"I used to have a tail, but I lost it on a quest." Mao Mao explained simply.

Then the cat listened sympathetically to Spider-Man's story. "Yep. That's the kind of thing we deal with at the MPF." He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Maybe you could talk to Mr. Fury about what happened to you. He's our boss, and he's from a world of superheroes, too. He might have clashed with 'Kingpin' or 'Doctor Doom'."

Megumin leaned against Miles with a miserable expression. "I desire to find my family, too. I wonder what they're doing now..."

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
(Meanwhile, in the Crimson Demon Village)
A mother stared at her daughter's neglected bed. Once upon a time, her little girl curled up on its mattress, gazing happily and tiredly at her, chirping "good night!" And then the woman would kiss her on the forehead, and leave her alone to dream her adorable little dreams.

When the lady stared hard enough, she could see the ghost of her child, curled up and smiling at her just the same. Once in a while, she would trick herself into believing that the ghost was real, and reach out to stroke her hair, only to flinch upon only feeling the air.

"Why didn't I stop her...Why did I let her see the world on her own?" She didn't have a clue what to believe. Just a couple days ago, her daughter's friends showed up at her doorstep, their hysterical expressions quickly making her sick to her stomach. Then, when she learned that her daughter suddenly succumbed to a horrible pain and vanished before their eyes, the expression was shared. Together, they pulled together the town of Axel and the Crimson Demon Clan, and created a frantic, thorough search party. A party that failed. Megumin was completely gone. Nobody knew what that pain was, or where the rogue magic had taken the poor archwizard.

The mother rubbed at the scratches she'd gotten during the search. She was ready to destroy a thousand White Wolves to find her baby, and...nothing. Her efforts were fruitless. She could only stand here, and wait for some miracle. She could only pray that Megumin would be dropped off at home, safe and sound.

Until then, she could only sob.
Miles looked at Megumin surprised but slightly saddened. “You too? Don’t worry, I hope you find them soon.” He was also interested in the information he was given about this Fury person and wanted to meet him. “Is there any Chance I can meet this Fury guy?”

P PopcornPie
"He's busy."

Samus made her reentry. "He's in his office, but he's preoccupied with others. Looks like we'll have to wait a while." She sighed, gazing at Miles. "I don't believe I caught your name. Mine is Samus."

"Figures." Mao Mao huffed. "Oh, well. Megumin, we should probably continue your training, if only to pass the time."

"Okay." Megumin padded obediently to her mentor. "Want to come with us, Spider-Man?"

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

"As you wish." Woz nodded, "It would seem that during our brief return to our home universe, our 'universe' is at the brink of its destruction with the earth as a centerpoint for an apocalypse. In our efforts to put an end to it, our team suffered heavy casualties. Tsukuyomi and Geiz were both eliminated during the battle with the most ferocious Another Rider we've faced yet." Woz says before opening his book and turning to his collection of the events written in ink and paper.

It details exactly what he says. The Earth is nearly overrun with monsters, causing chaos and mayhem wherever they go. Several armored men led the assault, along with several humanoid monsters with world breaking powers. "However, as Geiz' life is lost, Sougo's powers awakened to its fullest and wiped out Another Decade, saving the world and securing his place as our universe's overlord of time." He paused for a second, "...For a few minutes, at best."

"Sougo Tokiwa had used those powers to rewrite the history of our universe, making it so that none of the events that led him to become an overlord never came to be. In the process, reviving Geiz, Tsukuyomi, and even his sworn enemies as mere friends in a peaceful highschool." The retainer concluded his report, stating. "It is because of this history reset that Sougo, Geiz, and Tsukuyomi will be unable to join the ranks of the Cape for the time being as they lost their powers, training, experience, and most of all, their memories." He said, "I would like to hear you judgement on how I should handle this situation of mine, whether or not I should bring Sougo and his company to the Cape in order to reordinate themselves in the art of combat despite so?"
Miles was given a choice to come and train with the others, gradually, he accepts. “Sure, I don’t anything else better to do. My name’s Spider-Man.” He said that last part in regards to Samus.

P PopcornPie
"Very well. Everyone, this way."

With Samus and Mao Mao leading, Megumin, Miles, and whoever else chose to accompany them, had arrived in the training wing, where Samus presented them both with bo staffs. "I would like to see what two rookies can do to each other. Megumin, remember what I taught you about avoiding kicks."

