• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern ๐•Ž๐•™๐•  ๐•ฆ๐•ค๐•–๐•• ๐•’๐•๐• ๐•ฅ๐•™๐•– ๐•™๐• ๐•ฅ ๐•จ๐•’๐•ฅ๐•–๐•ฃ?-applications

Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

a roleplay by logastellus


Units Available





casual-detailed, young adult

just my imagination

the cranberries

  • introducing


    Full Name: First, Middle, Last
    Nickname(s): If they have any if not put n/a
    Age: Must be between 21-29
    Unit # (You can put the apartment number that they will be applying for)
    Social Media Handle (this will be used in the discord)

    Description: Please make this at least two paragraphs
    Face Claim: Remember realistic faceclaims only!
    Ailments: If they don't have any put n/a
    Body modifications: If they dont have any put n/a
    Vices:3+. Please put what they are and a small description. At least three sentences.
    Virtues: 3+. Please put what they are and a small description. At least three sentences.
    General Description: Please make this at least two paragraphs

    Likes (5+)
    Dislikes (5+)
    Hobbies (3+)

    2-3 paragraphs minimum, if there are any key events you want to keep out and save for plotting moments you can definitely do that​

    Available Units
    Unit 302-Studio: Occupied
    Unit 318-Studio: Occupied
    Unit 287-1 Bedroom:$1250/mo
    Unit 222-1 Bedroom:$1250/mo
    Unit 254-1 Bedroom: Occupied
    Unit 410-2 Bedroom:2/2 Occupied
    Unit 437-2 Bedroom:1/2
    Unit 110-3 Bedroom:2/3 Occupied​




โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
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  • riptide
    unlike pluto

    Tramel Manuelo Fitzgerald
    March 22nd, 1996
coded by natasha.
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carissa seong
unit 437
full name
Carissa Leilani Seong
Cari; Rissa
place of birth + nationality
Seoul, Korea + Korean

115 lbs

Long, thick locks of raven colored tresses

Chestnut Brown

Athletic, petite

Carissa has a tattoo on her ankle of a heart with devil horns popping out of it; she even has one on her wrist of her birthday in Roman numeral format. She only has her two earlobes pierced along with one industrial piercing in her left ear and her belly button pierced.

face claim
Arden Cho

in depth
Carissaโ€™s trend is definitely girly girl and materialistic, sometimes as her style is a bit up and down. One minute, she's dressed in girly girl attire that consists of blouses, skirts, and heels. Another minute, she'll have this grunge appearance about her, which consists of anything leather and black such as a jacket, jeans, and heeled boots. In her closet, youโ€™ll find the latest fashion wear along with heels or flats and purses to match every single outfit. She never wears anything twice unless she really has to. Most of her clothes are color coordinated with each other but other outfits are just thrown together. She is of Korean descent and her face along with her skin complexion shows it. Carissa has an olive tint to her skin and even though being on the beach or outside almost constantly, it seems like she doesnโ€™t tan, at all. She has long, thick, and raven-colored locks of hair that cascade down well past the middle of her back. She has chestnut brown colored eyes. She is a very tiny and petite female, only standing about five foot six and weighing one hundred and twelve pounds. She may have a very petite frame along with an athletic build to her body.

โlife is what we make it,
always has been,
always will be.โž
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque quis aliquam metus. Morbi vulputate dui eget est laoreet venenatis. Etiam in finibus est. Aliquam vehicula sem vitae ante volutpat, at semper erat egestas.

Aenean scelerisque felis felis, ut bibendum dui bibendum ut. Ut non purus sem. Sed at mattis nisl. Ut lorem orci, venenatis a velit eu, egestas auctor turpis. Duis in nibh ut diam pellentesque eleifend ac vel nunc. Pellentesque nec viverra massa. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi hendrerit varius pretium. In faucibus et dui ac varius.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque quis aliquam metus. Morbi vulputate dui eget est laoreet venenatis. Etiam in finibus est.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque quis aliquam metus. Morbi vulputate dui eget est laoreet venenatis. Etiam in finibus est.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque quis aliquam metus. Morbi vulputate dui eget est laoreet venenatis.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque quis aliquam metus. Morbi vulputate dui eget est laoreet venenatis. Etiam in finibus est. Aliquam vehicula sem vitae ante volutpat, at semper erat egestas. Aenean scelerisque felis felis, ut bibendum dui bibendum ut. Ut non purus sem.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque quis aliquam metus. Morbi vulputate dui eget est laoreet venenatis. Etiam in finibus est. Aliquam vehicula sem vitae ante volutpat, at semper erat egestas. Aenean scelerisque felis felis, ut bibendum dui bibendum ut. Ut non purus sem. Sed at mattis nisl. Ut lorem orci, venenatis a velit eu, egestas auctor turpis. Duis in nibh ut diam pellentesque eleifend ac vel nunc. Pellentesque nec viverra massa. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi hendrerit varius pretium. In faucibus et dui ac varius.

Curabitur a orci leo. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Proin ligula est, vestibulum et lacus hendrerit, varius placerat orci. Vivamus tincidunt fringilla urna non auctor. Nullam non lectus urna. Duis sit amet varius felis. Proin et accumsan erat. Donec nisl neque, ultricies ut ex sit amet, mollis efficitur massa. Sed nec dolor enim. Aliquam tristique magna a bibendum gravida. Maecenas vitae bibendum velit, eu finibus sem. Sed sed nisl id risus lacinia accumsan a tristique nunc. Nulla nec leo risus.

Pellentesque sollicitudin ligula et nunc consectetur, et venenatis tellus venenatis. Mauris luctus bibendum risus. Cras sit amet lacus lacus. Aenean est quam, scelerisque id elementum quis, imperdiet quis nisl. Suspendisse mollis at elit sit amet mollis. Suspendisse ullamcorper diam et erat semper, eu efficitur nunc cursus. Sed convallis vehicula nisl nec pellentesque. Maecenas purus erat, sodales ac accumsan ut, molestie a leo. Sed erat ligula, scelerisque sed tempor quis, lobortis suscipit risus. Vivamus felis purus, posuere eu sem bibendum, suscipit dapibus enim. Sed leo augue, placerat vehicula ultrices rhoncus, bibendum nec libero. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed non pretium justo. Nullam ut lacinia nisl. Vivamus in pharetra nisl. Aenean varius hendrerit volutpat.

Aenean in gravida nibh. Vivamus gravida iaculis tempus. Aenean semper nulla ipsum. Curabitur augue ligula, consectetur eu sodales a, placerat eu risus. Duis scelerisque, nibh quis tempor porta, eros sapien aliquam urna, a sodales libero massa at leo. In aliquam tellus id lacus sollicitudin congue. Quisque dignissim maximus est sed accumsan. Aliquam ut lectus et justo vestibulum tristique. Curabitur consequat aliquet hendrerit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque quis aliquam metus. Morbi vulputate dui eget est laoreet venenatis. Etiam in finibus est. Aliquam vehicula sem vitae ante volutpat, at semper erat egestas. Aenean scelerisque felis felis, ut bibendum dui bibendum ut. Ut non purus sem. Sed at mattis nisl. Ut lorem orci, venenatis a velit eu, egestas auctor turpis. Duis in nibh ut diam pellentesque eleifend ac vel nunc. Pellentesque nec viverra massa. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi hendrerit varius pretium. In faucibus et dui ac varius.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque quis aliquam metus. Morbi vulputate dui eget est laoreet venenatis. Etiam in finibus est. Aliquam vehicula sem vitae ante volutpat, at semper erat egestas. Aenean scelerisque felis felis, ut bibendum dui bibendum ut. Ut non purus sem. Sed at mattis nisl. Ut lorem orci, venenatis a velit eu, egestas auctor turpis. Duis in nibh ut diam pellentesque eleifend ac vel nunc. Pellentesque nec viverra massa. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi hendrerit varius pretium. In faucibus et dui ac varius.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque quis aliquam metus. Morbi vulputate dui eget est laoreet venenatis. Etiam in finibus est. Aliquam vehicula sem vitae ante volutpat, at semper erat egestas. Aenean scelerisque felis felis, ut bibendum dui bibendum ut. Ut non purus sem. Sed at mattis nisl. Ut lorem orci, venenatis a velit eu, egestas auctor turpis. Duis in nibh ut diam pellentesque eleifend ac vel nunc. Pellentesque nec viverra massa. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi hendrerit varius pretium. In faucibus et dui ac varius.

