Other What is with the need to constantly have the stronger character?


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I do a lot of rp with one of my friends in their discord server and I've noticed that when somebody adds a character that could out do all of his, he'll then add a character that is stronger than everyone else's. I don't understand the point of this. It's not just a one time thing either, he's done it multiple times. It's like he constantly has to have the stronger characters.
I do a lot of rp with one of my friends in their discord server and I've noticed that when somebody adds a character that could out do all of his, he'll then add a character that is stronger than everyone else's. I don't understand the point of this. It's not just a one time thing either, he's done it multiple times. It's like he constantly has to have the stronger characters.

I don't know your friend, and I'm not a psychology major. But even so it sounds like your friend has some personal insecurity issues which they're trying to use their characters to compensate for.

Have you pointed this out to your friend and asked why they do this? That would honestly be the best way to sort out the problem. It might lead to a bit of confrontation in the short term, depending on how defensive your friend is about the subject. But making them confront it and letting them know this is not okay behavior in a proper roleplay setting is definitely something I would advise.
A lot of people want their power fantasies.

To those I tell them to go play a videogame instead.

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