"Yes, ma'am."
Megumin smiles, holding her staff in front of her. Her first trick was an attempt to bop Miles across the stomach.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts @Open_For_Interaction
“So this is the training hall huh? Pretty huge.” Samus then tells Miles she wants to see what he and Megumin are made of and gives them bow staff’s. “A bow? I’d prefer to use my hands but I guess I can try this. Don’t worry Megumin, I’ll go eas-“
Miles blocks Megumin little poke thanks to his Spider Sense warning him the attack was coming the moment she went for the cheap shot. “Miss me with that.”

P PopcornPie
"Drat!" Megumin grumped, looking to Samus or Mao Mao for advice.

"You went too slow. He could see it coming!"
Mao Mao shouted. "You have to outspeed his reflexes! Start by going out of his sight."

"Okay!" Megumin put a foot out, then ducked out of Mile's vision, hoping to bop him on the head from behind.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
Megumin simply whacked the floor. "What?!" Miles had simply gone out of her way again! How could she possibly compete? "I've only just been stripped of my magic, yes!" She replied indignantly. "That does it! I may not have my Explosion, but I still have my attack speed!" Cue the archwizard racing towards MIles, preparing for a flying whack.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
Miles’s spider sense prepared to warn him again, only now it was going crazy, Miles can’t tell where Megumin was going to hit hit him now, his spider sense can only help him so much. “(She’s moving too fast, don’t know where she’s gonna be.. spider sense can’t help me here. Gotta take a chance.)” Miles took a guess on where she was gonna attack but guessed wrong and took a whack to the head. “Ah. Okay, didn’t see that coming..”

P PopcornPie
"Hahahaha!" Megumin jumped up and down. "Did you see that? Did you see what I did?!"

"Very good, Megumin!" Samus called proudly, giving a thumbs-up. Then Mao Mao whispered to her, "Isn't it strange how Miles was able to perfectly dodge her first couple moves?"

"Oh, he's probably just had more experience. He implied himself to be a superhero. Meg will catch up." Samus whispered back, then called out, "Megumin, kick him while he's recoiling!"

The archwizard attempted to obey without question.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
While Spidey was rubbing his head from the whack he took, Samus informs Megumin out loud to go for a kick.“(Not this time.)” Thought Miles as Megumin attempted to go for another kick but decided to flip out the way and go invisible to counter her super speed.

Spidey uses this chance to give her a bonk on the forehead and tether web her arms to the ground.

P PopcornPie
P PopcornPie Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts

After the gruelling and boring thing that is the tour, the rest of the Imagin boarded the Den-Liner once more to rest, fearing that they could only stay corporeal for a limited time. Mostly, it's just Urataros who still hasn't gotten used to them being able to walk around on normal space time together, Ryutaro was just feeling so bored and tired, so he just went back to the train in order to draw some drawings. Momotaros, however...

Momotaros, while wanting NOTHING to do with this Multiverse Protection Force or some shit, wanted to at least get some action in his life. Being a conductor on a time-travelling train gets really boring after a while. He wanted to see what these 'other universes' was and so...Well...He didn't exactly know where to start, but one freak accident later, he ended up near some people training a child fighting some guy.

"Hey, that kid yours?" Momotaros crouched near the cat, observing the lady tell the child something. He glanced at the bipedal cat person with a wave. "Sup. I'm Momotaros, just joined, messed around with shit and now I'm here. How are ya?" Momotaros greeted with a nod, giving an air of a delinquent.
"Yipes!" Poor Megumin was left to fruitlessly flail herself free! "What is this alchemy?! You must be a magic user yourself, to vanish in the air like that, and to create these strong restraints! Alas, you now have me pinned! Mao Mao, what do I do?"

"Oh, crud, web powers..." Mao Mao scratched his head. "Megumin, don't exhaust yourself! It's what he wants, probably!" Heh, he got it now. Spider-Man. Probably should have seen this coming.

"He's correct, Megumin! Stay calm, and slowly work yourself free!" Samus tipped her head towards the new voice to show up. The figure was a bright red, with horns and biceps. "Heh, it seems that everyone is wearing red today." She jested dryly, bowing her head with a respectful smile. "Greetings. I'm Samus."

