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Dice The Mirror of Galora Session 0

Buhak Thunderhoof, Cowboy Conclave Ranger, Centuar I want him to get his hands of a working rifle, maybe multi class into a bard, and do a lot traveling though the last one is a given.
Xack Tabs, Arcane Trickster Rogue, Owlin.
I hope for Xack to find peace- Either through figuring out why his academy; his home, was destroyed or even through finding a new home amongst others. I want him to deal with the feeling of hate festering from within, the pain of his loss, the fear of losing again and ultimately: Be given the choice to forgive and forget- or the other thing. . .
Echo Leafplume, Fairy Armorer Artificer
Echo left home to be a hero to the rest of the continent like his is to his home village. He thinks his talents could be put to good use, either by creating magic items or fighting on the front line.

In a meta sense, I want to be able to create basic magic items without using my artificer infusions. This all kinda depends on how rare magic items are in your worlds Silver.
Sorry for just posting now, I just got home from work.

My character is Zeryn Doul, he's a Human Aberrant Mind Sorcerer, and he wants to become an Illithid or other powerful being.
It seems like most of you are looking for a thrilling mysterious adventure. Is there anything else you want to do as well or would you all like to focus on one thing?
Gilly Dunfir, Lore Bard, Mousefolk (There's an owl and a mouse ha ha)

Hir is a trained storyteller, but dramatic recitations and memorization grow dull as soon as you've had a taste of real adventure. hir wants to be a part of a great story, but not having a script to follow makes things rather tough.
It seems like most of you are looking for a thrilling mysterious adventure. Is there anything else you want to do as well or would you all like to focus on one thing?
I'm really interested in seeing what loose idea you might have rolling around in your head. I know you mentioned that you don't plot too far ahead but I'm very curious about what Galora is/means.
I also can't get Vael's missing goddess out of my head. That is a really interesting thread that I would like to follow.
What town will we be starting in? I still haven't picked a place on the map that Echo comes from. Maybe we all could have a edited map showing where our characters are from?
So let's touch on some other things like world currency. Rather that having to do a lot of math I prefer using a singular money system just being gold. How do you all feel about this? Would your rather also use copper and silver or simply use gold?

Also, how do you all want to do turns? Would you rather I tag you when it's your turn or would you like to be able to add input whenever you want? Should we put rules in place to prevent players from hijacking?
I think that one solid currency is good, just gold will make things easier. (I am bad at math)

I think that having a turn order when in interactions with NPCS and in combat is preferable, but i think a much more flexible thing is better when talking amongst ourselves. that way, we can have conversations that roll naturaly.
I think that one solid currency is good, just gold will make things easier. (I am bad at math)

I think that having a turn order when in interactions with NPCS and in combat is preferable, but i think a much more flexible thing is better when talking amongst ourselves. that way, we can have conversations that roll naturaly.
I do really like this idea and tying into it I'd like to do one initiative roll at rhe end of session 0 to determine how our fights will go. And I think if you players feel we need an updated initiative roll we can do that too.
Gilly Dunfir, Lore Bard, Mousefolk (There's an owl and a mouse ha ha)
Yes.... I'm sure they will get along.... very nicely.....

P.S- I'm sure Xack will mess with Hir but I think they would do well together 🤔

The currency is good with me and the turn order too!

The initiative would be a one and done roll then??
The initiative would be a one and done roll then??
I feel like after particular milestones we could vote for a initiative reroll but I think it'll make fights easie1r as we won't have to wait for everyone to make their rolls. Now normally I don't do this bc normally I play tabletop and it's a quick 1m of people rolling and your done but since it's a thread post I feel like it would be a hassle to do this each time you fight.

Of course this is totally up to you guys and how you'd rather do it, but my opinion as dm is that this method will run smoother.
Vael, Fey Wanderer Ranger, Eladrin

Vael is in search of the goddess that disappeared from their village in the feywild, only for their village to be destroyed and people scattered because of the Goddess' vacancy. I originally built Vael with the concept that they would multi-class into Cleric after 5th level but I have since thought about letting the story determine what they will do after 5th level. If she gets dissatisfied with the outcome of finding her Goddess, she will not become one of her priests but may find another path. I am not very keen on the stuff for Fey Wanderer after 5th level so I am still planning to multi-class but I am not sure what other than something that uses their high Dexterity and Wisdom.

