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Realistic or Modern The Purge:Sinister


half cooked bean water
Role Play Rating:

  • T- Teen (13 and up)

Role Play Status:

Open - Accepting

In 2022, crime and unemployment rates in the
United States reach unprecedented lows. This is because the country is now governed by the New Founding Fathers of America, who have enacted The Purge, a twelve-hour period held from 7 PM to 7 AM annually in which all crime (including murder) is completely legal. Additionally, all emergency services are completely suspended during the Purge. Though presented as a catharsis for the release of negative emotions and repressed urges, the Purge really serves as a form of population control, as the poor and homeless are victims during this period.

It is now 2025, three years of the purge, now it is extreme.


1.All RpN rules apply

2.Have fun

3.Put 'Coward' in your CS if you read the rules.

Historia looked at the clock in her apartment. One hour until the annual purge started. She grinned, her Glasgow Smile grew wider. She went into her basement and grabbed her machete. She walked over to a machine in the corner and turned it on. She placed the machete on it, the machete got sharper with every turn it made. When she was finished, she went upstairs and got everything prepared. Oh how fun was this night going to be.


This is the starting post, you MUST make your character sheet and have it ACCEPTED BEFORE you can Rp!
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Xavier's hands were clenched on his steering wheel, to the point where his knuckles were turning white. There was just one hour until the purge, and although he didn't show it, Xavier was practically shaking from anticipation. As of right now he was clad in his military outfit, dark black and gave off a air of dignity. Clipped to his belt was his trust bullwhip and hidden in his combat boots was his semi-automatic pistol. After a few minutes of driving Xavier made it to the apartment complex. Parking his car Xavier entered the apartment building and found the right room, Historia's room to be exact. Knocking on the door Xavier took off his hat and waited for Historia to make an appearance.

After all there is no reason to not be polite...
Historia heard a knock and ran to the door. She opened it. "Hello...Xavier." She let him in and grinned. She already had everything set up.
Only she would have thought about going to a party the night of the purge. The stupid blonde girl was riding her bike down the side walk as fast as she could. She kept staring at her watch seeing the minutes tick by. It was 6:50. Only a few minutes left for the purge and she was still about 2 miles away from home. She wasn't gonna make it.

Kimbo pedaled down the grey pavement hearing the screams and gun shots of the "early birds" as she like to call them. Of course they risked being caught by the authorities, but after the 12 hours were early, most of them weren't even alive to suffer the consequences. She hated this night. Whatever dumbass came up with this idea must have really been mental.

Seeing her house at the corner of the intersection Kimbo smiled in relief. Maybe she was going to make it after all. That was when a speeding car drove past her making Kimbo fall off her bike. "Shit." She stood up with several scrapes on her arms and knees. Kimbo looked at her watch 6:58. Without another thought Kimbo jumped on her bike, cringing from the burn of her raw skin as she moved and pedaled faster than ever back home.
Walking into the apartment Xavier kept his poker face upon seeing Historia, with her usual white medical mask covering her mouth. Although he couldn't see her mouth he had a feeling she was grinning. He never actually seen her mouth before, and whatever she was hiding was either ghastly or the mask was just some getup. Any of those could be true, as Historia was an unpredictable one. Brandishing his whip Xavier tilted his head toward the door, making a gesture that they should get going.

“It’s time…” he stated.

Xavier had planned this out, he would use the back alley ways as he blended in with the shadows and take out a few as a warm up. Than using the few fire escapes that usually would snake around the apartment buildings he’d scope out other potential prey.

(sorry if this reply seems late, I was just waiting around for other people to post)
Historia nodded and grabbed her large scissors, she opened the door and stepped out with a not-visible-grin. She looked out and saw someone on a bike. Then, she heard the Purge announcement. "This is not a test, this is your emergency broadcast system announcing the commencement of The Annual Purge sanctioned by the U.S. government. Weapons of Class 4 and lower have been authorized for using during The Purge. Any other weapons are restricted. Government officials of ranking 10 have been granted immunity from The Purge and shall not be harmed. Commencing at the siren, any and all crime, including murder, will be legal for 12 continuous hours. Police, fire, and emergency medical services will be unavailable until tomorrow at 7AM, when The Purge concludes. Blessed be our new founding fathers and America, a nation reborn. May god be with you all." Then, the sirens went off.
Kimbo was only a few houses away from her own when she began to hear the siren. Panic kicked in as she saw people staring to exit their houses with weapons. Kimbo pedaled and pedaled until finally she reached her door. She jumped of the bike not even caring to put it away or that it collapsed on the floor. All she cared about was getting home and turning on her alarm system.

Getting to the door Kimbo fumbled with her keys before finally getting the right one and shoving it into the key hole and unlocking her house. She looked around her before slipping in to her house and locking the door behind her.
Xavier gave an unimpressed look at her choice of weapon. That kind of weapon was obliviously meant to hack rather than slice, as it was rather rudimentary. While gazing at her weapon Xavier listened to the announcement, the same every year. Once the announcement was over Xavier heard a gun shot pierce the air, followed by heavy scampering footsteps, panicked voices, screaming, the works. Hearing footsteps claimer down the stairs Xavier pushed his back to the wall so the person wouldn't see him. As soon as the person turned a corner Xavier took his whip and with a loud crack he whipped the person across the neck, apparently breaking skin and an artery. Blood gushed forward and the person crumpled into a heap...his first victim.