"And I'm Mao Mao. Yeah, that girl is ours. Kind of. Poor kid is pretty much stranded here while we help her find her family. Apparently, she was kidnapped and taken somewhere without warning...Which we're hoping to get onto..."

Meanwhile, Megumin slowed herself, trying to twist her wrists out of the webbing as opposed to yanking.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
“I wouldn’t exactly call what I’m doing magic, but it does work wonders.” Spidey sees Samus and Mao Mao talking to a red demon looking stranger. “Who are you by the way? And don’t worry, Megumin. I’ll give you a chance to break free.”

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod P PopcornPie
P PopcornPie Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts

"She went missing from her place and probably got kidnapped huh? Sounds like the exact same thing that happened to one of the other passengers a few minutes ago." He sighs, giving a slightly bitter chuckle before returning to his usual mood. "Hehe. Now, we've got something in common after all! Except maybe the other way around." Momotaros stood up, chuckling, "The name's Momotaros! Passenger--and overall awesome hero--of the time travelling train, Den-Liner!" He introduced with an obvious smirk and a cocky tone, "I'd show you thing, but the damn train's stopped by this odd station and won't friggin leave for some reason so we're kinda stuck, too. Next thing I know the boys and I were taking a tour to the damn place. Well, the other two anyway...That stupid Bear's missing." He sighs, soon asking, "Hey, MPF-guy to, err...Another here, see, has anyone feel any...Shaking recently?" He asked, particularly worried about the disappearance of his yellow comarade and is hopefully related to Megumin's disappearance on its own.
"How is that not magic?" Megumin strained, as she thrashed herself about. Her hot red eyes sparkled with interest. "The ability to mimic the powers of a spider...This is unheard of! You could've used this to help us restrain-" She caught herself with a gulp. "...the Blue team. Yeah. They had all this high-tech armor. You could've gummed it up."

"Yes, unfortunately." Mao Mao explained sympathetically. "She told us that she had been abducted and transported to a place called Blood Gulch to fight in a war. When I saw the influx of people coming home and investigated, I chose her at random. Boy, was that ever the right choice." He pretended to wipe sweat from his brow. "As soon as I came in, I saw her kneeling in the grass, sobbing. She told me that where she knelt was exactly where her friends were standing when she passed out. To make things worse, all the stains on her attracted some kind of wolves. That's how we learned that whatever happened to her screwed her up. For the time being, she can't use her powers without risking permanent brain damage." He smiled reassuringly. "While I don't have any magic, I don't doubt that her brain will be good as new soon."

"Shaking?" Samus flattened herself against the ground. "Hm...No, I don't feel anything."

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
P PopcornPie Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts

"Yeesh, talk about having it rough." Momotaros gulps, hearing what Megumin had been through. Must be why she's training out here with these guys anyway. She can't use her powers anymore--magic, as the kid calls it.

"Then what the hell happened to the Bear on the Den-Liner...?" Momotaros crossed his arms, hard at thought as the woman flattened herself on the ground as if to detect some seismic movements. He soon shrugged it off. "Eh, if I know the big guy, the Bear should be fine. He's taking his goddamn time though." He says, before glancing at the tied up witch girl. "So...that means your kid can't use her 'powers' and is kinda stuck using bostaves..." He turned back at the cat before suggesting something as he pounds his fist onto his palm.

"I know a guy who uses spears to fight. Maybe he can help teach your kid?" Momotaros asks, "He can get full of himself around girls though, but he gets stuff done."
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Mentions: (anyone want to interact with this hacker?)

[How she came here]

A small room was filled with the humming of a tall, brunette haired girl wearing a black jacket and the weirdest, but the most powerful laced glove. Her name was virus. A small crescent shaped hovering robot flew in circles around her as she opened a file that was used for writing codes down. "Alright, lunar. Lets get on with it I guess... We need to grab the files and we-", she was interrupted by the sound of her cellphone ringing,"huh?".
"Beep bloop brip?"
lunar could speak English, but only around others that don't understand the concept of the robotic language.
"It seems like someone from "cape headquarters" has called, very weird how they gotten my number. Pack up your stuff, lun. Were headed for a bit of an adventure."
She prepared and grabbed one package of luggage that included the following: her laptop, sketchbook, charging port for lunar, and most importantly her glove; she didn't want anyone finding out about her hacking.

