What is something that you are looking forward to this week?


Bardbarian, the Divine Chordia of Concordia
Time to bring more positivity to the site! What is something that you are looking forward to this week? I got back into crocheting and origami. I'm really excited about the projects I am working on and hopefully I can set up a nice little thread in the art forums to share with all of you. ☺ Also, tomorrow is payday!
Music lessons! It's something that I'm looking forward to every week since I started on my instruments ^^
You know that I will never get tired of hearing about your music lessons. Your music teacher sounds like such a wonderful person.
Yes, I'm clearly a fan of my music teacher XD
Speaking of that, I'm going to show my new flute at the next lesson! I'm really curious what my teacher will say about it.
@KaGAYama -drools- I haven't had Indian food in the longest time but let me tell you. I love curry chicken. It's getting a little to chilly where I am to go swimming but I hope you guys enjoy it. 😄
I love the red one, I forgot what it’s called. And I love the peas in the rice at the place we go :’)
Reading, making a 2B cosplay for a friend, and finally, my new drawing tablet coming in the mail.
Volunteering and getting out on the water later this week and next week! Also with the pandemic a lot of free classes are online so I'll be getting into some of those.
Sir Fungus Sir Fungus
I'm so excited that you got a new drawing tablet! I hope it treats you well.

Akweia Akweia
The water! Do you sail? I do on the ocean sometimes. I also like kayaking in the bay near where I live. What kind of classes are you thinking of taking?

Sort of, I have to go out on the water for research! I get some samples in the marsh and we have to take a boat out to get there! As for classes, I'm taking a free one online about how to decorate Halloween cupcakes XD. I thought it'd be fun. plus I love Halloween.
Ooooh, marsh research! Hopefully the environment is thriving. Have fun with those cupcakes, too. There's a new bakery that opened in my town and I have been meaning to try theirs, hahaha.

Yeah, I'm hoping the cupcakes will still taste all right. I'm not a huge fan of fondant and it looks the presenter is using a LOT. Either way they will certainly be cute.
Learning to fly this old girl tomorrow! 1948 Aeronca Champ 7BCM for anyone curious
I'm looking forward to reading a book I ordered that deals with Writer's Block and the brain science around it. Should be an interesting read xD
I'm looking forward to the end of this week lol
Because 1) music lessons and 2) this week is so intense that I just need some rest so I'm counting days until Saturday.
I wanna talk to a special person again today! And hopefully the next few days, but I mean, she's so special and amazing. I know she's literally have the country away, but I think I'm falling hard for her. And she did a live TikTok of us playing some games online together, and everyone was saying SHIP THEM. I blushed so much!
Going to my first cross country competition with my mare Jilly I worked on for a year and all our hard work had payed off
Christmas chocolate! There's a company in my country that makes super delicious Christmas chocolates and I'm going to buy some tomorrow hopefully. It has nuts and Christmas spices in it so it's extra delicious
Gonna go out with some old friends of mine, record some stuff, and have a good time with my m8s

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