coded by natasha.
Last edited:

Unit 254

Harper Braxton

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

Full Name: Harper May Braxton
Nickname(s): Harp, Har,
Age: 25
D.O.B: 2nd of July
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: Tattoo artist
Unit # (You can put the apartment number that they will be applying for)
Social Media Handle (this will be used in the discord)

Harper appears like your typical bleached blonde barbie: wide blue eyes and sympathetic eyelashes. Chalked up with a quick bob and unblemished skin. Funny, sheโ€™d say how visages can be interpreted but underneath heavy jumpers. Sheโ€™s a sprawling canvas of her own artistic designs. Dark lines embellished upon her pallid profile are proud and with an experienced hand to guide her patterns to the next level โ€” experimentation is key for anyone of her own occupation too. The backs of her hands are failed stars and around her neck is peppered with shapes. Sheโ€™s rotating in her artistic whims and uses her body to amplify her impulses in what she deems to be โ€œher next vision.โ€ While she can certainly say she loves colour and dons that in a vast variety of her outfits. There is something about Harper that she uses to downgrade her presence and simply meld to the background.

Harper is three words: ambitious, hungry, and competitive. Three traits which encompass her sharply and daringly, smacking up into a woman whoโ€™s never done. She walks with more purpose than anyone else she knows โ€” she burns at the centre of her core to unleash her next set of creative ideals. The ceiling? Never heard of it. Perhaps in some deeper recesses of her childish mind, Harper is chasing approval sheโ€™ll never get. Even so, the stairs to her ascent of success will not be dwindled.

Virtues: 3+. Please put what they are and a small description. At least three sentences.
General Description: Please make this at least two paragraphs

Likes (5+)
Dislikes (5+)
Hobbies (3+)

2-3 paragraphs minimum, if there are any key events you want to keep out and save for plotting moments you can definitely do that

Last edited:
status | completed

/* ------ left side ------ */


elenora marie davis


nora, ella, marmar


23 years young

date of birth

11th September



all woman.


convenience store cashier, aspiring social worker

unit #
good ol' #318

social media handle

fluent in english & sarcasm

5 ft 3 inches


black hair worn straight, length is a little past her shoulder. she'll wear the occasional lace front to rock extra inches, but it's otherwise kept natural.

pretty dark brown abysses, nearly black at first glance

body type
mesomorph -- and the only thing to blame for her near perfect body are good genes with the occasional exercise during her walks. but, her diet is nothing other than greasy fried foods or any homemade recipes she finds that are extra cheesy or spicy. to quote, she will not "eat that healthy ish".

body mods
pierced ears.


face claim
ryan destiny

personality type - ISTJ-T


+ cheese cheeto puffs
+ interior decorting
+ margaritas on the rocks
+ retail therapy
+ rap/hip hop music, throwbacks
+ art museums


- invasion of her personal space
- hot, humid weather
- anything with tuna
- the color yellow
- most reality tv shows
- prejudice people






Visage -- continued --
Elenora is a beautiful melanin woman who stands at 5'3". Her natural dark-brown hair flows a little ways past her shoulders but nowhere near her hips if she's not wearing a lace front. On a good day, she'll style it in curls or have it slicked back, but her go to hairstyle is bone-straight with a middle part to fit her frame. Her makeup palette consists of only darker colors. She is in no way a bold woman when it comes to her eyeshadows or lip combos. She loves and appreciates the natural, on-the-go glam.

Her wardrobe isn't flashy nor eye-catching in any way (at least not to her, it isn't). No matter what outfit of the day she's wearing, she'll always have a soft sweater or leather/jean jacket to pair it with. Even if it's not worn normally, it's either tied around her waist to add some pizazz or tucked in her tote bag for whenever needed. If she's feeling flashy, she loves a good cropped top or bustier to look a little sexy during get-togethers. However, Elenora in a dress? Almost a miracle if you've never seen one.

Persona -- continued --
Elenora is the most level-headed child her mother has ever birthed. Nothing ever seemed to weigh on her heart like it would most people, including the bad. She always ate difficult situations without shedding a single tear, often using her head to problem solve instead of her heart. This wasn't by choice though, it was a personality she had to adopt if she ever wanted to go a week without crying. Towards her family, she was the lioness; being the first to sacrifice and being the first in line to protect if she had to. There wasn't any hesitation when it came to them. And she was the same way with her friends. Maybe still is if she stopped being so cautious of everyone who was interested in befriending her.

Even now with her new found freedom in an entirely different state, she still hasn't seized the opportunity as most would. She walks the streets of North Carolina as if she always has places to be and responsibilities to tackle before she could ever allow herself to have fun. But once she is sure that her to-do lists are completed, she loves to let loose. Even though she wouldn't mind company during her free time, she still finds solace and fulfillment in being her own best friend. With a margarita in one hand and a pencil in the other, she could walk around her little apartment in just an oversized sweatshirt and some panties, vibing to whatever the 80s-90s had to offer.

self-sabotager: elenora doesn't know a good thing when she sees it and this often causes her to lose some of the best friendships and relationships she could've had. her trust issues act as a barricade to keep her self, and while she does keep out bad people, she also keeps out the good.

flirty: often too friendly with literally anyone, she can't tell that some people often take what she says as her being interested in them. in reality, she is just too flirty for her own good and can often get herself into a lot of trouble because of her flirtatious nature.

nonchalant: the brown beauty would rather swallow a pair of jeans then admit whenever something or someone has hurt her feelings. she views it as weak and bites her tongue about a situation that leaves her emotional all the time.

loyal till' the death of her: no matter what the scenario is with the people she loves, you can count on her to never speak on it if you ask that of her (as long as it's legal ofc). she knows first hand what it's like to be stabbed in the back and she doesn't want to put anyone through that.

self-disciplined: it doesn't matter the circumstances she's under, elenora knows what's appropriate and what is not. for ex. at a get-together, she loves a good drinking or smoking sesh, but immediately after, she'll ask for a ride or call an uber before ever thinking of getting behind the wheel under the influence. knowing her limits is very important to her.

thankfulness: no matter her tough exterior, she is never too tough when it comes to her faith in god. she spends everyday being grateful and thankful for every blessing and opportunity she is given.

* visiting art museums close to closing time. she prefers having the space alone or with very few people so she isn't disturbed by chatter.
* creating artwork herself is something she loves to do whenever possible. but if you're lucky enough to see her sketchbook, you'll see that they contain more whimsical and fairytale-like content. almost as if she's hiding her inner child within the books.
* an extreme foodie! any new resturant open nearby? she'll be the first, if not, second person in line. she loves to try new food, especially out of her comfort zone or from a different culture. and it's an experience she loves to share with her company.

high school graduate | after skipping a few years due to life situations at home, she is finally pursuing an education in college. her goal is to become a social worker for families in need.

little more


where it all started.

Elenora came from a large, loving family that resided in Brooklyn, New York. Middle child in a small bunch of 3 kids, her childhood consisted of everything a kid could ever want and need to live a successful life. Her mother, Michelle, had worked in business, operating her own body oil brand that was a cure-all method with the most organic products money could buy. Her father, Antonio, worked at a trucking company and was on the road almost 24/7. Even though he was absent more than present due to his job demands, her family had always managed to spend as much time together and live a happy, financially stable life.

trials and tribulations.

