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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Heyitsjiwon Heyitsjiwon :

The first ritual for the God-Ship was a resounding success. In all 15 sailors had survived "the trials of blood and sugar" and joined the crew as "Tainted Pirates"
The rest were eaten by the God Ship upon their deaths or mercy-devoured because of their injuries by the Corpulents who waited to scoop them from above. Almost every scrap of edible matter on the ship was consumed by all, and the Great Mimic Ship felt a strange stirring come from the faith of the relatively small collective host. It's cravings for sugar were gone -- but now it craved worship... a delicacy all the more scarce and precious.

The rest of the mimics were horribly hopped up on sugar and didn't quite have it out of their systems yet. It made them particularly gooey and mercurial, but the bookcases kept the "Perfectly Normal people" in line, for the most part.

The ship would need to resupply -- either to land somewhere and forage or return to port -- as the glory of the great ritual of blood would be dampened if the tainted pirates had to be eaten to sustain the crew. Hungry mimics tended to develop "Maw Blisters" -- that is, spontaneous jaws popping up all over their surface and/or bodies that involuntarily snapped at things. Especially People.

But besides a rumble in the tummies of the crew the morning after the revelry, the crew had never felt more closer knit -- the Kuo-Toa priests were holding proper rites, the corpulents were sleeping or too slow to catch anybody and swallow them, and the new crew had skill and technique to emulate that the lesser fishmen and the mimics alike could use.

The pirates were decked out in attolian finery and did their best to emulate the mimics in behaving more "Courtly" even though it being a pantomime of a pantomime made some of the activity rather silly...


As far as the socratic seminars for the mimics on blending in with humans, they learned a great deal especially from watching the pirates in applied situations of theory in practice dictated by the bookcases. The greatest lesson learned is that more than two of any limb or organ generally looked out of place on a human, except in the case of fingers, and MAYBE ears as a sign of respect and that you were listening. COSTUME can be enhanced or exaggerated to good effect -- ie, more and bigger feathers on one's hat was a great way of getting attention, as was the side of your epaulets, or the length of your trousers. -- Less so was one blending in regulating the size of one's EYES or the length of one's legs. Although The reading seemed to suggest consistent growth on the part of humans and other humanoids but spontaneous growth was frightening or a giveaway. Mimics still debated for hours about CERTAIN parts growing and shrinking on humanoids being normal, but it involved complex mating rites likely so it was generally decided pumping any limbs flush with blood and waving them around could be a non-starter for most polite communication... Eating people, while practiced by many types of humanoid, is best done in the dark where nobody can SEE you do it... but smaller animals were fine as long as you cooked them and placed them on something made of glass, porcelain, or cloth first. (Carry an extra shirt)...

(Mimics are now 25% socialized -- seek greater numbers of non mimics to blend in with of different types to increase socialization)

The seminars also began to percolate into the knowledge of the crew at large... an education of sorts... but the main topic of study was always sailing, and looking the part of a convincing sailor....

What better way to put these lessons into practice than parleying with nearby ships!? (scene?)
Auriel Maza Auriel Maza :
  1. (Divine Sense, Detect magic, etc to detect traps and hidden demons) Attempt to assimilate the demons by rigging piles of planks into "bombs" where the light of the Ashen Flame would weaken the demon and the darkness/ ash of the Flame would take the place of the demonic corruption. The effects of these instruments would probably kill a good bit of them due to the nature of how it operates. All else fails... The plowshares will man the cannons while Pathfinders will brace for combat if the experiment fails.
  2. Investigate the giant scorpions further and attempt to tame them using nature magic, biology specialty, herbalism specialty, Monster Lore specialty, and whatever else would make sense. (After dealing with the demons.

Zehra declared the sacred flame to cleanse away infernal corruption of "Hell's Javelin" -- a sunken ship infested with Mephits and Imps -- From the deck and prow of his venture's vessel...

The Ashen Flame Abides... and in moments a missile of burning sacred wood was flung at the opposing shipwreck, still burning as it hit the water, still burning as it sank...

The Imps, more cut from the cloth of the inferno, succumbed immediately as if smote by the heavens themselves. The Mephits that remained were purged of Infernal taint, reverting to mere elementals of fire, water, air and earth. All trickery, chicanery and skullduggery was washed away, leaving only hints of trickery and underhandedness, if such could be believed.

It did not matter a moment later what plans the little demons had, for in the next moment each one now marched for the Sacred Flame. 50 elemental Mephits are gained (treat as .5 units, with "Fly" and "elemental missiles" as descriptors) 25+ Mephits can be considered to have 1 point in each elemental sphere for the purposes of casting spells!

Mephits can also carry messages far and wide, allowing Zehra's Venture to communicate with a port or other venture regardless of distance, (as long as the sent and received messages were 30 words or less in length, the communication was instant!)

And this was not some small proclamation of the Sacred Flame that welled up in Zehra and threatened to boil over -- Nay this was a sacred miracle.

The essence of darkness and evil that it expunged was crushed, condensed under magical stresses and pressure that created a relic out of the essences, the shipwreck, and the demons -- From the hold of the shipwreck a single treasure (with 2 wealth) was brought forth -- The Scepter of the Sacred Cockerel was formed.

Scepter of the Sacred Cockerel:
a short scepter that bears the head of a flaming cockerel, wrought in gold and orichalum. Bearing the Aura of Fire and Dawn, it has great powers against the forces of Night. Anyone struck by the weapon runs a risk of being blinded by the scepter (perhaps even permanently!) and undead struck will suffer tremendous damage, and the wielder can call upon the Ashen Flames if they are an adherent to it's ways and power.

"Sacred Flame" gains "Holy" descriptor if desired, and adherent units can do holy damage in place of mundane.

The demons were dealt with!!!


Miracles of light and dissolution thus performed, It was time to turn attention to the Scorpions... but they were nowhere to be found. Local goblins and their foolishness had chased them into the chasm... so that is where the Venture had to descend to find any. Using nature magic they presented as not threat nor Prey... and at the bottom of the Chasm they found a Titanic Scorpion of Gigantic size and ancient in lifespan... Guarding a store of eggs and a hoard of treasure, The Scorpion blinked it's eyes and clacked it's claws -- the nature magic making it possible to commune with the great being...

A) Lure away a Regiment of the Largest Scorpions with peaceful obsequiousness and escape this lair immediately!
B) Challenge the "Mother of Stingers" for control of her brood and treasure! (scene?)
Twist Twist


3 Alabaster Nuns (Masako/Jane/Marianne) will try and keep the medicinal succulents alive and well with Water/ Astral magic (Biology/ Herbalist speciality used) with the help of 7 Accursed and 60 Maimed (Herbalist/Castellan/ Biology specialty used if applicable)

Father Damian will man the telescope, using it on it's second setting to familiarise himself with the device. 1 Alabaster Nun (Louise) will help in the endeavour using the logbook and cipher as a guide to try to and learn the workings of the telescope with the Cult of Celestial Siblings Martydi Martydi Martydi Martydi also affording aid. 30 Gooey ones and 4 Accursed will perform any necessary grunt work (Translator speciality used if applicable)

Sister Josephine will try to hide both parties efforts from detection (Espionage Speciality used) and 3 Redeemers will remain vigilant


The Medicinal task force did a spectacular job of taking samples of the plants and leaving them in potentially better shape than when they found them. The group gained 4 units of Medicinal Plant Cuttings -- these could be sold at port for variable price, or a unit could be converted into plants at another site. Much balms and ointment was made on the spot, which over time would be used up soothing the ailments of the Venture... but in addition to this 2 units of Medicine were made for trade/use on board the Caridad.

Father Damian found that Martydi Martydi Telren's Liturgists had deep and valuable insights into the Vaal Observatory through consult through their various specialties -- Telren Lumyar's agents Tyarra and Durlan and Father Damien became well acquainted though their astral link -- and it was discovered that many of the "Treasures" the Caridad had simply taken for decorative vessels or finery were actually replacement parts for many pieces of mechanisms completely absent or weathered away by the ravages of time. Father Damian Allowed Telren and his experts to guide him in restoring the observatory to some semblance of functioning but it required they return many things they had taken as loot and salvage back to the mechanisms. (-2 wealth)

The Observatory could now be much more effectively used for scouting territory in the archipelago. (full 360 degree scouting) as well as a console that was mistaken for a feeding tray and ceremonial bowl set was restored to functioning. Not obvious on first glance, AZLANTI SCRIPT was hidden in the grooves of various pieces that interacted with Vaal Cyphers. When complete, there were four buttons that still worked on the console, seemingly remotely tethered to mechanical functions on the island of smuggler's shiv!
The language of the azlant was strange, (so words with no real equivalent with be ensconced in *'s to denote linguistic best fits...

these buttons were: (Relating to the Island of Smuggler's Shiv)


Switching a function does not take an action but they are perhaps best left alone until understood.

Espionage was used effectively to hide the presence of Father Damien, his crew, and guests.


(Air artifact) Unit cannot be surprised, Terrain on an adjacent island (or the Shiv) can be viewed remotely. Item increases existing air magic by 1 point.

BOW OF WAR: (Air artifact) fires normal arrows, but each arrow fired multiplies into 1d20 arrows mid-flight.
Last edited:
Pat Pat / adrian_ adrian_ :

Adrian Forces:
Seawolves ×35 / 35MP Beinagrind-Feller ×17 / 51MP Skald-Kappi ×6 / 30MP Berserks ×10 / 70MP Leadfangs ×3 / 24MP Stormlords ×9 / 90MP

1) All forces support Jarl Einar in the battle to come

2) Stormlords create blizzard in the swamps to compromise/harm Aymarans.

Pat Forces: 41x freemen (41pts) 15x seawolves (15pts) 5x fellers (15pts) 2x thanes (10pts) 7x housecarls (49pts) 6x ritter-knights (60pts) 1x stormlord (10pts) 3x skald-kappi (15pts) 1x leadfang (8pts) 5x berserkers (35pts) 21x jestir (42pts) 1x Einar Jarl (free) 1x Dwarven "crag hedrox" longship cat bound as a familiar (free) -- CANNON SUPPORT.

