Experiences What are some RP ideas you've always wanted to try?

a platonic rp involving a hero from dc or marvel having a biological kid and finding out about them, taking them under their wing.
Dark academia, but from the perspective of the school staff. Like the teachers having to solve the mystery of the supernatural things going on and affecting the school. Or even talking shit about the students who keep trying to murder each other in the break room. I guess Abbott Elementary meets Pretty Little Liars/House of Anubis?
Some sort of RP involving a small group going back in time to try to prevent a major event from happening.
Alt-history WW2 RP. Rebellion RP (I was playing heaps of Far Cry 6 when I came up with that XD). An apocalypse RP that isn't zombies and probably not a global pandemic...and maybe not Fallout inspired XD A crime RP that doesn't die in the first couple of pages.
Alt-history WW2 RP. Rebellion RP (I was playing heaps of Far Cry 6 when I came up with that XD). An apocalypse RP that isn't zombies and probably not a global pandemic...and maybe not Fallout inspired XD A crime RP that doesn't die in the first couple of pages.
An alternate history Roleplay honestly sounds so cool.
An alternate history Roleplay honestly sounds so cool.
I've only done it like once myself, but it was fun. Could almost combine that with my idea of wanting a group of time travellers to prevent some major event from happening.
I mean I have a document with all my ideas and that is one of them XD
I've only done it like once myself, but it was fun. Could almost combine that with my idea of wanting a group of time travellers to prevent some major event from happening.
Sounds exciting! I wish you both the best with that. I think both would be super interesting to see.
Basically the endgame of the Incarnations of Immortality series: everyone on Earth at least 18 and above must vote to elect one among them to take the place of God Almighty, who has abandoned their duties. Angels and demons can't be candidates, but are free to do what they can for their favored human. Oh, and it's the Apocalypse if everyone can't agree on a winner before time runs out.
I've really recently got the hankering to write something with a small group (roughly three to four people), likely with which I would write several Roleplays, possibly even with alternating roles and plotlines. My biggest interests right now are a Pokemon community college AU or your standard fantasy adventure. I know that neither of these are particularly original, but I still feel as if they'd be fun anyway.
I'm not sure if I already said this, but I'm craving it particularly right now, even if I'm not entirely sure how I'd pull it off or if I should abandon my current, slumped rp in favor of the new one. (I don't think I could handle hosting more than one rp.)
I want an rp where magic enters the previously non-magical modern world. I've got two potential concepts of how magic would work in this rp, though little to no idea of which concept to choose and elaborate upon.
Part of me wants it to be teens messing around accidentally discovering ritualistic magic, and then eventually attempting to utilize more of the magic in their daily lives.
Another part of me just wants people and animals to just up and turn into mythical creatures. Like, maybe somebody is followed around town by a surprisingly gentle griffin that turns out to formerly have been their cat; Somebody else is having trouble at work because just like that, he's now a merman and he can't get around on dry land.
Decisions, decisions.
An auction scene. Selling "products", having the buyers and bodyguards interact in some meaningful way and an underlying plot going under the sheets.
Not sure what else should I do with this kind of scene. Introduce some characters, a few hooks dependant on their actions and other hooks that are already happening without interaction, like some noble saying "he's spending time at the auction so the cleaners can do their job back home".
I feel there's a lot I can do with this kind of scene but I never touched it properly before.
I want to make an angel or, in the case of a D&D game, an Aasimar, who uses her halo as a chakram. She grabs her halo, goes Xena on everyone, and when she's done the halo floats back over her head.
I've been obsessed with ghost x living romance ideas for the longest time. The main two that I've hyperfixated on for so long are one based on trainhopping and youthful adventure (a crust punk falls in love with a ghost that haunts the train they're on), and the other is a ghost that lives in a cell phone, tv, computer, or gaming console or something along those lines falls in love with the person using the device. I think it's the aspect of yearning and sadness that speaks to me. Also I'm an emotional lil shit so this kind of garbage was built to be right up my alley 🤣
I've been obsessed with ghost x living romance ideas for the longest time. The main two that I've hyperfixated on for so long are one based on trainhopping and youthful adventure (a crust punk falls in love with a ghost that haunts the train they're on), and the other is a ghost that lives in a cell phone, tv, computer, or gaming console or something along those lines falls in love with the person using the device. I think it's the aspect of yearning and sadness that speaks to me. Also I'm an emotional lil shit so this kind of garbage was built to be right up my alley 🤣
1. A roleplay inspired by pixel RPGs. There's a map, monsters and everyone starts out in a party of five and are level one. They fight creatures and gain levels and such. There are people who are just fleshed out NPCs or merchants that interact with the party and the host is called the Narrator that acts like a DnD dungeon master. Everyone gets their own little sprites of their characters, and the story is in the 'players' hands.
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Another setting I've had on a back burner is one in a Pseudo-historical, post-industrial (early 1900's) era. Where the PCs take on the role of a crew of explorers into unexplored jungle islands or the untamed/unmapped depths of a continent. They'd be after some relic or mythical city or ...something. Very "Indiana Jones". Or like the setting of the Kong, Skull Island (but w/out the big ape) or Jungle Cruise. I'm sure y'all are more than familiar with the trope. There have been plenty of other movies made in this vein. But I don't really see RPs like this... like, ever.
interest check if this is still an open idea lol

This sounds so fun
A dating sim Roleplay! Also been sitting on an idea of a Roleplay set in vaguely medieval times that follows an ensemble cast fighting with a zombie outbreak, basically.

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