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Futuristic Welcome to Uantian


grant me eyes

Character Sheet

(Your character does not have to be in this font, I prefer that it is not used in any character sheet.)

Name: Nothing too futuristic, just a normal name by today's standards.

From mid-20s to late-40s

Gender: Male or Female, unless a Transgender, no discrimination here!

Ethnicity: Caucasian, African American, etc. If mixed, describe why you are mixed (Ex: Caucasian and African American)

Appearance: Picture and written description required.

Apparel: What do they wear? Nothing too futuristic like something from District 1 in the Hunger Games.

Personality: How do they act?

Occupation: Their job, also the reason they're on this mission.

Inventory: What do they carry for the mission? A gun? A binder full of flora samples? Make it correspond with your occupation and reason of being on the mission.

Bio: Well rounded backstory to your character.

Other: Any additional information.

(This is just in a simple format, I would prefer nice clean posts using BBcode as it makes it nicer to look at.)

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