Elenora could say she had the perfect life for only a short amount of time. After years of working in the trucking company, her father had fell extremely ill while on the job. And it was at the hospital where they had found out he had stage 4 aggressive colon cancer that would claim his life shortly after starting radiation and chemo. The glue that had kept the family together was no longer there, sending everyone in a downward spiral.

Nora's aunt and uncle had to step in and take care of her and her siblings. The plentiful financies they were once sitting on stopped flowing and grew smaller and smaller. Even though her mother was physically alive, her mind, body and soul had shattered, leaving her depressed and turning to an addiction to fill the hole that was left in her heart.

Her aunt and uncle were working day and night to provide, leaving Elenora with the duties of motherhood for her siblings. She was left to feed, clothe, bathe and entertain her siblings during whatever free time she had left after school let out. And while she never for a second complained about taking care of her siblings, it was a big job to expect from a now 16-year old girl. Her newfound responsibilities left her in a constant state of stress, so much so, she spent almost every other night praying and crying for a better life for them all.

Two years later, when Nora would turn 18, her uncle had pulled her aside for a talk. "You've done your duties, baby. Now it's time for you to take care of yourself," was all he said before sending her away with $10,000 to start a new life. She wanted to reject the offer and stay, but he was right. This was no life for someone her age, and she couldn't spend the entirety of it slaving away.

present day.

Leaving Brooklyn would be the hardest decision she ever had to make for herself. Even though she knew it was possible to start that new life in the same state, she knew it wasn't in her best interest to do so. She would be tempted to go back. The guilt would eat her alive knowing that she was there living comfortably while her siblings were stuck in a different situation with no mom or dad to turn to. But, she wanted to make her uncle proud.

And just as it all happened, an opportunity of a lifetime seemed to open up right when she needed one. Packing only the necessities, she would leave for North Carolina in search for a new start. A place where she knew absolutely no one and no one knew her

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

ยฉ weldherwings.
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Placeholder for mai gurl at #410

Georgia Ann Gilmore

# unit 410

# Victoria Pedretti

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก



  • Georgia Gilmore


    unit 410


    14th of May





    height answer
    weight answer

    blood type
    star sign

    blood type answer
    star sign answer


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris pharetra sem in dolor eleifend posuere. Curabitur nec felis sed mauris viverra ultrices. Nulla eget felis in enim pretium viverra. Nulla tellus dolor, ornare nec congue et, sodales eu nibh. Cras sit amet ultricies sapien, sed maximus elit. Sed quis commodo velit. Proin eu tincidunt nisl. Cras et mauris cursus, vestibulum risus a, semper diam. Etiam metus leo, ullamcorper in interdum quis, bibendum vel augue. Morbi eleifend justo metus, nec vulputate eros ultrices sollicitudin.


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris pharetra sem in dolor eleifend posuere. Curabitur nec felis sed mauris viverra ultrices. Nulla eget felis in enim pretium viverra. Nulla tellus dolor, ornare nec congue et, sodales eu nibh. Cras sit amet ultricies sapien, sed maximus elit. Sed quis commodo velit. Proin eu tincidunt nisl. Cras et mauris cursus, vestibulum risus a, semper diam. Etiam metus leo, ullamcorper in interdum quis, bibendum vel augue. Morbi eleifend justo metus, nec vulputate eros ultrices sollicitudin.

    body type

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris pharetra sem in dolor eleifend posuere. Curabitur nec felis sed mauris viverra ultrices. Nulla eget felis in enim pretium viverra. Nulla tellus dolor, ornare nec congue et, sodales eu nibh. Cras sit amet ultricies sapien, sed maximus elit. Sed quis commodo velit. Proin eu tincidunt nisl. Cras et mauris cursus, vestibulum risus a, semper diam. Etiam metus leo, ullamcorper in interdum quis, bibendum vel augue. Morbi eleifend justo metus, nec vulputate eros ultrices sollicitudin.

    body mods

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris pharetra sem in dolor eleifend posuere. Curabitur nec felis sed mauris viverra ultrices. Nulla eget felis in enim pretium viverra. Nulla tellus dolor, ornare nec congue et, sodales eu nibh. Cras sit amet ultricies sapien, sed maximus elit. Sed quis commodo velit. Proin eu tincidunt nisl. Cras et mauris cursus, vestibulum risus a, semper diam. Etiam metus leo, ullamcorper in interdum quis, bibendum vel augue. Morbi eleifend justo metus, nec vulputate eros ultrices sollicitudin.

    body style

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris pharetra sem in dolor eleifend posuere. Curabitur nec felis sed mauris viverra ultrices. Nulla eget felis in enim pretium viverra. Nulla tellus dolor, ornare nec congue et, sodales eu nibh. Cras sit amet ultricies sapien, sed maximus elit. Sed quis commodo velit. Proin eu tincidunt nisl. Cras et mauris cursus, vestibulum risus a, semper diam. Etiam metus leo, ullamcorper in interdum quis, bibendum vel augue. Morbi eleifend justo metus, nec vulputate eros ultrices sollicitudin.

    face claim

    Answer here

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */
ยฉ weldherwings.
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"Suit the action to the word, the word to the action"
- William Shakespeare

  • a35e85ecd82aa791ec7bdcb248587da6.jpg

    Full Name: Kathrine Elizabeth Parker
    Nickname(s): Kate
    Age: 24
    D.O.B: 24th February 1998
    Gender: Female
    Sexuality: Bisexual
    Nationality: Greek-British
    Occupation: Writer
    Unit #: #254
    Social Media Handle: @(intra)Kate

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  • Logan Josiah Reed




coded by mountainpost
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  • home (filler tab)

Electric Guest

This Head I Hold

Full Name: Nalani Emery
Nickname(s): Nale, Nala
Age: 27
D.O.B: January 24th, 1995
Gender: Cis-Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Nationality: American
Occupation: Bar owner. Works at his own bar. Probably something on the side, but he wouldn't mention it either way.
Unit #197
Social Media Handle:

Black curls unkempt on the man's head bounced about as he danced, emotionless, in the middle of the floor- The remainder of the rave having fizzled out a bit before. His eyes plainly reflected the flashing lights in all of their technicolor glory, hardly distorting the lights with their own dull color. He found himself borderline motionless, a translucent plastic cup sloshing the last of its lukewarm liquid on his knuckles before they found themselves dropping the cup into a trashcan and meandering outside the dark building. His voice grumbled, a little raspy, when he asked the outdoor bouncer if he could bum a cigarette in exchange for a dollar bill he found crumpled in his loose jacket's pocket. Nala made it halfway back to his apartment before he remembered what he'd done. And he dropped the cigarette into the storm drain across the street from his door before he cared.

Weight: ~180
Height: 6'1''
Body: Medium-build, though he does not appear particularly muscular or toned, he is deceptively strong. And combative.
Style: Dark, muted colors and more casual than anything. Dark, tapered pants or joggers with t-shirts aplenty.
Ailments: Suffers from some mental illness. Undiagnosed. Physically, scarring underneath tattoos. From what, you ask...?
Body Modifications: Full sleeve tattoo, flowing into shoulder piece on right arm and right shoulder; descends to some script underneath his collarbone. Who knows what it says. Small gauged ear piercings, with one in each lobe, black. Rear helix ring, silver. Left nostril ring, silver.
Face Claim: Zac Hart
Other Descriptions: Can be volatile, moody. Stands straight, confident, but not stiff. Deliberate and controlled body language.

Music, show-tunes to djent, it's all about the vibes
His cat, Mika/Mimi
Drinking on the job
Owning a bar
Free Love and Often
Folgers, insert lack of care for seething judgement
Emotional honesty with himself
Political figures and authorities
Singing loudly and pretending to be in a cover band
Jogging and hiking
Street art, often illegal

Unless you spend relentless amounts of time getting to know Nala and proving time and time again that you are somehow trustworthy, he will never confide in you; though he'd listen to you and whatever your ailments were until you were out of breath.
What's a savior complex? Nala couldn't tell you. But he can tell you that your feelings and troubles are somehow more important and valid than his own. Self-sacrifice is near his identity's core, most likely due to his brother's death- er... Murder-
Vengeful. A professional grudge-holder, Nale can let seething loathing get the best of him for years on end.
Addicted to God-knows-what. Non-stop crisis mode in his youth quickly drove Nala to seek out psychoactive substances at a young age. His current fascinations are cocaine and marijuana. Oh, and cigarettes. Whatever's on sale.

