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Realistic or Modern The Truth


now i know how joan of arc felt
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Chirp....chirp chirp!

You wake up to the sound of birds chirping outside, you can see their shadows bouncing around on the floor, a bright ray of sun comes through the window that they are perched upon. It is a peaceful sight but they quickly fly away as you try to sit up, doing so with a grunt


You feel a throbbing pain on the back of your head, upon reaching behind and feeling it, you notice there is a large bump.

"W...what happened?"

After taking a few moments to wake up, you weakly get onto your feet. You are confused about your surroundings, as matter of fact, you are confused about everything! You can't seem to remember a thing, not even your own name. You reach into your pockets, hopeful that you'll find something that'll identify you. Ah! Success!




What is my name...?
(choose a name)


hwayi hwayi Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia ABetterNickname ABetterNickname Sign Sign

//sorry, been busy with work all week, making the next post now. though i would've prefered more serious responses XD//




Your vision flashes white and a rush of pain floods through your head.


You grip your head as the pain brings you to your knees. A shrill voice rings out in your ear, it is screaming your name over and over, the tone is of terror;

"Yousei! Yousei!"

The pain and the voice eventually subside as your vision returns to you. You stand back up and survey the room.




The room is spotless, you can see your reflection perfectly on the floor! It seems that the room was recently cleaned, the smell of harsh chemicals fills the air and burns your nostrils slightly. You wonder where you are, it seems to be an infirmary of sorts. You think that if you look around, you might find some clues to your whereabouts.

You see a few key places you'd like to investigate.

>Investigate the Computer
>Investigate the Desk Drawer
>Investigate under the bed
>Investigate the Plant
>Investigate the closet (Unseen by frame)



You make your way over to the desk and try to pull open the drawer. It gives a fair amount of resistance, but after a while of tugging it, it jerks open with a sickening *CHUNK*, something must'be broken off inside the drawer assembly. A puff of dust flies out of the drawer, it makes you sneeze and waft the air, clearing yourself of any more allergens; this desk hasn't been opened in some time, yet you see something shiny and seemingly out of place at the bottom of the drawer.




>You found the INFIRMARY KEY!<

It is a key! You examine it and notice that even though most of it is covered in rust, it still has a faint shine to it. The words "INFIRMARY" is imprinted along the base of the key, it must go to the door at the front of the room.

>You pocket the INFIRMARY KEY




What do you do next?

>Investigate the Computer
>Investigate under the bed
>Investigate the Plant
>Investigate the closet (Unseen by frame)


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