1) Bylgja (a stormlord) storm genasi creates fleeing Aymaran croclet illusions after a keg of gunpowder primed to explode is rolled inside of the entrance of the largest barrow in an attempt to unleash the wrath of the unseen automatons upon their village in the swamp by leading the machines straight to them. She teleports back to board the camouflaged Hringhorni as it makes ready to row along the coast to the southwestern swamp, shrouding the ship in mist once more and providing enhanced senses for a vanguard of 21 Jestir, 3 Skald-kappi, and Jarl Einar (and his cat familiar Jörmungandr) to set ashore, the force eliminating sentries and disabling traps in the longship's path, and infiltrating the village to perform sabotage and cause last minute infighting between the matured croclets and the Aymaran adults while their attention is ideally on the lured terrors of the hills. When idle onboard the ship Jarl Einar carves frost runes into the weapons and missiles of the crew for the upcoming battle.

2) Thane Katla, Thane Yngvar (mounted behind Sir Hjalti), 41 Freemen, 15 Seawolves, 5 Beinagrind-fellers, 7 Housecarls, 6 Ritter-knights (among them Sir Hjalti), 5 Berserkers (mounted behind the knights), 1 Leadfang (Sigbjorn) follow the shore party in the longship. When detected, the knights lead the charge while the ship opens fire. The rest of the martial forces get ashore when they can.


"Trap!" The young Aymaran "Inglor" was trying to teach his fellow Aymarans in the swamp village what Northlanders were all about. He made several crude drawings -- a Berserker eating "TRAP!", A group of Freemen going to the bathroom together (?) "TRAP!" A Skald with it's hand out in peace "TRAP!" -- a peaceful northman village minding it's own business: "TRAP! TRAP! TRAP!" The only thing that was not marked as a trap was northmen charging. This was a fight, and fights should be dealt with. But TRAPS... A cunning Aymaran does not blunder into a trap. At least when it can remember not to. Inglor had been peeping about traps for two days now, and some of the Aymarans were starting to get it. "TRAP?" was still the most frequently asked question, but Inglor believed most Aymarans would eventually grasp the concept.

So the Aymarans did nothing when the Mechanical Grievers were released with illusions designed to lure them into battle with the constructs. Even though the agents of the ruse were croclets, Real aymarans knew that running out to rescue your young, or let them lead you to your village was Dumb. Some of them even went as far as to think it was a...

"TRAP!" Barked a few Aymarans.

"TRAP?" Croaked several others in questioning...

"TRAP! TRAP!" Quickly spread in reply.

The Aymaran Shaman identified the illusions and dispelled them before they came close to the swamp. This left the grievers wandering without targets not far from their barrows, which lead them to attacking the ruins instead (the nearest new buildings being that of the Northmen) and while no northmen were home to be slaughtered by the constructs, (they were too busy springing their trap, you see) The longhouse bridge was promptly cut into inch-long pieces and dumped in the river, along with all the Venture(s) supplies that were not packed aboard the ships, and a good share of their food. Short story, anything too heavy or not useful in the current project of fighting the Aymarans was left ill-guarded and the Greivers destroyed it. Then, not seeing any Northmen, Aymarans, or illusions to chase -- they returned to their barrow and sealed themselves inside.

A bit of time passed and the Northlanders sought to spring their ambush on the Aymarans... but there were no sentries to waylay, and no outer security to fool. They were all in the village learning about potential traps or staying at home so they didn't blunder into one. This enabled the Unified Northmen to penetrate to the very borders of the Aymaran Village unopposed, cannons trained from their ship on larger buildings and groups of Crocodillic Hulks.

Finally, The cabal of stormlords unleashed a Terrible Blizzard on the Collected Assembly of the Aymarans. Young Aymarans died instantly and in droves, while the oldest were almost hopelessly slowed, their metabolisms ravaged by the cold putting them almost fully into Torpor. Shortly after that, the stormlords unleathed sheet after sheet of lightning on the village, starting fires and burning Aymarans to crisps.

The Aymarans didn't move -- they knew this was a trap. And they weren't falling into it.

A full 2/3rds of the Aymarans were dead or incapacitated before the whole northmen force charged... and this the Aymarans knew was a good sign, because it was an invitation to fight, and not, as they had been instructed, a Trap. The Giant Croc men, many warmed by fires burning unchecked amid the blizzard, picked up burning trees as weapons and sources of warmth and counter-attacked...

An Average adult aymaran is 8 to 13 feet tall, and functionally a whole military unit of whoopass all alone. While significantly fewer in number, an excited and numerous counter charge of Aymarans closing with non-elite Northmen infantry was a disaster for the Jarl's forces.

The Freemen were annihilated instantly. Most of them kicked apart or sent flying into the ocean like softballs at the ends of burning trees...

Jestir, Fellers, and Seawolves were swallowed whole or shook until they made cracking noises and stowed in bags for later eating.

The Berserks HEWD into their massive enemies, and Aymarans began to pile up around them as the Fearless warriors screamed for the dead to get back up -- but even they eventually, before long really, succumbed to the fog of war and slaughter.

Each Thane and Housecarl fought his best, but fell under the weight of the Mindless suicidal throng of aymarans... more than anticipated, but not too much to kill, The northmen sought to prove...

The Leadfangs lead by example, and died by example too... Each one worthy of song, in fact each glorious fighter worthy of the Skald's poetry, If the Skalds had not been eaten.

By the time the fighting stopped, not a single Aymaran stood -- the stinking carrion burning and freezing in turn by the ravages of stormlord magic.

Of the Northmen's forces, Only Einar Jarl, The Ritter-Knights and The Stormlords were untouched... the former winning in every challenge except to find a glorious death beside his men... Sure there were bruises or mild wounds to the exhausted knights -- although the stormlords seemed practically unscathed...

...Victory was won, but at a cost too high to be considered a Victory at all. Hronn Fiskanda was found dead cutting his way out of the Aymaran Chieftain , and signs pointed to him having killed the Aymaran Shaman as well. Stranded in this strange land, Einar and his six nights joined forces with the 10 stormlords -- and awaited Einar's decision to disband the venture, or loot this Aymaran Village and use whatever proceeds to fund hiring more crew to carry on the venture...

DECISION POINT Pat Pat (Jarl Einar):

A) Take the Knights and Stormlords and continue the Venture, taking the treasures of the Aymarans as your prize earned in blood.
B) The losses are almost total -- disband the Venture... (Lose Game)

Hronn Fiskanda adrian_ adrian_ has died this turn and her adventure ends here. (Game lost for player)


Somewhere beyond the fire and snow only a single pair of reptile eyes observed the holocaust before them... It was Inglor -- and his beady eyes watched everything the Northmen did -- He perfectly imitated the somatic components of their storm magic... he memorized their words and their fighting styles. Never was there an Aymaran so intelligent, It's mind awoken by a short and cruel education by the Northmen. Inglor fled into the deepest darkest corner of the island and growled to himself that he would grow huge and fat, and learn the ways of magic and the axe... And then he would go on a Voyage of his own... To the lands of the Northmen...

(Spinoff RP Idea: "VENGEANCE OF INGLOR" will not likely happen.)
Crocodile Crocodile :

Brekhil Lohairho Was obviously a single insland at one time -- massive bubbling trenches now filled the channels between the shards of this once integrated Isle.

Julian's ship approached the island cluster and set a sail directly for the central tower... but where the charts had previously advertised several peripheral (and whole) structures it seems a lot has changed... Most of the structures were ruined, with the exception of the tower itself and a filthy crumbling elven town on the northmost isle, a bevy of different flags and standards raised above almost every neighborhood or even individual structures in certain areas where one could guess supposed borders existed. This town would have to be investigated further -- but it seemed various gangs and factions of elves competed for territory, or at least felt it important to advertise specific ownership of every parcel of territory.

Jungles and ruins dotted the other islands... and in the night, orange and yellow and red eyes spied Julian's Venture ship and seemed to follow along the coast... mobs of Ratmen that seemed to have taken over the east, west, and south island.

Of more interest was the massive fields of black corn that grew on the western islands, As Julian was always on the lookout for crops and food -- and his patron would soon be requesting a delivery...

Upon reaching the central tower -- A dark elven voice that was clearly an astral recording grand-eloquently conveyed a long list of threats, tortures, and promised punishments for trespassing in the Tower...

"Ash Terhid!" Many of Julian's Crew cried out -- Supposing (correctly) that this was the password that would grant them access to the tower...

The tower merely bellowed in Dark Elven "Welcome to the tower of Roc-huul Shurudah" -- Julian didn't know the translation of this phrase -- it might simply be a name, but Julian doubted it. No sooner had the password been stated when a group of anchors spooling out from inside the tower entangled Julian's ship and pulled it inside -- The tower's gates crashing shut into utter darkness.

Inside the bottom of the tower was a spectacular shipwright, dry dock, and loading and storage dock... A grand black-metal staircase wound the interior of the tower, obscuring many levels of other structures and facilities. It seemed the residents were caught a bit off-guard as the base level of the tower was a complete ghost-town... but 50 shining-lacquered armored dark elves were rushing down the stairs to meet the interloping vessel. Their leader flew on a shadowsteed, and met Julians (Very much trapped in the chains now) vessel -- at the docks of the storage area.

"Quenin Sala?! Artrecht Klah!" The Dark Elven General spat/sang the words of his people. "What are you here for? And how have you come!?"

The rest of the dark elves assembled behind him, wielding strange crossbows with springs and wheels protruding at odd angles pulled taught with tension-filled wires...

ENCOUNTER: Crocodile Crocodile to navigate encounter in-scene...
  • c794cc292db921e905ac88c974c8de4a.jpg
PRINCE AIRDANElf, Male, Druid, Opposed
- Playlist -

Elf Prince of the Fair Isles
Son of King Eldrin and Queen Delmiria
Younger Brother of Princess Eldrina
Fiancé to Princess Cordelia of Clavenshire

Location: Grey Maidens
Wealth: 1

Action 1: Akluitok Sailors x 20 Springborn x 10, and Summerborn x 1 go hunting for Bad Serpent Laos.
Action 2: Prince Airdan and his remaining crew hunt for pirates in the Sea of Strife.
Crew Conditions:Spirited Morale.

The Prince gathered his crew near the Eastern beaches of Thruneswatch. Haemyth stood beside him and admired the flourishing nature Airdan had created. Once together, the prince announced his delegations. A small portion of the crew would stay on the island in search of the Sperpent Laos while the rest of the crew would search the Sea of Strife for pirates in hopes of finding rich material goods and giving a sense of safety for the island natives.
Dest Dest :

The Show Goes on, and on and on and on!

