News & Updates

--- //. Newsletter's Title Newsletter 2022April / Rain //. !Not Important! //. Extra (Image above theme title) --- //. Theme Title & Description RainDark clouds and wind. Those words alone immediately associate in our minds to a familiar weather occurrence, rain. It is a force that can aid or harm us, from light showers that romanticizes environments to tsunamis that tears apart lives, there is no doubt rain plays an important part in the world. Even an absence of rain has an influence of various organisms thriving in environments that see little to no rain. But thinking back to the idea of rain, scientifically, it is the precipitation of collected water in the sky that was formed together from evaporated water. However, rain, in...
CARNIVALMarch 2022 Newsletter Step right up! Step right up! Come one, come all, to the grand carnival! Grab your popcorn, grab your soda, your cotton candy, and your best friends. It’s time to celebrate! Try your luck, take a swing or shoot down some rubber duckies for some fabulous prizes that will leave you a better person today than you were yesterday. Or just have a jolly ol’ fashioned good time. Whatever this month brings- may the odds be in your favor! 🎪 SITE ANNOUNCEMENTS: 🎈 Staff Position Changes Congratulations to @Alteras and @Onmyoji for joining RpN's Administrative team! Thank you for all of your amazing work through the years and for many more to come! 🍿 RpNation's Themes At the beginning of the month, RpN Staff rolled...
BLOSSOMINGFebruary 2022 Newsletter “The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all.” -Mulan As the new year comes into full swing, new challenges appear. Although the past may not be forgotten, embedded in our memories and shown in our growth, new expectations and motivations surface. With blessings of a chance to grow, blossoming into who we would like to be, wonderful memories and prosperity may find its way to us. Or, perhaps new adventures await us. Would it be blossoming friendships, love, partner? Or, even a baby’s first steps, a first cry, love, and so much more. What will this new year bring and how will you blossom? fas fa-scroll Announcements 🎉 A huge congratulations and a happy...
PowerJanuary 2022 Newsletter "With great power comes great responsibility" - Uncle Ben (Spider-Man) Power can be many things, though in its most basic form it represents the ability for something to happen. Just like how a battery gives a toy the ability to move or the power of music can inspire and motivate us to get out of bed in the morning, dance in the living room, sing in the shower, write our newest character, and so much more. Power is something everyone has and it's something that gets us moving, physically and mentally. In many animated shows power is often displayed both ways simultaneously, growing stronger with their emotions and rising up to the challenge in front of them while usually glowing bright colors, and...
MagicDecember 2021 Newsletter A shimmering butterfly flutters past your vision. It lands onto a dark bulbous object, but the moment its legs graze the surface, a blinding, violet glow brightens from within. Following the momentum of the sudden surge of light, the hue spread across the object, revealing wide, waxy petals. The movement of the vibrant petals almost appeared like a calm dancer, swaying gently side to side. One moment it was a bud, the next, a blooming, glowing flower. All happening from the small touch of a dazzling butterfly. It’s unexplainable with the logic we know. It’s other-worldly and different. In some form, that is what magic is viewed as. Throughout the time of human consciousness, the weird, peculiar things...
Living Connections:November 2021 Newsletter The connections we have in life vary greatly in many ways, from friendships and family, loved one’s and partners. No matter where, who, what, when, why, or how, these connections can mean everything to us - found families, polyamorus relationships, queer platonic relationships, the people who care for us and those we care about. Be they a mother, a neighbor, or just a kind stranger. Not every connection is perfect and some are certainly healthy, but there is always someone out there. For every missed connection another opens. Much like a station with trains coming in and out on their own time, some last forever and some just a moment. Hopefully for a good time, not necessarily a long time...
You and your friends had decided to head out one afternoon to finally investigate rumors you heard of an old abandoned mansion in the woods. According to the crude map the mansion would be an hour walk from the edge of the thick forest. It was only two in the afternoon so there was plenty of time before dark. To pass the time you all start talking about what you may find there. One of your friends suggests it could be haunted and the conversation shifts to what even counts as haunted in the first place. What does it mean to haunt?. Haunt in its most basic terms is for something to linger in a space, or for something to frequent often. Though we all know it's much more than that. It can be a feeling, one of unease, of anxiousness and...
SEPTEMBER 2021 NEWSLETTER Nature is all around us, in every way possible. Something so permissible to the universe it makes up that it's even transcended into our hearts and minds. Whether it be a frightful enemy bringing disorder and disparity or the Mother of all things both living and dead whom we respect with a humble awe. Going as far to say that nature in itself is truly indescribable in full. Simply that it is, taking the form our collective unconscious believes it to be~ On a more down to earth note, it's hard not to find a moment when Mother nature is undeniably astonishingly beautiful. Stepping outside and feeling the grass and dew soaked dirt, gentle between your toes, the smell of the night's rain still lingering in the...
