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The Journey of Heroes! (OPEN!) {OOC}


Junior Member
You and your friends are a group of commoners who have always dreamed of becoming heroes. You and your friends were always playing with each other, pretending to be heroes that would always win over evil and saves the day! Then, years later, you and your group of friends joined the Adventurer's Guild. Then, one day, the kingdom that you and your friends lived in was in danger: they were going to be attacked by the King of Monsters, The Dragon King Thanos! The young princess calls you to come to her castle. When you and your friends got to the castle, the young princess was already there. She said,
"You have probably heard of the news: Wisteria has received a threat, saying that the King of Monsters will start a war between them and us. I want you all to go on a quest to save our kingdom from Thanos. I'll be aiding you on your journey. What do you say?" Do you accept her request?
This is OOC so I can ask here right? What classes does everyone prefer? I tend to be pretty relaxed, so I can try to take a role based on what others prefer. :)
I like rogues and rangers
I just made two- Cosplay hasn’t said that it is required
Ohhh okay. :) Well so far we have a Wizard and a Rogue.

Hm... I'm stuck between having a healer based character or a general magic user instead. So I wait for others to give input in case we need a melee fighter 'cause then I can stick to Paladin xD
Tho sometimes I play as an Artificer
I have tried artificer before and only played it for a very short time so that could be interesting to try...
I currently have like 5 characters I play weekly outside forums and they're a Druid, Cleric, Paladin, Rogue and Monk/Sorcerer mix. xD
So I'm pretty spread out.
I have tried artificer before and only played it for a very short time so that could be interesting to try...
I currently have like 5 characters I play weekly outside forums and they're a Druid, Cleric, Paladin, Rogue and Monk/Sorcerer mix. xD
So I'm pretty spread out.
I’m planning to subclass my rogue with Artificer if we play for a while- for now I’m planning to use the Soulknife subclass if we get to level 3
Finished the character backstory’s
So from what I understand we have to connect our backstory’s to coming from the same village right?
That reminds me, where do you want us to do our dice rolls for things like stats and gold? I forgot to ask. OfficialCosplayerVA OfficialCosplayerVA (I figured I should ask here rather than the interest check).

Also I'm assuming starter equipment and such? Or are we buying that as we go? I know it varies from game to game. <- plays too much DnD.
That reminds me, where do you want us to do our dice rolls for things like stats and gold? I forgot to ask. OfficialCosplayerVA OfficialCosplayerVA (I figured I should ask here rather than the interest check).

Also I'm assuming starter equipment and such? Or are we buying that as we go? I know it varies from game to game. <- plays too much DnD.
That’s what I did and Cosplay approved it
I wanna know that too because I just rolled on my own for it and my stats are way too high even with the 4D6 drop the lowest method.
I am very worried right now about this... xD
I'm only guessing that as the human rogue has all the stats equal 27 in point buy without the human stat point bonus. I have never seen the Sentient Object race so I'm guessing that's a home brew race. Unless the rolls were that coincidental.
I'm only guessing that as the human rogue has all the stats equal 27 in point buy without the human stat point bonus. I have never seen the Sentient Object race so I'm guessing that's a home brew race. Unless the rolls were that coincidental.
I mean I managed to roll a 15, 16, 16, 17, 17 and 18 somehow after dropping one of the dice. :'D That's why I'm concerned. Then add in the +1 for human and well... Yeah.

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