Journal User Appreciation Post

Sir Les Paul

The Duke of Chords and Apostle of Ghan
In my constant search for old, interesting posts, I stumbled onto an ancient Thanksgiving posts where users tagged and gave thanks to users across the site, telling them each what they were thankful for. I couldn't find a similar, recent thread to do the same and I don't think we need a holiday to communicate our gratitude. I think a chance to express all the things we appreciate about others and the unique things we appreciate, even if indirect, are a good dose of positivity the site can use.

That said, I do want this to be positive. Whether it is a quick blurb about what you like or a whole anecdote detailing why you appreciate a user, things should stay positive and generally constructive. Let's not try to make a sly comment between the lines and stay true to the message of appreciation. So...

I'll start.

I don't think I could start an appreciation post without the man that brought me back to the site after a hiatus, The Regal Rper The Regal Rper . Regal and I are co-GM's in a game going on two years and have been through thick and thin. We've seen each other frustrated to no end, stared at the same things in awe (not always impressed by it, mind you), and bounced so many ideas back and forth that without notes we would have long forgotten them. I perhaps don't say it enough or often, but I'm glad you got me back in the game, man.

Prizzy Kriyze Prizzy Kriyze It has always been a joy to see you in a game. I probably don't say it enough, but it's pretty often that your posts push me to want to do better. We may not always see eye to eye, but you always have my respect, man. You also tend to surround yourself with cool people, and somehow I remain one of those people.

Meredith Meredith I could spend this entire post going over what you've taught me, from history to writing technique. You consistently shift my perspective, which keeps my mind open to plenty of things and opinions I may not have otherwise. I do still feel like we deserve an award for "Most Unlikely Friendship", but the last few years have been better with you in them.

Merciless Medic Merciless Medic EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun These three have remained the stalwart core of F.A.T.E., the game that both brought me to the site with Regal and has kept me here. After countless posts and collabs, we've made a whole fandom universe our own. Couldn't be possible without you guys, and I can't deny that.

QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel Much like Prizzy, I love reading your posts and you consistently make me want to be a better writer. We may not be close, but I appreciate anything that inspires me.

Novelight Novelight I know I have literally never said a word to you, but your coding is absolutely amazing. I have zero intention of becoming as talented as you with the skills you have, but I appreciate them nonetheless. I've also seen probably the most through your roleplays how much a graphic interface can matter for them.

CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon It may be an odd thing to appreciate, but when it came to moving over the Pokémon RP, you followed a lot of advice and really took input to heart. As small as it is, that made me feel "listened to" about something pretty important. I think that's worth a shout.

Azurian Dream Azurian Dream You keep up with your monthly check-ins even though we're no longer writing or gaming, man. You've stuck to it. I appreciate it.

deer deer You are an infinite source of positivity on the team. You're always around, teach what you know, and just do a lot of work that helps to learn from.

GojiBean GojiBean I honestly learn a lot from just watching you. We may not always agree, but I never leave a disagreement without thinking just a little harder.

The Dark Wizard The Dark Wizard You started the whole journey of me being on the Mod team. I've learned a lot from a lot of people, and have gained plenty of new insight due to it. I appreciate the opportunity, and after a few months of getting into it, I can truly say I'm glad I made the leap.

Onmyoji Onmyoji Most people don't know how unique of an experience being a mod or working with the systems are, or how niche some of the solutions can be. I can recall plenty of times you've popped in with that miraculous piece of information that cleared up a lot of confusion, and for absolving me of my frustrations, I am thankful.

Kaerri Kaerri The Queen of Kindness, I swear it. Always educational, always positive, I can't think of a negative experience with you, and the amount of work you put it can be staggering at times. From the very beginning when we made the PM to help myself and ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles acclimate to our new role to answering questions we still have to this day, you've just been ungodly helpful. I kid you not, being a mod sometimes feels like being a planeteer to your Captain Planet. You got that main character energy and just use it to help everyone out. We should all be grateful, really.

