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A Boy And Demons (for myself and Madiglib)


Elder Member


(Name: James Parker McMichaels, Age: 16)


Juli and Damon (Genderless (bi gender) demon)

Ash (Fire Demon)

Xavier or X (Dream eater)

Nympha (Water snake demon)

Why...Why him...? Of all the people on this Earth, why did they have to choose him...? But then, this wasn't the first time these thoughts have entered into James' mind. But then, that's what happened when one had the gift to see and speak with Demons. That's also what happened to be the cause for James landing in a mental hospital two years ago.

"Stupid Demons." The boy muttered as James fluffed up the pillow on his bed behind room 212 located at Elk Pines Mental Hospital. Narrowing his dark green eyes at the pillow, James punched it before suddenly flopping down under the blankets for the night, and a rather stormy Summer night at that, the rain pounding against the windows and building, thunder echoing as lightning flashed and made its presence known, not that James was scared of thunderstorms.

The standard clock hanging on one wall of James' room read that it was time for bed through out Elk Pines Mental Hospital, 9 o' clock at night, every night. And it seemed like at night was when most, or at least some, of the Demons liked to crawl out of their realms and come to him for whatever they wanted and demanded.
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Juli and Damon (Genderless (bi gender) demon)

Ash (Fire Demon)

Xavier or X (Dream eater)

Nympha (Water snake demon)


(Can you add the above info in a spoiler or something to the main post? So then their is a record of the demons I use and their colours without me having to put it on every post I make and I wont loose any demons either or double colours up by accident. Or if I make a CS for them there is a place to keep them.)

It his nine and four demons slipped out into his presence. A demon Damon and Juli with red hair and white streaks in it having the appearance of both female and female which was today dressed as male appeared to him first. Shortly he was followed by Ash,the demon he saw as a roaring fire and Xavier followed a blue pulsating ball that could take any form.

"Hello, little creature." Ash said coming over to the human his flames a blood red.

"Did you miss us honey?" The genderless demon asked coming over in his burgundy suit. His clawed fingers scratching the boys cheek barley breaking the skin. The blue ball took the form it had so many times before the grotesque nightmarish figure that would come to James in his dreams. He licked his lips with a long forked tongue. "Didn't miss me did you? With those tasty little dreams earlier today." The creature grinned at him.

Finally Nympha came out a beautiful women with blue hair and a snake on her shoulder. The only unnatural thing about this look she had was her pale purple skin and deep purple snakes tail with a pink under bit. She was behind him as the end her tail curled round his fragile body.

"Now boys careful with Juli, Damon and I's darling." She hissed. "I found the pitiful thing after all and brought him here." Her and Juli and Damon were the two original demons to find and play with him at the before he came here and more demons caught wind of the human. Not that the two demons minded as long as they had priority over him.

/ I'm not fully sure what you mean... \

Just as he was trying to fall asleep, naturally, several at once appeared to James, who grudgingly opened his dark emerald green eyes, finding himself to be staring up at the bunch, and when the one mentioned of James' dreams, the boy shot The Look at the Demon before grunting in response, rubbing his face with his hands before sitting up, combing his fingers through his raven shaggy locks of hair, shrugging off the claws that touched against the skin of James' cheek.

But then, before James could make a verbal reply, the boy glanced down as he felt that long tail suddenly wrap around his torso, as if someone was hugging him, and James frowned at the memory that Nympha had brought up, and James squirmed in the curled tail around his body, trying to pry it off from around him.

"Go away." The boy demanded icily, feeling quite tired, not having been getting much sleep at all since entering the asylum, even before that, always plagued by various Demons wanting his attention for various reasons of this and that.
The androgynous or hermaphrodite demon Damon sat on the bed beside him.

"Don't hate us because you're marked," he licked his lips at James and smirked. Nympha held him tighter, moving wound you kisses his neck and meeting his flesh with her fangs.

"You are ours and we come when we please and leave when we do too. You just sit back." She spoke low in his ear before letting go of him slowly and going under the bed to be in front of him with the others. "Besides we are just having fun with you." She grinned at him, flashing her fangs. The other two however did for now go away. They liked to have alone time with James better. However Damon and Nympha did good as a duo with him.

/ I edited my Intro post for you to include that. Let me know how it is. \

A sigh of partial relief left from the teenager's lips as at least a couple of them left, leaving only Damon and Nympha behind, the two that were the most persistent of James, though at least the tail unwrapped itself from around James' torso. Though the kid indeed couldn't deny that James was "marked" as they so put it. In fact, the boy had had these markings since James could remember.

Still, James could feel the beginnings of a headache start to pound behind his eyes, and again before the boy could make a reply, the night guards that patrolled the halls passed in front of James' room, checking on him, and quickly, ignoring Nympha and Damon, the boy pretended to be asleep, even as the guard cracked open the room door to peek in on him before leaving, and only when James was sure the guard patrol was gone did James open his eyes and rub his face with his hands.

"What do you want with me now?" Came the irritated response, wishing they would just for once let him get some sleep.

