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Fantasy Blood & Ruin (OOC/Discussion)

PowerElite PowerElite i hope it was okay what I did! With Hainer mentioning Layna’s parents. I figured Hainer is old enough to have met her parents a few times prior to her being born, since her mum died at childbirth. Of course, he’s just assuming since he doesn’t realize/hasn’t confirmed that Layna is the daughter of the two former shopkeepers.

Also just a show of hands: who still needs to do an opening post?
PowerElite PowerElite i hope it was okay what I did! With Hainer mentioning Layna’s parents. I figured Hainer is old enough to have met her parents a few times prior to her being born, since her mum died at childbirth. Of course, he’s just assuming since he doesn’t realize/hasn’t confirmed that Layna is the daughter of the two former shopkeepers.

Also just a show of hands: who still needs to do an opening post?
Yeah, it's fine. The store's been around for a while so anyone could've entered at anytime prior to the present.

Sorry for the ghosting. Irl got crazy bad but back now. I'll wait for the time skip then and backtrack for Comet
Irl got pretty bad for me, as well. I'm down due to health problems, so the best thing I can do right now is post.
Irl got pretty bad for me, as well. I'm down due to health problems, so the best thing I can do right now is post.

I hope you are doing better today! Remeber to rest up and stay safe! 🙏

I’ll have a post up tonight

Edit: post is up! There’s two monsters - one landed obviously where Hainer is, and the other landed somewhere else in town. Obviously it will take multiple people to kill each monster, so if you want your character to help, now is the chance to do so :)
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I hope you are doing better today! Remeber to rest up and stay safe! 🙏

I’ll have a post up tonight

Edit: post is up! There’s two monsters - one landed obviously where Hainer is, and the other landed somewhere else in town. Obviously it will take multiple people to kill each monster, so if you want your character to help, now is the chance to do so :)
where else in town it the other gargantu-bird? And how often do people encounter monsters in this world? Like say for example a pirate?
where else in town it the other gargantu-bird? And how often do people encounter monsters in this world? Like say for example a pirate?

Someone that ventures out more would have higher chance of running into monsters - maybe not all the time, but much more than someone that stays within the confines of a town. As for where it is, I just left that open-ended for anyone that wanted to incorporate that monster into their post

Wyll Wyll haha that may not go the best for poor Coal, as most monsters would be considered non-sentient - they aren’t quite intelligent enough to understand!

I’ll also make a lore/world thread this week at some point !
Layna's going to be out late to try and gather information on what people are saying about the execution and the beast if anyone wants to be together for that.
Someone that ventures out more would have higher chance of running into monsters - maybe not all the time, but much more than someone that stays within the confines of a town. As for where it is, I just left that open-ended for anyone that wanted to incorporate that monster into their post

Wyll Wyll haha that may not go the best for poor Coal, as most monsters would be considered non-sentient - they aren’t quite intelligent enough to understand!

I’ll also make a lore/world thread this week at some point !

Coal: caw caw caw cawwy caaaaaw?

Gargantu-crow: NOMS!!

Lol. K thinking imma make the gargantu-crow land near Burberry. A bit of drama maybe since the guards may disproportionately send more to protect the rich and affluent ?

Like that's where Auntie Shan lives overlooking the hive. She comes from old.money and her husband was a wildly successful fisherman and tradesman.
-slowly raises hand-
Hey Bugg? Uh, I may have jumped the gun a wee bit but I had Anwyll taking on the second bird in my post.
I can always just edit it so that Anwyll's bird is the one Hainer was fighting; it'll be a simple matter of changing a couple lines rather than having you redo half your entire post
Uuuuuughs. Fr tho? Uuuuugh. Like I thot since hainer was at a storefront and wyll n calli was at a tavern they'd be facing the same bird.

K fine. My bad so ill edit. I'll have something up in a bit.

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