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Fandom Wolfenstein: The Sun Rises In The East

Well it seems like we all have a tie on who to bring to the social gathering. Some want Akira because shipping and muscle. While others say Yuko cause she's a badass.

We need a tiebreaker!
There's a very good reason for Yuko to be on the raiding team and another for Akira being alongside us on this mission, so of course Akira should come along.

That extra Intel is definitely getting spent, too.
There's a very good reason for Yuko to be on the raiding team and another for Akira being alongside us on this mission, so of course Akira should come along.

That extra Intel is definitely getting spent, too.
Yeah I am adding spending intel for extra intel. If that makes sense lol
Chapter 1: Party in the Court Pt 1
Birdsie Birdsie Maki Maki pioca pioca felt felt ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki Taji Taji KingofAesir KingofAesir amoeba amoeba official clown business official clown business The Omen of Death The Omen of Death ViciousVip3R ViciousVip3R
(Majority vote is for Akira being on the infiltration team! Sorry all those who voted for Yuko)

Jack looks around and stares directly at Akira who just raises an eyebrow and folds his arms across his chest.

"Why are you staring at me like that Jack? What diabolical plan do you have? Wait...."

Akira seemed to get the idea slowly but before he can protest Jack spoke to you.

"How about Akira be your partner? Surely a big strong man such as him would make a great husband for you my dear!"

You aren't as shocked or embarrassed as Akira who is also quite pissed. It was an odd choice but maybe Akira's awkwardness could help the role. Maybe you'll be joining the party as newly weds? That might help cover for Akira's lacking of mannerisms and lack of etiquette.

You turn to Jack while Akira has shut his mouth tight not wanting to make the embarrassing situation any worse. You could almost see a vein popping in his neck.

"I also found out this juicy tidbit, it seems like some unaffiliated Resistance Fighters were captured and are being held hostage there. They may or may not be executed for the entertainment of those sick bastards. Now where they are being held is another question, so you're gonna have to find out. Now I would start out with the host or maybe one of his guards. But your main mission is grab some Intel for us that is located in the Host's home. The raiding parties objective is to kill the fucking elite bastards. The reason we're sending you two in is because we can't risk damaging anything unless the package is secure. Oh and Akira? When you're dancing make sure to keep your hands on Sanakos waist!"

"Go fuck yourself you prick! Why can't you do it you..."

Before Akira can continue, Yuko just dragged him out of the room while Jack was smirking and chuckling to himself. You can only shake your head and get prepared.


You and Akira are now riding in a limo as you both are taken to Joseph's house. You are known as Yumika Tomoyo and Akira is Akira Tomoyo. One of your gang members is your driver so conversation isn't limited. Akira looked at his suit and tie shaking his head.

"I fucking hate Jack right now... I don't know how to do anything! My knowledge goes as far as how to fucking snap someone's neck in 15 different way. Not knowing which fucking spoon you're supposed to use to drink soup. And I fucking hate wearing this, it just doesn't look good on me..."

You and Akira were wearing similar colored outfits. You were wearing a white Dress with the Nazi armband and Akira had on a white suit with an Armband as well. He looked kinda odd mostly because you've never seen him wear anything formal. Anyways from the looks of it, Jack will have to stay close to you since he might fuck up majorly since he has no formal experience at all. While you do since you're a politicians daughter.

As soon as the car stopped in front of the fairly large house you took a deep breath and exited the Limo. Akira and your arm being locked together as you walk down to the front door. Showing your IDs to the guard and are let inside the place. It was quite packed, there were a lot of elites here. Many of whom are rich politicians waiting to make deals with one another, and the rich to enjoy the festivities.

The Host is nowhere to be found at the moment, after all the party hasn't even started yet. But while the host is gone, you seem to Stand out amongst the crowd. This means that everyone is watching you as they would an important person, guess having an aura of confidence does that. People are coming up to you and Akira to introduce themselves and generally make it a hard time to get anywhere. It will be a very hard time to sneak off to try and free the prisoners but maybe you could convince a guard to help you out? Then again learning where the Host is might be beneficial now than later. Or maybe talking to the politicians here can give you a good Aliby once you do need to get away from the crowd. What do you choose to do?

