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Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
First, I would like to say thank you for clicking on my interest check. Even if you decide nothing here is for you and you move on, I appreciate your curiosity all the same. I'm going to lay all of my cards on the table with one thread. Fandoms and originals abound. But first, allow me to fill you in on what to expect from me as a partner.

AGE. 20+ only. I'm more comfortable roleplaying with those in my age range.

LITERACY. I write multiple paragraphs, comprised of multiple sentences apiece. The amount of writing is dependent on what the roleplay may require. If I'm setting the scene or starting a roleplay, my posts tend to be longer and more detailed. If there's a conversation between characters, my posts won't be super long by comparison, for the sake of pacing and aiding the flow dialogue. You can expect good grammar from me. I go over my posts to ensure there are no typos or grammatical errors. Alas, I'm only human, and sometimes a few slip through the cracks. But I'm also the type to go back and read my old posts and fix whatever flew over my head the first time, so any typos that slip past me don't tend to stick around.

REPLY RATE. This varies, depending on how busy my job gets. For now, however, I can go for multiple posts a day, to daily or even few days. Should circumstances prevent me from replying for a longer period or I have to take a hiatus, I'll be sure to inform you.

GHOST-FRIENDLY. Admit it, we've all done this at least once, and I've been guilty of this myself in the past. If a roleplay suddenly stops, I'll poke you and if I do not receive a reply within one week, I'll consider the roleplay dead and drop it. I will not pursue you nor judge you, merely move on and find something else. If you approach me, asking to resume after I've considered the roleplay dead, I'd be happy to pick it back up, if I still have the muse for it.

OOC. Oh yeah, I'm a chatterbox. I like getting to know my partners, discussing similar interests, plotting the roleplay, and everything else under the sun.

PAIRINGS. I primarily shoot for MxF, but can am open to try other kinds, if you can persuade me. I typically play male roles, but am open to playing females, too.

PLANNING. I'm a chronic world builder and love to plan with my partners. However, I'm aware things would quickly become boring if every little detail was laid out for us, so I prefer a rough road map approach. our destination and main stops are planned, but how we get there is where the fun happens. Roleplays, I find, require a little spontaneity.

This is a new addition to my thread. These are things that will either burn me out or turn me off a roleplay entirely.

OBLIGATORY WORD COUNT. I'm not going to give you one-liners; I'm completely willing to write paragraphs with full, well-written and structured sentences, but if I'm being mandated to go up to 500 or 1,000 words per post, I'm inevitably going to start writing pure fluff just to reach the desired word count. It quickly stops being fun and turns into a chore. I'm not that kind of person. I'll write however much I deem necessary, depending on the context, and if it happens to reach 500 or even a 1,000 plus words, so be it, but I'd rather it not be mandatory.

EXTENSIVE TYPOS AND GRAMMATICAL ERRORS. I know English isn't everyone's first language and everyone makes mistakes here and there, including me. One or two typos or grammatical mistakes a post, I can let slip. But nothing breaks immersion and takes me out of reading more than an overabundance of typos and errors. If you can take a minute to read through your post or run it through a grammar program, it would be most beneficial.

ROMANCE ONLY. I like romance as much as the next person, but it's not my only reason for roleplaying. Platonic pairings can be just as fulfilling, and there are compelling stories completely lacking in romance. I want to tell stories and develop characters, and yes, romance may often be involved, but if that's a requirement for you, it's going to be a case-by-case basis for me. It largely depends on the story we tell.

ONE-SIDED CANON X OC. Doubling, I'm absolutely fine with, if we can reach an accord. But if you're just looking to play an OC and aren't willing to compromise with your partner, then why should I bother to begin with? Roleplays should be mutually fulfilling, and I don't find playing Canons for OCs without some kind of exchange to be very fulfilling.

GROUPS. I'm wary with Group RPs. They tend to grow too big, drop a bunch of members and their storylines with them, and then peter out. I roleplay one on one, as there are less variables to account for. If I do roleplay in a group, it's very small and usually with people I'm closely familiar with. I just don't have the schedule or desire to accommodate so many people at once.

