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Realistic or Modern 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙋𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙧 𝙋𝙡𝙖𝙮 ✧

"Don't mention it. The place wasn't that far so I thought it'd be nice just to help ya' save some gas money," he said sincerely.

He glanced back as Logan mentioned that his waterbottle was missing.

"Really? Here, let me get out of the car and search the back," he then unbuckled his seat belt, exited his car, and opened the back door. There was a small light in the back where he pressed on, illuminating the back seats.

"Hmm, I don't see it. Check under the passenger chair and I'll check under my chair," he said as he leaned down, shuffling his hand under the chair in search of the water bottle.
“Yea I’ll come with and help you,” said Logan as he unbuckled his own seat belt and stepped out of the car to look in the back on the other side.

As he was patting around and searching for the water bottle in the dark car, suddenly, Logan and Matt gently bumped heads.

Logan’s eyes widened as he looked up, their faces just inches from each other.
"Ah, sorry-" Matthew said as their heads bumped each other. He glanced up and instantly they locked eyes. Was- was time freezing in this very instant? He peered into Logan's eyes, feeling himself getting lost in that very moment. The boy glanced at his lips as the atmosphere began to grow warmer despite the car doors being open, which brought in the cold, still air from outside.

His focus was regained faster than it had been stolen. Matthew glanced down at the ground and saw the water bottle in the corner of his eye.

"Oh, uhm, here it is," he reached down and grabbed the bottle. Once again, he met Logan's eyes as he held out the bottle.

"Here," he said cordially.
Logan locked his pretty brown eyes with Matt’s eyes as they seemed to stop and stare at each other for a little while. His heart began to bear faster as he looked into Matt’s eyes. They were so close to each other.

But before Logan could process anymore, Matt suddenly broke the silent tension and spotted his water bottle on the floor.

“Oh uhh, th- thanks,” said Logan, caught a little off guard. “Thanks,” he said softly.

He looked down and took the water bottle from Matt, forcing a small smile as he did so.

“I had a lotta fun tonight,” he said, “We should definitely hang out more outside of the rink,” said Logan.
"That sounds like fun," he agreed.

"And hey, I already know the best place! Five Fries!" he said, happily with enthusiasm.

Part of him was already stowing away and ignoring that weird, awkward moment that just happened between them. What was that? It was strange.. abnormal.. but most of all, it was exciting. That excitement scared him but he tried to brush it off.

"I hope we have a great season too..you're a great Hockey player, but I'm sure you already know that.." he said genuinely.
“Oh yea!” Logan chuckled, “We could totally go there! I’d love to try it!” he said with a smile.

Logan then smiled softly, flattered by the other boy’s compliment.

“Hey, thanks man,” he said softly, “I appreciate it, I really do. You’re a super talented player too. I’m really looking forward to playing on the ice with you,” Logan told Matt.
"Cool, just text me when you're free and I'll send you the location," he said plainly.

Matthew then paused, realizing that he didn't have Logan's number.

"I actually don't have your number-- which, might be helpful if next time you forget your water bottle in my car," he said smoothly with a smile.
Logan nodded, but then soon realized something. He didn’t have Matthew’s number.

It seemed that Matthew had noticed too. Logan couldn’t help but chuckle and roll his eyes, wearing a smug grin as Matt teased him.

“Oh sure bud,” said Logan playfully sarcastic. “You wish,” he said.

He then took out his phone in order to exchange numbers. “Here,” he said as he handed his phone to Matt, the contacts app open.

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