Other The words; Love and Hate.

The Empress of Ice

Shitpost Overlord
Disclaimer; No intention of saying that feelings like love and hate doesn´t exist, any harm or destruction to any relationship, blah, blah, blah. Shemurrly Blah.

A few days ago I came across something which real changed my mindset on evolution and the coming generations. I´ve noticed that the importance of words like love, hate, loath, like, dislike and etc, have come to be used regularly and quite frankly easily.

Words like hate and loath were used in the past when you truly loathed somebody, wished for them harm like no other. The new generations and especially newly teens take the definition of the word hate as dislike. As Hatred is defined as extreme hostility and animosity against someone or something, dislike is defined as something you have mild distaste for, for example a dish.

Love, a word which once was something so beautiful, so rare is now used any time, anywhere with no care in the world if you mean it or not. Love used to be a word describing a feeling that is hardly achieved, an affection which is nearly obsessive, a person or object that if it left your life would leave you scarred one way or another.

These once mighty, rare statements seem to now be mere empty words? Or do you disagree?
Some people believe lust is love. Maybe that's there kind of love. But it's not real(In my opinion) Look at the surroundings that this generation is exposed to. And the surroundings they grown up in. It has some effects. I miss the day's where everything was just simple. And love wasn't a joke.
[QUOTE="The Gunslinger]Some people believe lust is love. Maybe that's there kind of love. But it's not real(In my opinion) Look at the surroundings that this generation is exposed to. And the surroundings they grown up in. It has some effects. I miss the day's where everything was just simple. And love wasn't a joke.

Someone that understands me. Finally! I´m sadly apart of the new generations yet I grew up with more mature people. I agree that television and the latest technology contributes to how we see things. For example; Disney, used to be one of the most children-friendly channels of all time. Now I see corruption in almost every single show.
Some young people know the wrong choice's they are making. And believe they can have a happy ending like Disney. But this is reality, not a movie. Once you hurt someone, and push them out of your life. It's pretty much for good. Rather they change or not. Some people were raised in a friendly classy environment. Other's where raised In opposite. Love and Immaturity do not mix.

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