Sorry, hands are full," he said, showing her the bars in both his hands. Obviously, he could have put one in his pocket, but he just didn't feel up to being polite. With a quick glance behind him, he noticed the crowd behind him approaching and slid behind the table next to the others, as if he were a worker too. He grinned at Lorie. "Mind if I help?"
Lorie pulled her hand back, feeling awkward for not noticing that he had food in either hand. She saw the people approaching behind Sam and gave Nik a questioning look when he stood beside her at the table. He looked back at her with a simple shrug and nod of approval.

"Sure." Lorie grinned back at him. She gave him a small box of canned good for him to set out on his side. The people that came didn't speak much to her and she had no problem staying quiet. She was nervous and she'd probably make a fool of herself if she tried to talk to them anyway.
Sam set the can down and helped them serve out the food. It may have seemed like he was helping out just for the good of it, but the truth was, he was only doing so in order to get something in return. He wanted more than anything to get away from the place that sucked up his childhood. Previous attempts by him had always been thwarted one way or another. People just didn't want to risk everything for him, which was completely logical. But he sensed some kind of vulnerability in Lorie, and he felt that if he pretended to be nice for a bit she would take him with her. So when the last person had gotten his food and the other boy began to pack up, Sam focused his attention on the girl. "You should take me with you," he asked in a low voice.
The rest of the night went well. With Lorie there to be in front, Cossima was granted more time with the patients and that made Lorie feel even better. She did feel a little confused by the unhappy reactions she got for their presence but Nik had warned her about that. 'They think we do it out of pity or charity but always remember that it is simply for our fellow man. Work towards Middleground, newbie.' Middleground. That was they always spoke of. It was even the name of their secret organization. Middleground was their vision for the world, it was the thing that would bring them all back together as the human race. It was what got Lorie interested in it in the first place. The sound of Sam's voice pulled her from her thoughts and she looked at him, confused by his statement.

"You know I can't do that." She shook her head and began packing as Nik did. That was something they hadn't prepared her for but she knew it had to have been against all policies to bring someone from 'Below' to the 'Above'. They weren't anything like the people she was used and it would have been noticed immediately.
Sam frowned slightly, but then figured he'd have to take a different approach. He scratched his head before speaking again. "Well.. Stay here then? I can show you the cool things in the 'Below'." Sam could be a sort of tour guide for Lorie, and hopefully along the way convince her to take him with her. If she were to reject this too, then he knew of another, better way to get what he wanted.

(Sorry for the Shabby post.. Writers block)
"I can't do that either, Sam." Lorie stuttered slightly and continued to put the cans away. She didn't know what he was up to but she couldn't agree to either of those things. "I suppose that you aren't familiar with my father. This whole operation would be destroyed if I did that."

(Me too, sooo sorry D: )

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