The Circus seemed to graft itself onto the island like some strange symbiote, drawing the blood of citizens and travellers alike through it's chaotic twists and turns, mazes and blind alleys, all designed to do two things -- to amaze, and separate coin from one as subtly and completely as possible. A flag of peace and amnesty was flown high from the Whirl-o-Wheel, Both inviting all who could see it' splendor and threatening grave deprisals for anyone who came to disrupt the peace. Two other Ventures were nearby, Most particularly entertained were the elves of Prince Airdan -- who's expectations were low for the entertainments of "Mayflies" -- what elves called the not so long-lived humans when there were none to hear them -- It was not the highest art, but it was wild and free and full of it's own mysterious expression. The winterborn scoffed at the "Bread and Juggling" but in truth a good time was had by all. Altogether, Two local ventures Patronized the Show, The whole of the Village of the Hlaloc, and an unexpected arrival by a Ruanese Trade ship and the Pirate vessel that was chasing it that agreed to make truce for the duration of the stay on the island.

Altogether, the Circus earned 4 wealth from ventures and nearby Sailors, (Other players do not pay with wealth, instead it is considered bilked-out of the crews own purses.) The Hlaloc did not use wealth, but Barters a choice from the chieftain of the village:
1) 4 units of darkwood -- this wood burns very smoky, is capable of holding enchantments, and is of high quality for making finished goods and repairs.
2) 6 units of sugar -- due to a recent incursion of crab-monsters burning the woods down and it's subsequent rebirth through nature magic -- this sugar was of high quality and of great volume.
3) 5 units of Goods and Gifts -- while not exactly as valuable as wealth in most ports, these commodities had a tendency to make folk happy (something for everyone) ... it was just a question of whether you could turn the right gift into a valuable opportunity.

The safe bet was the wealth, as it made both the crew of the circus, and the show itself, happy. But the decision was ultimately up to Terren Laevon...

Then there was the business of capturing a "God-Snake" that had recently fled the disruption of it's habitat... The carnies walked in a broad line, checking every trace of animal and zero-ing in on the animal, under the ceaseless gaze of the outrageous hats, and the muscle of a couple of bouncers.
The hunt continued with high morale and excitement, until one too many Carnies realized they were looking over their shoulders and one too many of the Hats felt the hairs raise at the backs of their neck...
They were not looking for the serpent anymore, it was the serpent that was looking for them...
Decision Point:
A) Abandon the Hunt!

Free Action: Attach Ancient Golden Mermaid Prow to the hull of the Venture ship. Venture ship gains (2 rerolls) in naval encounters (Forced on enemies or used for own actions) from a great blessing of fortune that falls over the The Circus Vessel!
Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 :

1)-Hone in on Nature magic as to increase skill and use with it (2 Shamanwings (one a normal shamanwing and the other is Princess Despduis) go to the Druids for training)

2)-Scout out north island ‘the Glow’ by flying over there with a scouting force (70 Drones, 2 Directors, 24 Pincers, 4 Court Guards, 2 Shamanwings)

The Dryad Druids were happy they had demonstrated their worth of peace, and protection within the realm of the Beevarians. They continued to share their secrets -- teaching the spells of : Growth, Diminutization, Lesser Regeneration, Poisonblood, and Camouflage. They were especially happy to have an audience with Princess Despduis, surely such an audience meant that the Beevarians would not annihilate them and instead respect them as worthy subjects in their lands...


Meanwhile, at "The GLOW" the Beevarians make interesting but horrifying discoveries. The sky over the crater flashed with skyward rays of green light and the ground dissipated a crawling green fog. It was in the Crater they found the Lillies and Daisies the size of Great Oaks... Flower-cups flooded with sickly green but nonetheless sweet Nectar... The Task force landed in the Crater of the glow and saw that it was filled with hundreds of different strains of mutated bees. Some minuscule and pathetic, some quite large and formidable. Warped and Perverted hives lay everywhere the size of coins to the size of gargantuan worms. These were the lands of the "MisBEEgotten" -- and seemingly the origin of the Beevarian Race -- the colorings were too similar -- the instinctive reactions to the fragrances of the glow echoed in their genetic memories. They were the Smartest if not the strongest mutations to come out of the... Comet Strike... That destroyed their early and tiny civilization and gave them the gift of size and sentience.

Choices needed to be Made: TWO DECISION POINTS:
1) fight the MisBEEgotten (large battle) or Avoid the MisBEEgotten (slight losses, but conflict avoided for now)
2) The "Comet" in the center of the glow-crater crackled with black lightning, green light, and eldritch power -- Steal the starstone? or leave it be(e)?
3) Flight high over the Glow and explore the lush and gorgeous jungle beyond the crater
(all Drones will get radiation sickness, but new area will be expored/exploited)
Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 :

Action 1: the copperback and its crew dispatch move to gray maidens, only the legionaries along with meltbor are allowed to exit the vessel due to discipline they exhibit.

action 2: the sea Treader‘s and the younger‘s search the shallows around “forge hold“ (crab home) while teaching them patients in finding valuable things.

Action 1: the copperback and its crew dispatch move to gray maidens, only the legionaries along with meltbor are allowed to exit the vessel due to discipline they exhibit.
The Copperback Vessel slid unassumingly into the port of grey maidens, half submerged, fully alien, the cocoon-shaped vessel looked like a capsized craft that slowed and stopped right where it should. From the sides four anchors slid through slats in the chitin-styled plating of the craft, mooring and balancing it all at once.

A crowd of Nervous ports-guard assembled into two regiments as the front of the vessel popped open like a turtle's jaw and disgorged a cargo of crab legionaries and Meltbor, Master of the Legion.

The warm and squishy ones were obviously equipped for violence. Their countenance did not betrayed they were not prepared for it, however. Humans were everywhere on the surface. The crab-folk speculated the world was rife with them, ridden, infested. But what they could not speculate was how -- How could a race so weak not be swept aside? At least knife ears had magical powers, and an imperial long-view given to venerable age. At least the Beard-feet had strong armor and weapons, like the Legion caste. But humans? Meltbor resolved they were like Krill -- all these people were simply too numerous to kill or eat them all...

"We trade sun-metals for iron" Meltbor clacked disturbingly.

The swashbuckling defenders relaxed... This was apparently not an invasion. Meltbor attempted a parody of a smile, which was more terrifying than comforting, but the captain of the guard smiled back.

Meltbor gave his orders to the "Front" who commanded the younger legionaires:
"There is trash all around this community of rock and sticks -- I see metal discarded. Take it all." (Young Iron Shells acquire 2 iron in debris on the beaches)
"There is 'market' here -- where want is traded for want. Take all their iron, but be frugal in trade." (Legionaries BUY 8 units of iron for 2 wealth)

action 2: the sea Treader‘s and the younger‘s search the shallows around “forge hold“ (crab home) while teaching them patience in finding valuable things.

Patience. Thoroughness. systemic searches. Scouting. Reward.
the Sea Treaders taught the young crab-folk how to properly and comprehensively search for valuables. By the time they were done with their search there was no stone unturned around "Forge Hold" -- And paydirt was uncovered in the form of a lava tube!

The Treaders and their followers pulled out great clumps of melted copper -- 4 units of copper in all.
In addition to the wealth of copper that was found in the tube, 1 unit of diamonds was extracted in the deepest part they could reach, any deeper and the crab folk would boil in their own shells...
But this was not the only finery in the tube to be extracted:

Flashing keystone -- (2 units) Flashing "Keystone" is added to the foundation of constructions and conveys unpredictable but magical properties to the structure.
The glittering smagar (3 units) Semi-precious stone with great flexibility, may have creative applications. Lenses made of this substance provide nightvision.
Scintillant Axminium (2 units) A liquid metal that when added to an alloy makes for sharper edges.

Completing their business, the Iron-Shells reunited at the Forge Hold with all their spoils...
Martydi Martydi :

1. Directed by Ostag Sydr, Cult in the Grey Maidens will construct a housing complex, to provide a place for the faithful to live. 2 wealth is spent on the construction.
2. Tyarra Spelt and Durlan Miamoir help Damian and his lepers with using the Vaal observatory using astral magic.

First the The drunks and pirates came to challenge the cult at grey maidens... not "cottoning to newcomers acting like they owned the place" -- but the chorus set them straight, where the rugged and the violent were cast into the street, the ignorant were merely welcomed inside and the host of the cult brought them into the fold.
"here we intend to build a house -- a house for all the chorus and they that rise above. It can be your home too, rather than a tavern, if you will but listen to our song."

Some guards came from the more established side of town -- paid by their leaders to make trouble both lawful and non. The Lawless again were greeted by the chorus, and cast into the road for their brazen ways, and the outsiders could not be punished for defending what was theirs. Those that had come more out of curiosity or an intent to intimidate found no purchase that was not fitting to the cult. Some guards stayed behind to "keep away other riffraff" and those more faithful to their paymasters simply swaggared before the construction site before them and went home. The Cult had come to Grey Maidens, and if the Twin powers willed it, they would stay...

Between the three delapidated properties the cult already possessed, they bought a great deal of building materials and stripped away most of the uninviting and languishing architechture on their land. A great house of Red and white rose up almost overnight, with 2 wealth spent on it's construction by both the cult and many an eager hand to either help or profit from the construction. It was a temple, a feast hall, and a three story housing complex that loomed over the shanties and older manorhouses of the neighborhood, that slumped under their own weight.

Many builders hired remained to become Chorus -- the Chorus grew by another 30 -- which disconcerted the powers that were...

The Cult was visited by three personages, each with an inquiry as to what the cult's purpose and goals in the maidens was -- and they would each need to be dealt with in turn...

A) Breyheo Stoltinhen -- The right hand of Commodore Kaufman of the "rich" side of town... This champion said he intended to buy the cult complex so that the cult could leave "with a tidy profit" -- this was a veiled threat to leave or fact ritual combat, the other alternative. Would the cult pick a representative to Humble Breyheo in combat, or would they come up with some other solution?
B) The Feathered Hag -- One of the high witches of the grey maidens, they were curious but threatening in their approach to the cult. "This is the land of OUR faith, Richen-Bacher" (meaning Back-Rider) -- "You will explain how there is room for the old ways in your plans, or there will be a battle of magics on this isle, and our arcane has dealt with the divine before."
C) Lastly, "Camus of the Loneclaw Band" -- a giant werewolf, visited the Cult of Sol and Nyx... a mighty lycanthrope from the enchanted forest inland. "Your red faith darkens even the forests at the foot of the mountains, believers -- and I am here to demand tribute and promises from your people that the Lycans have naught to worry about with your machinations. Or I shall face your 'Chorus' and we shall do the dance of Claws...

