Other What's your infodump subject?

For me storytelling is a big one. I can spend hours picking apart a movie/show/book and my own interpretation of it and then I start doing research into the people who wrote it, the choices they made, the inspiration behind it all, etc.

That being said A Separate Peace by John Knowles is the bane of my existence.

I can also talk for an unhealthy amount of time about vampires both the ones from books and movies and the folklore ones.

And other than that I guess animals just in general. I used to watch nature documentaries a lot as a kid and now I will randomly info dump on my family members about how cheetahs chirp like birds and why monkeys should never be trusted.
I ended up researching a lot about the Greek God Pan and his influence on religion, folktales, and the origin of the cosmic horror genre among other things. I don't know who would want to hear me info dump them on the God Pan but maybe it'll make me a hit at some pagan party someday or impress somebody whose favorite movie is the VVitch.

Classical literature and visual novels are another solid one. I love how surprised people are when I tell them how goofy Moby Dick or Candide is. Or how Van Helsing is a silly old man and I love him.
Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom. Warhammer 40K lore. Medieval castles, like defense knowledge, building, sieges, armor, weapons etc... That time period in general also. Pokemon, Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy. Variety of Fantasy books.
definitely Don't Starve, I've had a special interest this game for what has to be nearly 4 years now. Other than that, I'm pretty well versed in PC specs and other electronic parts, particularly older tech!
I have three.
My first is musicals. I know the plots of a lot of them, so just know that if you ask me about any of my favorites you will be getting a lot of info.
Books. I read a lot and I love to discuss books with people, but sometimes I do go a little too far on the infodumping.
Indie music. I listen to a lot of artists that not many people know and I love to tell people what songs or artists they might like. My main playlist on Spotify has over 4 thousand songs because of the amount of songs I keep discovering and adding, at this point I can't even remember most of what's on there anymore.
What subject do you love so much that, if given the chance, you would infodump to anyone who will listen?

For me, I could talk about space, sharks, and literature tropes for a long, long time. Did you know greenland sharks can live for hundreds of years? Did you know that, if you were to get near enough to a black hole, you would undergo what scientists call "spaghettification", in which the gravitational pull becomes so strong that your body is stretched more and more until you are simply a string of protons and neutrons? Edgar Allen Poe's The Black Cat is a wonderful example of the unreliable narrator, and also the "hang yourself on your own gallows" trope.
Genshin Impact's lore, the ocean, and just "weird facts" in general. Maybe add psychological horror as a genre to that list. I cannot tell you how many times I've sounded like a conspiracy theorist because I was talking to my friends about the sky being fake......... in Genshin.
Or how many times I've genuinely concerned someone because I talked about whale falls-
Definitely I would have to say these types if things
- any and all types and species of canine
- any of the dogs I currently own and have owned in the past(especially my current service dog, Bear)
- Animals such as hyaenidaes(brown hyenas, striped hyenas, spotted hyenas and aardwolves), mustelidaes(ex. ferrets), raccoons, skunks, bats
(there's others but these are some of the main ones that aren't species of canines)
- my favorite books(sometimes books in general)
- my ocs
- the books im trying to write
- digimon
- certain supernatural animals(especially species of dragons, gryphons, canine related mythical/supernatural animals and most supernatural animals related to the other realistic animal species I listed on the second thing)

- certain video games
- some of my fandoms(definitely some more than others)
- there's others but theses are some of the main things

The bolded are definitely at least a bit moreso than the nonbolded, at least at times.

I am autistic and my main hyper fixation are definitely all species of canine
I could rant for hours about these things good lord.
History (WW2 in particular)
The Supernatural (ghosts mainly)
ect ect.
My own characters. Their motives, arcs, dialogue, significance of particular actions, the emotional impact their history has had on them, oh my gosh so much more.

I wish sometimes that this wasn't my subject. It feels incredibly self-centered, not a lot of people genuinely want to hear about that. If I were into a video game or book series, I could probably more thoroughly enjoy a lot more friend groups.
Marie Antoinette. The line between infodump and passionate defense of a woman who’s been dead for more than 200 years is fine, and I’m still treading it like a tightrope.
psychology and pokemon, even tho my pokemon knowledge is a bit rusty but i can geek about my favorite game, pokemon emerald since i've known the game since i was 7 XD
I can and WILL explain SCP lore to anyone.

(edited this as I found my info dump subject)
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strangely enough, OCD. i'm a lifelong sufferer and have done presentations on it in the past.
astrology and my oc's backstories 100%.

-astrology is really really intriguing for me, it has lots of depth and relations to all types of things like star signs, the solar and lunar system, mythology, fairy tales and even religions! i don't believe in atrology-related religions, but i LOVE learning about it in every way possible.

-my oc's are totally stable people who can NEVER outburst into a mental breakdon, rampage or any level of insanity. their mentality is the best it could be and no one can say otherwise, i've never tormented or overly perfected a character until they're not perfect anymore. very sane and happy people :D
astrology and my oc's backstories 100%.

-astrology is really really intriguing for me, it has lots of depth and relations to all types of things like star signs, the solar and lunar system, mythology, fairy tales and even religions! i don't believe in atrology-related religions, but i LOVE learning about it in every way possible.

-my oc's are totally stable people who can NEVER outburst into a mental breakdon, rampage or any level of insanity. their mentality is the best it could be and no one can say otherwise, i've never tormented or overly perfected a character until they're not perfect anymore. very sane and happy people :D
Omg I have an oc that is inspired by scara and loves astrolog <3
I’m loving these replies!

Mine would be:
Certain novels/book series
Theology as a whole (everything from Christianity to the Occult)
True Crime
Some video games I adore.. list is quite extensive)
Autism Spectrum Disorders (have experience as a Behavioral Therapist)
Tarot Cards/Witchy things (don’t know crap about astrology though!)
And literally anything someone I care for is into because I love learning about things they are into as well
Professional Wrestling.

I've been watching it since I was 5 years old. I lived through the Attitude Era, Ruthless Aggression Era, the PG Era, the Reality Era, and now the currently labeled "Triple H Era". And I am pretty passionate about it too. I just love wrestling.

But there is one subject in particular that I feel confident in yapping about and that's Bray Wyatt and the current Uncle Howdy teases they have been doing.

And I understand that anyone reading this who doesn't know a lick about wrestling won't know wtf I'm talking about. And if you do, then hey maybe we can be friends. 😂

Anyway, that's my thing. I have a few others, but professional wrestling is the main source of my useless knowledge.
Probably as many others here, my OCs... I mean, the amount of scenarios I imagine in my head about them every day have to roar their head somehow.. Also, space as well! Huge Astronomy and Astrophysics nerd here lol. I also have a J-Pop singer I love talking about (Miyashita Yuu).

To be fair, anything that interests me at the moment (whether sparked by a YouTube essay or personal interest) is something I love discussing! Unfortunately don't have much of a chance to though

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