. He's loud and he knows it. From blaring music in his apartment to expressing his few and far between emotions. Dance parties are always an option. Raves, more like.
Joyful. His joy is typically contagious, despite his past pains and sufferings. It's a point to build up those around him, though often to his own detriment.
Confident. Seemingly fearless, Nalani walks a fine line between confident and cocky, strong-willed and reckless. He gets what he wants when he wants it. After years living as a part of the underground, you figure out how to command conversation. And more.

Though he's intelligent and deeply intuitive, the closest thing to an education he has is a falsified high school diploma he framed in order to go through a few college classes. He dropped out nearly immediately. Much of his social learning comes from mimicry in his youth- a sure-fire way to survival, though it's no doubt damaging.

Nala grew up on the streets of Manhattan with his brother Maleko. They were orphaned at a young age when their father left them behind upon the death of their mother. Maleko, who was 8 years older than Nalani, kept the boy alive and well- primarily by drastic means. Maleko joined up with an... organization- doing their bidding until he was accused of double crossing a leader. He was murdered- Upon Maleko's death, Nale was forced into drug running and other nasties. Though he hated his day-to-day existence due its plague of violence, he made decent money as a drug runner, and more. He eventually found his way out of the City's messy drug gangs, choosing to move to Charlotte, North Carolina. He'd read in a magazine on a one-way flight to New Orleans that it was a premiere up-and-coming tourist destination. And appropriately far from New York City. He booked a flight to Charlotte soon thereafter, figuring his way about the city and managing on the streets, deliberately, for a time before purchasing his own bar and applying for apartments. Money clearly a non-issue, he figured he'd splurge on a space large enough to accommodate guests. And a place where he could give the cat her own room.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
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My character can be found here.

I am so sorry for the shady-looking link (my personal website), I just have no idea how to use the code on this site... Will finish this ASAP.
  • this love
    taylor swift

    Elloise Noelle Moulin
    Ella, Ells, @cherienoelle
    twenty three
    date of birth
    december 25, 199
    cisfemale bisexual
    unit 110
coded by natasha.
SM Handle : @GoodNhi
Unit: 437 or 110

  • 04
    full name
    Anhia Mercedes Santana
    cisgender female
    demi romantic/sexual
    date of birth
    July 30 (Leo)
    place of birth
    Humboldt Park, Chicago, Illinois
    There's Always More
    Annie, Nhi, Cedes, Santana



    3 Years Bio, Pre Med

    known languages.
    English, Spanish, Portuguese






  • basics

    Rhodey Rhodes

    you shook me all night long


    full name

    Jameson Tyler Rhodes


    Rhodey, Rhode/Rhodes, Jimmy, Jamie

    unit #





    Heterosexual but Bicurious

    date of birth

    August 7th 1999

    place of birth

    Augusta, ME


    Graduate Student, English Tutor




    Blind (Stargardt's Disease/Juvenile Macular Degeneration), Mild Anxiety, Episodic Migraines

    social handle


โ™กdesign by natasha., coded by uxieโ™ก
Last edited:

How Low

Against Me!


Allies, bars, abandoned places


Booze, psychedelics, and total isolation

Name: Vivian Nickel Allen
Nickname(s): Viv, Vivall
Age: 27
DOB: February 22, 1995
Genderless femme, but completely closeted and male-presenting.
American, formerly from the rural south
Author, painter, and musician
Unit #287
Social Media Handle: @ vivall

Vivian's entire presence has a quality that is offputting, both through intention and happenstance.
They stand at 6'7, but look as though their body was not intended to grow to that height. There is an unusual amount of space between each of their bones that can be noticed through their skin. They are gaunt and thin-lipped, and in possession of a freakishly straight posture. They are starkly pale, as if they haven't seen sunlight in ages. Their fashion sense runs counter to their dreary physical manifestation- Everytime they leave their apartment they are wearing a completely different set of brightly patterned clothes and saturated colors, along with a menagerie of sunglasses and hats.
Their eyes are huge in proportion to their face, with pupils often dilated regardless of inebriation or sobriety. They often break out in red veiny rashes that they do not want to discuss with anyone nor acknowledge. Their hair grows quickly and is often changing shape, but they tend to have shoulder-length hair in the winters and short-cut hair in the summer, with length varying in between those times. Regardless, it is always wavy and usually blonde, though sometimes they get the urge to dye their hair pink, blue, purple, red, or green.

Face Claim: Jamie Campbell Bower

Ailments: Vivian suffers from a yet unidentified condition that causes excessive growth, seizures, food intolerances, paranoia, and systemic autoimmune reactions.

Body modifications: A nose ring, earrings, a belly piercing, and a tattoo of a mangrove on their back.

Vices: Though they would not admit it, and do anything to not let onto it, Vivian is an addict. The fact that she cannot find a proper diagnosis for her condition makes it extremely difficult for her to obtain proper pain management medicines. Thus, she resorts to alcohol, cannabis, psychedelics, and street medicines to manage her conditions.
Isolation, itself, is a core vice of hers as well. She craves friendships, but feels cripplingly vulnerable when in front of people due to her many medical problems and the constant existential torture of being closeted as an adult by choice. It's easier to keep to herself, but it continually makes her more bitter and impersonal than she was the day before.
But their last big vice is their addiction to the belief that they are smarter than everyone they see.

Virtues: Vivian wants deeply to understand the world and to understand people. She is a profoundly thoughtful and reflective being- Though she seems harsh at first glance, anyone who sits down to speak with her for more than a few minutes will quickly notice how deeply concerned she is about the world at large. They always have something to say about the variety of things wrong with the world, and sometimes, they even have solutions to offer for distant or immediate problems.
For those who are close to her, she is a phenomenal source of support. Because she must conduct her wellness routine with much dilligence in order to remain well, a friend who is ailing in her presence will be the recipient of a thermos of tea, a heating blanket, and a three course meal.
They love to give gifts, and may drop things off for acquaintances she barely knows on a whim.

Vivian is a deeply aloof person, who glares at passersby not out of genuine spite for them, but for fear that a simple glance from a stranger means they intend Viv harm. They do not trust the world; They claim to trust themself, but this is barely the truth. They feel themself to always be teetering on the edge of crisis; They believe everyone around them can automatically tell they are on the edge of crisis, and that people will take advantage of them when they fall most vulnerable. They are deeply protective of themself and their possessions, and have little room in their aching heart for people.
Though they would deny it, they are somewhat prone to anger, particularly with the all-intrusive strangers she despises passing by. If they interpret that someone is a threat, they will get cross with this person and start an argument with them in a heartbeat. Despite this, their home is always kept beautiful- Their apartment is a small oasis of exotic plants, aromatic scents of a prolific kitchen, and perfectly arranged artwork. Occasionally, it fills with the peculiar spell of sweet, burning metal... Just don't think about that.

Vivian likes infinite amounts of quiet, home decor, museums, galleries, the indoors, and watching families with dogs walk down the street below her apartment.
They dislike crowds, other addicts/substance users/drunkards, pets, doctor's offices, and old women.
Vivian paints, writes, sings, tends a garden, and browses forums.
Vivian has a masters in business.

Vivian was raised in Mississippi, the middle child of two sisters and the child of two pill-popping drunks. Vivian grew up in conditions of neglect. When they hit puberty, they were hospitalized for malnutrition and then placed in foster care. Vivian was somewhat lucky, and was placed with a wealthy single father, who insisted that Vivian become educated and career-driven. While this equipped Vivian to lead the self-created self-employed six-figure salary art career of their dreams, they also suffered psychiatrically under the strictness of their foster parent.
While in college, they started experimenting with substances. Through this newly discovered hobby, they unlocked a range of creativity and energy that allowed them to churn out six illustrated novels within a year. These novels launched their career, and has enabled them to live a life of decent luxury.

