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Realistic or Modern The Freak War

Linn frowned. He was so obviously lying. She didn't even need her telepathy to know that. But why? Her attempt at probing his mind failed, since he'd put up a sort of shield around it. Her frown deepened, hand going to the knife. He was acting rather suspicious. "Cleaning up? Hmm. Well, you missed these."

The girl stepped over to a spot in the floor, knelt and picked up the contacts. She examined the blueness of them, then set them down by the boy. "You should be more careful, otherwise you might lose them permanently."

Linn walked out of the room, stopping and hiding by the door. He had a secret, and she wanted to know it. The Ahlgren child built up her own barriers, keeping her psychic frequency hidden in case someone tried to look for her. At least, that's what she hoped it would do.
Zodiac was hesitant as he looked to Nekoda. His eyes darting around a bit before looking to the floor and speaking.

"I... I was once.... A good bard. Truly, I was on the side of man. I loved to perform. I desired to..... But then the split came, and.... And one day I decided to travel to a city of Philsburough to the far east. There was a little girl named Ledora whom always had a lollipop in her hand. And.... I grew fond of her company. She hardly spoke, but when she did, all those around her listened to her and were in awe."

He took a pause to swallow down the bile that had built up in his throat before speaking once more. "I.... I was giving a performance one day when a catastrophe struck. I seemed to have been chosen for my powers of sound manipulation. How ironic. And when I hit the wrong note with a dance, I.... I hit her. And she instantly stopped breathing..... It was a public display, and the whole square- THEY RAN AT ME LIKE SAVAGES! ALL FOR SOMETHING I COULD NOT CONTROL....! I was devastated more than they were.... She was my only friend, and I had killed her...."
Nekoda just watched him with sad eyes. She knew exactly how he felt. Her own family hated her for an accident, something she couldn't control back then. The only ones who accepted her were her older brother and the twins. But even though they showed that they loved her, and didn't hold what happened against her, she could still see the sadness and fear in their eyes whenever they looked at her. It pained her so much. She learned to block the memories of the incident out, but they still plagued her in the night, and she would always wake up every other night drenched in sweat and sobbing.
As soon as he thought Linn had gone, Jacob snatched up his contacts and quickly put them back in as fast as he possibly could, He gave a big loud sigh of relief, He couldnt bare the pain of not wearing them. "Better" he sighed to himself. He sat up, now letting down his shields. He thought to himself "Ok, calm down, lets just go help Kody".
Linn poked her head back through the door, pouting. "Your eyes aren't really that color, are they?"

The barriers around her mind dissolved as she entered the room. Her feet carried her over to Jacob, one hand pulling the knife from her sheath and the other pressing into the boy's shoulder. The tip of the blade prodded Jacob in the stomach, her silvered eyes staring him down. "You should take off your contacts. And by should, I mean you will. If you don't, you might accidentally find yourself impaled on this little beauty right here." She waved the knife in his face.

"I don't see why you care what the color of your eyes are, we're all freakish even without them. So, please take them off." Her gaze was dangerous, and facing a psychopath with a knife might not be the best idea ever.

Don't worry, I'm not going to actually stab him if he doesn't take the contacts out. Linn's not very strong physically, so there's every chance to escape. I won't stab him without your permission.

"Kody, help me, quickly!" He telepathically said to Nekoda without even moving a muscle, he was almost certain that Linn didnt hear what he had just sent. "Linn what are you doing? this is crazy!" Jacob said raising his hands, as in surrendering, now quite frightened because he knew his mind wasnt going to and couldnt get him out of this one. "She has a knife almost inside my stomach, be careful" he tells Nekoda again quickly.
"I want you to take your contacts out now." The knife pressed into his gut a bit harder, Linn leaning forwards. Of course she didn't hear the telepathic message between Nekoda and Jacob. It was a close connection. Linn grabbed Jacob's wrist with her free hand, pushing him backwards against the wall. Pinning his arm to the drywall, the girl smiled.

Kody snapped out of her daze and focused on Jacob who was yelling telepathically to her. "Is there a reason why she's holding a knife to you Jacob?" She was concerned and did care about the boy's safety, but although Linn was known as a psychopath she typically didn't act without some type of motive.
"Not any reason good enough to kill me! Dont worry ill handle it myself" He replied back to Nekoda telepathically, now even angrier that he's best friend didnt trust him enough to save his life. "Ok, ok, ill do it, let me do it!" Jacob said to Linn as fast as he could, he moved his hands slowly towards his right eye and took out the lens. It revealed a bright yellow eye.
At this point Linn realized he had been communicating with someone. "What, are your little friends not coming to save you? Now, the other one."

The pressure of the knife on his stomach lessened slightly, Linn's hand releasing Jacob's wrist. She plucked the right contact from his fingers, holding it in a fist. If one eye was gold, then the other must be gold as well. Except for the fact that he had telepathic abilities. And most telepaths had grey eyes, like Linn.
Even though Jacob could and almost did shatter the knife into nothing due to his telekenesis, he decided to comply, he didnt want to hurt Linn and he hated using his power if there was a risk someone could get hurt. He took the other contact out to reveal a Silvery grey left eye. "There, you happy?" Jacob said to Linn, clearly he wasnt.
Snatching the other lens up, Linn crushed both of them in her hand. "Do not be afraid to show your eyes. Let them be the ones in fear. After all, they already are."

The psychopath strode from the room, seeking out the source of the scream from earlier. Her tendrils spread over the building again, zeroing in on the sound manipulator. She poked her head in, flashing a grin at them. "Hello! I heard a scream earlier. Thought I would check it out." Behind her back, Linn's hand opened and dropped the crushed lenses to the ground.

