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Terra Nova


One Thousand Club
[[This thread is for war, exploration, and construction]]

Not long ago, the pods underneath Washington, DC emerged, revealing to them the post collision world. They had found the world had changed in ways they could not have predicted.

The president had announced his new goal: Money and research would be given to try to build combat vehicles. It'll take some time before they have the research necessary to do this, however.

[[it will take 150 Science to invent a Heavy Vehicle. This will take about 15 'turns'. It will cost 100G per Heavy Vehicle. If you'd like to skip your turn, just type [idle] in brackets.]]

Meanwhile, he announced his plan to explore what used to be Baltimore city. He would dispatch 5 Security officers to investigate the city.

[[You may have two "jobs" active at a time. Functions like "defending your city" don't count.]]
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In the middle of the ruins of Austin, Texas, the Krell Mothership lands and begins to transform into a large Krell capital city called Bruydac.

Once the Krell finished constructing their capital city, the Kell Overlord orders the researching Harbingers and for his minions to begin mining the surrounding area.

As the Overlord's orders are carried out, he commands a squad of Fire Warriors to travel north in order to scout the area and to see if there are any other life forms in the area.

What the Krell will find are a few settlements of humans here and there. None of them are anything more than tiny tribes of less than 500 people each, however. Likely beneath the Krell's notice. They're too terrified of the giant space bugs to even consider attacking.


As they pass outside "their" territory, they will also find that the few scattered tribes of people are similarly not in the mood to pick fights with the giant robots. The Krell pass through, unabated.

Once they enter Maryland, they'll find the place a little more organized than what they had seen before. The humans don't seem to be committing as many crimes against each other as they were in other places.

Eventually, they'll find a city, of what used to be DC. Large banners are hung from many high buildings. They'll find that the streets are patrolled by very lightly armored people in blue outfits. Upon wandering into town with guns, their exploration team will find itself surrounded by those Security officers. They seem to be intimidated, but not in the "run away" sense, but rather the "prepare to fight" sense.

A man in a suit steps in front of them and says "Now, now, boys. You're going to scare them. I think these are the robo-men we've heard rumors about. The spectrons, I think they're called?" He's incorrect, they're Krell. He says "I don't think you guys want any trouble. What brings you here?".
Observing the interaction between the humans and the Fire Warriors from a camera installed in the head of the Fire Warriors, the Overlord begins to telepathically communicate with the human leader. " Greetings Earthling, we are the Krell. We have come to this planet after our home planet was destroyed by an environmental disaster. My kind simply wish to co exist with your species."

After the Overlord finished communicating with the human leader, he sends two squads of Fire Warriors and one Krell to make contact with the nearby small so that they could make contact and subjugate them.
The man in the suit says "I see, I see. I can see why you'd want the protection from those robots. My people are just a bit...startled, is all.".

He heard the name Krell before. He thought they were bugs or something.

"Just, be sure to get my permission before sending soldiers into DC in the future. Or Maryland, for that matter.". He turns to his police. "Stand down, they aren't going to cause trouble."

He then says "If you need me, I'll be in the big white house over that way. You can reach me at 555-765-4321 by phone."
Pleased at the way the first contact went, the Overlord sends another telepathic message." Now that we got introductions out of the way, I believe we should discuss a trade agreement."

Seeing that his Fire Warriors were nearing one small tribes, the Overlord sends his two squads od Fire Warriors and Krell to the tribe with the intention of subjugating it's inhabitants.
Not so long ago, In The Cold wasteland of Alaska, the Spectrons are finally defeated all the Demios who tried to destroy them.

Now they had become an Nation Under one banner, After they had restored all the damage caused by the war, The Leader now have some Agendas.

First is to send 2 Squad of Mechacop squad with a protection from an Viper to search for Old World Technology that we could use or to scout if there is other intelligence species around, we had heard rumors about some old world species who survived, the name is humans if I'm right.

And second the research team will start a research to strengthen the military, we would need more protection from the sky, and with air vehicle it would be easier to travel around
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When they arrive at Labrador, they'll find that the region is mostly inhabited by people of the Albedo species. Tribals, but nonetheless Albedos.