Vivian Allen

โ™กdesign by sirnateunknown, coded by uxieโ™ก

  • aubrey nicole carson




coded by mountainpost
i always want you
when i'm finally
i bet on losing dogs by mitski
TW - Mention of Alcohol and Drug Abuse

ยท name
Artemis ร‰lliott Mercier

ยท age

ยท birthdate
October 31st

ยท gender
Male; he/him

ยท sexuality

ยท nationality

ยท occupation
Bookstore attendant

ยท unit

ยท social media handle


ยท general appearance
Artemis is tall and lanky, standing
at 6'1 and being thin but having no muscle mass
whatsoever. He has curly, dark brown hair and blue-green
eyes. Artemis dyes the bottom of his hair white regularly.
He is very pale and wears a lot of dark colours which only
emphasises his lack of colouring. His style is very
androgynous and can be described as a mix of edgy
and grunge. He has been known to wear skirts and
corsets, and practically lives in platform boots.

ยท face claim
Gauge Burek

ยท ailments
Artemis is an addict, but otherwise has no
other ailments.

ยท body modifications
Various tattoos around his body
- particularly down his arms - and piercings in both ears.



- addictive personality
Artemis is very prone to
addiction, especially in his current mental state.
Anything that makes him feel good or happy, he is
more than likely to use too much and too fast.

- loner
Artemis prefers to spend time by himself
rather than with other people. He finds that a lot gets on
his nerves, and he knows that he isn't very likeable
anyway, so he often doesn't really bother trying to
make friends. Even when he does have friends,
he has a tendency to try to push them away.

- confrontational
For someone who loses every fight
he's ever been in, Artemis has a strange compulsion to
confront every person who angers him. He isn't
violent, necessarily, but certainly won't shy away from
an altercation, even one he is destined to lose. He
has never learnt from his injuries, and he likely never


+ independent
Artemis rarely, if ever, asks for help. He
is the type of friend that will always listen, because
he will never bother anyone with his own problems. He
manages to solve his hardships on his own, other than
the ones he ignores.

+ observant
Lurking in the background, Artemis tends
to notice a lot about the people around him. He picks
up on the little things and takes note of them. He is,
admittedly, nosy, so he loves to try to figure out other
people's lives.

+ honest
For better or for worse, Artemis does
not sugarcoat anything. Ask him for his opinion and
he will give it and more. He's the kind of friend who
will also tell you, unprompted, if he thinks your
boyfriend is cheating on you or doesn't deserve you.

ยท general personality
Artemis is best described as a lurker.
He hangs around in the background, rarely the centre of
attention. Personal relationships are pretty foreign to
him; he struggles to keep friendships and isn't good at
romantic relationships, preferring the company of
one-night-stands. People know little about Artemis. He
doesn't like talking about himself and will swiftly leave any
conversation that holds potential for vulnerability.

Artemis is the kind of person that is difficult to be
friends with. He's not mean, per se, he just doesn't seem
to want to be around people very much. He's quiet
and radiates a 'don't talk to me' energy, which causes a
lot of people to stay away. He can come across
as unemotional, but that's really only because he's
mastered the ability of hiding his feelings and not
allowing them to show on his face. In reality, he feels
things very deeply - probably too deeply, and the fact
that he bottles up his emotions only makes it more
likely that, one day, he will snap.

Artemis, preferring to stay in the background in terms
of conversation and general social interactions, is a great
observer - often he hears various parts of secretive
conversations or is able to pick up on someone's tone
better than other people in the conversation might be
able to, being an outsider to it. When Artemis does like
someone, whether it be platonic or romantic, it can be
pretty obvious. The fact that he tolerates, or even seems
to enjoy someone's presence is indication enough that
that person is special in some way. While he struggles to
be particularly caring or kind, he is loyal, and he is
extremely honest. Perhaps blunt is a better word.

Anybody that Artemis is friends with is generally only
his friend because Artemis knows their friend, but he
doesn't think that he actually has any genuine friends
who are wholly his. Someone who does crave attention
but has no idea how to ask for it, Artemis is constantly
lonely whilst also in fear of being alone for the rest of
his life.


ยท likes
Jewellery, fashion, dancing, tattoos,
piercings, watching movies at the cinema, ginger
beer, reptiles, rain, tea

ยท dislikes
Cats, coffee, orange juice, heat,
needles, jellybeans, poetry (he never understands
it), math

ยท hobbies
Drinking, doing paint-by-
numbers, trying croissants around town (he is a
croissant connoisseur)

ยท education
Graduated high school,
currently two years into a four year degree in


ยท history
Artemis was born into a very, very
religious and conservative household. He has five siblings
- two older, and three younger, his parents having a total
of six children. Despite his parents' strict rules, it was a
pretty loving household. Artemis grew up, for the most
part, believing every word of his parents' and the church,
and it was only in his teen years that he started to
question both his belief and sexuality. As he grew older,
he became very close with his older brother, Louis; they
were practically best friends from when Artemis was 10

Artemis, aware of his parents' opinions on homosexuality,
didn't come out to them for a while when he was a
teenager. He did experiment just a little with how he
dressed, and they expressed dislike for this, but allowed
it to an extent. As he got older, it became harder and
harder for Artemis to hide who he was to his parents.
They were still very loving, so he assumed that even if
they weren't okay with his sexuality, they would still
accept him in some way. As he grew older, unsurprisingly,
so did his brother, who announced at 19 (Artemis had
recently turned 18) that he would be moving out and
travelling to another state.

Artemis was heartbroken - this was his best friend, and
he was going to be gone for the foreseeable future.
Artemis felt betrayed and abandoned, and so he and Louis
argued, and Artemis said many things that he would later
regret. A few weeks later, shortly after moving out, Louis
was killed in a car accident. Artemis, distraught and
destructive, came out to his parents during this time,
thinking that their shared grief would make them more
accepting and empathetic.

This was not the case. 18 years old, he came out, and
his parents couldn't accept it. They said that they still
loved him and would pray for him - which only upset
him more - but they wouldn't accept his homosexuality.
Although they told him he could still live under their roof,
Artemis didn't want to do that if he couldn't be himself,
so as soon as he was accepted into college, he 'moved
out', although he didn't have much money so he
couch-surfed at friends' houses. Having not grieved
properly over his brother's death, Artemis would have
done anything to numb the pain - and he developed an
addiction to alcohol and drugs.

Eventually, when he was 19, his friend who he'd been living
with confronted him and gave him an ultimatum; stop the
drug abuse, or be kicked out. Harsh as it may have sounded,
it encouraged Artemis to take things more seriously. He
got a job at a local, and fairly popular bookstore, but
couldn't quite afford a new place. Desperate to somewhat
turn his life around, he asked his parents for money, and
they gave it to him, probably hoping it would make
Artemis change his mind about his sexuality. Still
struggling a little with his addiction, he refuses to go to
Alcoholics or Narcotics Anonymous, certain that he can
kick it on his own. He visits his parents every month or
two, purely because he wants to see his younger siblings,
but the visits are always awkward and they never speak
about Artemis' homosexuality or Louis' death.

code by low fidelity.

