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Fantasy The Conference Room (OOC)

We didn't have any plans ourselves, but we did end up spending the first half of today trying to catch someone's pet rabbit that wandered into the yard, so we at least have something to remember it by, lol. I have a picture if anyone's interested

Anyway, happy turkey day, and congrats on the new niece/nephew. You get to be the cool Army Uncle now (still waiting for my siblings to have kids so I can be the cool Gay Aunt)
We just have family friends and boyfriends over and I’m just drawing and helping cook for thanks giving.

Happy Turkey day!! Congrats on your sisters child, hope things go well for her and the the rest of your family!!
While drafting this post, I realized that it was long as fuck, so I checked word count and it's a behemoth. Before I even got to the part AFTER the lore spots, I was sitting at 1302 words

However, most of it is lore on the 2 places that will be visited for this mission. Now I'm in a familiar position where I'm doing pretty detailed lore and I don't want to just steam through the locations I'm writing all this lore for

The lore entries I wrote up are optional to read and they'll be posted in the lore section. I just kind of got lost in the sauce with developing these locations. I started making this shit at 1:00 PM up to the time I posted, take off like 1.5 hours for 2 food breaks total and you're looking at like 6 hours of work between research, typing, and proofreading for the thousandth time. Hopefully the places sound interesting from the descriptions
WayfaringWaaksian WayfaringWaaksian JaxbyDaniels JaxbyDaniels 606 606
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Sorry for late response, school just started up for me and I just recovered from being ill.

Because of school and a program, I am in for education, Wednesdays and Fridays I will not be very active as I have a long drive to my placement for student teaching and have to drive to my college campus as well for classes that day so I won't be able to respond or be active much on those days until late at night (and I am in EST time zone) but I will try to keep posting at least once a week, I just am a bit busier than I was before.
depression and the stomach flu was not a fun blend lmao. Should have some replies out before this evening!

also dont have any plans for the next while so can ramp up my speed, i feel bad ahh. I went to tour a college im planning on going to, had a lot of appointments, potentially have a career opportunity laid out for me starting within this year too so things are going well.
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During the hiatus, I'm going to revamp Nancy's history a bit. The direct royalty relation is a bit of a cliche I want to avoid without good reason, and I don't like how half of his bio is about Kraiven's relationship with his people rather than himself. I've also been wanting to make a proper lore page for Lungborne Locathah, so I'll chip away at that in time.
Kylesar1 Kylesar1 606 606

Are we still on for this rp? I know I didn't give 606 606 much to work with in my last post, sorry about that. I could fix that and add more if that would help.

i am so sorry, i got caught up trying to keep two other rp's alive that I just randomly got thrown into the temporary GM role as the official GM needs to take a step back.

Because of that, I might need to take a step back from this rp, I'm really sorry
606 606

Do what you gotta do, we understand. Take care until then

Kylesar1 Kylesar1

I'm happy to continue if you're feeling it. I've gotten pretty attached to the place and characters
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Kylesar1 Kylesar1

So that Lungborne ref is taking... a while. I realized that I'm being way too ambitious about the project, not to mention enthusiastic. Developing fictional species is one of my favorite things when it comes to writing, so I tend to have higher expectations when it comes to compiling that information.

However, for the time being, I'm going to work on a basic summary to post TODAY, so you can have the most important information at ready. Then afterwards, I'll finish the huge-ass, comprehensive ref that I've been chipping away at. I'll let you know when I make the edit (I'll put it in a spoiler so it's not taking up the whole Lore page when it's pulled up).

Also, ONE DAY, hopefully, I'll have the courage to actually draw a visual ref and post it. Years ago when I first joined the Pirate RP, I hinted that I would make refs for all my characters, but mental health and art stagnation scared me off from actually sharing anything. But since I've been in a better place now, I think I'm ready to work up to it.
Kylesar1 Kylesar1

I got really sick and lost all steam for writing, but it's about 80% finished. It should be out later today, or tomorrow morning if my body decides to hate me again.
Basically this establishes that Demi is nowhere near as violence-adverse as Ves is. At this point, people tend to not truly grasp when she says she'll handle it like a Fae before she handles it like a Dragon

This will be a nice memory for Nancy to look back on 200 years later and realize that Demi joining the Basenjis wasn't really much of a stretch.