There's a major tribe located in what used to be St. Johns, containing 90,000 Albedos, and 10,000 Humans.

What the Daily Defense force will notice first off, upon visiting the city, is that the city is clearly under attack.

When walking into the city, they'll notice a gunfight between:


3 gangster units (armed with sub machine guns)


1 DDF-equivalent and 2 Tribal Vigilante units. The latter are armed with shotguns.




The crooks manage to wipe out an entire squad of vigilantes, albeit taking about as many losses as they do.

Once the Tribal albedos arrive, they manage to kill 7 of the gangsters, despite taking 3 casualties themselves. The remaining gangsters (1 healthy unit, and one sorely injured unit) go into hiding.

2 Tribal Vigilante units appear outside the tribe which the Krell are coming towards to subjugate.

Their leader steps out and gives an edict to the Krell: They aren't happy with their military presence near their tribe, and would like them to leave, or be removed by force.
After hearing the vigilantes leader's edict, the Krell with the two Fire Warrior units sends a telepathic message saying that either the tribals accept the Krell Overlord as their leader or they will be forcefully subjugated.
After much thought upon the subject of expansion Jorah Hazule will be sending an exploration party into the north in search of more fertile farmland for his now growing nation. Three Reaper teams and three Flesh Terror teams to search the northern areas for fertile land for farming, sentient life is to be met with neutral hostility.

While the explorers are sent north, back at the capital Jorah Hazule has requested that a team of Flesh Terrors be bred and trained for his personal use.
...At which point he gives his team mates the order to fire at will. They do so.



Surprisingly, the Vigilantes prove to be rather competent. Probably home-field advantage. Probably guerrilla tactics.

During the exchange of fire, your 2 Fire Warrior units (20 individuals, total) take 13 casualties. The Tribal Vigilantes take about 6 casualties total.

You may continue the attack, if you like, or retreat.
Seeing that a few of his Fire Warriors were destroyed, the Overlord commands them to keep fighting while he sends another unit as reinforcements.

After giving the orders, the Overlord orders the construction of a factory to produce more Fire Warriors.


The two teams exchange fire again, and both take heavy casualties. In the end, both teams prove too injured to continue fighting.

However, the tribe understands that there's no way it can keep this up, their entire military has been defeated. They begin to wave a flag of surrender. You have won. All you need to do is occupy the city, now.
Upon seeing that the tribe has surrendered, the Overlord occupies the tribe with the Fire warrior unit he brought as reinforcements while calling back the other two units in order to replenish heir numbers.

As his fire warrior unit occupies the tribe, the Overlord has his machine soldiers search every building and destroy any firearm they could find.
Particle9 said:
Not so long ago, In The Cold wasteland of Alaska, the Spectrons are finally defeated all the Demios who tried to destroy them.
Now they had become an Nation Under one banner, After they had restored all the damage caused by the war, The Leader now have some Agendas.

First is to send 2 Squad of Mechacop squad with a protection from an Viper to search for Old World Technology that we could use or to scout if there is other intelligence species around, we had heard rumors about some old world species who survived, the name is humans if I'm right.

And second the research team will start a research to strengthen the military, we would need more protection from the sky, and with air vehicle it would be easier to travel around

They find a piece of technology in Alaska, a vehicle buried in the ground. However, they'll find a group of raiders near it (2 units). Half of them are gangsters, along with a few Mechano-gangsters (basically, rogue/hacked mechanocops, but repainted). They will probably not respond kindly to the presence of Neutraeon Mechanocops.

If you engage and win, you'll gain a lot of research towards building your own light ground vehicles.
In the dense forests and wide open plains of what was once Yellowstone National park there exists a nation of respectable size. This civilization is known as The Kingdom of Utawala Wa Viumbe, Commonly called Viumbe. Viumbe had thrived for the last few centuries after the end of the Great War.

This was a special day within the peaceful borders of Viumbe. The benevolent King Mfalme Simba had been deliberating a suitable way to further his people. Rumors had reached the great king lion of other nations outside if his own. One rumor brought to Mfalme by the Elk Nomads

( a Sub group of Animalia) stated the closest of these fabled civilizations was to the South of Viumbe.

