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Fandom The Best Questlog You Will Ever Join (Deadpool Questlog)

The Omen of Death

My presence has marked your eventual demise.
Well everyone, I said multiple times over the past couple weeks and I think even months, I had something brewing in the background, but time and life was not cooperating and I didn't have time to exactly pose the idea forward.

But while my time is still a bit more limited (which is why I haven't done full fledged RP's in a while and I am still unsure if I think I am ready for that yet) the idea for this stumbled on me when I thought of something I could do that would be fun and would allow my muse for a particular staple of mine in RPing that I hadn't gotten to in a while, I thought this would be a good chance to improve and keep my quality up since it may have slipped. It's also letting me brush off my comedy chops with those more in the forefront since my Questlogs have been mostly serious or horror, with little humor here and there.

"Knock, knock, oh Yoo-hoo? Can I finally reveal myself for once in forever writer...? You've been putting on this stupid ass playing coy, and trying to build 'suspense' for so long on top of putting me on the sidelines for so long I was on the verge of coughing up dust. And no that wasn't because I snorted something before I revealed myself. Not at all. It's because I've been sitting around like an ancient sex toy that was begging to get shoved up an asshole of some kind. One that's only able to get out convulsions like a seizure patient that's so old he only weakly manages to shake."

A voice piped up from what appeared to be a Christmas present.

"I know it's Christmas and all that, and you were doing this as a Christmas present to the readers but why the hell did you have to stuff me in this present? This is not the way you want to go trying to get people to be interested in this, especially considering nothing's happened and the people would have had to have read the title of this thing!"

The voice coming from the box suddenly jumped out, kicking off the top of the box and trying a backflip trying to show off. The man dressing oddly fitting like a red span-

"Good god... what's with more of the same exposition?!? Any reader whose stumbled on this interest check obviously knows who I am and look like for Christ sakes! I literally have 2 movies out (including that one with Fred Savage go check that out because who doesn't like constantly making 'you killed my father, prepare to die' jokes), hundreds of comics, and whatever else the execs at Marvel want to shit out about me. They know I look like a red ninja in tight ass spandex and looks like a certain spi-." He interrupted before falling flat on his face,

"Ow... Anyway the name is Deadpool, but I have so many other nicknames that it would drive Daenerys Targaryen herself insane, much like how Season 7 was like a fan girls wet dream with an absolute shit ton of wish fulfillment."

After brushing himself off from his fall, Deadpool began to get to the point.

"Ok, so let's actually get to the point and stop circlejerking this whole thing. So as the writer said, he came up with this idea a while ago and pulled it STRAIGHT out of the deepest darkest corner of his nether regions, and thought it would be a brilliant idea to do a questlog starring yours truly as your Christmas gift! It's been a while since I have been thrown out into the world, so the writer may not be as hot as he used to be with me. Ooooh, that actually sounds pretty kinky, I'm gonna have to get back to him about that. But seriously, he did this partly to get some practice on me again, so try to bear. There's also the fact that he wanted to do something HUGE! He wanted something that would bring many people together so go out there! Go out there and grab your friends get them involved, hell even drag along your family! Even your pets can participate, by bark, scratch, bite, even shitting and pissing all over your floor! I highly suggest grabbing strangers too! You just need to tie them up, and coerce them to go along with it and if not, chop their fingers off until they agree. This was also something that was supposed to bring humor to the forefront and obvious touch some more serious stuff later on, while breaking ALL the rules. So disclaimer to you more sensitive killjoys, this is going to be a fucking raunchy, irreverent, ridiculous, absurd, 4th wall breaking action with blood, gore, boobs?!? Exactly what encompasses the merry spirit of the holidays and Christmas! Also, you don't need to be an absolute Marvel nerd with no life to join this, it'll be something separated from the events of the comics and movies, but whenever a character from the comics or concepts show up, we'll make sure to give an explanation. Don't worry as this won't happen too often, think of it as world building!"

Having now pulled out a fire pit alight with a Christmas tree filled with Deadpool ornaments he continued.

"So now I got some important announcements, this questlog is going to be different from previous ones if you didn't get the memo which I pretty much bitch slapped in your face with those last few details. After popular demand this questlog will be allowing write in responses! Yay! Now you can all finally shut the fuck up about this! Also, the style of choices may change, I am gonna be experimenting with choices including what to say as well as what action to take as well, which means you may also influence the crap that spews out of my mouth. Not like this mouth is going to be any less raunchy. Also lastly, there's going to be a bit more of a visible influence on this thing, through your choices I will become more good or evil! Will I become a goody-two-shoes who lives and dies by abiding by law and order? Or will I become an even more merciless, ruthless villain who will straight up murder, pillage, and steal candy from babies? But we can always stay a shade of gray and either be a roguish, snarky, badass anti-hero or lessen some of my morals and be a bit more of an anti-villain. The choices are endless! Anyway I've rambled enough, hope you kiddies were listening! I'm gonna let the writer take over."