Meanwhile, at the Vaal Observatory many discoveries were being made. Some suggested the Vaal civilization did not die out at all, but instead chose "To hide in plain sight" -- whatever that meant. The cult got A map of smugglers Shiv from using the observatory, which would likely become valuable if they decided at some point to approach that island... and also noticed in the middle archipelago there were three mesas that were identical, the Vaal referred to as "The Triplet sisters" -- odd. The time invested game the cult the knowledge of Lenses of the Vaal -- 1 unit. which they could sell/trade at a high price, or with great difficulty and resources attempt to reproduce. Vaal lenses would help navigate danger at sea as well as allow more comprehensive scouting...

However, all was not good news... Despite all precautions taken, the Cult was showing signs of initial exposure to the leprosy of the followrs of Father Damien.

Decision Point:
A) pay 1 wealth in alms to Twist Twist the lepers order for the litanies of protection and rites necessary to protect them...
B) Depart from the afflicted while there was still time!
Chordling Chordling

Action 1: Akluitok Sailors x 20 Springborn x 10, and Summerborn x 1 go hunting for Bad Serpent Laos.
Action 2: Prince Airdan and his remaining crew hunt for pirates in the Sea of Strife.
Crew Conditions:Spirited Morale.

Prince Airdan's forces had already done so much to undo the damage the Crab-folk had wrought on the forest of thruneswatch, but they could tell it was not the stame... bevies of saplings could hardly replace the old growth and sacred trees that were so quickly turned to charcoal. It was sensed, nay it was known that the great snake Loas of the wood were displaced and disrupted by the ecological disaster, even one so hastily remedied... at the ruins of a sacred grove of ancient golden trees they found a great Serpent Loa, A Wadjet -- strange -- as these holy serpents were seldom if ever seen outside of the desert kingdoms, Aymara being the closest this Loa could have come from, and even that was quite far away... The serpent was huge (10 point unit) that slowly collected and coiled around the fallen goldenwoods, mourning for the loss of it's home... An astral crown pulsed over it's head showing it's minor divinity, and it turned to face Airdan's task force.

"Can't you see I am in mourning for my brothers the trees? What business have you, if it is a fight, I will make quick work of ye."

Prince Airdan himself, sailing late at night with the rest of his crew, found a pirate Brig trolling the waters for easy prey, of which Prince Airdan and his forces most certainly were NOT. Astral probing revealed this was the ship of "Powell 'No-Tongue' Rave" -- called "The fearful grail of Storm"

Decision Point:
A) Airdan can stealthfully board and strike viciously before the enemy can notice, but they must seize the upper hand quickly, for they are outnumbered.
B) Announce Elven presence and parley with the pirates!
welian welian :

(Orders not specific)

-- Lady Victoria Varna had come to the islands of Ys with perhaps more sophisticated machinations planned, but the people here were too covetous and easily manipulating with their bigotries against each other it was almost like they were flirting with her.

The beaches were lovely, covered in mundane pleasures and lavish afterdusk promises... and dawnlight contracts. Her Infernal company had not truly taken free and sown evil and chaos for so long, Lady Victoria wondered if their loyalties might wilt around the edges if they were...

...denied their enjoyments.

It was true that the occupants of old Ys, with their high society and luxury cravings were easier to manipulate... but New Ys was filled with star-crossed lover that pined for each other, hidden ambitions and forbidden schemes as well...

So they spared no-one... sowing maximum discord in the respective societies before brewing and letting loose a full scale war that was just BEGGING to be pressed between the peoples of new and old Ys.

First they were at their own throats, then turned to their neighbors as scapegoats. Lady Varna stirred the pot until the atmosphere was sick and suspicious, when one had as much to fear of one's lust and mania driven comrades than the cruelties of the enemy...

and when they were done -- oh, when both new and Old Ys burned bright on their respective shores -- Lady Victoria invited their former slaves, the shamblers, from beneath the waves to capitalize on the weakness and chaos overwhelming the peoples of Ys.

There wasn't much profit in it... not in a conventional sense. But Devils enjoyed a variety of currencies.

When the last of the chaos was finished, there was no Ys to speak of, only the vengeful reclamation of the shamblers. Who saw the devils for what they were.

--which meant the devils saw them for what they were... no fun at all.

Lady Victoria spun her parasol on a beach covered in bonfires heaped with corpses, enjoying the festive light under the stars before returning to her ship. She tucked an orb into her clutch, a milky ivory color from which you could hear the wailing of 200 souls fighting to get out, to escape the damnation spread forth for them like a banquet of decadent undoing. Gain 2 units of "Souls" -- this commity does not have clear applications yet, but the more souls collected the better your endgame will likely be.

Her closest subordinates tucked similar spheres into packs and pockets. It had been a good harvest. Ys of course, was no more. A humble but seasoned repast in one of simply a chain of orgies of deceit and destruction...

(Updating map to Remove Ys, settlements now occupied by shamblers)


The Imperial Expedition


Princess Yueliang stood at the bow of the Needle Ship as the Shenlong, Tian's ship appeared in sight. "Poor Tian'er, you were so close to the Throne but you just had to die in this... backwater place."

Yueliang sighed before a magnificent aura erupted from her body, her eyes glowing white and her expression changed to that of anger. "By an undead child and an assassin... The former I could understand, but how dare they still play politics while Tian'er was carrying out a mission of the Emperor."

"Your Highness, please calm yourself. We will avenge the late Crown Prince but our main objective here is to continue the venture." A scholar appeared behind the Princess. There was no magical power coming out of the scholar but it would be a mistake to underestimate him as he is one of the most esteemed scholars of the Empire. Scholar Tao Jiayi is a Draconic Scholar who serves directly under the Emperor. Along with his fellow scholars of the Draconic Archives, they advised the Emperor on matters pertaining to Dragons. He was specially sent to aid the venture with his expertise.

"Uncle Jiayi, I let my emotions get the best of me. I apologize." The aura immediately disappeared and a smile appeared on the Princess' face. Scholar Tao Jiayi just nodded in response. The Elven-styled Needle Ship stopped anchored beside the Shenlong.

Yueliang was immediately greeted by an organized line of crewmen who bowed as soon as she stepped foot on the ship. "We welcome Princess Long Yueliang, Archon of the 3rd Seat of the Celestial Tower, and the Lady of Harmony."

Xian Hu, as the highest-ranking individual, stepped forth and knelt before Yueliang. "Your Highness, Shenlong and everyone aboard the ship welcomes you. Command of the Expedition is also officially transferred to your Highness."

Yueliang looked down at Xian Hu and maintained her silence. To the most, it would seem as if the Princess was just thinking. But to Xian Hu, her silence was louder than words. He know very well that the Princess was disappointed, if not furious, at him for failing at his duty of guarding Prince Tianlong.

The Princess snorted and looked at the rest of the crew. "Very well. Although it is customary for the name of the ship to reflect its Imperial Commander but as a tribute to my late brother Tianlong, the ship will retain its name - Shenlong. Xian Hu, you will remain as the military commander."

Xian Hu looked at the Princess before bowing his head again in thanks. He knows this is her giving him a chance for redemption. "As you wish, your Highness. We give you our utmost thanks."

"Now, let's continue this venture. Bring us to Port Bax"

Order 1: Meeting
Princess Long Yueliang, representing the Celestial Dragon Empire(Long Dynasty) will meet with the Governor of Port Bax. She will be escorted by Scholar Tao Jiayi, 5 Celestial Magicians, and 10 Empyrean Warriors.

Before they set off, the Celestial Magicians cast a spell that will make the Princess more charming and regal. And also as a precaution, an Astral Recall spell was cast on the diplomatic party and anchored to Shenlong.

Order 2: The Search
The Venture cannot blindly search for the scales. At the Princess' behest, the magicians of the celestial tower began setting up a formation to project a celestial map that will locate at least some, if not all the dragon scales in the archipelago. It is important to know where they should search instead of blindly exploring the islands of the archipelago which will take ages.

A complex formation was laid out in the deck of the Shenlong. 10 Celestial Magicians were sitting in a lotus position, acting as the 10 support nodes and channeling their respective magical spheres to help power the formation. Scholar Dong Fan, Scholar Tao Jiayi, and Princess Yueliang were standing on the middle, acting as the core nodes of the formation. Scholar Dong Fan acted as the general controller of the formation with his Arcana and Formation specialty, Scholar Tao Jiayi with his Draconic Specialty was to direct the power of the formation for their specific objectives, while Princess Yueliang played the most vital role with her Celestial Dragon's blood, Astral 4, Harmony 2, the 2 recently obtained dragon artifacts as well as the Celestial Umbrella to create a resonance with the dragon scales scattered all over the archipelago.

If an island(s) is/are discovered to hide a dragon scale, the venture will then attempt to obtain information about it. A budget of 1 wealth is allocated for this.

Movement: Shenlong sets forth to one of the Islands that were discovered from the Formation.

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Captain Dagget Daggerson
Turn 4

The Grand Feast


The party was raging around the bonfire. All the goblins worked hard. So hard in fact that they wouldn’t be able to work for a while. So now it was time for them to be rewarded and what kind of leader would he be if he didn’t give them a little rest and relaxation for all that labor intensive job that they’ve done so far?

Dagget Daggerson was nothing in not a fair and understanding Goblin Boss. Plus, he had just worked really hard as well. No one could doubt that he had not earned his keep, protecting what was his and all his underlings as well. From the dreaded Festrich. He looked at his trophy that would would eventually hang in the halls of a tavern, to add to its splendor and motioned to one of the goblins that was too drunk to lay down so he could stand on him.

“Have I got a tale for all you fine fellows!” Daggerson called out, sloshing his own grog around as he spoke.

“It all started with a couple of dingbats playing ding dong ditch with that maseulem, pissing around it. Who would have thought that Goblin urine was string enough to break a powerful holding spell? Am I right? Add that to the pile of things that us Goblins are great at doing over other races, breaking curses with our piss!” A handful of goblins laughed heartily at the all too real joke.