1. Go free the Prisoners.
1. Talk to a guard to get to where they're being held. (Easy)
2. Sneak off with Akira (Difficult)

2. Go find the host and catch him alone.
1. Sneak off to find him (Difficult)
2. Talk to a Guard to find him. (Easy)

3. Converse with those attending the party. (Creates Aliby to be used to be able to sneak away should you need to)
I think we should try and talk to the host first to kinda ward off him being like, "who the hell are these people? "

So, ah, since we're a fabulous charming af chick, let's get the guard to tell us where he is.
I think we should first chat with the others attending the party, since we stand out so much if we don't have an alibi should shit go down, then we are easily going to be screwed over. Best to be able to have a way to cover our tracks.
Birdsie Birdsie Maki Maki pioca pioca felt felt ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki Taji Taji KingofAesir KingofAesir amoeba amoeba official clown business official clown business The Omen of Death The Omen of Death ViciousVip3R ViciousVip3R

Tagging y'all so you know what I have been doing!

I have been adding Threadmarks to each major post I have made like the current choice post. So now I have categorized the post so you wanna read the story so far and see the choices we have made? You can do that now.

You see there are handy dandy little buttons that say Threadmarks below the page count on the top and bottom of each page. The page count will usually say what page you are on like right now if you're on this page it will say "Page 10 of 10". Anyways click that a list of Threadmarks will open so you can go back at anytime to any of my posts. Or you can just press reader mode to read all of my Threadmarks at once!

I'm doing this so you don't have to manually go back each page. Now you can skip ahead and go to that particular post you wanted to take a second look at.
✧ converse with those attending the party.

oughta develop an alibi before meeting the host or talking to a guard.
I agree that we should socialize some, first. Gives us a solid alibi and it would be the natural thing to do. Plus, I hear some people want Akira and our character to become a thing, so this could be the first step. (Counting on Akira to ask her to dance)
Birdsie Birdsie Maki Maki pioca pioca felt felt ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki Taji Taji KingofAesir KingofAesir amoeba amoeba official clown business official clown business The Omen of Death The Omen of Death ViciousVip3R ViciousVip3R

Tagging y'all so you know what I have been doing!

I have been adding Threadmarks to each major post I have made like the current choice post. So now I have categorized the post so you wanna read the story so far and see the choices we have made? You can do that now.

You see there are handy dandy little buttons that say Threadmarks below the page count on the top and bottom of each page. The page count will usually say what page you are on like right now if you're on this page it will say "Page 10 of 10". Anyways click that a list of Threadmarks will open so you can go back at anytime to any of my posts. Or you can just press reader mode to read all of my Threadmarks at once!

I'm doing this so you don't have to manually go back each page. Now you can skip ahead and go to that particular post you wanted to take a second look at.
Yeah, I just noticed those yesterday, it is quite an useful function. How do you add threadmarks? Might consider doing so for a future thread.
I think we should first chat with the others attending the party, since we stand out so much if we don't have an alibi should shit go down, then we are easily going to be screwed over. Best to be able to have a way to cover our tracks.
Bingo! I would go for after the host first through chatting up the guard, the host is a good source of information and could be used to cover our tracks when properly threatened.
I agree that we should socialize some, first. Gives us a solid alibi and it would be the natural thing to do. Plus, I hear some people want Akira and our character to become a thing, so this could be the first step. (Counting on Akira to ask her to dance)

Yeah, I just noticed those yesterday, it is quite an useful function. How do you add threadmarks? Might consider doing so for a future thread.

you have to be a GM to really put Threadmarks but when you are there is this new button on every post made by you and the players. Click it and you can type a label and it automatically goes in post order th your other Threadmarks like the oldest is up at the top while the newest one at the bottom.

You can automatically assign a Threadmarks to a post your are typing because it's just immediately there for you to type a label.
Chapter 1: Party in the Court Pt2
Birdsie Birdsie Maki Maki pioca pioca felt felt ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki Taji Taji KingofAesir KingofAesir amoeba amoeba official clown business official clown business The Omen of Death The Omen of Death ViciousVip3R ViciousVip3R

You and Akira both decided to converse with the those attending the party, to create an Aliby should anything go wrong. Maybe having a couple drinks here and there should help, so if you get caught you can play off the "I can't hold my liquor" trick. Akira was really awkward in talking to everyone yet you managed to pull the newly wed card like it was an ace up your sleeve. Everyone bought it and your skill in persuasion really seemed to impress everyone, creating an Aliby. You seemed to have become the star of the party since you made everyone believe that you're a young upstart with power behind your actions.

While you were talking with an older lady and her husband, a guard came up to you and Akira.

"Madam, sir, the host would like to have a word with you..."

You politely excused you and Akira from the couple you were talking to and followed the guard upstairs. Akira flashed you a worried glance probably thinking that something bad was going to happen. You could feel the tension as well, we're you found out or is something else going to happen?

As soon as you reached the top, the guard opened a door and spoke.