[Now, up to the point of her being here]

Virus trolleyed her luggage into the lobby,"it seems like we're not alone lunar"
"We are not?", she spoke in a robotic voice.
"Most likely...", she scanned the area to make sure nothing came up behind her. Lunar just hovered above her and watched the lively crew.
"Alright, ill ask for help around this area. Umm, excuse me!", virus tried to grab attention of the people around her.​
--Urataros || Ryutaros--
Interaction: Virus Virus

In the lobby, it seems that there are two peculiar creatures lounging about there. One of them is a blue humanoid being shells all over his body, almost akin to a turtle. The other one is a man comprised entirely out of purple, appearing to have yellow whiskers and a flowing braided ponytail on its head. It bears a somewhat baggy sleeved regal outfit with a tailcoat. The purple man appears to be sitting on one of the chairs, blowing bubbles with his bubble gun as they try to pass the time.

"Honestly, Ryu-chan, I don't get why we still have to wait for a specific time for the Den-Liner to appear even though it's still stopped. Well, to my knowledge, that is." The blue one spoke, obviously complaining about having to wait to get back on a train.

"Well maybe it's because it isn't really stopped now." The purple one who is called Ryu answered, "I mean, time technically only stops when the Den-Liner drops us off, right?"

"Not exactly, dear, it's more of...Oh?" The blue one lets out a sigh before spotting a lovely lady approaching them. It is that of brown hair, clad in black, accompanied by a flying machination of sorts. He grinned--at least, attempted to grin. "Why, hello there, Kitten. Care to be reeled in with me~?" He immediately answered in a flirtatious manner, putting his elbow on a crossed arm, striking his seductive pose. "Honestly, I was getting bored around here, how about you and I have a little...Tour of this place?

Honestly, his seductiveness would've worked more if he is in a human body, but sadly, he has to work with what he got.

Meanwhile, Ryu simple got up and got closer to the cresent looking machination, staring at it and giggling like a child as it tried to poke it out of the sky.
Orbeck of Vinhiem
Status: open to interaction.
Condition: normal.


Prolog of a certain sorcerer of Vinheim.

It has been about a few months since then. Since that mutidimetonal incident at what would be known as the gravity falls incident. A case in which multiple people from throughout the multiverse were taken from their homes and plopped right in front of a shack, in a place known as Gravity Falls, Oregon...and without anything that would be considered supernatural or “magical”. What's more, they were under constant threat by a being known as Bill Cipher who has taken over a few of those people. What followed were simple fetch quests to repair the overly complicated contraption for a man named Ford as well as the various murders that followed after. Regardless, the ragtag group was able to get the task done. Orbeck (who had suffered a strike from a shape-shifting beast) had to run to catch up to the group as the portal was made operational. Sadly it went all wrong, as a certain Blond haired boy was revealed to be yet another victim of Bills control. Honestly, it should have been expected by Orbeck in some capacity. But as the town was bent to Bill's will, he alongside the rest of the newcomers' fleed. Leaving the poor pines family by their lonesome as the town fell apart. The MPF came shortly thereafter offering a way back to their worlds and dealing with the escalating threat with Bill. There was not much to say at this point. No words for Julie, nor the troll Espilo even when that slug cat creature handed out a pearl to practically everyone (may or may not be of some importance.). Even if he wanted to help in some way. He left through the portal, back to the discrete lands of Lothric.


As stated before, It has been a few months since then. Orbeck has actually explored a bit of Lothric. Not much to note about that besides the obtainment of a few proper armaments and a slave. He was simply packing what he can of his books on sorceries and the like. For he was preparing to leave his world for good. Nothing will await him if he stays at the kingdom of Lothric. All that would be left of him here would be a letter addressed to the unkindled Ash that he has served, right by his spot in the Firelink Shrine. His death will not come by the hands of the grand archives, for there is the multiverse to discover…



After receiving the tour of the overtly advanced MPF facility by Phil Coulson, Orbeck heads to his designated room. Not exactly luxury, but compared to his former living spaces it's more than adequate. All that is left for him to do is to start unpacking what belongs he has in a makeshift sack. To think that he would go from being a killer for hire in Vinheim to discovering loss sorceries, to dealing with...well, this.