Daggerson took another hearty swig of his tankard and continued. “So then that bloody Frestich, that Giant Troll Vampire, Tampire, Voll, whatever you lot want to call it, I don’t think anyone even made up their mind.”

As if on cue, a few of them started arguing the terminology again. “It doesn’t matter. What does matter is that I hopped in the Tinker Tanker to take this giant beastie on. And some of you thought it was the absolute wrong thing to do. Some of you thought we should do something completely different, against my wishes.”

Each time that he said the word some, he stomped his foot down hard, eliciting an ow from the goblin that he was standing on.

“I’m the one with the crazy good ideas. Like standing up to some Giant Vampire that thinks it could kick us off of OUR island.” A large cheer erupted from the crowd as he continued.

“Yeah. Its OUR island and I wasn’t gunna let this thing take it from us. So I hopped in the Tinker Tanker and swung the Wrecking ball at it. It grabbed the thing and started ripping it from its hinges, but I had overclocked the damn thing and swung it anyway, electrictuing the stupid vampire.”

Dagget started imitating someone getting electrocuted, spilling some of his grog onto the goblin below. “It roared in defiance as its teeth were spinning wildly. It was time for some intense action. I moved the Tinker Tanker at full speed backwards, and spun it around in the air for maximum effect, flipping it over, but causing a large wave that hit the Festrich.”

He laughed a deep belly laugh. “It was weak to water. This large powerful thing was weak to water. Which was everywhere. So we splashed it and splashed it hard. Then. It started eating itself. First its arms, then its legs and when it was nothing but a head, I used my axe to swing it far out into the ocean, where it melted and was sucked up by the fish!”

A large cheer accompanied with hooting and hollering could be heard as his story came to its climax.

Today, they rested and soon, they'd get some proper buildings up


Tinker Tanker

“This thing is completely Dreked up.” One of the Wrenchmaces turned to the other one as he scratched his head.

“Yeah. The boss really did a number on it, didn’t he?” The other Wrenchmace chuckled as he leaned on his oversized Wrench.

“Course, you should see the other guy?”

“You mean that Festrich from the Captain’s story?”

“Oh yeah. He crushed it. That thing would have killed us all. I still can’t believe that he managed to take on a beast like that.”

The other guy chuckled and leaned in closely to whisper. “I heard the boss muttering to himself the other day after it happened. He couldn’t believe that he won either.”

“Wow. I never knew the boss has doubts about anything. He always seems to confident.”

“I guess that he gotta. He is the boss after all.”

“Something to think about, I suppose.”

Daggerson wandered onto the scene, chewing on a Toothpick. “Hey you lazybones. I want that Tinker Tanker up and running pronto. Y’know, just in case I need to take out any more monsters that were locked away by magical spells just cause no one else could kill them.”

They both replied at the same time. “Yes sir”

A lot to think about indeed.


“He wants us to what?” Pitney yelled with confusion as Ziggren tried on a fancy hat.

“Daggerson wants us to try to figure out how to turn that…..” He motioned over to the Maseulum. “Into a Coliseum, complete with racetrack, Fighting Pit and the ability to perform Naval Combat.”

“Is he out of his gord?” Pitney still exclaimed quite loudly.

“Probably.” Lindel replied as he took a bite out of a large fruit.

“Ugh. He expects us to do everything while he takes all the credit.” Pitney moaned.

“Well, yeah. We are his Tinker Thinkers. We do all the Thinking and the Casting and he does all the…..” Ziggren followed up his words by motioning sword combat and making noises with his mouth as he moved.

Piney placed both his hands over his eyes as Nibbor rushed in with a parchment and some doodles.

“Guys, guys. I got some crazy ideas!”


  1. Spend 2 Wealth to throw a Grand Feast for the Goblins in recognition for their hard work as well as Daggerson’s defeat of the Festrich​
  2. Attempt to Repair the Tinker Tanker​
  3. Have the Tinker Thinkers devise a way to use the materials from the Mausoleum as well as others to turn it into a coliseum for use in Races, Fighting and Naval Combat​

Crew: 5 Tinker Thinkers
8 Trash Vanguard (Trolls)
10 Goblin Hobbes
40 Wrenchmaces
39 Crays

Captain Dagget Daggerson​
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Oyster Isle, The Vaal Tower

The Ship....

The Caridad
Class: Merchantman
A group of common mid-sized trading vessels with a good defensive array of cannons. Considered prey by most combat vessels, the Merchantmen can often put a dent in their assailants nonetheless, though they are unlikely to actually out-maneuver or escape any but the slowest opponents. A workhouse trader and explorer, they are seen in the hands of various powers, running various peaceful endeavors.
Type: Large Merchantman
(Half Armed)

...and her Crew

Father Damian (10) (Captain)
Astral (4) Priest
Skills: Oratory
Alabaster Maids (5)
3 astral magic/3 water magic -- Expert unit with mage abilities. Have 2 specialties chosen on joining the Venture.
Masako Goto (Biology/ Herbalist)
Josephine Dutton (Espionage/Architecture)
Marianne Cope (Theology/ Castellan)
Louise Conrardy (Theology/Translator)
Jane Dinner (Medicine/Biology)
Magical Healing, Small chance to heal afflictions. Spreaders of light and succor, the Alabaster Maids are Holy Nuns who Follow Father Damian and constantly tend to the wounds of the diseased and afflicted. If cornered, they will use maces to defend themselves where magic fails. Especially dangerous to undead and Demons (but not Devils or Qlippoth)
Redeemer (3)
These holy goliaths are mysterious celestials that followed Father Damian to the Godless Isles. Very Tall with a slender grace even in Ivory heavy platemail, they dance with sword and shield with the power of true super-elite units. They never speak, but occasionally make the sound of doves or ravens, depending on their mood and posture. Absolutely Deadly Tanks in Battle. Magical Weapons and Armor Descriptor, Holy Descriptor, Radiance (10 feet). Tireless Descriptor. Gain progressive bonuses in combat. In melee, Heavenly Shield has 50% chance of absorbing 3d6s in melee. Shield helps against ranged attacks at GM discretion
Gooey Ones (30)
These are "full bodied" lepers, whose skin and flesh is dripping off their bones. While normally gentle and seeking peace, these units can nonetheless defend themselves and serve effectively on a ship, as well as labor for the greater good of the colony. Have "Diseased" Descriptor. Fear (5)
Accursed (9)
These people have suffered so much with their disease they are little more than mummified heaps of scabs and welts, their bodies transcendent of their disease and somehow strengthened by it through faith and perseverance. So devout, they can lend themselves as mana batteries to friendly priests and casters, though have no spells of their own. Their decomposed bodies bear the equivalent of Medium armor, and have (un)holy strength equivalent to medium weapons. While relatively weak for an Elite unit, lesser units will find Accursed hard to deal with. Have "Diseased" Descriptor, Have "Twist Fate" descriptor, (un)holy strength descriptor, Mana Slave Descriptor.
The Maimed (60)
These are unfortunate people missing arms, legs, eyes, you name it. Extremely weak and frail, they fill the bottom tier of the venture serving as pathetic objects of sympathy or simply poor seamen and cannonfodder. Have "Diseased" Descriptor. Have "Affliction" Descriptor.

Decision Point(s)


Damian smelt the smoke before he had seen it, his nostrils twitching as the acrid smell entered his nose, pulling him away from the telescope. Afraid he had damaged the device with his layman limbs, the clergyman Captain flicked his furrowed gaze all around him, catching sight of the smoke slowly seeping into the observatory through the open slit like a black blanket.

With the fumes running along the lens like frightening fingers, Damian did his best to locate the source. Thankfully, his friends early aid now made such a feat smooth and seamless, and with the greatest of ease, the smokes blazing birthplace was made apparent on the other side of the island. As were the charred corpses and burning bodies that lay around it....

"Sister Louise, may you man the observatory?" asked Damian as he slipped away from the controls "I fear our stay may be coming to an abrupt end"

While he could see the momentary confusion on the Alabaster Maids face, she nevertheless performed the task, nodding consent as she realised his intent. With the Isle becoming engulfed in ember, a new port of call might be in order if things go awry.

"Brothers and sisters I require your aid!" shouted Damian to all the afflicted present, the Gooey Ones and Accursed shambling after him as he hurried down the stairs.

Putting his finger to his temple as he descended, the Astral abbot communicated with his Cult leading compatriot. "Apologies Madam Tyarra. This may be disconcerting..."

With a thought, the Astral Link was severed. Hopefully the young lady would not hold this against him, his first observation through the restored telescope already done on her behalf and for her benefit.

Taking through the open door, its intricate mechanism already pulling it into the wall as he neared it, Father Damian could already see the Sisters gathering the Maimed and the medicine's they had some diligently harvested, leading them from the encroaching smoke and red skies. Shouting over his shoulder, Damian addressed Telren.

"Monsieur Telren! Perhaps you would like to enter the Tower or vacate to your ship?! A great pyre has taken to the island!"

The soiled skipper did not wait for a reply or affirmation, as he quickly tried to formulate a strategy for the harrowing situation. "Sister Josephine! May you take the Maimed and cloister them within the Observatory." The former militant maid did not have to be told twice, commanding the throngs of tormented into the Tower.

"To any of you that are willing, I beseech your help." Damian looked around at the gathered group "I aim to seek out and stop this blaze, tending to any injured along the way. This may be dangerous hence why I only take those willing. Seek shelter in the Tower or the Caridad if you are afraid, no one will judge you for it."

Not a single person gathered moved. The portly priest heart was aglow with pride for his flock. "Well then, let us be off!"

Taking off into the surrounding forest and towards the flames, Damien caught sight of the radiant armour of a Redeemer in the corner of his eye, feeling more secure in it's presence. However he could not shake the perturbed feeling that with the shining seraphim with him, perhaps this act of aid was doomed to failure.

Nearing the source of the acrid smoke, Damian kept his lantern close, shining it before him like a guiding light. "Allo! Allo! Is anyone out there!"


Father Damian will take 3 Alabaster Maids (Masako/Jane/Marianne), 30 Gooey Ones, 9 Accursed and 2 Redeemers to explore the battlefield. The Maids will use their Water/Astral magic to stem the fires and gather any survivors/ usable supplies. The Gooey Ones, Accursed and Redeemers will help with the latter (Medicine/Castellan/ Biology specialty used if applicable)

2 Alabaster Nun (Louise/ Josephine) will use the Observatory scouting out Sandrift, and the Mwangi ruins on Oyster Isle for Martydi Martydi .