"Sir, Mister and Misses Tomoyo are here as you've requested."

"Bring them In... Then leave us alone."

The guard nodded and left the room, closing the door behind him. You and Akira are left alone with Joseph Geldur, the host of this party. He seemed like an older gentleman, with white hair slicked back with gel and seemed to glow in the light. His face was rough as if he had been at one time a Nazi soldier in the Second World War. He held in his hand a Cane with the top being the emblem of the Nazi Party. He seemed delighted to meet you instead of mysterious or evil looking. You must have made an impression on him when you were conversing with everyone.

"It is a Pleasure to meet you Yumiko and Akira, I must say I don't remember sending the two of you invites. But that must be my elderly memory since you two are the stars of my Party. I can see in you two potential to change this nation around and unite the people! You may have not heard but resentment has been growing lately, only in the poor quarters mind you but it is still there nonetheless. I wish to tell you that in this very house there are Resistance Fighters, ready to be killed for the entertainment of our fellow guests. I thought that I would grant you two the privilege of killing one or two of them in the first round of entertainment. Would you like that?"

This was way more different than you had expected, you expected something like getting called out or something. Instead luck seems to still be on your side and you have a chance at getting to see the prisoners without having to sneak to them. Yet this is also a good chance to find out about the Intel you're supposed to get. You could also just kill Joseph and get that over with. What do you do?

1. Ask to go see the prisoners. (Easy)

2. Ask what Joseph has been doing the past couple days. (Moderate)(This won't blow your cover)

3. Kill Joseph and search the room. (Extremely Easy)
✧ ask what joseph has been doing the past couple days.

oughta find some intel first, + it's better to kill him after he brings the two to the prisoners or wherever.
The last option I would choose at this moment is killing the guy. That just causes a bunch of unnecessary complications.

Let's get that information out of the way at the very least. Will Joseph really mind if we ask him what he's been up to for the past few days?
I don't see the point in killing him at this point, since he poses no threat and seems relatively harmless. Perhaps you could use him to gain access to the upper echelon of Nazi society, and go after some bigger fish. Bit awkward to ask to see the prisoners now, and they would be under guard anyways. So, 2. would be my choice, we can milk as much intel from this geezer as we can and then look for a better opportunity to help the rebels.
Yes definitely lets work on seeing if we can get any info out of him, and then figure out the other halves of the equation in a second. Intel is intel, and we can't go pulling a stunt that creates unnecessary attention... Just yet.
Chapter 1: Party in the Court Pt3
Birdsie Birdsie Maki Maki pioca pioca felt felt ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki Taji Taji KingofAesir KingofAesir amoeba amoeba official clown business official clown business The Omen of Death The Omen of Death ViciousVip3R ViciousVip3R

You decided the best course of action was to ask Joseph what he has been doing recently. You didn't want to risk being flanked by asking him to see the prisoners, and as much as you want to kill him it was a terrible idea. This you determined was the best course of action at the moment.

"So Mr. Geldur what have you been doing recently? There must be something exciting in your life and a good story to tell."

Joseph thought about it and took a somewhat long gaze into your eyes. It suggested whether or not you were trustworthy for any information, knowing this you played innocent eyes and used your skills in Persuasion to good use. You seemed to pass the test because he began telling you things he shouldn't, he told you before to never spread this information. You may have gained some trust with the old man, this either speaks volumes of your skills or his stupidity, one has to be true.

The information he did part was interesting, but incomplete. If you wish to get the full picture you needed to get those documents, which should be in this office since he did tell you about them.

"There is also something else that I have been doing. Recently some Scientists have uncovered papers suggesting the existence of a historic find. A vault containing knowledge that has been lost to the ages. I have been given task over this and may have found where it is, or at least I'm getting very close. So should you hear about me in the papers you know why."

This information was quite interesting indeed. Hopefully you can find these papers of his and take whatever is in this vault for the resistance. Before you could do anything else Joseph gave you a pass allowing you to go see the prisoners. You must have really impressed him with the time you've been in his house.

"Now while it's okay to see the prisoners, you can do anything except kill the bastards. I still have to entertain my guests so show this to the guards and you'll be allowed to see and do whatever to the prisoners. So if you'll excuse me, I have to talk with my guests now."

He left before you and Akira did so you have a very short window of time to steal the papers right here and now. Do you take the risk?

1. Yes we take the papers. (Moderate Difficulty)(Failure will result in a roll to see if you get caught or not) (You can use Aliby if caught)

2. No we can't risk getting caught yet.

(You guys have been getting really lucky with your rolls, getting really high ones all the time... :D))

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