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Realistic or Modern The Wondergames


New Member
Dear Sir/ Ma’am

You are cordially invited to join me in Wonderland to participate in my wonderful games tournament.

If you do not turn up, you can be assured, you will meet a swift death for your defiance of my wishes.

You will be playing for two things;

1) The riches of Wonderland. Maybe I’ll reveal my reasoning in time, but for now just be assured, if you are a member of the winning team, you will never need work to support yourself, or your family, again.

2) Your life. From the moment you began reading this, your life belonged to me and whether I let you keep it... Depends.

I look forward to you participation.


The Queen of Hearts.

You receive a mysterious invitation through the post. It gives you both a death threat and an offer of riches beyond your wildest dreams – of course it can’t be real! But... What if it is? And so you take up the offer, turning up at an abandoned warehouse with a group of strangers who have received the same offer and now you await for the doors to open.

Note; The rp is set in the present, however it is set in a fantasy reality within our own. Once the rp begins, you will enter the warehouse and be engulfed by the terrifying world of Wonderland!


The following are a few of my characters who you will encounter through the course of the game;



“You are all here for my entertainment, so get going chess pieces, or you shan’t be leaving with your lives!”

Some crazy character who has set up this weird game. You are yet to meet her, for she uses the White Rabbit as her representative.



“W-w-welcome, oh gracious players, I-I-I am the W-w-white Rabbit, here to s-s-serve as your guide. L-l-long live the Queen of Hearts!”

The Queen’s representative and your humble host/ guide. He will be present at the beginning of each round to explain the task at hand.



“Friend or foe? I’m neither, no... I’m just a meddling onlooker.” *Big grin*

To the Queen’s annoyance, he is here to help... Most of the time. Being the trouble maker, the appearance of that floating Cheshire grin is sure to bring one extreme of luck or misfortune.
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