An Eagle Spy will also be sent to Sandbar Crocodile (if applicable)

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"So let me get this straight." First Captain John du Doe heard in his head. "Sometimes it can be honorable to eat children? I should have become an Attolian Knight a long time ago then!" The First Captain replied "No no, eating children is categorically bad, BUT the reason for eating them can be more malicious than others. Eating children to end a brutal war is more honorable than eating children for fun." "My goodness, humans are confusing." "Indeed, their ideas of morality and ethics are often seemingly contradictory and steeped in various grey shades of context." "Life was easier in the dungeons when all we had to do was sit in the dark for months for our next meal to arrive. I was best friends with all the spiders in my chamber. They made sure all the bugs would get caught and not stick on me." "Indeed those were simpler times, but that simplicity is a luxury we can no longer afford ourselves. We can no longer be semi-sentient beasts hiding in the depths of dungeons just like how a pack of wolves can no longer roam their forest when the humans arrive to cut down all the trees."

"Land Ho!" A cry called out in John's head. "We've arrived, gentlemen. Our plan is simple, go out again to restock our provisions, sell some of our goods, collect the bounty for the Murderous King, but most importantly... discreetly determine if there are other mimics hiding within the settlement such as that Hope Box that Lord Billy Bob tried to flirt with last time, and bring them aboard as new crew members. The trade and bounty provide a convenient reason and cover story to go across the port in search of these potential mimics. Afterwards, we speak with the Captain once more and then set sail to Ayan Bakur to help the locals there with their lobster problem. Now, prepare to land."



1. The mimics disembark the MayFlower to attempt to conduct diplomacy/trade within Port Bax and to gather the bounty for the sinking of the Murderous King, which is actually a front to discreetly try and determine if there are any mimics within the settlement such as the famous, beautiful Hope Chest and attempt to recruit them. This operation will be led by the Bookcase of Stealth, Espionage, Counter-intelligence with the Bookcase of Translator, Diplomacy, Castellan, Bookcase of Law, and the Bookcase of Commerce as advisors to help ensure that the mimics behave according to local customs, the law and conduct trade in proper fashion.

Captain Jon du Doe (Pirate Lore Specialty) w/ True Banner of Attolia and Flag of the Murderous King
4 Bookcases
5. Stealth, Espionage, Counter-intelligence
7. Translator, Diplomacy, Castellan
8. Crafting, Artificer, Law
10. Monster Lore, Survival, Commerce
Moebius Perk
Mimics - 25% Socialized

Free Movement to Ayan Bakur

2. A plan is assembled to deal with the Homarid problem. The plan consists of two prongs, the first led by Captain Mrs. Harrison includes a Kuo Toa unit to dive along the Northern Coastline to find the ocean entrance to the Diamond Mine then using their Water 3, freeze the submerged portion of the Diamond Mine and plug the ocean entrance. The other prong is to inform the locals that they've discovered a way to drive the the Homarids out of the mines and onto the surface and that any assistance especially in the form of spider silk and/or venom would be appreciated. Then they are to use the spider silk that they have and any other aid that the locals offer to set up a giant trap/net at the surface entrance to the diamond mine to make it easier to deal with the Homarids.

Prong 1:
Mayflower (Water 3/Blood 3)
Captain Mrs. Harrison (Pirate Lore Specialty)
40 Kuo Toa Miscreants
10 Kuo Toa Priests (Water 1/Astral 1,Diving Specialty, Boosts Miscreant Abilities to Priest Ability Levels)
5 Corpulents (Water 3/Astral 3, Wealth Generator)
Moebius Perk

Prong 2:
First Captain John du Doe w/ Eye of Longsight, Ring of Warning, Vision's Foe
10 Bookcases
8 Miscreants
10 Kuo Toa Priests
2 Corpulents
15 Tainted Pirates
1 Units of Spider Silk to create trap/net for the Homarid
Any Local Aid
Moebius Perk

Bookcase Specialties:

1. Astronomy, Navigation and Cartography

2. Gunnery, Engineering, Metallurgy

3. Medicine, Herbalism, Biology

4. History, Arcana, Theology

5. Stealth, Espionage, Counter-intelligence

6. Carpentry, Shipwright, Architect

7. Translator, Diplomacy, Castellan

8. Crafting, Artificer, Law

9. Agriculture, Mining, Geology

10. Monster Lore, Survival, Commerce

Decision Points:

Continue Parley with Captain Sharman

Sold 2 Units of Whale Oil in Port Bax for 8 Wealth
Buy 3 Units of Sugar, 3 Units of Spices for 6 Wealth
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Save the destructive seidr of the storm genasi that harmed as much as it helped, no man yet living slew more of the great Aymaran host than Ásmeginsson. The broken and maimed bodies of the northmen scattered around the swampland gave their lives here for their jarl's missteps, and leapt forth from the prow into battle gladly when they saw the measure of the titans that would deliver them into the arms of the valkyries. Sobering up from their bloodlust as they took in the devastation they wrought, he could only hope the young stormlords rallying to his side tempered their strength with newfound wisdom.

"We return to our dream of MIKLAGARD in their stead. Let us rebuild and make of Oyster Isle, land our foes were content to prey upon in meaningless cycles, the home of a clan of warriors and craftsmen."

Ogmund, Sigbjorn, Hrónn... He had lost too many here, the absence of the eleventh piece of shattered djinn he called kin weighing on his hugr most of all. All men must die, but a part of him wondered if he could have sacrificed his drengir on a grander altar than this island that they were dashed upon across Lastland seas of toil and strife.


1) 41 Freemen gather wood from the forest and stone from the city to make funerary monuments engraved with ruins and a ceremonial burial longship to set aflame and push off from shore into the bay of Oyster Isle with the dead and their possessions in life.

2) Explore the bay of Mpinkulu. Jarl Einar, Jörmungandr, 6 Ritter-knights, and 10 Stormlords casting spells (for the mounts and men) of water-breathing, mobility, and scrying to help the search for misplaced assets and unlooted artifacts. A small pool of mana is held in reserve to kill croclets in their path with ice and cold.

  • 1650648358146.png

How to Hunt a Ghost (Or not)


Was it the crisp air? The sunrise? Hard to say. Whatever it was, today felt conflicted between calm and suspenseful. Maybe it was in their heads, maybe it wasn't. It had been some time since the sandy beaches of Ravnica's Sandbox had visitors. The same ones as were last time. Except things were to be hopefully different. New recruits were found, new items procured. And magic regained, a battle was ready to be waged, yet the guild was hoping to avoid it all together. With the sudden guests in the form of scorpions, everything was tight. As the soft thrash of sea waves brush against the Genie, the air felt clearer, but the suspense was there. Today was the day. Hunting a ghost was one of the more tedious and painstaking things an adventurer would do. But, it needs to be dealt with before other things befall.

"Marge, I highly doubt that your squirell impression will calm Ravnica from her rabid behavior. We don't quite understand why she decided to do this, but we need to lay her to rest if she declines our offer. We simply cannot allow her to fall into some trap made by the Muurdaan, I refuse to have her have that fate. Its distinctly possible she has done terrible things. But, we shouldn't let her become a pawn for another. If she chooses our offer, it is her choice."

"Oh come on, I'm sure it will work. It works on Sidd!"

"Sidd's 16 Marge, and he's a goofy kid."

On the bow of the ship, Marge and Zerah laid, looking out over the manor. The mist of the early morning dew covered most of the view. The swords, skulls, and other assortments felt as they were there for a threat, a promise of some sort. Regardless, there were metal and metal was always useful with the right skills. Which the guild had plenty to spare. Zerah scanned out the island before returning to Marge.

"Alright, here's the plan. We need to secure the island before we head into the manor. Purification, collecting the weapons, and such. Ravnica will not be happy to see us, at least in the traditional sense of happy. I rather deal with just her and whatever is in that manor than being boxed in there. After we handle that, if we can, you and I will enter with some of our more exotic members."

"Members that will be hard to posses?"

"That's the idea. She'll probably want to try that at least once. She'll have to go for one of us which would be interesting considering..."

Gojeckt sighed, "That you already are processed. You're assumption that fact will save you is quite large. I don't think it will."

Zerah raked through his hair, "That's why Marge will have the scepter and I will go with flame ready. The others will keep any other elements busy as we deal with her."

Sevastian materialized and nodded, "You and I, Gojekt, will need to summon our eagle eyes to scout out for anything important. Hopefully, we'll find what we'll need."

Gojeckt moaned, "Fine, let's get this overwith."

  1. Free Move to Ravnica's Sandbox
  2. Prevent the summoning of undead if any by water magic (purification), smashing of skulls, cleansing Fire, and the collection of the weapons and armor. If any other threats lurk, pacify them. If there are too many or too powerful, abort Order 3. (Specialities: Monster Lore, Arcana, Geology)
  3. Confront Ravnica to either purify her or exorcise her. If she could be purified, offer her redemption through helping the venture. Plenty of wards to be used and precautions made. Have Sevastian and Gocjekt feel out any important items needed for purification and any other threats inside. [Marge, Zerah, 26 Mephits, and 4 Vine Ogres will enter the Manor.]
  4. If order 3 is aborted, have the mephits use their earth magic to shape battlements to take on any threats. If not needed, make smelters to smelt the equipment and Zerah will use fire magic to glass them. Smelt the mundane gear into molds (shaped and glassed) into armor designed for new Ashen Flame Elementals (Point Value: 7+ Preferred, Flying, Artillery Elementals). (Specialities: Geology, Metallurgy, Artificer, Engineering, Arcana, and Architect.)
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≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡

"Peggy, those mage fellas may be a bit odd, but they fixed of Ladybird right up, I tell you what. They covered her in this pretty wood they call 'Ironwood' and its some strong stuff, Tavarian strong. This is the prettiest the Ladybird has been since the first moment I laid eyes on her. The mages can't be all bad, they appreciated some good, smooth burning Tavarian Tobacco and sure dropped their 'illegal narcotics' to get on the right path. I tell you Peggy, I have never seen someone take to tobacco that fast. I was worried, coming to this place, so far away from the great nation of Tavara, but I think I'm starting to understand what Buck Strickland wanted, its not about the money, its about providing good, high quality tobacco and good service to our customers, wherever they may be. I hope someday to have the same foresight as that man.