August 2021 NEWSLETTER The chime of the doorbell rings a short jingle as a patron enters the building. A strong scent stimulates their olfactory senses as they close their eyes to savor the fragrance. It’s a pungent smell, a flowery, smoky, nutty, and herby aroma. They’re all different yet stem from the same source, a coffee bean, just like the environment of a coffee shop. The patron opens their eyes and surveys their surroundings as they stand in the queue line for the register. Couples meeting for the first time, last minute dates, groups of friends hanging out, professionals relishing a break from work, lone individuals focused on their own personal spaces of reading, studying, writing, etc. There were many stories, or worlds...
JULY 2021 NEWSLETTER Work hard, play harder! Life is filled with routine. Whether the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning is to check your phone, lie in bed and groan about your busy schedule ahead, or get up and get ready for the day, we, as humans, are constantly moving and grooving. With all that happens in our daily life, whoever has time for a break? To stop and smell the roses? Or even have a chance to relax and wind without having something weighing over our head due to stress? With school letting out for some parts of the world and less work piling on as days pass, family and friends are marking their schedule and starting their vacation! Time to uproot this mundane routine and add a little spice! It’s about...
June 2021 NEWSLETTER Midsummer's GreetingThe celebration of the Solstice is an ancient tradition around the world, marking the longest and shortest days of the year, a shift of the seasons and symbolizing renewal and change for both sides of the hemisphere. It can mean a lot of things to a lot of people, and has inspired numerous works fashioned from long standing folklore and stories, tales of fairies and creatures alike, from a time when the worlds of fact and fiction collide into a harmony of wonder, imagination and exploration. Both of the world and of one’s self. It’s not hard to get lost within such a beautiful concept, and with the Solstice approaching this month, it marks a great time to reflect and grow as a roleplay...
MAY 2021 NEWSLETTER Housekeeping Notes RpNation Song Recommendations - Staff & HelpersNeed to find some new music? Here is what we are listening to. Take a listen! @Honeymead ― Featured Discussion @myfanwy ― Featured BBCoder @Sushi Muncher ― Featured Artist @TheAmbiguousStoryteller ― Featured Writer @Rusty of Shackleford ― Member of the MonthWhen did you...
APRIL 2021 NEWSLETTER @lunardenouncement ― Featured Discussion @Yukitera ― Featured BBCoder @Baconhands ― Featured Writer @DovahBeat ― Featured Artist @Yhmera ― Member of the MonthWhen did you start roleplaying? Where was it? Did you enjoy it at first? I've been roleplaying for more than 5 or 6 years now? Maybe longer at this point. I played Magic The Gathering card game in the back of the local comic book store. From there I was asked to join a...
MARCH 2021 NEWSLETTER March Donation Badge by @Fyuri @BakaTheIdiot ― Featured Discussion @MitsuMitsu ― Featured Artist @dirt ― Featured BBCoder @The Dreamer of the Lore ― Featured Writing @Javax ― Member of the MonthWhen did you start roleplaying? Where was it? Did you enjoy it at first? Crazy to think it's already been so long, but I started roleplaying back in 2013 on a silly site called Quotev (previously Quizazz for those old enough)...
February 2021 NEWSLETTER February Donation badge by @peritwinkle Housekeeping Notes Apply to become a newsletter Helper! Donate to become a site Supporter! We have a new Patreon tier, featuring custom character art by @AEONmeteorite! Details are here. Dress up with our swag available in our merch store. @BittyBobcat ― Featured DiscussionWhat do your rp partners do that you love? A thread filled with feel-good, wholesome content of RPN members complimenting and praising their roleplay partners. @American queen ― Featured ArtistBeauty is in the eye of the beholder but the real/semi-realism in American queen's artwork with every brush stroke and mark, captures the audience! Perhaps, if you look long enough, her portraits'...
January 2021 NEWSLETTER January Donation badge by @peritwinkle Housekeeping Notes Apply to become a newsletter Helper! Donate to become a site Supporter! We have a new Patreon tier, featuring custom character art by @AEONmeteorite! Details are here. Dress up with our swag available in our merch store. @BlueLokiLex ― Featured DiscussionWhat do you get when you combine two faces together? Find out more! @Grish ― Featured ArtistCheck out a truck load of whimsical, digital art. @low fidelity ― Featured BBCoderScroll boxes? Check. Tabs? Check. Moving images? Check. Find more of what you want here. @Cornflower ― Featured WriterA short set of rhymes Dancing to A Silent Song. @Reid ― Member of the MonthWhen did you start...
December 2020 NEWSLETTER December donation badge by @Fyuri Housekeeping Notes December is nearly here, which means Christmas is right around the corner! Join RpNation this month as we ROCK our way into Christmas with the music of Trans-Siberian Orchestra. Throughout the month, we'll be hosting musical events featuring live narration from @Ghan as TSO tells the story of Christmas through their head-banging rock albums. Join our Discord server and learn more. Don't miss out! ― How the darn diddly hell does one plot?For many users alike, whether we personally write or roleplay, plots are big parts of stories to most roleplays and writings. Which is what this discussion focuses on. How do you proceed on plot...