So if you've lasted this long thank you lol. Compared to Saoirse this is starkly different, and this is basically throwing out the themes and meaning I meant to establish with it but I've always had a soft spot for Deadpool and he was one of the first characters I ever RPed as on this site. I haven't used him in a while and wanted to practice him but thought it would be a lot of fun to do it in this kind of settting. Poke fun at tropes in questlogs, poke fun at the current situation, stuff like that. Just an unorthodox fun, big massive, and I envision this lasting longer than my previous ones. I would've added more details to the Deadpool portions but I realized this was ge

So for you guys ( ViciousVip3R ViciousVip3R Pryno Pryno Historical Storyteller Historical Storyteller Felis Felis ) if one of you guys are not interested in this, I will have a vote go on at Saoirse, once that's finished but this will be my main project. Since I don't want to alienate one of you guys who have supported me for so long if it isn't what you want.

( D duegxybus you expressed your interest when I told you about it so here's the mention looking forward to having you in!)

( Vsland Vsland Crenando Crenando Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts don't know if you guys would be interested in doing this, but this might interest you. I don't mind if you don't want to, just thought it was worth a shot, also since I haven't truly gotten the chance to either speak or at least do something RP related with you guys in a while so there's that. Speaking of that, I still don't necessarily feel ready for the pace and responsibility of a normal RP right now, so I'm most likely going to remain radio silent on that end, so I will apologize for that.)

Either way Merry Christmas everyone! And have a Happy New Year!
I'll see what I can do.
Like I said you don’t have to, but you can if you want to, it’s actually pretty simple since all you do is read what happens and vote, since I am creating an OOC chat for this too you can optionally also chat with the others but that’s optional too.

I would love for you to join but I really wouldn’t mind if you decided you didn’t.
While comedy ain't my thing and Deadpool's profane humor is something I normally frown on, I think it'll grow on me.
You have my support on this one.
Keep writing good stories, Omen.
I know you don't disappoint.
While comedy ain't my thing and Deadpool's profane humor is something I normally frown on, I think it'll grow on me.
You have my support on this one.
Keep writing good stories, Omen.
I know you don't disappoint.
I sorta figured it may not have been your thing, but I am glad you are willing to try pushing out your comfort zone a little. I think as long as you can keep an open mind it should be ok. But of course let me know if it just doesn’t work out for you. I will go again with the idea of doing another questlog on the side. Since again, I don’t want to alienate any of you guys. I hope that it does grow on you and you truly open up to this.
Damn, deadpool?!? You can count me in!
Glad to see you! Btw you are needed for the last choice of Saoirse, you could be a vote that ties it up which would need a tiebreaker or we’ll be ready with the current vote tally.

Also while this got much less attention than I would’ve hoped, this still has at least the people on board who would’ve imo made or broke this, this quest will be different as well as I will be making an OOC chat to divert most of the conversations since I think that’s another thing that would be best for this quest in terms of healthy conversation and a place to chat about what’s going on and discuss instead of in the main thread itself. It’ll also be a place where in an OOC context I can explain things further in case something isn’t understood, since while I will be taking things from comics, characters, and of course the universe I will give IC explanations but nothing too crazy so as to not bog down the pace of posts for info dumps. Also it allows for me to do some really meta things down the line, should the inspiration come to me.

As for the actual start of the quest, I just have to write it out. That may take a while but of course you will all know when that happens. And while not as many people outside of the usual group came along. As I’ve seen in previous questlogs I imagine we can pick up some new guys along the way like we’ve done in the past, and with an idea like this I am hopeful this will reach proportions like I envisioned in time. Everyone who at the very least said they were considering will be linked to the OOC thread.
Glad to see you! Btw you are needed for the last choice of Saoirse, you could be a vote that ties it up which would need a tiebreaker or we’ll be ready with the current vote tally.

Also while this got much less attention than I would’ve hoped, this still has at least the people on board who would’ve imo made or broke this, this quest will be different as well as I will be making an OOC chat to divert most of the conversations since I think that’s another thing that would be best for this quest in terms of healthy conversation and a place to chat about what’s going on and discuss instead of in the main thread itself. It’ll also be a place where in an OOC context I can explain things further in case something isn’t understood, since while I will be taking things from comics, characters, and of course the universe I will give IC explanations but nothing too crazy so as to not bog down the pace of posts for info dumps. Also it allows for me to do some really meta things down the line, should the inspiration come to me.

As for the actual start of the quest, I just have to write it out. That may take a while but of course you will all know when that happens. And while not as many people outside of the usual group came along. As I’ve seen in previous questlogs I imagine we can pick up some new guys along the way like we’ve done in the past, and with an idea like this I am hopeful this will reach proportions like I envisioned in time. Everyone who at the very least said they were considering will be linked to the OOC thread.
Just replied to Saoirse. :)

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