Motioning for Historia to follow Xavier opened a window and went out through it. They were a least two stories high up, but with Xavier's military training he easily scaled the apartment building using the bricks that were jutting out as support. Once on the roof Xavier looked at his surroundings and saw a girl on a bike, racing through the streets like a scared animal. Following her with his eyes he saw her turn and disappear on to another street. Judging by how much of a hurry she was in the girl most likely would have left her bike in the lawn, which would make finding her easy.

I think I'll have this girl be one of my prey...
Historia jumped down and sprinted down the street, looking for the girl. "This one's mine..." She slowly walked and saw a little kid. She grinned under the surgical mask. "Do you think Im pretty?" She asked the little girl. The girl looked at her and nodded. Historia ripped the mask off and asked the girl again. "Am I still pretty?" The girl shook her head. Then, Historia was slicing the girl and stabbing her.
They would all die. Each and every one of them. Midnight ocean eyes trailed the homeless looking for shelter just an hour before it was to begin. They would all be purged. Fletcher pushed off the wall he had been leaning against and bolted down the street. The sheath of his knife bumped against his outer thigh as his legs pounded on the cement squares of the sidewalk. I have to get home. The thought pushed him on urgently until he reached his block. It wasn't quite the slums but it wasn't quite Beverly Hills either. He shoved through his front door and soundly secured each lock upon closing it. His blood pulsed in his ears as he barricaded the other doors and windows. There was only one other exit and it was specifically meant for emergencies. He plopped on a wooden chair in the corner and flicked on the TV to wait for the sounding message.

He had already begun dozing off in the time it took for the alarm to sound. His dagger was pulled out of his sheath as he crouched in the hall, just waiting for some action.
Arius ran across the road as fast as he could, dodging the cars in the street which were also trying to find their ways home before it began. He didn't slow down fast enough and his body slammed into his front door, and he desperately tried the handle as the sting of the sudden impact wore off. Locked. Arius checked his back pockets, his keys weren't there, but he was sure he had them this morning. "Mum! Dad!" Arius pleaded, his heartbeat raising high, "Please let me in!"

He heard his mother sobbing from behind the front door, and his father whispering to her that it would be okay, but neither of them moved to let him in. Arius's breath caught in his throat. They were going to let him die. He slammed his hand on the door and tried the handle again before he accepted that he would not be going home tonight. He had to try somewhere else. Maybe one of his next door neighbours would let him in? He looked at the house to his left, and saw a man getting something sharp out of his garage. Arius gulped, he was a no go. He looked to his right, and saw a girl who could only be a year older than him abandoning her bike on the floor. She looked like the safer bet. He began to walk towards her house.
Historia looked up from the corpse and put her mask back on. She looked behind her and saw a male walking to a house. It was the house of the girl she was going after. She grinned under her mask and slowly moved through the dark. She jumped in front of the black haired male. "Am I beautiful?" She asked him.
Arius screamed, having not expected a young woman in a white mask to appear in front of him so suddenly, her question surprised him, but he took no chances. "Positively, er, wonderful!" He panicked. He began to run away from the girl, terrified for his life. He ran round to the back of his house, knowing a hiding space that if he could just reach in time, he'd be safe for a little while longer.
Historia gasped and saw him, she ran after him and stood in front of him again. She ripped the mask off. "What about now?" She yelled.
What Arius saw, revolted him inside, but he didn't let it show. He was determined to bide his time and live. "Perfect" He faked a large smile and backed away slowly, his hand on his gun discretely, for self defence purely. This girl terrified him. He bit his tongue before he said something he'd regret, such as 'what a beautiful smile'. He fancied keeping his life this night.
Historia grinned and took her large scissors out from behind her back. She grabbed the male's chin and pulled him closer. She put her scissors to his face and went to make him look the same as her. She had a very strong grip on his chin, she could break his jaw if she wanted to.
He didn't even hesitate as he shot the girl in the stomach, it wouldn't be enough to kill her, he knew, he just badly wanted to get away. As she released her grip just slightly, he kicked her in the stomach where he had shot her. With a nervous look at her, he began to run, and he did not look back.
Historia lied on the ground, she looked down at the hole in her stomach, it was bleeding fast. She screamed as loud as she could, enough to alert Xavier. She kept screaming until she passed out. Her mouth was still open and showed that she was screaming.
Demetrius rolls over in his bed to the ruthless sound of his alarm. He hits the snooze button and slowly opens his eyes to see the time. They close again, for a few moments, and he abruptly shoots out of bed to look out the window of his apartment room. "A- Shit." he goes to the kitchen area and grabs a plastic bottle of cold coffee, taking a couple large gulps to bring the sleeping half of his brain enough energy for him to pretend he shouldn't be in bed right now. "Alright, alright... uhh..." he a backpack he left by the door and his rifle, looking through the keyhole to see if anyone's decided to stop him. Since the purge, he's had to switch homes so he can hide his occupation. He had heard enough stories about the others in the force: Hanged, shot, beaten, burned, strangled, tortured, drowned. At least he learned a lesson.