❤️❤️❤️ Craving
🧡🧡🧡 Willing
💙💙💙 Discussion
🤍🤍🤍 Uninterested

  • Commoner/Royal 🧡🧡🧡
  • Fighting Tournament 💙
  • Found Family ❤️❤️
  • Ghost Town 🧡🧡
  • Knight/Princess 🧡🧡🧡
  • Professional Wrestling ❤️❤️❤️
  • Slasher 💙
  • Space Adventure 💙💙
  • Superheroes/villains 🧡🧡🧡
  • Supernatural 💙
  • Urban Fantasy ❤️❤️❤️
  • Victorian 🧡
  • Werewolves ❤️❤️❤️
  • Zombies 🧡🧡🧡

A pack of Lycans attempt to adjust to society while hiding their true nature from humanity, aware that they would be hunted and destroyed if discovered. Amidst their efforts, an ancient vampire catches wind of their arrival and reawakens a centuries-long blood feud as they move their various pawns against the pack to finally wipe out his race's sworn enemies once and for all.

Big Bang
A major corporation was developing an experimental performance enhancing serum for the military. While en route, the delivery truck gets into a horrific accident, causing an explosion that unleashes the compound into a city, infecting various individuals. This results in the birth of the first generation of metahumans. Our characters are just some of many, and they must figure out how to use their powers while dealing with the machinations of an upstart criminal looking to rally his fellow metahumans to form a new criminal element.

“The Cellar"
You're house sitting for some neighbors while they're out for the evening. You're free to help yourself to any food in the fridge and pantry, the television is open to you, and they're even gracious enough to allow you to use their high-speed internet. They only have one rule: the cellar is off limits. It sounds easy enough. The neighbors have been family friends for a long time and they trust you. But throughout the night, you start to hear strange sounds coming from the cellar. Scratching, knocking, and finally, a voice: “Help.”

“Home Alone”
You're home alone, after your parents have left for a night out. You have the house all to yourself and call your friends over for an evening of fun. As you pass by a window, you glance and stop. There's a man standing in the driveway, staring up at you. Time seems to run still as you lock eyes. The man turns and leaves. While creeped out, you write it off as the actions of a weird stranger. Things shift from creepy to concerning when you notice things in the house have been moved without your knowledge. Confusion gives way to terror when you notice the back door to the house wide open.

“Smash and Grab”
You're a thief who specializes in smash-and-grab jobs. It's not something you particularly enjoy, but without a job and threat of starvation hanging over your head, you really have no choice. Plus, you're good at it. Your recent job is to break into the home of a wealthy family and steal an expensive item for your client. Shortly after arriving and grabbing what you came for, you realize someone else has already entered the house and they have more nefarious intentions beyond stealing. What will you do when their intent is made clear? Will you escape with your own life and collect your pay like every other job, or assist the family in danger at risk of being arrested?

"Trick or Treat”
You're tasked with taking your younger neighbors out trick or treating while their parents attend a Halloween party they've been planning for months. They're extremely grateful to you for the short-notice and promise to compensate you well. As you embark for a night of thrills and treats, you realize there's this one man in a mask that appears to be at every house you visit. In fact, they seem to be following you. This stranger seems to be in pursuit of a more sick form of trick or treating.

“So Below”
You're an urban explorer who loves to wade through abandoned and condemned buildings. But one place, in particular, has been the talk of urban explorer circles: the unfinished tunnels beneath the town. For posterity, you bring a camera to record your ventures and be the first to map out the entire network of unfinished tunnels. So what if there are rumors of strange things lurking inside the tunnels? It's all just superstition to scare off newbie explorers, or a ploy to drive off competition from those seeking the glory of being the first to explore the ruins. It doesn't mean it's actually real, right?

“The Boy”
You're a psychiatrist who just transferred to the psychiatric ward in Hodder County. Upon arrival, you're assigned your first case: a boy by the name of Malcolm Breyer was committed for murdering his mother. The orderlies find the boy disturbing and other patients give him a wide berth. But you're determined to help Malcolm and uncover why he committed such a horrific act of matricide. Your fellow staff have rumors and theories, but no concrete answers. By all appearances, Malcolm had a loving family and was completely normal until the night of the murder. What could have caused him to snap? Are you even prepared if you uncover the motive?