/Can you add their colour to them? Then that is perfect thank-you :3\

The demons stopped waiting for the guard to pass and were looking at each other happy they had gotten the others to leave so soon. They knew if they weren't their other demons came. They didn't mind that just the liked to have him to theirselves. If they could making him commit one of the seven deadly sins. He would be theirs forever, However. They hadn't got him to do it yet and hoped no one would before they got to.

"Well, let's see. What do we usually want from you?"
The demoness snake asked him a ball of water appearing in front of him, gradually getting bigger. Again Damon's hand came to James' cheek this time actually drawing a small drop of blood from the boys flesh as he smirked.

"Well, what do you think, James our dear." He smiled and licked the blood off the boys face. Then licked his lips. "Yummy." He teased him as the cut beaded another drop of blood to seal it.
/ I added their colors for you. \

As the sharp claw-like fingernail cut into James' cheek, a sharp hiss of pain escaped from the boy, James wincing as the flesh was cut open, the feeling of beads of blood dripping from James' cheek felt by the teen. So...This was their game...To try and get James to commit one of the seven deadly Sins and become totally given to all Demons, a thought that made James shudder, the boy's emerald green eyes locked onto the ball of water suddenly floating in front of his face above him.

With a groan of a bit of dismay, James slowly rolled over onto his belly, burying his face into the pillow, wanting some sleep, starting to feel himself slip into that cranky state on gets into when they haven't gotten their usual sleep amount, smearing a bit of blood onto the pillow from the fresh cut on his cheek. "And you know I refuse." The boy grumbled into the pillow.

Nympha dropped the water over his head and the pillow.

"Well my boy we will just have fun with you here." She smiled. "If you did we could mark you as ours. Then you would have no other demons bothering you unless we let them." The demoness said thinking dreamily, thinking. Damon moved so he laid next to the boy.

"We aren't the worst demons to have on you back." He added. "We could get you out of her and we would have al sorts of fun. No more tests from these people." He rolled onto his back and looked at the ceiling.

"But we get it if you are too weak. I mean you let so many of us just walk over you when your life could be so much better." Nympha's snake hissed at him going of her shoulder and slithering onto James. "These human's are you own kind and what have they done for you? Locked you up. Even your own parents didn't want you. Such a gift you have and you let these beings do all their tests when nothing is wrong."
A long sigh escaped from James, but then the boy gasped when the water ball fell onto the back of his head, instantly soaking his hair and neck as if James had just stepped out of the shower for the morning, the boy shivering a bit from the icy water that had just splashed onto him. "Never." The boy grumbled, tensing when James suddenly felt Nympha's pet snake slither onto the back of his shoulders, James tensing visibly, really not wanting to experience another snake bite from the beast, the last time its poison having gotten into James' system.

Finally, and suddenly, the teenager no longer wanted to be cramped up in his own bed, and without a word, the boy managed himself to his feet and stood, gratefully hearing Nympha's pet snake fall to the floor and off of his shoulders, James panting and soaking wet on the back of his head from the water ball created by Nympha herself, the boy combing his fingers through his black shaggy hair, looking rather exasperated as James paced back and forth.
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"Don't tense. You make her nervous. That is why she bit you in the first place." Nympha said picking up her snake. "She is just trying to be your friend."

Damon looked at him and smirked. "You will one day. It is what you're meant to do." The demon rolled onto his said. "I miss when we could have some real fun. Not like here where they are watching all the time."
Trying to be his friend...Somehow James doubted that. But then, these Demons...They couldn't really be trusted to say the least. Not knowing what else to do or say, the boy let out a heavy sigh and shook his soaked hair before rubbing the back of his neck as James felt another dribble of water run down his skin from his soaked hair.

But then, Damon mentioned something in which James had been hoping to forget, and swallowed hard, shoot a look at the Demon, feeling Nympha's pet snake's beady little eyes on him the entire time in which James paced, not really knowing that he could make a snake nervous, when the snake itself made him nervous...
The snake made a hissing noise. It sensed his nervousness which is what made her nervous making it a viscous cycle not help by the fact she had bit him. The snake was Nympha's but she was still just a normal snake.

"We will let you rest and come back another time. You are no fun so sleepy." Damon said getting up and glancing over to Nympha to tell her he meant it. In the relationship it went Damon, Nympha and then Juli usual. The two vanished letting the exhausted boy rest.
For once James actually got a bit of sleep before waking in the morning and heading to the cafeteria, where other patients where already eating their chosen breakfast that would be served that morning. And, as usual, with a tired yawn, James got his own breakfast with his usual dose of medicine to swallow down, a sigh escaping from James as the boy found a spot to sit, away from the other patients though most certainly not out of the eyes of the staff, who were always constantly watching everyone like a hawk.

Slowly, tiredly, James ate, but at the end of the meal, it was time to swallow down the medicine, which James reluctantly did, partly hoping that beyond hope this medicine might actually make James stop seeing these real Demons everywhere and James could become "normal" again...Not that there was anything "normal" in life to be certain, especially his...

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