/* ------ left side ------ */


odette castillo


odie, otto



date of birth

april twelfth

place of birth

new orleans, louisiana

nonbinary, genderfluid


social media handle

applying for 287

sex therapist, freelance tattoo artist

star sign
aries sun, scorpio moon


english, spanish

catholic, but pretty loose about it, and most people at mass (when they show up for it) judge them. they like the mysticism around it, and thinks that if something makes you feel good then why not believe in it.

five foot seven inches

body type
lean and toned, very boxy

dark brown

dark brown

various flowers in a sleeve on their left arm, a poppy on their right wrist that reminds them of their father, stained glass angel wings on their back, a snake winding around their right leg

gauges, double lobes, helix on both sides, septum, left nostril, right brow

face claim
mariana fernandes

although only five foot seven, odette manages to command attention the moment they enter the room. they carry themselves with poise and confidence, and know how to charm most people. it isn't just their energy that manages to draw in attention, however, they garner quite a lot of attention from their appearance. of course, the many black and white tattoos that decorate their skin draw enough attention- and sure the piercings are quite fascinating to look at. but the best thing about odette (at least in their humble opinion) is their face. a nice square jawline with notes of both femininity and masculinity, dark eyes like their fathers, pouty lips. and their face is framed perfectly by their dark hair and bangs. as for preferred fashion: they like to call it rockabilly meets eighties alternative meets modern dad.

personality type - ENTJ-A


โœฉ persuasive
โœฉ confident
โœฉ sensitive
โœฉ commanding
โœฉ knowledgeable
โœฉ thorough
โœฉ respectful
โœฉ seductive


โœฉ relentless
โœฉ schmoozy
โœฉ secretive
โœฉ mysterious
โœฉ proud
โœฉ indulgent
โœฉ competitive
โœฉ sarcastic







shameless and secure, odette has no problem holding their chin high and handling every situation that comes their way. they never second-guess themselves, which is fair because their gut feeling is usually right anyway. of course, it's taken them a lot of work and some therapy of their own to get to the level they're at today.
inspired by how warm and gentle their father was when they were growing up, odette has always emulated that behavior. they find it incredibly easy to empathize with others, and often times will cry if the other person is crying. they're always right there to offer some comfort and a warm hug if someone's going through something.
despite some of odette's quirks, at the very least, they always have an insurmountable respect for others as human beings. they believe that boundaries should be respected no matter what, and that's just doing the bare minimum. even if they've got a problem with someone on a personal level, they'll never say anything disrespectful about them.
odette knows exactly what they want, and will get what they want by as many means necessary. unfortunately, however, this does mean that they venture quite often into annoying territory if they haven't been appeased. admittedly, it's something that they're working on because it's definitely pushed some people away before.
playing into the whole 'odette knows how to get what they want' thing: part of that process is the schmoozing. they're charming and they know it, and they know they're good at making people feel good. and it works for them. the problem is, their more intimate connections sometimes find themselves wondering if odette is being genuine or if they're just schmoozing them too.
odette is the friend that will always encourage you to give into your whims, even the ones that might be risky. although typically very down to earth, and almost type-a themselves, they like a little adrenaline rush, and won't mind someone bring them along for the ride while they act on their impulses.

have you ever met a person that just oozed charisma and commanded your attention with only their mere presence? just their aura alone? that's odette. they're undeniably confident and sure of themselves with every move they make, and gods they're incredibly flirtatious. they'll flirt with anyone and everyone they come across (after all -- you miss 100% of the chances you don't take, right?). they somehow manage to make flirtation into a sort of sport, and at times it can even become a straight-up competition for them.

however, when it comes to romance and relationships, odette doesn't play games. they're very forward in their every day life. they try to say precisely what they mean and communicate effectively every time. that being said, there is an air of mystery about them, and they do tend to keep secrets -- relationships need to keep up the excitement of course! they're mostly secretive with people that haven't gained their hard-earned, inner-circle trust. underneath it all, they can be quite sensitive, very empathetic, and the perfect person to talk to if you need to be comforted or need some good solid advice.

expensive watches, women's wrestling, stained glass, flirting, their job, kissing strangers, irish pubs (the atmosphere is fantastic)

general carelessness, over-eager people who never prepare, being called "ma'am", eating lunch because it always makes them feel lethargic so they'd much rather eat a decent breakfast and a large dinner, lemonade, religious people who are judgemental, horror movies-- they don't get scared, the plots are just annoying

drowning, parasites, they don't really go in any open water honestly (pools are fine)

tattooing, mixology

maybe you know them as that one contestant from ink master. they made it to the final six!

a milk snake named cashew. a raccoon named junkyard jim who is actually a very good boy, and who everyone else assumes is a cat because odette effectively keeps him hidden away
little more



Odette was the oldest of three, and took that role to heart. The amount of love they have for their younger sisters, Charlize and Josephine, is insurmountable and that much was evident from a young age. They were always looking after the girls and bossing them around. Their parents used to joke and say that Odette's way of playing was telling people what to do. Odette's father, Salvador Castillo, was a doting man and a kind parent. He was very involved in the children's lives and encouraged them. Odette practically worshipped their father. They saw how strong he was, and yet he was so emotional and so warm. Odette wanted to be just like that. Odette's mother, on the other hand, was pretty cold and detached, particularly after she gave birth to the youngest child. Odette would later come to understand this as postpartum.

Child Odette, however, had no concept of this. So when their mother left the family, all three girls with their father, Odette couldn't forgive her, and harbored that hurt inside themselves for years. Naturally, this meant that they had to step up when it came to taking care of the girls and keeping things tidy around the house. Her father was working two jobs and came home exhausted. Odette was good at keeping the house clean, and they were good at taking care of the girls too. They survived like that for a while until Odette was about fifteen, and then the unthinkable happened.

Their father was deported back to Mexico, and Odette was left to take care of the family by themself.


After their father was deported, someone had gotten ahold of Odette's mother, and she returned to the house to take care of the children. But she was more of a burden than a blessing. She was drunk all the time and always reeked of alcohol, she made more of a mess than the other three combined, and worst yet she didn't have a job. She sat and loafed around and ruined the home that Odette's father had worked so hard for. Odette did their best to push through, they dropped out of high-school and worked several jobs to keep them afloat and somehow managed.

Their mother died when they were seventeen, and Odette was more relieved than sad. And although it remained unspoken, their sisters were on the same page. It did mean one less mouth to feed, and Odette had gotten a bit better at juggling their time and finances, so they spoiled themselves a little and got their GED.

At eighteen years old, their father returned from Mexico, having successfully obtained his visa. Lightening their load completely, Odette decided to go to college. They put their head down and studied hard and zoomed through four years of college in only three. With a high GPA and excellent applications, Odette got a full ride for grad school, and became a therapist.


โ™ก person one: relationship here

โ™ก person two: relationship here

โ™ก person three: relationship here

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ยฉ weldherwings.
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  • everybody

    I'm so sick,
    Infected with where I live
    Let me live without this
    Empty bliss,

    All Around me


    character name

    Margot Valerie Volkov


    Maggot (chosen name/stage name), Mag, Marge, M, Val (gaming name)




    November 13th, Scorpio


    American with russian and scottish roots.


    Tattoo artist and bassist/vocalist of a local rock band



    social media handle


โ™กdesign by natasha., coded by uxieโ™ก

Last edited:
Amidea Lance


Full Name: Amidea November Lance

Nickname(s): Ami, Nov

Age: 22

D.O.B: November 23

Gender: Nonbinary

Sexuality: attracted to men

Nationality: USA

Occupation: Cosmetologist/Nail Tech

Unit # 437

Social Media Handle: Requiem


Description: Ami has the brightest, pinkest hair ever. It's fairly straight with slight waves to it. They keep it down most days but will sometimes sport a half up half down style. Their skin is very fair and their eyes are often brown but sometimes are a striking blue (with the help of colored contacts). Ami is thin and of average height with long legs and a shorter torso. They are five feet and six inches tall.

Ami can often be seen wearing sundresses and fanciful clothing. They always have a pair of sensibly lengthed almond acrylics attached to their nails that vary in color and style. They often wear heeled boots or sandals to give them an extra few inches in height. Bracelets and necklaces and dangly earrings are not out of place in Ami's wardrobe. A pink scrunchie on their left wrist only accentuates their style. Pink is the name of the game, ladies. Ami always wears pink.