“Hmph. To think that i ended up in such a predicament.” Just a simple few words to himself as he starts a new life in such a place.


(Orbeck is open for interaction in his barracks)
Mentions Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

"We should grab hacking stuff as soon as-", just then,she heard someone behind her speak in a seductive way. How could anyone try to reel her in? Hacking , and speaking to her in a sweet voice, but vi was not very busy at the moment.
"I could use a little tour of the place, sir.", she sweetly answered.
Lunar, however, wasn't happy. Someone was trying to poke her out of her hovering state,"don't do that, you worthless creature.", she angrily said in her robotic voice and itched to charge after him.
"Lunar, don't you dare..."


Another one of her robots came back after cleaning up the trash. No, it wasn't wall-e or eve, no no no. His name was MOP. He did speak in an understandable voice, but sometimes he's a bit incoherent.
"What'd I miss?", he spoke in his robotic voice.

Mop mentions: (anyone want to interact with this cute robot?)​
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P PopcornPie Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts

"Yeesh, talk about having it rough." Momotaros gulps, hearing what Megumin had been through. Must be why she's training out here with these guys anyway. She can't use her powers anymore--magic, as the kid calls it.

"Then what the hell happened to the Bear on the Den-Liner...?" Momotaros crossed his arms, hard at thought as the woman flattened herself on the ground as if to detect some seismic movements. He soon shrugged it off. "Eh, if I know the big guy, the Bear should be fine. He's taking his goddamn time though." He says, before glancing at the tied up witch girl. "So...that means your kid can't use her 'powers' and is kinda stuck using bostaves..." He turned back at the cat before suggesting something as he pounds his fist onto his palm.

"I know a guy who uses spears to fight. Maybe he can help teach your kid?" Momotaros asks, "He can get full of himself around girls though, but he gets stuff done."
"If she tries, she'll only make her body short out." Samus sighed. "...So you brought a bear to us?" She stood tall, searching for a grizzly head.

Mao Mao was more concerned about Momotaros's origin. "So lemme get this straight. You have a time traveling train, and lost a passenger?"

//Short, shit post because I stayed up to four last night
--Urataros || Ryutaros--
Interaction: Virus Virus

"Oh, mind you, I'm an excellent tour guide." Kintaros says, getting close to the woman and standing beside her, grabbing her shoulder. "Now now, you two, break it off. Ryu-chan here is just so playful." He tells the floating and the purple one, who's now blowing bubbles at much to its dismay. "I'm sure we'll reach some kind of agreement. Oh, Ryu-chan, wait here for me, will you?" He said, soon heading back to the woman as Ryutaros nodded.

"Now then, my sweet, shall we get going?" Kintaros asks of the woman, "I'm sure you'll love it here. One new member to another, I think you'll make a fine addition. What's your name?" He asks as he began to lead the woman away from the lobby and into the hallway, where their little tour could begin.

P PopcornPie Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts

"I know how it feels to not have your body work with ya. Especially if that body's not really yours." Momotaros admitted with a sigh, recalling his time under service of Ryotaro. It was then that the orange suit of armor with a woman's voice, Samus, asked about the bear, in which Momotaros smirks a bit. "He's not exactly a bear, per se, but the bastard might as well be with brutish strength and claws for hands!" Momotaros says, "He likes to hibernate, see? Just like the bear he is!" He clearly mocks his allies, but only as a joke. His tone turns gloomy, however. "The guy's still missing though." He says in complete worry, as if still trying to piece things together.

"That's right, Mao! But we're not allowed to mess around in the past either, we could only lounge around in the train until a bastard Imagin or some other threat to space-time suddenly shows up and starts trying to wreck shit in the time. Basically, it's our job to keep things as is." Momotaros answers Mao Mao's inquiry, "Well, we're only limited to our own universe, I think. Other timelines are handled by other liners, I hear." He shrugs, "But yeah, that's basically thr gist of it. Time Travelling train, and we're missing a passenger--one that's part of Den-O, mind you." He says before adding onto that. "That's what they call us awesome heroes in the Den-Liner." He soon turns to the kid, still stuck on the web. "Oi, need a little help there or can you handle getting out of that Spider-brat's knots?" He asked, noticing the distinct lack of movement from the red witch kid. He forgot to ask their name, but whatever.

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