Hoping to gather knowledge of the world before the Great War, and establish a relationship with the fabled Anubian people to the south Mfalme would send Two squads of Grizzly Guards on this exploratory mission.

Back in the forests of Viumbe the Beaver's worked hard to collect lumber for trade and construction.

((Hope this is ok. Lol))
jole875 said:
After much thought upon the subject of expansion Jorah Hazule will be sending an exploration party into the north in search of more fertile farmland for his now growing nation. Three Reaper teams and three Flesh Terror teams to search the northern areas for fertile land for farming, sentient life is to be met with neutral hostility.
While the explorers are sent north, back at the capital Jorah Hazule has requested that a team of Flesh Terrors be bred and trained for his personal use.

The Anubians pass up to Utah with no hinderences whatsoever. They find very few humans in the area. Just a few settlements here and there.

Having said that, the place is definitely farmable. So, Jorah might consider it a good idea to begin farming.
After getting word that his exploration party found fertile land he sends a group of settlers to Utah along with a team of reapers. On arrival the reapers are to build a hidden underground base of operations while the settlers are to build a public settlement. After doing so they are to begin planting all over the land within their reach and using their advanced technology increase growth of these fruit trees twenty fold. (This is all a single action but it will be in sequence for four turns).

While his settlers set the fertile land with crop, he has his best scientists begin research on bio-engineered Flesh Terrors.
[QUOTE="JW Suzusihi]In the dense forests and wide open plains of what was once Yellowstone National park there exists a nation of respectable size. This civilization is known as The Kingdom of Utawala Wa Viumbe, Commonly called Viumbe. Viumbe had thrived for the last few centuries after the end of the Great War.
This was a special day within the peaceful borders of Viumbe. The benevolent King Mfalme Simba had been deliberating a suitable way to further his people. Rumors had reached the great king lion of other nations outside if his own. One rumor brought to Mfalme by the Elk Nomads

( a Sub group of Animalia) stated the closest of these fabled civilizations was to the South of Viumbe.

Hoping to gather knowledge of the world before the Great War, and establish a relationship with the fabled Anubian people to the south Mfalme would send Two squads of Grizzly Guards on this exploratory mission.

Back in the forests of Viumbe the Beaver's worked hard to collect lumber for trade and construction.

((Hope this is ok. Lol))


They go south into Utah, when they spot a single group of gangsters. The gangsters, however, proceed to flee, leaving them unharmed.

If they move just a little more south, they'll notice the Anubian exploration team.
Wanting to explore more if the area around the Krell capital city, the Overlord orders three units of Fire Warriors to travel north to search for other civilizations.

While ordering the Fire Warriors, the Overlord continues research for the Harbingers.
The Collective, interested in expanding its borders, sent out five drones and Seven warriors, East into the lands formerly known as Texas, occupied by a Queen. Their goal is simply to explore, and if at all possible, set up another small Hive Settlement on fertile enough ground.
OrenjiGatsu said:
As the arriving Albedos come into the settlement in Labrador, they see conflict happening between native Albedos and some other species against what looks like raiders. Knowing that the ConFed can't communicate with the natives if they are fighting, the three DDF units decide to go and search the area for these raiders.
They eventually find the raiders. They were slowed down attempting to carry out their injured. A few of them prepare to engage the DDF that are cornering them. They don't look like they'll be much of a fight.
The gang members, outnumbered 3-1, throw down their guns and put their hands up. They don't want this fight.

The natives at Labrador City see the army heading towards them. They point their guns at the DDF, but don't fire. One of them with a megaphone shouts "Hold your fire. They aren't wearing black and red. Besides, I saw them pursuing the gangsters, so they can't be that bad, can they?"

He shouts "Put your weapons on the ground. I would like to know what you're doing here."
Hearing reports of a insect like race exploring the area, the Overlord send five Fire warriors and one Krell to make contact with the new race.

After sending out the five Fire warriors to make contact with the collective, the Overlord has the other three Fire warriors he sent out to explore to search for a race of mutated animals living in Yellowstone.

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