Threadmark Tutorial [with Images]

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  • Fable

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    We've already released a very basic tutorial to help you get started using threadmarks. This tutorial is meant to go deeper into the Threadmark tool. If this is the first time you've heard about Threadmarks here is a quick explanation of what they are.

    Threadmarks function much like a table of contents for a book. You can use threadmarks to label individual posts for easy navigational access, create roleplay tabs, and at a descriptive section at the top of all your tabbed roleplay threads. It is an organizational tool.

    Because this is such a new tool it hasn't hit mainstream use yet, but that is the goal. We want you to be able to control and organize your roleplay. Threadmarks is just one of the many tools that allow you to do this.

    If you already reviewed "The Power of Threadmarks" tutorial, you may have already seen how you can add them. However, as this is a more in-depth tutorial, we'll be going over all functions; including previously mentioned ones.

    Where to start...
    Threadmark labels allow you to label a specific post within a thread. You can make the label whatever you wish, label whatever you want, and browse these labels. Additionally, you can sort the label order. This is the best place to start on your roleplay organization journey and also the easiest.

    If you have any questions please post then here.
    Special thanks to Birdsie Birdsie for helping by testing stuff out.
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    Threadmark Labels
  • Threadmark Labels
    Labels allow you to make certain posts easy to navigate to. Instead of having to scroll through pages and pages of content, much like a table of contents in a book, threadmark labels let you determine what post in particular you want to go to (if it is labeled).

    There are two ways you can add a threadmark, by adding one right as you post a new thread or post, or adding one later on to a post.

    To add a threadmark label for a new thread you will find underneath the options to attach files, insert quotes, and preview a section called Initial Threadmark. Click on this section to expand it and to reveal the text field.

    To add a threadmark label for a new post, at the top of the post text areal, you will see a text field with an option for a threadmark label. Type in this text field what you wish your label to be for this specific post.

    To add a threadmark to an existing post, at the bottom of a post next to the other familiar options such as edit and report you'll find a new button for Add Threadmark. Click this option and type the label you want in the text field and then click Save.


    If you find that you or a player has incorrectly labeled their post, or you just want to edit a label here is how you can do so.

    Next to the threadmark label there is a icon, click this to edit a threadmark label. Once you are satisfied with the changes, click Save

    You can sort the order of your labels, however this will not change the other of the actual posts. This simply allows you to put what you consider the most important labels at the top and the least important at the bottom, or however you wish to sort them.

    In order to sort your labels, you will need to first click the Threadmarks button generally found at the top right of the first post of a thread.
    You will next need to click to view all threadmarks.
    A pop-up of the threadmarks will appear. Locate and click the icon.
    Another pop-up will appear. Click the icon to drag and drop the labels. Once you are satisfied with the order click Save.

    If you have created a threadmark index click the threadmark index menu (not the normal thread menu). Click Sort Threadmarks.

    The pop-up to drag and drop your threadmarks will appear.

    If you decide that you don't want a post to be labeled, you can remove it.

    Next to the threadmark label there is a icon, click this to edit a threadmark label. Next to the save option you will find a Delete button. Click this to delete the label.

    When you click to delete, it will ask you for a reason. Type a reason or leave it blank, then click Delete.
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    Threadmark Index
  • Threadmark Index

    Before you can even begin to tab your threads together you need a Threadmark Index. A threadmark index allows you to set up a 'profile' for that specific index, such as a description (which can be used for your roleplay). If you are not planning on using threadmarks as a roleplay tab system, you do not need to create one.

    If you are going to use threadmarks for your roleplay tabs, a threadmark index is required. Additionally, you should only create ONE Threadmark Index.

    You can always create and use a Threadmark Index, even if you have no interest in using them for tabs. This will still give you a nice description box that will go above the first post of a thread where you added a Threadmark Index.

    You do not need any threadmark labels to create a threadmark index, but it is highly suggested you have at least one.