But we're going to need more tobacco, so I've given the go ahead to set up a new branch of theTavarian Greater Tobacco Company right here, on this island. Its no Tavara, but it'll do.

Captain Henry 'Hank' Williams,
Captain of The Ladybird, seller of Tobacco and Tobacco Accessories

≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡

Outside, on the beautiful paradise island, the men of the Tavarian Greater Tobacco Company worked and toiled under the tropical sun. The magic of nature was used to vitalize the land, to age and dry the timber of the land to be used for construction and aid in the regrowth of new trees because the last thing Hank wanted to do was disturb, or ruin, the natural beauty of this place, that just wouldn't be right. The plantation, if they could pull it off, would have multiple fields for growing not only tobacco, but some of the wild plants they discovered that could be domesticated and made into blends. Blends that would take Tavarian Tobacco to new heights, that would fill the Archipelago with that smooth, clean burning tobacco that it so desperately needed in these dark times. While Hank wanted nothing better then to be outside, in the sun, working in the dirt along with his men, and supervising them because lord knows if he wanted something done right, he had to do it himself, this time he was forced to trust his first mate Boom in the work.

Hank had to do something only he could do. Create a hybrid plant that would be the first mass produced blend they created. He already had plans to create a pain reducing, sleep aid tobacco, but that would be a niche product, he needed something with good flavor and color to sell to everyone. His herbology station was packed full of new, budding plants, the tables were covered in diagrams and charts as he mapped the progress and development of each and every single offshoot he created. Creating a plant through breeding, normally, took a lot of time. Had to examine each and every offshoot, to check for defections, to breed over and over again until some started to show the results he wanted, and then breed those to try and enhance the aspects he desired, sometimes, finding entirely new ones in the process, but with the help of the Pacifist, the work was sped up considerable. Their magic could force the plants to grow at a rapid pace, exponentially cutting down the time it would normally take, letting him do in, potentially, a month what should take years or even a lifetime. Magic, while it may be a bunch of new age phooey, Hank couldn't deny it had its uses when it came to the most holy of all things, Tobacco.

"Hank!" A shrill voice called as the door to his herbology station swung up with a crash.

"Damnit Rusty, I'm busy," Hank sighed as he stopped in his process of writing down notes for the newest breed to take a draw on his pipe.

"You'll be up to your elbows in business if you don't take action now," Rusty declared as he flipped up his glasses and produced from a pocket a rolled cigarette, "I was placing down some... deterrents from the local insects and those weirdo druids, probably in league with the giant insects, told me that I can't do that because it would 'disrupt the island', but I tell you what, I've personally tried each and every poison and if I'm fine, the island will be to."

"Damnit Rusty, what did I tell you about that? Its their island, you don't kick your shoes off in another man's home, they don't want them, they don't want them," Hank said as a vein pulsed in his neck.

"Up to your elbows in insects and you'll be begging me to help," Rusty countered as he took a long drag on his cigarette.

"I'm going to be up to my knee in your ass if you keep this up," Hank growled

"Heh-ya-man-ol-hank-gonna-bam-hitcha-right-there-in-ol-ass-man-heh-I-tell-you-what-boy-I-member-one-time-this-old-boy-was-all-yip-yip-yip-and-hank-was-all-kick-you-ass-I-tell-you-what-man-he-done-scurry-all-quick," a new rapid fire voice said as Firstmate Boom stepped into the Herbology cabin with four tankards of grog gripped in his hands.

"Where's Bill?" Hank asked as he took note of the four tankards.

Boom gave a shrug just as the sound of crashing and pained grunts filled the hall, "I'm alright!" the pained voice said quickly followed by a bald, portly man with stains covering his white shirt, "Just fell down a few stairs.. And then some more."

"Its the insects," Rusty said as he took a sip, "Up to our elbows,"

"No, wasn't no insects, was just, you know, thinking about her," Bill said as he took a tankard and peered into the murky depths, as if he could summon forth her angelic image through sheer will.

"Uh...Yeah," Hank said as he took a sip, the last thing he wanted to hear was another long speech about how wonderful this woman was.

"Yep," Boom said as he took a sip.

"Yep, Insects," Rusty said fully lost in the belief that they were agreeing with him.

"Mhm," Bill said as he stared into the depths, the dark grog somehow reminding him of her flowing locks.


1. Captain Hank Williams will order construction of a Plantation and enlist help from the local mages/druids for construction/growth efforts.

3 Wealth Used in Construction, 4 crew with Tobacco Cultivation, 1 with Disaster Prepardeness, 10 shovel knights [Bonus to production when not fighting), 2 Puff Puff Pacifist will aid in ensuring the local wildlife and plant life is undisturbed by the plantation [3 Nature]. Hank will offer the local mages/druids either wealth [2 wealth] or all the tobacco they can smoke if they aid the tobacco plants with their magic once the plantation is operational.

2. Hank will crossbreed two plants to create a hybrid
Cross breed Majestic Grapevine [Value +, Flavor +] and King's Ginger [Value +, Color +++] using the Ladybirds Herbology Station along with the aid of the 2 Puff Puff Pacifist [3 Nature].

What This Venture Has Accomplished So Far
Crashed the Ship turn 2.
Rebuilt the ship better then before [Ironwood, woot woot]
Discovered a paradise island capable of growing Umbrafina Radisicus
If this turn goes well:

Set up a Plantation and Colony, achieving one of the primary objectives of the venture
Created a hybrid plant that can create very profitable tobacco blends.

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the krill where.. an interesting sort they seemed scared of them meltbor couldn’t exactly understand why the ironshells had shown little hostility prehaps it was due to the fact they could rather easily crush them? It very well could be then again it wasn’t the elders problem they seemed to have much iron and wasted it as well even scrap could be repurposed it did get the elder thinking where the krill so able miners that they could afford to waste iron or prehaps they cared far less about it? It didn’t matter too much now was time to return ad use what they’d collected to secure their foothold here

Action 1:
Smelt the iron with the charcoal

action 2:
use some of the iron and copper to construct proper shoreline lighting defenses.
Flashing keystone -- (2 units) Flashing "Keystone" is added to the foundation of constructions and conveys unpredictable but magical properties to the structure.
The glittering smagar (3 units) Semi-precious stone with great flexibility, may have creative applications. Lenses made of this substance provide nightvision.
Scintillant Axminium (2 units) A liquid metal that when added to an alloy makes for sharper edges.
6 copper
10 iron
10 charcoal
Eldritch Landscape.jpg


The Entity was pleased, it's chosen conduit had successfully recruited a powerful being for it to subjugate and take control of to increase its own strength in time. Perhaps it would let this one remain free instead of taking control of its mind as it had done to most of its predecessors who hadn't provided enough é̷̫̤̮͖̽̎͑͜ͅn̴̤͕̳̬̗̽͑͝t̸̘̩̏̌ḙ̶͓̱̖̼̹̀r̴̮͋̓t̷̡̝̪̱̣̓a̸̪̪̿̄̃͆͝ȋ̷̢̱̙̩̻͜͝n̷͔̲̺̙̓ṃ̴̫͙͍̓̏̌̀ę̶̻̱̝͐̈́̃ñ̶͍̣̣̂̈́͜ţ̷̛͉͍͔̿. This one though, this one knew how to appease the Entity properly. For now though it was time for its subjects to move on and continue to travel. The C̴͇͉̤͙͈̐̎́͘i̵̧̡͚̠͙͍̘͋r̵͇̗̐̀̔̑ć̶̨̻͈̫̦̙͊ǘ̴̝̘̱͜͝͝͝s̴̜͉̟̤͎̟̅̄̉͌͝͝ must go on after all.

Ship at port.jpg
Hloloc Village - Thruneswatch

Terren grimaced as a lance of pain arced through his head, a sure sign that his 'benefactor' had decided that he was working to slowly.

"Ah can it ya bugger, I'm not leading my boys to their death," the mystic ignored the second lance and kept his focus on the map he was using to determine how best to scry their next destination. He looked up as a knock came at his cabin door. "Enter."

"The boys have us halfway packed boss, and most of what's left can be carried on when we go to leave," Corven was quick to launch into his report as soon as he entered, standing at ease across from the other man. "Anything you want me to have them start on now?"

"See if any of the Hloloc want to join us, we can always use a few more folks in the circus after all. Other than that just keep the boys out of trouble and alert for anyone who decides they want to try to mess with us."

"Aye aye Cap'n, I'll talk to the elder myself then."

"Good man, now go. I want to try and have us on the sea to our next destination as soon as possible after all."​

1.Recruit those among the Hloloc who wish to join the circus

2. Scry Island H and gather information

120 Carnies
12 Outrageous Hats
4 Bouncers
3 Freakshow
1 God-Snake
Terren Laevon (Mystic)
Astral 3
Water 3
Kent Kent :
Princess Long Yueliang, representing the Celestial Dragon Empire(Long Dynasty) will meet with the Governor of Port Bax. She will be escorted by Scholar Tao Jiayi, 5 Celestial Magicians, and 10 Empyrean Warriors.

The princess approached the wall outside the governor's estate -- the three housemen clamoured and their armor groaned as they turned towards her highness. One of them was about to say something, one was about to posture. It was an offense to her highness, so the Princess raised her pinky from the arm rest of her bamboo travel throne carried by her empyrean warriors.
The housemen slumped onto their arms and hung their heads like apes. The impossible sound of agonal breathing and quiet snoring began to emanate from their hulking plate carapaces. Housemen do not sleep... but in the name of harmony they do. The Royal assembly quickly carried Long Yueliang past the groaning hulks, one of them falling on it's back and letting out a ceaseless sigh, it's cold breath coloring the air above it on this hot day. Those creatures knew no peace. But the princess would not let that be a reason to be offended by their brusqueness. A second one clattered to the floor as her group carried her up the greasy and algae-washed flagstones to the home of the governor.

