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Fantasy The tales of Nobles and Dogs...


The one who made Aerth
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
The location is Idai City (a fictional location in japan)
Idai city is a beautiful place home to many companies that operate worldwide. Idai is home to the elite, everything in Idai stands at the pinnacle. Entertainment, restaurants, retail, education. Everything is elite here in Idai. A billionaires playground for the wealthy, a city of hope, debts, workers, criminals, all sorts. But that's just the city, let's talk about why your here.

In 1889 three men from different backgrounds and nationalities became so rich it went beyond generational wealth. Icons of their industries, these three men became billionaires before the age of forty. Lets call them the noble trio.
By chance these three met, though they would claim it as fate. Becoming rivals and then friends the three formed a bond and made a pact, like their wealth this pact was passed down each generation. What drew these men together? What was the origin of this pact? Well these three had something in common beyond wealth, this similarity may be why they became rich so easily. Magic...
Some humans are born special, be it luck, noble lineage or genetics. They have the ability to do things that others can't. More on that later.

The Noble Trio made a pact, it went along the lines of..."Our first born children should be married, a child born with the lineages and powers between our families would be unrivalled"
Basically the first born boy and girl of either family would be in a arranged marriage for the sake of super grandchildren. Funny enough though, the pact was never fulfilled.
Each generation of first born children happened to be the same gender... So the pact became something of a prophecy of legend for three families.

In present days however, this generation of the noble trio has the potential to fulfil the prophecy!
Two girls and one boy, they grew up as family friends. They went to the same schools, took vacations together, stayed at each others houses. The pact wasn't mentioned until they reached a certain age. The age was 18...
The parents are just as desperate as the original noble trio was for a superhuman grandchild born of superior genes and magic.
That's some of the set up let's move on to the roles of this rp.

The Nobles.
These three are around the same age and have essentially grown up together. Attending the same elite schools since a young age, spending holidays and vacations together instead of with the perpetually busy parents. Also they come from bullshit wealth...
Three spots open, two female nobles one male.
(Or two males and one female)

The Dogs
Elite guards for the noble families. Raised to be a guard, employed since childhood to guard/friend one of the nobles. They have either been with their assigned noble from a young age keeping them safe under the guise of friendship or they operate like a butler/ninja hardly ever seen by normal folk, just their noble when demands are asked of or the noble's threats before being subdued...
There's six spots here so two dogs for each noble. Though the rp can start with 1 dog per noble or extra.

Back to the plot...
The three nobles have started their first year attending Idai university.
Though six months in, maybe sooner... the parents of the noble trio began pressuring their children into a love triangle. The winning couple fulfilling the pact and giving birth to a super baby (supposedly)
Keep in mind none know if their ancestors pact is legitimate. This is just a generational game of whispers that can finally come to a end. Should the current noble trio want to that is...

This is where player choice comes in.
What if the three nobles are pursuing others outside themselves?
What if they have no interest in romance at all?
What if one wants a super baby and the other two believe the pact is bullshit lunacy?

Regardless of what the Noble Trio think their parents are trying to make it happen, including outright telling their kids and giving orders to the dogs under their payroll to help make it happen by any means necessary.

The Dogs are honorbound to follow orders given from their higher ups; the noble under their care and their parents.
Will they disobey orders if they contradict with another? Maybe they have emotional investment or involvement with a noble. Player choice is key here people.
Your character will be given rules, they can abide by them or not. Consequences may happen or they may not.
The thing would be a dumb comedy/romance/drama leaning towards stupid comedy moreso as magic is about and the dogs are somewhat superhuman through training.
But we can set the tone however we like really. i see this as episodic, mostly small arcs with the occasional big one.
Post requirements is two paragraphs or more once a week.
Ooc will be on a shitty discord server i make assuming enough people want to join.

The last names of the nobles, how the families became billionaires is up to the players who make a Noble.
The vague magic that nobles have is up for grabs between what i list below.
(Though you can name it what you want and I can elaborate on the powers)

Succubus like abilities to bewitch others with good looks and magical charm...
The ability to see, commune and command spirits, human and others...
The power to influence luck for greater or for worse...
Rallying boost, the power to enhance others literally through leadership...

Cs page is here

If this was to start I would play one of the noble's Dogs and a Npc noble who isn't apart of the trio.
Like your pokemon rival they'll get the power no one else chooses.

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Better than nothing, here's hoping four or five others may be interested

A cs page is here and in the first post.
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