    In order to make a threadmark index, you will need to click the icon for the drop-down menu. From this menu Click the Add threadmark index option.
    A pop-up will appear. Fill out the title and description as you wish. The description text area supports BBCode and will always appear at the top of your threads, even all your tabbed threads!

    There is also an option to select whether you index is incomplete, complete, hiatus, or dropped.

    Once you are satisfied with the information you've typed here Click Submit.

    Once you've clicked submit you will autmatically be redirected to the threadmarks page for that thread.

    To get back to the thread remove the /threadmarks part of the URL or click the thread title in the forum path.

    If you've followed these steps correctly, you'll notice a new area at the top of your thread. This is your threadmark index.

    If you find the need to update and therefore edit your threadmark index, it is as easy as adding one.

    To edit click on the icon menu of your threadmark index. Click edit.
    You can also edit this by clicking on the icon menu of your thread. Click Edit threadmark index.

    A pop-up exactly the same as the one from when you added the threadmark index will appear. Edit as desired then click save.

    If you find you don't like the threadmark index or do not desire to use it, you can choose to remove it.

    WARNING! There is currently a known issue that should you remove your threadmark index you will not be able to create a new one and it will show only an option to edit, upon which you will get an error if you attempt to edit a removed threadmark index.

    To remove a threadmark index, it works the same as though you were going to edit it. If you use the threadmark index menu, simply click Delete.

    You will be asked to provide a reason, give a reason or leave blank and click delete.

    If you use the thread menu. Click Edit threadmark index. A pop-up much like the one from when you create and/or edit will appear. Click delete.

    You will be asked to provide a reason, give a reason or leave blank and click delete.
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    Threadmark Tabs
  • Threadmark Tabs
    Threadmark tabs are the new roleplay tabs, but without the limit of a max of five. In order to create tabs, you will first have to create a threadmark index. After you have created a threadmark index, you can proceed to make tabs. Only make ONE threadmark index! If you create multiple threadmark indexes, you will not be able to connect them to make tabs and due to a known issue, should you remove a threadmark index currently, it will still consider it as having one which you cannot see nor edit!

    Adding a Tab
    Once you have your threadmark index created, you can start tabbing your content together.

    To add a tab, click the threadmark menu, not the normal thread one! Click Add Content.

    A pop-up will appear.

    Paste the URL of the thread you want to tab into Content URL.

    Display order determines what order the tabs display; from first to last. The smaller the number, the higher on the list. The larger the number, the lower on the list.

    Once done click Save.

    Once you have added our tab you will be automatically redirected to the threadmarks page. To return to the thread remove the /threadmarks from the URL or click on the thread title in the forum path.

    Note that there is a known issue that you may get an error after tabbing your content. This happens if there are no threadmark labels in the thread you are adding! This is why it is suggested each thread have at least one threadmark label.

    Your content is perfectly fine if this happens! Just remove the /threadmarks from the URL and you'll return to your thread and see the tabbed content.

    You will now see tabs in the threadmark index area. To add more tabs, simply repeat the process!

    You should be able to click the tabs and be taken directly to those threads.

    Sorting Tabs
    If you find that after you've added in all your tabs that you dislike their display order, you can easily swap them around how wish you them to be.

    To sort your tabbed content click the threadmark menu, not the normal thread one!

    Click Sort linked contents

    From here you can drag and drop the content into the order you desire.

    Once you are satisfied with the order click Save.

    Removing Tabs
    If you wish to reduce the amount of tabs you have or simply no longer desire a specific one, you can remove them.

    To remove your tabbed content click the threadmark menu, not the normal thread one!

    Click Remove contents

    A pop-up will appear with a list of your tabbed content. Use the checkbox to select the tabs you want to remove. Also, it is important to note that the thread you are on when you click to remove content will automatically be checked! Please be sure that only the ones you want are checked off.

    Once you are certain you want to remove those tabs click Delete.

    Once you have remove your tab(s) you will be automatically redirected to the threadmarks page. To return to the thread remove the /threadmarks from the URL or click on the thread title in the forum path.
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