Face Claim: Hyun Hyunjin

Ailments: selective mutism

Body modifications: A full tattoo sleeve, multiple piercings on their face and ears



Sharp: Ami, when they speak, is sharp of tongue. When they look at you, it's with a piercing stare. Ami is rarely soft among those they dislike. They have no compassion for those on their shitlist.

Unforgiving: Ami is not a second chances type of person. They can be civil, but once you're in bad with them, it's rare to ever get back on their good side.

Quiet: Ami just doesn't like to talk sometimes. In fact, they'd much rather listen and be unseen. It makes their ability to create lasting relationships hard though.


Compassionate: Ami, despite being cold and calculating, is actually a very warm person. When you've become close to them, they begin to show a softer, kinder side of themself that's filled to the brim with compassion.

Calm: It takes a lot to rile Ami up. They're very unfazed.

Collected: Ami is less likely to blow up at someone because of an inconvenience. They're able to stow their feelings in the moment and healthily allow them to be released at a later time.

General Description: Ami, overall, is just a quiet, standoffish person at first. They're cold and calculating. They don't partake in comradery without knowing all people involved, and is hard pressed to meet new people. They're indifferent to most things and at this point it's becoming concerning.

Despite all this, Ami is very warm and when it comes to their close people, they are almost a different person. Still reserved, but less so. They're much more relaxed and smile more often. They're more likely to accept and reciprocate touch and feel more comfortable talking and being loud. Though it's rare for Ami to truly laugh, these are the moments where they will.


Likes: cats, painting, soft things, chewing gum, video games, the color pink, moths, tattoos, piercings

Dislikes: annoying people, karens, dogs, horror movies, a very specific shade of red, blood

Hobbies: painting, playing video games, learning how to do random things on youtube

Education: studied at the local cosmetology school to prepare to get their licenses


Ami was born in South Korea to a woman he likely will never know. He was adopted by a well-to-do family, the Masons, at six months old. Beatrice Mason was unable to have children by birth and Theodore Mason desperately wanted an heir to his cosmetics company. So in came Ami. Ami grew up fairlyโ€ฆunloved. They received what was mandatory care from their parents, but beyond that, didn't get much more. One might think the child might've grown up spoiled, but after the first time Ami was verbally torn down by their father, they realized a gilded cage is still a cage.

It got worse as Ami grew up, realizing things about themself that were not in line with their parents' views spelled disaster for the young person. After Ami turned eighteen, they were able to arrange a getaway. They lived harshly for a while on their own, putting themself through school, changing their name, finding themself. But nowadays, things are looking up for the twenty two year old.

coded by: @s e v e n




a good novel shows the truth about its hero. a bad novel shows the truth about its author.

minerva frost

the writer


full name

minerva anne frost


better call her minerva to be on the safe side. you'll be lucky if she allows you to call her minnie




november 2nd


cisgender female


pansexual demiromantic


kat nestel






168 lbs

hair c.

very light blonde

eye c.



florence pugh



minerva has grown into a woman that has a tremendously tall and thick wall up around her. she always avoids moments of vulnerability as best as she can. this has lead her to be very blunt, honest, and straightforward. everyone that meets her for the first time describes her as intimidating. it's very rare that she actually smiles in front of people she doesn't trust. if she does smile or even laugh? she's about to end your whole career.

however, once she starts respecting someone, her love language begins to show; teasing. normally, she just harps on people, is very overcritical of everything they do. but if you have her respect, she teases you, the difference in tone is noticeable, but there's no change in her facial expression. and, of course, the more respect she has for someone, the more she trusts them, and the more she defends them no matter what.

of course, most people just write her off as too aggressive, and never take the chance to know her past her cold exterior. this just leads to (or forces) minerva to be more of a lone wolf, alone a lot of the time. it use to be a big issue that minerva struggled with, but she's learned to deal with it, as it's proven to be an even bigger struggle to open up to others and be vulnerable. she's grown so used to keeping to herself, dealing with all of her trials and tribulations on her own, that whenever someone shows her kindness, whenever someone checks in or offers to help her, she doesn't know how to respond.


spring, libraries, rainstorms, ceramics/pottery, children's coloring books, disney movies and piano


hot weather, white chocolate, silver jewelry, anything sour, the color green


being alone, being forgotten, repeating the mistakes of her family



minerva's life was doomed to be a tragedy from the beginning, so let's attempt to shorten it up; johanna frost and mason johnson. they were married and had one baby boy, marco. but soon after, mason cheated on johanna, and when his fling became pregnant with twins, johanna left him. while still being active in her son's school life, she met another single father, tyler park. they hit it off, he had two boys that got along well with johanna's son, and they started to see each other more and more and eventually they were dating. they slept together and had a son together, maxwell. life was going well for johanna, finally.

but of course, mason came begging on her doorstep, saying he was better and he had changed and he wanted her back. johanna was torn. her life was amazing with tyler, and they just had a son together; but then again, mason was the father of her first son, and she couldn't ignore the history they had. apologizing to tyler, she left him and went back to mason. enter, minerva.

minerva was born immediately 9 months after her parents got back together. and now being the mother of three children, (yes she had custody of maxwell), she knew she had to find a better paying job. mason didn't have a job when they got back together, so johanna asked him to take care of the kids. this wasn't the best idea; with fifteen year old marco, 3 year old maxwell and newborn minerva, and a father who had never been present in their lives before now. but it had to be done, johanna offered to be the one to stay home with the kids if mason went out and worked, but he was determined to not do anything but sit at home and drink.

eventually, marco became old enough that he moved out, so it was just maxwell and minerva with mason. of course johanna was there, but only when she got home from work and before she left in the morning. by the time it was just the two kids, mason had proved himself to be an abusive alcoholic. his temper was abnormally short, and it felt like every day he was quicker and quicker to laying his hands on the two. by the time minerva was six, she already had a scar on her shoulder from where he threw a beer bottle at her and it shattered. there wasn't much the kids could do, he would threaten to hurt them more if they told their mom. but maxwell finally had enough when this man put his hands on minverva.

she was fourteen, maxwell was seventeen. her dad was yelling at her, something about how she needs to be more like her mother; cooking, cleaning, doing the laundry, he complained that there wasn't enough booze in the house and the house always looked a mess. he yelled at her to bring him another beer, and when she did, he ask if she knew another way she could be like her mother, and began putting his hands on her. when she started crying, maxwell ran in to see what was happening, and max immediately started shoving mason away from his sister. he eventually shoved him onto the ground, grabbed minerva, and ran out of the house.

they ran onto the street, crying out for help, when a kind neighbor saw the teenage boy holding his crying sister's hand, and asked what was wrong. after maxwell tried to speed through an explanation, she brought them back to her house and waited for their mom to come home. when she did, they all talked to her and told her what happened. johanna was shocked and heartbroken. with the help of their neighbor, she called the police and reported what he had been doing to her children, and he was taken away.

it was then that johanna, maxwell and minerva packed up all their things and moved away. she met back up with tyler park, max's dad, and he opened his home to help them get on their feet. after a while, johanna and tyler started dating again and eventually got married. it was once minerva had a steady home life was when she realized her passion for writing.

the whole time she was living with her father, she wrote. she wrote her feelings, her emotions, her dreams, her wishes, she wrote anything and everything. it was her outlet for her heart, and it was an escape from her reality. when she was around sixteen, she finally showed her mom some of her writing and she shared that she wanted to be a writer, she wanted to write books and share stories with the world. her mother and step-father were immediately supportive, along with her closest brother, maxwell. in fact, maxwell was the only person that knew about her stories long before she showed them to her mother. with the overwhelming support from her family, minerva excelled. by the time she was eighteen, she had around two hundred copied of her first book printed and sold in a local bookstore. when she got glowing reviews, she was picked up by a successful publishing company and even got her own agent.

by the time she was twenty-three, she had a full fledged trilogy. she wrote the books, she wrote mini books that were certain scenes from different characters, she released world building books, she released a prequel and she did a press tour for each and every one of them. she was incredibly successful, and she had her family to thank. she helped pay off any debt her mother had, she helped her mom and step dad move into a better house for them, she gave back to her family however she could, but now she was on to a new quest.