  • Aliens vs. Predator 💙
  • Ben 10 🤍
  • Big Hero 6 🤍
  • Borderlands 💙
  • Call of Duty 💙
  • Clock Tower ❤️❤️❤️
  • DC 🧡
  • Dead Rising ❤️❤️
  • Dead Space 🧡🧡🧡
  • Dishonored ❤️❤️❤️
  • Dragon Ball 🤍
  • Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem 🧡
  • Fallout 🧡🧡
  • F.E.A.R. 🧡🧡
  • Friday the 13th 💙
  • Gears of War 🧡
  • Godzilla 💙
  • Guyver 💙
  • Half-Life 🧡
  • Halloween 💙
  • Halo 🧡🧡🧡
  • Killzone 🤍
  • Manhunt 💙
  • Marvel 🧡
  • Mass Effect 🧡🧡🧡
  • Metroid 💙
  • Mortal Kombat 🤍
  • My Hero Academia 💙
  • Pacific Rim 💙
  • Professional Wrestling 🧡🧡
  • Power Rangers 🧡🧡🧡
  • Ratchet & Clank 🧡
  • Red vs. Blue 💙
  • Resident Evil 🧡🧡🧡
  • Saw 🧡🧡
  • Scream 🧡
  • Silent Hill 🧡🧡🧡
  • Soul Calibur 🧡
  • Spider-Man: Spider-Verse ❤️❤️❤️
  • Star Wars 🧡🧡
  • Starcraft 🧡
  • Tekken 💙
  • Terminator 🧡🧡🧡
  • Transformers 🧡🧡
  • Tron ❤️❤️
  • Ultraman 🧡
  • Warhammer (Fantasy & 40k) 🧡

Dishonored (Canon)
An alternate timeline of the original game. Daud kills the Empress and frames Corvo as originally planned, but what if instead of turning Emily over to Hiram Burrows, his conscience got the better of him and he decided to raise and train her as a Whaler instead? Although the heir apparent of Dunwall despises him for murdering her mother, Daud would rather she hate him and be alive than be subject to the cruel whims of the new Lord Regent.

  • Whaler/Whaler
  • Whaler/Target
  • Overseer/Brigmore Witch

Spider-Verse (Canon)
A follow-up to Into the Spider-Verse. We know what happened at the climax--the Spider Gang were all sent home and Miles became Spider-Man to stop the Kingpin and his Super Collider. What did Gwen Stacy get up to upon returning to her home dimension? That's what this roleplay focuses on. The immediate return, the fallout of Gwen's disappearance, and her readjusting to life as Spider-Woman with the knowledge that she's not the only one out there.

Mass Effect (OC)
An adventure focusing on a pair or small crew of mercenaries as they try to live job to job, while hints of greater happenings beyond their pay grade occur in the background but inevitably bleeds into their work.

Dead Rising (OC)
When an isolated urban community falls victim to a viral outbreak that raises the dead, the survivors must use their wits and whatever they can pick up to survive the undead horrors and those who've fallen victim to madness. This takes place in the world of the games, but is set in a city or town of our choosing, or even one of our own creation. Yes, there will Psychopaths. And lots of zombies to chop 'till you drop.

TRON (OC/Canon)
Either a continuation of the story from TRON: Uprising, or an original roleplay set in a different sector of the Grid during CLU's tyrannical reign. You're a User whose curiosity lands themselves in this unfamiliar digital world. When the circumstances of this dystopia become clear, what becomes more important: returning home or helping the Programs rise up?

Silent Hill (OC)
Two scenarios for this particular roleplay. Option 1, you were called to this town. You don't know why, but you just had to go. Upon arrival, you find the town in a state of decay, choked a thick cloud of fog, and infested with shrieking, unnatural creatures. Why are you here? That's for you to find out. Option 2, you and a family member drive to Silent Hill for a vacation. It was said to be one of the greatest vacation towns in the state. But when you get into a car wreck and awaken to find your loved one gone, there's no other choice by take your flashlight and enter the ghost town to find them and discover its dark secrets.

Terminator (OC)
Taking place during the Future War, Skynet is on the losing end of the conflict. The human Resistance is gaining ground and the supercomputer has concluded its defeat is inevitable. As a desperate last gamble, Skynet deploys an Infiltrator unit behind Resistance lines, ostensibly to occupy the Resistance. Our characters are some of the Resistance fighters going up against the Infiltrator. Over time, it's revealed that the Terminator is searching for information and relaying it back to Skynet. A single name; an important name: Sarah Connor.

If you've made it this far, I thank you sincerely. If you don't see any fandoms here that you're curious about, simply ask. More, the plots I've listed above aren't strictly the only ones I'm interested in. These are just the ones I could think of at this moment. I will add more as they come to me. If you have a plot of your own, again, ask!

If interested, my DM box is open. I await any bites.

That's all, folks!
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Bump. I've added a cravings key, a plot for Terminator, as well as an OC pairing list for Dishonored.
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Bump. I've got one roleplay slot open if anyone would like to try offering! Currently craving Dishonored, Spider-Verse, and Survival Horror!
Hi there! I read through your thread and thought we would be a good match! I'm unable to message for some reason, but if you're still interested and looking just lmk :)
Just curious if you plan to respond to my message I sent you yesterday

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