Seams all clear.

He undoes the lock to his door, opening it with his rifle ready in his hands. He closes and locks it behind him before heading for the stairs to the roof. "Just like last time. Just like every time." He would climb them, cautiously, taking the turns in a wide arc with the rifle's butt at his shoulder or with the gun to his side so he can keep the barrel back. All... clear. Then again, everyone would either be hiding in their homes or out of the building. A piece of common sense is to not go through the front door. A panicking idiot will usually be around the corner with a knife or hammer, or dead ahead with nine millimeters of 'Oops', and with apartment rooms where the only entrance is the front door... there's not a lot of reasons to stick around. Anyways, he decides to run the rest of the way upstairs, rush through the door, and then start setting up his usual backup: The glass of broken bottles and a door chime that he secures with duct tape. "Done, and done..." he feels the tug of a smirk at the edge of his mouth as he goes to the edge to add the scope and ammunition to his rifle.


He pulls whatever's in his hands down with him as he dives for the floor.
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Before he knew it Historia jumped down and killed the girl, showing her abbreviation along with it. Finally seeing her mouth Xavier could say it was ghastly, though because he's seen so many injuries based on casualties in the army Xavier wasn't fazed. Watching the scene from below he contemplated going after the girl who was on the bike until he heard Historia’s blood curtailing scream. Confused as Historia took a lot to bring down he followed the source of the scream and found her bleeding on the ground.

If I help her it would leave me vulnerable, that is a chance I cannot take.

"Statistically it would lower my survival chance if I helped you, so I won't end up helping you with your wound," Xavier informed her simply.

Now who was it that brought her down like this...

And there he saw it, a man with black hair that shaped his face running with a gun in hand with a bit of blood on his shoe. Judging that this character was the one who shot Historia from the foot print where her bullet wound was and the blood on the other's shoe Xavier took off after him. Taking the gun from his shoe Xavier shot a warning fire near the boy to stun him a bit before brandishing his whip and striking him near the shoulder.
Arius fell to the floor, terrified. This was who the girl had alerted with her screams. Arius could feel that this person would be less than kind to him after he'd shot their friend. I'm going to die, he thought. He quickly scanned his escape possibilities, and gulped. He would not get away easily, and there was definitely no way that he could talk his way out of death. He would not get lucky. He pushed the thoughts of giving up from his head and got up, running in a random direction to put off his pursuer, he ran fast and for a while before looking behind him, he could not see anyone, not even in the shadows. He had to hide, jumping into a large rubbish pile and covering himself in rubbish without a second thought, Arius held his breath. The things I do to live.
Demetrius slowly lifts his head, looking over the edge to realise the shots were not at him. He breaths a sigh of relief, and grabs his rifle once again. He loads a line of rounds together and slams the bolt forward, enjoying the sight of the little bar springing through the air. He looks through the scope and scans in the direction of those shots. "Alright... whe- what the..." he adjusts the scope to get a better look at the girl with some sort of wound making a grin. "Oh- Eu-" the rifle tilts in his hands as he gags. "Bleuch." he looks through his sight once again, and searches for the shooter. He would hear another shot, and follow it to see Xavier. He follows the aim, hoping to find what he was shooting at, but doesn't manage to even catch a glimpse.
Turns out the kid evaded him and disappeared around a corner. It was simply a fluke but Xavier felt irritation bubble up inside of him. Hearing a rustling sound like someone was trying to bury themselves Xavier walked over to see a bunch of trash...

An obvious hiding spot

Taking his gun Xavier shot the pile multiple times and than reached in and grabbed said person that was hiding in the trash. Grasping him by the collar Xavier threw him down and took his whip, raising his arm and whipping the guy in the chest, sure it his it's mark.
Pain flew through Arius and he gasped. "Please.." He choked, he began to sob and felt his clothes soaked with blood. He didn't want to die. He had to fight back, but he couldn't. He was in too much pain. "I'll do anything to live.." Arius gulped and closed his eyes shamefully. Begging was the last thing he wanted to do, but it was this or nothing.
Nothing. A girl... he thinks, was shot, and he can find no- He follows Xavier's path. Maybe he could find something.

Taking his gun Xavier shot the pile multiple times and than reached in and grabbed said person that was hiding in the trash. Grasping him by the collar Xavier threw him down and took his whip, raising his arm and whipping the guy in the chest, sure it his it's mark.
The sniper squints through the scope, making adjustments to see the face more clearly. "Christ. A damn kid." he sucks in a deep breath, filling his lungs. He holds it, and rolls his shoulders, trying to put himself into a relaxed state. He moves his aim to Xavier, frowns, and pulls the trigger, but with his aim too low. A bullet would go flying and (At your choice) either hit him in the leg or hit a spot close enough to warn him.

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