Ghan Ghan And, speaking of people everyone should be grateful for, I dare not risk being smote for not acknowledging the great overlord Ghan.
Aw, I appreciate it man you know what you got me in the spirit to gush over those I have thanks for as well.

It's only fair I start with the starter lol Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul when I came to this site after quite the hiatus from RPing I joined your beloved and very well-earned F.A.T.E series, and well. I crashed and burned badly all of my accord mind you. Even after leaving due to my realization that I couldn't keep to what I was building nor hold proper to characters HOW I SAID I WAS GOING TO DO THEM you chased right after me and made sure I didn't halt my beloved hobby. Chatted with me over time, and even tried to drag me right back into the RP (And I mean that loving as in you not wanting me to give up lol). Yet once I refound my footing you let me take off in my own direction, and hell, not many friends can even say they could do that. I highly appreciate ya man you are a great example of the work a GM going on beyond expectations that one should put in even after the lines of a project/Game.

That Weird girl That Weird girl Oh you ball of beautiful destructive delight. Your ability to catch me a master(Self-proclaimed) of plot twists has been a wild ride of some of my favorite RP scenes ever. I know you're still pretty fresh to the scene only two years in I believe in fact. Yet your chaotic energy of flipping the table at the unexpected second without breaking a scene has been a chef's kiss in the RP. Your blazing passion for a starting RPer has only rekindled my desire to put out better material as a temporary Arc Runner/Temp COGM. You have forever cemented yourself in my RPing history for I shall never forget reading a teenager walking into a building/headquarters owned by a dangerous cult to follow the line "I KNOW YOU'RE A CULT." Your adorable nature, mixed with your character's flare for ditziness is but a crime if not shared with the rest of the world.

Anthem Anthem I have never seen so much nuclear MC energy stored into one character without them coming off as annoying, stealing the show, or at least making me groan per post. Yet somehow you have transcended the perfect balance of doing so and making me love them to death. Your constant growth in absorbing others' suggestions for your ideas has truly been a freaking experience. We suggest one small tweak or idea or concept, and you come back blowing us away with its addition to your character as a full-on tactical approach for character growth. You are strongly open to critiquing and criticisms only coming back stronger with each punch above and below the belt which is a hell of a talent I think I'll never see replicated at such a level again. Hell, you're also the first person to bull tackle into helping people with their ideas as well, and though getting your opinion is like ripping a tooth out of a living hippo's mouth it is worth its weight in gold.

Nellancholy Nellancholy I have only recently started to get a feel for you, and at first, I wasn't sure if you were a master of the dodge, or simply too busy to chat with us mere mortals. As of late though I have been delighted to learn of your passion for the game we share, and your shield wielded by both you and your character's protective nature towards coming in rushing to our aid. I know we seem pure insanity to you at times, and we have probably thought strange things as well due to the original lack of communication yet the more I chat with you the more I learn how strongly firm you stand with the game, and its growth to better heights. It will be an honor to descend further in the depths of Mementos with the best of Biker Valkyrie.

accursedjobber accursedjobber The time was short but in it, you made me very loving to the character you made I wish I coulda got to experience more of the mad ramblings you had set for Isao, and I am sad to see him officially go.

TreasureSniper TreasureSniper man talk about a clash of the Titans friendships you would be surprised to hear standing. I know we grumble a lot, but since I have met you you have grown and caused me to grow within what should be done for the betterment of others. Its a rough road and it sucks when we trip, but the fact we are getting back up together is highly a strong bond I think we uniquely share.

RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun You are a breath of different air that has been pivotal for me in learning how to let things go when things go south in a project. Your blunt and direct sharpened words have helped me realize you can't always make everyone happy, and that you won't always succeed with your ideas. However, you can balance things back out on the curve. That it's best to not let things so silly, or trifle get under your skin when it's better and healthier to just get back up and to the next project or corrections needed to move forward.

EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen we haven't talked much of late but you helped me through a rough patch, and I won't forget that you're awesome. Enough said.

Cresion Breezes Cresion Breezes you are a breath of fresh wtf creations that are a blast to read and react to. I never know what to expect from you, and that's pretty rad if I do say so myself in a realm of seeing most of what's out there to experience in an rp. A badass GM with some great weird-ass enjoyable content.

Maeve Valor Maeve Valor You think I wouldn't get to you did you? I bet you hoped I would forget, but nay you knew it was coming. If there is one true gem of what I have gained from this site it is running into my twin sister I never knew I had. From our love of so many shared things down to are bizarre and I MEAN BIZARRE CHANCE of similar life experiences I do believe I will never have another friend like you. You're without a doubt the mom of our game and very nurturing of our ideas. I can feel the guilt when you can't approve of something and the love when you suggest something equally as good in its place. You stay up way past your bedtime to chat with us, and still, the next morning chat with us even more. You're a woman on a mission, and that mission is the best RP experience possible. Your drive to get to know us has been one of the most wholesome experiences ever. Your characters are a treat on the screen, and even though we disturb you for our love of your muderhobo in an unhealthy matter XD. You have made this whole madness, pain, and failures of my return to RPing worth it x3.
I was running through the list of people I have to shower my affections in, and a good bit of them aren't much on RpN anymore XD What a shame.
Oh well! They're getting tagged anyways.
I'll start with whoever's still around, first.
capMARVELOUS capMARVELOUS , you don't ever give yourself enough credit. And I get it lol. But I mean it when I say I'm glad to know you, no matter how much "off again" gets into our "on again". You message 2, 5, 10 years out and we're straight back where we left off. I'm pretty sure that bismuth knight you drew me while I was doing chemo is still the background of that one Kindle I have laying around. You're always a delight to chat with, scream at, and ebb away the sanity of, one encouragement at a time. You're delightful, no matter how much or little work you get done, and you should know that.

Solar Daddy Solar Daddy Do you still poke into RpN? I dunno. Been a while since we've chatted lol! Just wanted to let you know that you're a really great dude. Always love listening to whatever bright-eyed new worldbuilding idea you have, whether I'm directly involved or not. Or whatever archaic weaponry you have on your mind. I appreciate anyone with that kind of passion and zest for writing. We've got one heck of a back-and-forth. Message sometime, will ya? I'm still kickin' c:

Kaerri Kaerri and Purr Purr those cute animals are really something. Thank you for showering me in wholesomeness for an absurdly long time. I'm not always up for responding but they are always appreciated. You guys are like the sweet parents to all of RpN.
And Dann, I still think of your contribution to the character interview thread as Shiva. That was very delightful.

Well that's just about everyone I KNOW is still around.

Phadia Phadia so I have no idea if you're ever gonna poke your head back into here or not. If you do, imma write you this message and not tell you about it over Discord so it's a secret lil surprise 😈
Then again, there isn't much I can say that I don't already say on a pretty regular basis. It's been crazy growing up alongside you. Thank you for always being there, for participating in our wacky-old RpN shenanigans, and of course, for never blackmailing me. It's because of this place that I met you, but it's because of you that I sought storytelling so hard. You made it fun, and you matched my investment in every way. And now I can say it's because of our mutual experiences that I can identify and understand just what a healthy relationship is. We've worked to refine this friendship around every corner, and now we've really got something special from those years of literal blood, sweat, and tears.
See you in 30 minutes or so. It's a Saturday :P

privremen privremen I can't imagine you'll probably be knocking around here. I mean, maybe? But you haven't talked about writing in ages XD Thank you for being such a good friend for such a long time. Even when things are difficult - and boy do they get difficult - you still pull through so well and handle it with such grace. It's so cool to see the person you are now, and how you stand up for yourself. And to think it all started with me trying to decode some obscurity on your profile.