Demi has an extensive body count by the time of the Mozreliun fight
Basically this establishes that Demi is nowhere near as violence-adverse as Ves is. At this point, people tend to not truly grasp when she says she'll handle it like a Fae before she handles it like a Dragon

This will be a nice memory for Nancy to look back on 200 years later and realize that Demi joining the Basenjis wasn't really much of a stretch.

Demi has an extensive body count by the time of the Mozreliun fight

Quincy's eating good with this one around πŸ‘
Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Update regarding the Lungborne:

So I've grappled with what their general size should be for a while. Most of this is from trying to picture what a fish designed to be able to live on land indefinitely would look like. Fish are pretty dense for their size, but given they suffocate soon after leaving water that's not the best reflection of what they'd weigh if they didn't. Beached whales and porpoises die from their own weight crushing them over time, so I don't want a situation of that. So I wanted a weight proportionally closer to humans, but reflecting the fact that they're aquatic chonky bois.

Rambling aside, I did some vague calculations (really trying hard to stop myself from getting a headache over exacts, because these aren't RPs that use hard statistics), and realized I underestimated how much they should weigh. Plus, I've been inconsistent about what I want their tail length to be, so I'm allowing that to be random throughout individuals. So I've added upon that in the ref sheet.

Anyway, onto the important part. I've decided that Nancy and Nellie are heavier and longer in length than I originally let on. By a lot. Here's the new parameters:
  • Nancy - 450 lbs (Closer to 430 in Pirate, due to having lost stress weight); 6'5 ft tall; 12'10 ft long
  • Nellie - 480 lbs (more than Nancy because she's taller and muscular), 7' ft tall; 14' ft long
Disclaimer: It's more to give an idea of their size, rather than exacts

Why I bring this up at all is because their physical differences play a lot into the RP, being big walking fish people in a city of mostly humans. And I thought giving them the longest tail length possible would be funny, given they're among the few Lungborne who spend almost all of their time on land. Imagine being larger than human-sized, plus having a huge tail the size of your body. That's an extra seat to pay for in the carriage. What can I say, I love causing my characters problems!
So this makes Nancy more awkward and clumsy, being chubby and unathletic as he is. Nellie has less trouble as she's been trained as an acrobat since before leaving the Springs, and joining the Sacrament will heighten her skills more. Both of them are much better adjusted in Pirate than in Guild, obviously.

As a side note, Vlad in pure animal form is a lot larger than a typical lion, so he could carry both of them at once. Not for speed, though. If he needs to get them somewhere quickly, Nellie's gotta hit the currents.
Kylesar1 Kylesar1

I've been brainstorming some character concepts. Well, mostly one, but I want to introduce two characters at some point.

One will be another Stonerose recruit. I have almost nothing at all figured out about them. I know they'll be a lot different from Nancy, but they won't be foils of each other like Bogrum/Fergie. Probably won't interact as much together either. For this, I want to play out two very separate lives rather than two friends joined at the hip.

The other I have much more figured out. She's an old Naga/Gorgon sage who runs a magic shop (specialist or general, not sure yet). Large and frightening to the human populace, especially because she serves a Daedric Lord. She gets decent business with the other marginalized populace mainly, and also because of her hundreds of years of expertise.

She's in need of workers after an "incident" scared off her employees, and few are either willing to put aside their prejudice towards her or can't meet her high standards in general. This is where Nancy comes in. I figure after the upcoming Mirage Flower task, whether he succeeds or not, will highlight that he desperately needs proper guidance on alchemy if he's to do this professionally. Through whatever natural progression, Nancy will become her apprentice, and work part-time at her shop.
Not sure if the Guild would like one of their few members being unavailable for parts of the week, but perhaps the promise that he'll use his honed skills for the Guild either primarily or exclusively might sweeten the pot.
I'll be playing as her because I have a very specific vision for how their dynamic will play out. Matronly and emphatic towards his struggles, but harsh when need be. Nancy tends to victimize and limit himself, and those vices are what hold him back from his true potential the most.

She died during the first war, to explain her absence in the Pirate RP.

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