The meeting with the sniveling Governor of port Bax was a disappointment. A disgusting man in neglectful charge of a hideous backwater. What had she to say to this sniveling deviant? She let the scholar do most of the talking. Yes yes -- A net gain of three wealth for something. (Gain 3 wealth) yes yes -- a place would be made in the port quarter as an embassy to the emperor. (Building gained, Long Dynasty Embassy) -- a few baubles and palettes of trade goods and some small arrangement for trade paid for it all.
She occasionally held out her hand to be noted by one of her scholars or magicians, which was all that was needed to execute the full measure of her will. The governor drooled and grovelled for what the Long Empire had to offer, but this cur was unworthy to even look upon the face of Yueliang. She stayed behind her gossamer screens and drank a fragrant tea... almost fragrant enough to drive away the stink of this latrine they called a port. Business concluded. The Imperial party left, a Empyrean bidding the governor nor any of his agents rise -- or stand in the way of her majesty as her embassy was already being decorated into something easily eight times as lavish and tasteful as this pig slough a governor called an audience chamber. At least it was not a waste of time...


The Venture cannot blindly search for the scales. At the Princess' behest, the magicians of the celestial tower began setting up a formation to project a celestial map that will locate at least some, if not all the dragon scales in the archipelago. It is important to know where they should search instead of blindly exploring the islands of the archipelago which will take ages.
The ritual was held, and quickly it was determined that two scales were not so far in the archipelago. One was hidden in a mystery -- "The three sistes" hid the location of a scale... but where on the map were the "three sisters"? Perhaps with some study the mystery would reveal itself.
A second scale was hidden in the "Panopticon" of "Breknil LohairHo" -- some cold spike of stone and metal controlled by the dark elves some way southwest. At least the elf was not generally as boring and disgusting as most cultures the princess was exposed to. Her training encompassing hundreds of cultures... few were worthy of more than a slur that would not cross her lips. (minus 1 wealth) Some fortune was spent with the complex divinations -- but it was Port Bax's money. One less thing to care about.

Before bed, she summoned all her assembled forces to the great hall of her new embassy of silk and lacquered wood.

"There is one more issue that must be addressed before I sleep in this new land" ... The princess almost purred.

"My brother's Assassin must die."
  1. Spend 2 Wealth to throw a Grand Feast for the Goblins in recognition for their hard work as well as Daggerson’s defeat of the Festrich
  2. Attempt to Repair the Tinker Tanker
  3. Have the Tinker Thinkers devise a way to use the materials from the Mausoleum as well as others to turn it into a coliseum for use in Races, Fighting and Naval Combat
Trektek Trektek

The goblins threw a grand feast (minus 2 wealth)-- which was followed by throwing the feast at the goblins, then throwing the remains of the feast at the trolls. At some point, the goblins started throwing each other, the Wrenchmaces swatting the little flying bastards out of the air or teeing them into the air wherever the crays arced or lay... "The beatings with continue until morale improves" was the order of the day, with everyone getting an eye gouged or a knee bent. By the time the fighting had finally ceased most of the goblins were wretching violently and laughing twice as hard. All this time off got the goblins craving a little structure... so the goblins decided to go back to work. Most of them. Some continued to beat each other or bedevil the trolls, which NEVER got old. The Mausoleum had to be remodeled so the first step in getting that done was getting the trolls good and enraged then teasing them from the roof until the structure started falling apart from the trolls relentless assault.

That was working smarter and not harder!

When there was enough marble rubble around the basic structure, the goblins then decided it would be best if they dug a moat around the structure down to "See level" -- which was when you dug a trench deep enough that it began to flood with saltwater and nobody in the gang could any longer see out of it... that would be the water-course, with sluices made optional to flood the mausoleum (now open air arena) proper if the spectacle was going to take center stage.
the goblin hobbs directed labor by occasionally kicking anyone who wasn't running... which if you're a goblin with a tape measure you don't have to get into detail about how the measurements come out. Then a tinker thinker had to lay the lines all over again, accidentally contravening the postulate that only one line through a given point can be parallel to a given line, and a Wrenchmace looked at this geometric impossibility and his head exploded. (minus one wrenchmace) but everyone agreed the new design was terrific as long as nobody looked at the blueprints and suffered the same fate... and anybody not running got a boot in the ass, as was right and proper.

The goblins first resolved that Naval combat should be done in the moat in boats made out of Stale Bread so that ravenous fish would add a "surprise element" of slowly devouring the ships and causing them to sink. However, a supply of such bread did not exist so they made the boats out of trash and employed the trolls to try to eat them, which worked just as well. The Center stage, when not flooded, was a suitable arena once all the marble debris had been cleared and everybody got fancy seats made out of kelp pulp cushioning and broken urns and statuary. which you didn't have to tell the goblins was Surprisingly comfortable, and kept your tush cool on hot days watching the events. When they ran out of "good" seating one of the wrenchmaces remarked that a Troll poop was naturally concave, and the Thinkers ordered the Trolls to Eat a dune and "make" the rest of the chairs out of sand... which worked and held together surprisingly well. The racecourse ran around the entire structure, under the moat at various tunnels of questionable engineering and both in the central arena and along the outside edge. With the strange disappearance of the local giant scorpions, the races were held by the goblins themselves, sand-chickens (whose population was exploding since the loss of the scorpions had inexorably altered the biological distribution of the island) and of course, there were scorpion races, when the rare scorpion could be found.

After a few days it became apparent that there were really a lot of sand-chickens.. which formed unruly gangs and wiped out the remaining scorpion population causing further strange collapses in the ecosystem. In the end nature worked itself out, with a carpet of sand-chickens only one layer thick and the constant predation f giant wasps from wasphold to the north to keep the sand-chickens in check. Even still, The largest chickens were surly and ornery -- so the crays started riding them. First for races, but then in mock then real combat in the arena.
Peace was maintained with the giant wasps as long as they were not curtailed from eating the smaller chickens, and occasionally being allowed to bump into covered light sources, which occasionally caused fires but nothing the goblins couldn't control with constant unerring vigilance. What could go wrong? besides, the odd fire was great for roasting sand-chickens, as was evinced by many of the goblins putting on quite a bit of weight. (food no longer a problem for goblins near sandrift island)


The Tinker Tanker was not as romantic a story -- and (minus two wealth) plenty of cash and materials was poured into it to restore it to functioning. The new repairs were splendid however, with the added feature of three giant red buttons that nobody was EVER, EVER, EVER supposed to press, but everybody was constantly tempted to. Luckily pressing two buttons at the same time reset the buttons, so invariably curious goblins tended to sync up with other curious goblins, and nobody could get three goblins to press a button at the same time, it would seem... so that worked out alright, and somebody came up with the idea of making the buttons really really hot -- which helped cut down on the instances of goblins "really really wannah"-ing to press them. A little. it helped a little.
The tinker tanker got fixed though, despite the constant looming threat of the apocalypse buttons.


So the arena got made, the ecosystem was destroyed, the island was periodically on fire and overrun with chickens, and the tinker tanker got fixed and everyone had a party.

EXACTLY as was planned. Whew.
Twist Twist :

Father Damien and his "White Heart Fold" Advanced far to find the source of the fires. Insects, heat, and exhaustion all took their toll before their true goal even revealed itself.
There had been a war here. The Aymaran Settlement had been razed by some other venture, and left little behind to be claimed.

What they did find however was the last of the Amayrans -- 25 of them, huge crocadile men of massive bulk and threatening visage... but they were injured and burned, even though they hardly noticed it. The Aymarans noticed Damien's people, but there were two things an Aymaran would never eat -- something holy, and something sick, and The White Heart was both all over.
Upon seeing the redeemers a dim light went on in the heads of the Aymarans -- these people had housemen... they must be part of the eternal empire, and their settlement had been crushed for daring to break service with the Muurdaan. The Surviving Aymarans immediately swore fealty to the White Heart Fold, bringing 2 wealth and great piles of rather stinky food with them.

Aymarans may now be hired by Father Damien's venture at 7 points each. 25 free Aymaran's are acquired. Aymarans can do tremendous labor and are very dangerous in combat. They are also dumb as posts.

For Martydi Martydi The Cult of the Celestial Siblings, much scouting was done of the Mwangi ruins on Oyster Isle, Identifying a sunken temple, and the largest points of interest in the ruined city to the west. If the cult wished to excavated or explores these areas, they would be able to do so informed and with much greater safety if they used the intel provided.

The White Heart Fold was also surprised to see all the goblin shenanigans that were going on all over the island of sanddrift... and goblins that saw the shine of spying mirrors seemed to wave and gesticulate wildly for their observatory neighbors to visit...

An eagle spy was send to Sandbar crocodile, but never returned.
Heyitsjiwon Heyitsjiwon
In the dark of night, in port Bax -- the PERFECTLY NORMAL PEOPLE wheeled their strange bookcases in great wheel-barrows -- having come far enough to know that a bookcase should never be walking by itself. Following the psychic guidance of their experts, they used phermones specific to mimics and short blasts of mindforce to find any sign of their kin in the darker corners and out of the way spots of the port. First it seemed their task was impossible... but the longer they looked... the more of their kin they could find...

They happened on a sewage drain where a drunk once lost a hand... That drain it was a mimic.
One rooftop swept with sand where the birds never land? It's Chimney too, a mimic.
The well on the property of the crazy cat lady? Twas a fat and happy one indeed.
And the junkyard icebox where children hid? A mimic all too quick to feed.
And there were others, high and low, and each with their own gimmick,
A trashbin beside the pillory, among the rotten fruit, a mimic.
And the Hopechest in the attic where no critters creeped at all, that hid within the shadows 'hind it bones rolled in a ball...
A symbiote in an old man's brain, that did his duties Limbic --
A moving grave in potters field, a net where rotten fish were wheeled, A chest in a mausoleum sealed, they all had hid a mimic.

(eleven mimics are culled from Port Bax, becoming PERFECTLY NORMAL PEOPLE)

Meanwhile, the plan to rid the homarids of the met with similar success. Trapped within the mine the lobster-beasts ran full speed into heaps of envenomed spider silk and the unwieldy beasts were poked to death with spears and fishing hooks, herded en masse into the waiting "hold" of the Mayflower. Each one was lightning-fried in sugar and devoured by everyone in the venture... venom seasoning and all. (Sugar craving for the venture overcome, +10% socialization) -- and captain Sharman helped Captain Doe collect on the Murderous King -- the cash payment not so stellar, but instead it was argued two free upgrades for the Mayflower.
For Freeing Ayan Bakur of Homarids brought with it 3 units of Diamonds and a *Stock Certificate* in the new mineshafts being spelunked...

Not a bad weeks work, with Sharman's crew teaching the mimics more and more how NOT to think and act...

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