LennyTheMemeGod LennyTheMemeGod we don't talk a whole lot anymore, but I still want to take some time to appreciate how much you and Peacemaker .45 Peacemaker .45 really saved my sanity throughout chemo. You guys were just instrumental, keeping me laughing, keeping me drawing, keeping me going. You guys have always been so unbelievably eager to help in your own special way.

Lenny, you're an odd duck, but I appreciate that. I think so then, and I thought so still.

Peacemaker, I'm stoked you're out there living your best life with your wife. Rock on, mate.

I'm sure I'm missing folks XD That's all I got for now
Kaerri Kaerri and Purr Purr those cute animals are really something. Thank you for showering me in wholesomeness for an absurdly long time. I'm not always up for responding but they are always appreciated. You guys are like the sweet parents to all of RpN.
And Dann, I still think of your contribution to the character interview thread as Shiva. That was very delightful.
Daisie Daisie Was that fun or what? I think of it too and I just love your response!

Thanks for allowing us to send good vibes, warm fuzzies, and fun animal pics and vids your way! This brings us joy too! We share them with folks who care about such things... and you've cared for as long as we've known you, good Daisie!

So hugs and smiles back at ya! =)
Dog Hug GIF
I'd suppose it's my turn. This list could never be complete--I am grateful to so many people on RpN for brightening my life in both good times and bad--but I can acknowledge, at least, some of you.

Prizzy Kriyze Prizzy Kriyze : My bestie, my brother. I am so grateful that you hit me up in 2019, both murdering my hiatus with a rusty spoon, and bringing yourself back into my life. It's been so long now - I can't quite picture my life without you in it. You're an incredible roleplayer, and a better friend; I highly value my ability to bounce ideas off of you (both creative and personal). You know I'll follow you into anything, forum game or otherwise. I've seen you grow so much in the last couple of years: smarter, kinder, stronger. Thank you for being you.

Pumpkid Pumpkid : For running and joining games with Prizzy and I, certainly, but also your ability to pick friendships back up. I miss you when we don't talk, and wholly enjoy it when we do. I hope I can spend more time with you when I'm not so busy-- in any case, I feel blessed to be part of your life again.

Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul : God, what can I say. You're a highly effective DM, and a person that can take criticism as something other than a personal offence. We have our differences in perspective, but I always enjoy talking to you, and your feedback is often valuable to my projects and aims. Most importantly, I think, is our ability to listen to each other past an initial disagreement: the negotiation of common ground is not unfamiliar to either of us. You are incredibly consistent, and a blessing to every game you play in.

Merciless Medic Merciless Medic : For being consistently in my corner, being a resoundingly positive influence, and for keeping going when life is tough. I haven't hit you up enough lately, but I'm always glad to hear from you. It was fun to play tabletop games with you, and I hope we can do so again. Maybe we can do some more FATE collabs, even if I don't have the time to rejoin the game quite yet.

Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus : For consistently being the best cat, and for standing by me at a hard time in my life. We're both busy, but I think about you often, and always wish the best for you in the face of all the bullshit. The joy I see when you talk about your family is beautiful, and I'm truly blessed to have experienced it. You've shown me all the things a man should strive to be for the people around him. I cannot thank you enough for being such a formative role model to me.

The Dark Wizard The Dark Wizard : For giving me the opportunity to volunteer here, which has taught me so much about community management, public manner, and countless other things. I really should see you more- maybe even for a Lady Gaga power hour - but I'm always wishing you well in life and health. I highly value your perspective, and you've changed my outlook more than once. Thank you, from the bottom of my shriveled heart :p

Kaerri Kaerri : For approaching problems with such empathy and understanding, caring deeply about the people around you, and just for being around. Your posts are always fun to creep, and you always seem to know what to say in times of conflict. You're a beautiful soul.