I really want to explore Vael's Eladrin abilities to change seasons and gender in the RP, Vael is presently in Spring aspect which makes them very cheerful and gregarious, but they will be different in the other aspects.

The Goddess plot does not necessarily have to be the focus of the story, I am happy for it to be a side story where Vael finds hints here and there about what happened.
Vael, Fey Wanderer Ranger, Eladrin

Vael is in search of the goddess that disappeared from their village in the feywild, only for their village to be destroyed and people scattered because of the Goddess' vacancy. I originally built Vael with the concept that they would multi-class into Cleric after 5th level but I have since thought about letting the story determine what they will do after 5th level. If she gets dissatisfied with the outcome of finding her Goddess, she will not become one of her priests but may find another path. I am not very keen on the stuff for Fey Wanderer after 5th level so I am still planning to multi-class but I am not sure what other than something that uses their high Dexterity and Wisdom.

I really want to explore Vael's Eladrin abilities to change seasons and gender in the RP, Vael is presently in Spring aspect which makes them very cheerful and gregarious, but they will be different in the other aspects.

The Goddess plot does not necessarily have to be the focus of the story, I am happy for it to be a side story where Vael finds hints here and there about what happened.
Can I talk to you more about this goddess bc if I can I might be able to work it into part of the main story. As well as WikkitJikkit WikkitJikkit with their backstory I can work really well into the main story. If not I plan to do like side stories along the way so everyone can work on their goals anyway.
Can I talk to you more about this goddess bc if I can I might be able to work it into part of the main story.
Of course! =-) I am open to any ideas and suggestions.
I know that weaving everyone's stories together can be a trial (Heard, never experienced. Dming is scary) So I am open and trying to be flexible. My guy just wants answers, maybe some revenge, hopefully redemption.

Mmmmaayyyyyyyybe some cool magicalness? Mayhaps? Possibly? O_O
I also planned on multi-classing at some point and some class- just researching more and more into it just to be sure I don't wreak the character usefulness.
I know that weaving everyone's stories together can be a trial (Heard, never experienced. Dming is scary) So I am open and trying to be flexible. My guy just wants answers, maybe some revenge, hopefully redemption.

Mmmmaayyyyyyyybe some cool magicalness? Mayhaps? Possibly? O_O
It is almost impossible without it I think with the given party lol yes there will be cool magical stuff too :3
Are there any rules you guys have used in the past that you think the party could benefit from?
So after discussion with Silverwings Silverwings I want to let everyone know that I am switching classes for this character and tweaking their backstory a bit. The base character race and personalities will be the same.

Vael of Esuvii, Oath of the Ancients Paladin, Eladrin

Vael is still seeking whom ever destroyed their village but is a Paladin now...(Ancients Paladin, they are a bit easier on odd alignments and such)..sort of a Knight Errant wandering the world. I no longer plan on multi-classing at the moment. This will also provide a nice tanky character to be melee for all of these ranged folk.
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Currency: I'm ok with a gold only system as long as the loot and economy reflects that. 1 gp for a pint of al seems pretty steep coming from the standard 100-10-1 system 🥲.

Initiative: I have never thought to do a one and done roll for initiative so that could be interesting. I would also like to suggest a coming up with a way to standardized initiative. Maybe something like 8+Dex. mod. +Prof Bonus or 10+Dex.mod. That way someone isn't stuck in last place for weeks because of a bad roll.
Currency: I'm ok with a gold only system as long as the loot and economy reflects that. 1 gp for a pint of al seems pretty steep coming from the standard 100-10-1 system 🥲.

Initiative: I have never thought to do a one and done roll for initiative so that could be interesting. I would also like to suggest a coming up with a way to standardized initiative. Maybe something like 8+Dex. mod. +Prof Bonus or 10+Dex.mod. That way someone isn't stuck in last place for weeks because of a bad roll.
I do tend to make things about as even as they can be with a single coin economy. Ale would be 1gp bc it wouldn't seem likely to find smaller amount that 1gp in a gp only economy, but other things would also be adjusted accordingly. Also if you roll the right checks I won't bat an eye at swinding your way out of paying for things like dining and dashing or straight up just yoinking your gp back out of a barkeeps pocket as they walk away. You guys have a lot a freedom in my game. The only thing stopping you is your rolls and other players (whether intentionally bc of game play or bc they don't like it it can be a discussion)

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