If you don't want her to crush the lenses I can edit it

Kody sighed walking past Linn and up the stairs. All she wanted to do at the moment was go up to the roof of the building and make some kind of noise. Sometimes being a mute by choice can be seriously nerve wracking.

Nekoda never spoke, but when she was alone she did make tunes, whistles, and other noises.
Jacob fell to his knees, he was trying to contain he's anger and rage, "You need to set an example, be strong" one voice said to him, "Teach her a lesson, take her out" The other one said. Jacob was torn, face in his hands he pondered each decision, what should he do?.
Finally she made her up her mind and climbed out her bedroom window hoisting herself up onto the room. She sat down near the edge and blew a sharp long tune towards a deserted and wrecked building a long distance away from all the safe houses watching as it crumbled to the ground. Once more her eyes turned silver and she frowned in worry furrowing her eyebrows. "Jacob don't do it. Stay strong." She pleaded telepathically to him.
Jacob stood up, His rage had got the better of him, he calmly walked out of the room, following the exact path Linn took, He saw her standing in the middle of the hallway. "Hey, Linn!" He called out, But before she could he used his telekenesis to blast/throw her through through the window at the end of the hall "Someone might wanna catch her" he told everyone Telepathically before walking calmly back in to his room and merging the door with wall, sealing it shut.
Kody sighed tiredly. Her release time would have to wait for later. She climbed back into her room, shoving her phone into her pocket, and made her way to Jacob's room. She leaned against the door rapping lightly on it. "Jacob, can I come in?"
"you didnt wanna come in before" Jacob Telepathically said back to her "So NO!" He yelled telepathically making the floors shake.

Jacob lay face down in his pillow, not crying, but very angry and upset, he had finally broken.
Linn turned to see who had called her name. As she did, a force knocked the breath out of her and threw her backwards through a window. She tried to scream, but no sound came out. Her lungs struggled to work, and the young woman flailed as she fell. Psychic tendrils filled the air around her, forming a cushion beneath her instinctively. The energy dissipated and she landed on her stomach.

After being able to breathe once more, Linn sat up and cried out in pain. She had landed awkwardly, her knife stabbing into her calf and coming out of the sheath. The blade was embedded in her muscle, hurting her whenever she moved. The same psychic energy that had cushioned her fall floated her back into the house, up the stairs (with some difficulty) and over to Nekoda. Blood dripped down her leg and formed a pool on the floor. "Hey. Can you stitch me up? It hurts."

Although she didn't show it, the wound burned horribly. The psychopath's cushion of energy pushed her onto her good leg, leaning against the wall for support. "Karma's a bitch, isn't she. I was going to stab some guy, but then I get stabbed by my own knife. Funny, isn't it?"
"Come on Jacob, I'm sorry." I just really didn't think she'd hurt you. She thought to herself running a hand through her hair. "We've got to stay strong Jacob. We've gotta keep it together for the sakes of everyone in this godforsaken town, and ourselves." Kody jumped in surprise at Linn's voice, but nodded and got some things to tend to her leg. "How the hell did this happen?" She asked after she had finished stitching the girl up.
Linn cast a glance at the sealed door. "I fell. Out of a window."

She grimaced, gritting her teeth through the process of stitching. Her hands clenched into fists, grunting. "Frickin' pain. Hate feeling it, love inflicting it."
"Well that's just wonderful." Kody thought sarcastically as her phone rang in her pocket. She was confused as to why her brother would be calling her at such a time. "Jace? What's wrong, why are you calling me?" "H-hey baby sis." Jace greeted nervously. He was breathing hard after each word, and she could hear his feet thundering in the background as he ran. "Jace, why are you running? What's going on?" Nekoda was beginning to feel panicked now. Something bad had happened, and her brother wouldn't just outright tell her. "Well...." "Jace just tell me!" "The Antagonists are on their way to base." "What?" "Their own their way- "I heard what you said, but how?" "They- They caught us by surprise." He panted tiredly. "We were outnumbered. We're trying to catch up to them, but they're headed your way now." "What do we do?" "Prepare, get everyone ready. And stay safe Kody. I love yo- Arghh!" "Jace? Jace!?!? Answer me! JACE!" Kody threw the phone against the wall and collapsed to the floor holding her head. Her face took on expression of pure agony as a heart stopping scream erupted from her mouth shatter everything in the building and bending the metal structure so that it tilted sideways making it dangerously unstable.
The blast of glass and wall had Zodiac come out of his trance like a child coming out of a daydream. And this was not good for most. As he rushed out to the hall, he noted the hole with a female falling out of it. Linn. Who had done such? Why would they do such a thing? This place... .It was a mad house! How could he trust these people if they treated their own kind this way?

"GET ME OUT OF HERE!" He screamed as he raced down the steps. He had to get away lest he raise his voice any more than he already did, shaking the building slightly.
Nekoda's mind was in ruins. She wasn't thinking about anyone but her brother who had been killed over the phone. She bent over, plugged her ears, and let out another long high pitched scream of pain. The building shifted letting out a groan of warning that another scream would make the apartment collapse.
Zodiac was right at the doorway to the entrance of the building when the building groaned, ready to collapse. He was in pure shock mode as he rushed out of the building and looked around to find some sort of hiding spot. He had to stay out of sight of the crazy people. They were out of their blooming minds, and were obviously not on his level of understanding. Especially Jacob, looking to hide his abnormality. What was wrong with him?

Zodiac then dove into the bushes on another side of a wooden fence to catch his breath. Chest heaving up and down to show the strain he had come to trying to get out of the building as fast as he could. After a few moments to compose himself, he began to get up and walk along the fence sleuth-fully. "I will go where I know I am understood...."

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