Purr Purr : We interact precious little, but I often read through your games, which are wonderfully done and so consistent there's always something to check out. Keep doing you, dude.

Onmyoji Onmyoji : For teaching me so much about the forum, even now, and for being an incredibly talented musician whose work (group or not) I've been blessed to hear. I know you're often nervous for your concerts, but you deserve every ounce of your success. You are so incredibly dedicated to everything you do that it encourages me to be a better person. It is an absolute pleasure to work with you, and to watch you gain confidence with every day.

@Chordling: For consistently encouraging me to better myself while also acknowledging my own limits. You do incredible work, and always seem to be striving for better things. We've had our ups and downs, but I'm wholly glad to have met you-- it's been a pleasure.

deer deer : You always manage to brighten my mood when our paths cross. Your sunny manner is highly appreciated, even when does not match my own; you always seem to be the bigger person in conflict and make precious little of it with your highly cooperative nature. I am grateful to know you.

kibou kibou : For providing me ongoing inspiration to get better at pixel art. You'll always be my favourite ghost.

Daisie Daisie : For being so consistently pleasant to be around, even when life is challenging. Even if we don't really talk, I'm always rooting for you; you bring so much brightness to the site and your posts consistently make me smile.

Brax Brax : For running and playing in some of my most memorable early games, and for hitting me back up this year. Your family is beautiful, and I'm so glad you've found a measure of happiness; you deserve it as much as anyone.

welian welian : For teaching me so much about running large games, and so much else, not least the working process of digital art.

Lorsh Lorsh : For allowing me to join your nation building game in a narrative capacity, giving me an obligation I can actually fulfill on my current schedule, while still being able to spectate a type of game I've never engaged with before. It's been absolutely fascinating, and I hope your game finds as much success in the future as it already has.

@King of Imagination: I know you don't go here, but I will always remember playing with you, especially along with Coin Coin . You ran my first online tabletop game-- over teamspeak, of all things! -- and showed so much patience when confronting me with an unfamiliar type of system even while navigating it yourself as a new DM. You deserve all the best, wherever you find yourself today.

@Thorn Darkblade, similarly, for running the first BESM game I ever joined and showing such patience in character creation. The experience of making a character for Ad Aspera helped me exponentially with the later construction of complex sheets, and has made me a better DM, even if the game didn't last that long.

Edit: I shant forget Ghan Ghan , our rightful server overlord. Thank you for all your work, and also for the christmas stories.
Meredith Meredith You're pretty cool yourself, friend! I feel the same - we interact precious little, but you are mentioning some of my favorite people on all of RP Nation in your list (especially my lady Kaerri - she's the best!). =)

As for me being me? Count on it! This is the Dannigan you're getting... because this is the only Dannigan I know how to be! Wooo!

Good Day Cat GIF
Daisie Daisie : For being so consistently pleasant to be around, even when life is challenging. Even if we don't really talk, I'm always rooting for you; you bring so much brightness to the site and your posts consistently make me smile.
🥺 No kiddin'? I'll be darned, I never knew. Thank you so much, Meredith. I'm not as active as I once was so I genuinely don't expect a lotta folks to be familiar with me anymore. That is so touching.
You've always been a delight, yourself. I have a wee bit of a difficult time remembering anything before chemo, but you've always had warm vibes. Feel free to message anytime, I love chatting & catching up! :)
thepartysherenow thepartysherenow For being literally the nicest guy to talk to! nice to talk to someone my age.

Nokumi Nokumi For giving me a smile on my face every time you post something and being funny!

Flame Demon Flame Demon For introducing me to basically everything I need to know about this site! for being the best roleplayer I've ever met and the best Pokemon buddy I've ever had!

And Rowan Doll Rowan Doll for being a (probably!) very good writer and taking me under your wing. I can't wait to learn everything I can from you!

This list will probably be revamped once I'm on here for longer but for now, thank you all for being here!

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