NOVEMBER 2020 NEWSLETTER November Donation badge by @peritwinkle Housekeeping Notes The RPN Fall Contest of 2020 is officially over. We would like to thank all who participated! Stay tuned to see the results and how to cast your vote for a story to win the User’s Choice Award! Be sure to check out the entries submitted here. Have you checked out the RPN merchandise lately? Well, you should! We promise this is not a trick as we have new bootiful Halloween-themed designs for the merchandise. So why not treat yourself? I hear they’re something to fall for. Would you like to become a newsletter Helper? Fill out the application form and submit it here! Is it okay to roleplay as characters that aren’t a part of your race/ethnic...
OCTOBER 2020 NEWSLETTER October Donation badge by @Fyuri Housekeeping Notes The Creativity forum has been updated with a new board specific to non-roleplaying related writing! Go ahead and share your work with the community. RpNation Status is now live. Check this website to see whether the forums are having a hard time or if it really is just your internet. RpNation's Discord server now has it's own Modmail bot! Please use this new feature if you would like to reach out to the site's staff team for questions and help (do not DM the staff members for site related issues). Join the server here. The October Writing Contest is now open for submissions! Etherpad is an alternative word processor that makes it easy to collaborate...
RpNation Newsletter September 2020 Thank you @AEONmeteorite for the marshmallow sharks in hot cocoa, thank you @Daisie for the Autumn scenery. Thank you @peritwinkle for the September donation badge! Housekeeping Notes - Sexual Kinks RpNation does not permit sexual roleplaying as our community is expected to know. This article is intended to go over a specific section of our Erotic Content rules. The dictionary definition of these terms are the following: fetish an object or bodily part whose real or fantasized presence is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification and that is an object of fixation to the extent that it may interfere with complete sexual expression kink unconventional sexual taste or behavior Both...
RpNation Newsletter August 2020 News & Updates - A triumphant return and a sad departure News & Updates - Do you want RpNation Merch? Other - Style Feedback Thank you @AEONmeteorite and @Daisie for the June and July badges. Roleplay of the Month A Night Bleeds by @Out Of Words The blood moon is nothing supernatural, science tells us it occurs when Earth's moon is in a total lunar eclipse. Makes sense, only the humans can't see past the blinders of normality forced onto their heads. They walk around, living their day to day lives in ignorant bliss. A bliss not bestowed upon those who dabble in the supernatural, or those who are a being of supernatural origin. They have the great fortune, or misfortune, to see the truth...
[div class=root] [div class=bannerroot] [div class=banner][/div] [div class=title] RpNation Newsletter February 2020 [/div] [/div] [div class=news] [div class=badge]February's Supporter Badge Thank you @Daisie![/div] [div class=announcements] We've added some more tags. Read more here. [/div] [/div] [div class=rpotmbox] [div class=box] [div class=ava][/div][div class=rpotm][/div] [/div] [div class=rpotmtitle]Featured Roleplay @Luxura[/div] [/div] [div class=content]Give everyone a quick summary about your roleplay. Britannica Lost is the next chapter in...
[div class=root] [div class=bannerroot] [div class=banner][/div] [div class=title] RpNation Newsletter January 2020 [/div] [/div] [div class=news] [div class=badge]January's Supporter Badge Thank you @Fyuri![/div] [div class=announcements] New newsletter template! Thank you to everyone who joined us for our annual Christmas reading. We hope everyone had a blast. The dark theme has been changed and made the default theme. Don't worry light theme users, light theme still exists! Read more here. The 2019 Writing Event has officially ended. If you missed out, don't worry! There will be more writing events in the future! [/div] [/div] [div class=rpotmbox] [div class=box] [div...
[div class=container][div class=header][div class=tri][/div][/div][div class=headertxt]December Newsletter[/div][div class=ofthemonth][div class=headerf]Housekeeping Announcements[/div][/div] December's Supporter Badge Many thanks to @Fyuri ! 🦃 We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and holiday! We changed our server again. New lower cost, same provider. There was a hiccup with Discord itself which affected our site due to our Discord integration addon. We apologize for the errors resulting in some chaotic duplicate posts. It's that time of year again! Where we all join the Discord VC to listen to Ghan read us Trans-Siberian Orchestra! Read more here! [div class=otm][div class=avatar][/div][div class=info]Roleplay of...
[div class=container][div class=header][div class=tri][/div][/div][div class=headertxt]November Newsletter[/div][div class=ofthemonth][div class=headerf]Housekeeping Announcements[/div][/div] November's Supporter Badge Many thanks to @Fyuri!We hope everyone had a safe and fun Halloween! Discord Association is back up and running. Apologies to those who were stuck waiting or experiencing issues. Follow the directions here if you want to join us on Discord. We apologize for the abnormal delay in Supporter rewards going out. All Supporters should have their September rewards now. If you were missed please create a thread in Staff Contact. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Sometimes real life just eats up time. The...