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Fantasy Ulgaria, adventures is in a grim world, OOC

So are we all meeting up at the classroom you've set the scene up in?
k sooooo like what did you decide for the overall tone? grim world or grimdark world lol
Grim world

Its less full grimdark and more like? Grimnoble I guess

Life is fucked up and hard, but there is hope of it getting better (Unlike Grimdark where everything is doomed)
k soooo like are we going with Gardon met Shanti on an airship voyage?

cuz if so, I'd say Shanti is a bit of a trouble maker and yeah she is Mouthy but friendly and curious enough. Would it be alright if Shanti was comfy with jokin around with the PRof? like she'd tease him and be all goofy but like she respects his work and I have it in my head that like she read one of his books and then like her crew went on a treasure hunt, found it and then like sold? like maybe much to the chagrin of the archaeological community at least lol.
k soooo like are we going with Gardon met Shanti on an airship voyage?

cuz if so, I'd say Shanti is a bit of a trouble maker and yeah she is Mouthy but friendly and curious enough. Would it be alright if Shanti was comfy with jokin around with the PRof? like she'd tease him and be all goofy but like she respects his work and I have it in my head that like she read one of his books and then like her crew went on a treasure hunt, found it and then like sold? like maybe much to the chagrin of the archaeological community at least lol.
Yeah! That absolutely works, Gardon can be very serious at times, but he himself is a man who loves a good joke and conversation!
Yeah! That absolutely works, Gardon can be very serious at times, but he himself is a man who loves a good joke and conversation!
k i'll try to get a post in tonight cuz Imma be busy for the next few days. like I'll still check in but not have time to make a post
Not entirely sure why Rose would be at the university,but I'll probably post later today. She may come to Gardon with an offer of business in her field of expertise.
I'm going to wait until everyone's posted,but Rose is definitely going to be testy (in a good-humored way) about the way Maestra greeted her
Sorry to keep all you folk waiting! I will probably reply today since animegirl20 animegirl20 hasnt replied yet (I was mainly waiting for them) and I had a case of writers block and horrible neck and back pains, not fun one but I assure you!
I think I should be the one who replies next, though I will only be able to repls tomorrow as my work schedule is kinda wonky and I have some family stuff happening today
No worries! I was just wondering!
I definitely understand that. I work 13 hour shifts so I definitely am also affected by work lol
What is the time setting? And what’s the required post length and frequency?
What is the time setting? And what’s the required post length and frequency?
The DM answered this question already I think but I can't find where. The time setting is kinda like your typical fantasy setting. But it has still has some more futuristic technologies like guns and airships. Post frequency right now seems to be like once a week if I'm being generous. We've only gotten through like 1.5 rounds of posting. If I were you I would give this a week or two and come back, because it's possible this rp dries up, from what I'm seeing.

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