while she still loved writing books, she wanted to venture out; she wanted to turn her world into a movie series. she wanted to be a screenwriter and director. she needed to go out and be her own. she decided going to a place like north carolina would help her achieve her new dream.





johanna frost

johanna frost is minnie's biological mother. she used to work as an insurance salesperson, but ever since her daughter has become such a successful writer, she's started working as her agent. she works in partnership with a professional agent who knows the business side of the industry, but johanna knows minnie better than everyone, except maxwell. but nobody loves minnie more than johanna. she deeply regrets not being more attenuative during her childhood, but she's been doing her best to make it back up to her every single day.

mason johnson

minerva's biological father. she will never call him as such, she actually hopes she never sees him again. she hates him more than anyone. she's the only person she wishes would die.

tyler park

married to minerva's mother and father of her closest brother, tyler's been good to her and johanna and minnie appreciates him. they're not incredibly close, but minnie would say that she loves them, and she enjoys spending time with him. she'll never call him her dad, she barely calls him her step dad, always "hey tyler", but he's okay with that.

maxwell park

shares the same mother with minerva, and might as well be her best friend. the only sibling minerva actually grew up with, and the one who went through everything with her. max is the one person that minnie will be 100% vulnerable and open with, no matter what




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    Giselle Lyn
    date of birth
    June 1st (Sun Gemini)
    Music Artist
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  • This was the price for the strange life she had chosen, but she had gone into it with eyes open and there was no profit in regret.
    Jackie Quinn
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I know that I'm never, ever gonna change; and you know you don't want it any other way.


another pothead


full name

augustus felix jace






august 7th


cisgender male


pansexual panromantic








213 lbs

hair c.

his roots look dirty blonde, but as his hair grows out, it lightens to a light blonde

eye c.

people love to debate the color of augustus' eyes; some swear they're blue, some swear they're green, people have even said they're grey. but gus knows his eyes, they're a mix of blue and green, looking more blue than anything.


rudy pankow



augustus has always been a pretty laid back guy. he knows how to go with the flow and it's really hard for him to not get along with someone. he never approaches anything or anyone with any kind of expectations, so he can accept them. however, he's not accepting of EVERYONE. he give everyone the benefit of the doubt, but if you give him a legitimate reason not to like you, then he's not gonna like you. he's known to have gotten into a fist fight or two if someone just happened to pick a fight with him.
on top of being laid back, he's been known to be pretty funny. he loves making people laugh and smile, it makes him laugh and smile. people have described him to make them feel at ease and he does it by getting people to laugh. augustus is always, mentally, sitting in a pool floaty going down a lazy river.


โ˜พ cheeseburgers and properly salted fries
โ˜พ the ocean
โ˜พ rollerskating
โ˜พ collectable figurines
โ˜พ birds
โ˜พ chocolate ice cream
โ˜พ surfing
โ˜พ spontaneity
โ˜พ chunky rings
โ˜พ midnight drives with friends


โ˜ฝ opera music
โ˜ฝ nasally voices
โ˜ฝ orange or grape soda
โ˜ฝ liquid medicine
โ˜ฝ pistachio ice cream
โ˜ฝ sitting still for too long
โ˜ฝ candy with caramel that gets stuck in his teeth
โ˜ฝ horror movies
โ˜ฝ miscommunication
โ˜ฝ the color lime green


being worthless and a failure.



born in the slums of mississippi was augustus felix jace. born to cheryl and todd jace as their first and only child. his family had always been as redneck bumpkin as they could be, this included gus for a long time. his parents were good people, honest workers and they were content with their lives. gus' dad had a good job cleaning boats at the dock while his mom had the sterotypical job of a diner waitress. they were good, honest people. they loved their son so much, they worked their asses off to take him to disney world, in florida, for his 7th birthday. gus was never more excited.

but that's when he was discovered. a modeling agent saw him and just HAD to have him in a certain retail store catalog. gus' parents jumped on the opportunity, saying how this would be an amazing chance for gus to do better than his own parents, in hopes that the wouldn't get stuck in the slums like them. they talked with the agent about how they were ashamed they couldn't give him anything more than barely enough paying jobs. gus overheard this conversation, and it upset him; it lit a fire in him. gus loved his parents, and was so grateful for everything they had done for him. he made a promise right then and there that he wouldn't let them down, he would prove that everything they gave him was more than enough.
so push came to shove and augustus quickly became an incredibly successful model, especially once he hit his pre-teen years. gus spent so much time away from his parents, he had no idea what they thought of all the commercial work he was doing. he texted them as often as he could, but there was always a vibe about their conversations that led on that they had more to say.

one day, augustus was in for a certain photoshoot for a certain name brand, and the photographer was a complete asshole. gus just couldn't do anything right; no matter how he stood, how he held his clothes, or even how he made his face, he was never pleased. an hour had passed and the photographer wasn't pleased with any of the pictures he took of gus and ended up going off on him. saying that he was a complete and utter failure and how he couldn't believe how he ever got into the industry. he insulted gus' looks, this work ethic, his personality somehow, and even his style sense (even though the stylists had dressed him).

gus took it really hard. it's where he began his tunnel vision for improvement. he started working out an unhealthy amount, to help define his muscles so he'd photograph better. he picked up a way better skin and hair care routine, so he could look flawless without editing. he even did research into what style of clothing he should invest in and what it would say about him.

from that moment forward, gus developed an unhealthy work ethic. his mentality had tanked, he was constantly working on his looks, constantly booking shoots, always trying to improve himself and better his career.

until he came home to surprise his parents one day.

gus' mentality was so incredibly bad, he knew he had to take a break. so he came home to surprise his parents in person. he was so ready for a week of hanging out with his parents and his old friends, going back to who he used to be before he turned seven. however, his parents had a very different reaction than gus thought. they were mad he came home. they spouted off about how he isn't going to be making any money slumming it around mississippi. talked about how if he isn't making money then what the hell is he doing? so many digs, they even said that if he wasn't working that gus was worthless.

money had changed his parents. his hard earned money, that he thought his parents would be grateful for, had corrupted his own parents. gus was hurt. he was livid. he was pissed off. he immediately turned around and spent the rest of the week with a friend. he knew it would further piss off his parents if he didn't go back to work or school right away. once he got back to hollywood arts, he talked with his agent and told her that he wanted to stop sending money to his parents. and as soon as his agent confirmed that money would stop getting sent to them, he officially cut them off. he hasn't talked to them since he was there. he was determined to finish his last year of high school and go off into the world without having them call him a failure.

he finished his last year at his fine arts high school, and stayed living with some buddies in the area until he knew what to do and where to go. he had been living with them since he was a freshmen, in fact that's when his smoking and drinking habits began. he never once regretted drinking and smoking, with his insane work ethic, it was the only way he could calm down and relax. other than having sex with whoever he wanted, of course.

it took him a long couple of years, but he's finally decided to up and move out on his own... sorta.... his friends were all up and leaving, they said gus could either stay and pay the rent of the four bedroom apartment, or move out on his own with the rest of them. since gus really didn't want to shell out that much money, he started looking for places to stay. somehow, a place in north carolina caught his eye, and he decided to move there. he was excited, it was a whole new scene, more job potential, and maybe he would make some friends in the apartments.

he just hoped they were fine with his apartment smelling like weed all the time.





character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.




- dtf most of the time
- kinda emotionally fucked up, but it's fine
- is a really good friend
- always backs up his friends
- can't bake for shit
- gets baked instead
- would really rather go out and get food than make it himself
- never really got into video games
- just doesn't vibe with them
- actually has a decent singing voice
- isn't shy about it
- will collect random trinkets because he thinks they look cool
- doesn't like dressing in black
- but he's been told he looks good in black
- tries to avoid drama
- yet drama always seems to find him



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