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Fantasy The Ice King's "Bride" (private with N30NL4Z3R)

[Sorry I have been gone for so long- I had taken a while to re-login into my account and I've been busy otherwise as well with a part-time work but it's coming to an end this season so I'll be more active. Though that depends on if you're willing to continue with the rp even though I kind of ghosted for a bit ;w;]
(Hey! it's okay, i get that life can get busy, so it's easy to lose track of things sometimes. I know you didn't mean to ghost. But I'm definitely up for continuing the rp! :) Also how have you been?)
[Been good. Just busy for the last couple of weeks that it made it difficult to focus on stuff and not be tired all the time. I hope to respond this weekend now that I'm not occupied by anything else at the moment; the only day at the moment where I'm busy is on Friday.]

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